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Giving Yourself a Fresh Start

Posted By: Randy GageAugust 3, 2009

You can start today by bringing all your baggage from yesterday.  Or you can give yourself a fresh new start.  Whether you have a goal you’re reaching for, a relationship you working on, a project that beckons, or just your life in general – today can be your fresh start.  

Release all that negativity that was holding you back into the nothingness from which it came.  It doesn’t serve you any longer.


P.S. Thanks to all of you that came out to the prosperity services I did at Unity yesterday.  A lot of fun and great to see you all!

14 comments on “Giving Yourself a Fresh Start”

  1. Hi Randy,
    Thanks a lot for the inspiration, we feel that you wrote it specialy for us.
    You are making this world a better place to live in.

    With love and respect,
    Hadas & Tomer Shallom,

  2. Thank you very much Randy for reminding it to us!..this should be the motto of every single day in our lives to have a fresh start in whatever we do!

    best wishes, georgiana

  3. Good Morning Randy & all of our fabulous friends! It was such a pleasure to see you speak yesterday & finally meet you! You are brilliant!!

    Absolutely, fresh start!!! This is one of the reasons I love going to watch the sunrise here on the beach. It reminds me that everyday is a brand new day for us to create as we choose! Then I meditate on what I want to create in my life at the moment. With intention, we have the power to manifest everything we desire! Yes, let's release everything that doesn't serve us & focus on the thoughts, emotions and actions that move us forward & upwards!! Let's all soar in the magnificent light of prosperity!

    Thank u for all of your beautiful energy & wisdom Randy!!! xoxo

    Love & Abundance,


  4. "but... but... without my baggage, WHO AM I???"

    I love that we get to DECIDE everyday who we're going to be. It's very easy to forget that, our physical habits and our mental and emotional habits are so easily copied day to day.

    I'm going to choose differently today- I'll be Popeye!

    "I Yam what I yam" toot toot!

  5. Hi Randy:

    One of the events I attended was your 7 Spiritual Laws all nighter in New York and The Bowl Ceremony was especially memorable. Whay can't we write out a list every day of the good vs bad and tear off the bad and burn it? My wife and I have come across so many people lately who are holding onto old baggage and creating alot of pain in their life. And the answer to end their suffering is as simple as "letting go". Or as we say in AA, "Let Go, Let God!".

    Create A Great Day

  6. Yes Randy,
    everyday I could start new day and make it diffrent from others day.....
    and then how happy and energitic I am 🙂


  7. Thank you for the service it was great. Continues love, wealth and blessings. Good to see you too. I was the young guy at the say hello at the very end.


    Damian Santos
    Broker Associate
    Florida Realty of Miami

  8. Thanks RG,

    I am heeding your cherished advice..... I'll DUMP ALL NEGATIVITIES, and give myself DESERVED FRESH START today.

    I am one of your Far-away Fan, based primarily in Abuja, Nigeria. Your book - 7 Spiritual Laws of Prosperity has been a huge Blessing to me and my wife. I have encouraged my 2 Sons (Aged 14+ & 11+) to also read. The earlier they understand and imbibe these proven Laws of Prosperity the better.

    Hopefully, I will meet you soon in person.

    God Bless you & yours indeed......IJN


  9. Thanks Randy,
    When i read yours today in the morning when I woke up from the bad situation in my life. I dont want to look back anymore.I really frust be cheating by people who I beleive .I want to make a newstart.....go to reach my new star up in the sky....

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  • 14 comments on “Giving Yourself a Fresh Start”

    1. Hi Randy,
      Thanks a lot for the inspiration, we feel that you wrote it specialy for us.
      You are making this world a better place to live in.

      With love and respect,
      Hadas & Tomer Shallom,

    2. Thank you very much Randy for reminding it to us!..this should be the motto of every single day in our lives to have a fresh start in whatever we do!

      best wishes, georgiana

    3. Good Morning Randy & all of our fabulous friends! It was such a pleasure to see you speak yesterday & finally meet you! You are brilliant!!

      Absolutely, fresh start!!! This is one of the reasons I love going to watch the sunrise here on the beach. It reminds me that everyday is a brand new day for us to create as we choose! Then I meditate on what I want to create in my life at the moment. With intention, we have the power to manifest everything we desire! Yes, let's release everything that doesn't serve us & focus on the thoughts, emotions and actions that move us forward & upwards!! Let's all soar in the magnificent light of prosperity!

      Thank u for all of your beautiful energy & wisdom Randy!!! xoxo

      Love & Abundance,


    4. "but... but... without my baggage, WHO AM I???"

      I love that we get to DECIDE everyday who we're going to be. It's very easy to forget that, our physical habits and our mental and emotional habits are so easily copied day to day.

      I'm going to choose differently today- I'll be Popeye!

      "I Yam what I yam" toot toot!

    5. Hi Randy:

      One of the events I attended was your 7 Spiritual Laws all nighter in New York and The Bowl Ceremony was especially memorable. Whay can't we write out a list every day of the good vs bad and tear off the bad and burn it? My wife and I have come across so many people lately who are holding onto old baggage and creating alot of pain in their life. And the answer to end their suffering is as simple as "letting go". Or as we say in AA, "Let Go, Let God!".

      Create A Great Day

    6. Yes Randy,
      everyday I could start new day and make it diffrent from others day.....
      and then how happy and energitic I am 🙂


    7. Thank you for the service it was great. Continues love, wealth and blessings. Good to see you too. I was the young guy at the say hello at the very end.


      Damian Santos
      Broker Associate
      Florida Realty of Miami

    8. Thanks RG,

      I am heeding your cherished advice..... I'll DUMP ALL NEGATIVITIES, and give myself DESERVED FRESH START today.

      I am one of your Far-away Fan, based primarily in Abuja, Nigeria. Your book - 7 Spiritual Laws of Prosperity has been a huge Blessing to me and my wife. I have encouraged my 2 Sons (Aged 14+ & 11+) to also read. The earlier they understand and imbibe these proven Laws of Prosperity the better.

      Hopefully, I will meet you soon in person.

      God Bless you & yours indeed......IJN


    9. Thanks Randy,
      When i read yours today in the morning when I woke up from the bad situation in my life. I dont want to look back anymore.I really frust be cheating by people who I beleive .I want to make a newstart.....go to reach my new star up in the sky....

    Leave a Reply to John Abiodun Olaitan Cancel reply

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