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Give Yourself a Fresh Start

Posted By: Randy GageSeptember 29, 2022

(“Friday Filosophy” 9/30/2022)

Happy Freakin’ Friday!

Hope you’ve been experiencing a week of abundant prosperity.  This is my weekly postcard to you, introducing a topic, question, or mystery you may want to reflect upon.  Today, you might want to think about radical rebirth.

As you probably know, my last book was titled Radical Rebirth.  That wasn’t just a book I wanted to write, but one I simply had to.  Had to because it’s the formula for the most empowering and transformational breakthrough I’ve ever experienced.  (And if the messages I’ve received are true, helped thousands of others achieve monumental life breakthroughs.)

Like many other people, the success I’ve achieved has come from a very circuitous route. I flailed for years trying to change the external world and the people around me, seeking to mold them into my narcissistic desires.  But they were having none of that.

My breakthrough really was creating a radical rebirth – reinventing myself – killing off the parts of me I hated and nurturing the parts I loved.  Far too many people go through superficial lives of simply getting by, because they robotically live out a path someone else designed for them.  They’re the victim of the programming they received in youth and they’ve never questioned it.  They’ve bought into an identity, never realizing that identities are prison guards of the past.

Reminder: I finally did the podcast analyzing Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies from the view of prosperity consciousness. Check your favorite podcast platform or watch the video.

Thought for the day: For every person seeking greatness, there are hundreds more charged with protecting mediocrity. Choose the right side.


- RG

P.S. To all my Florida peeps.  I’ll be appearing live and in color at a special session from the Florida Speakers Association tomorrow.  If you’ve ever wanted to rock the stage, check out the details here:

Previous Post: What Really Matters in Life

5 comments on “Give Yourself a Fresh Start”

  1. Dear Randy, You say, that you are going to appearing tomorrow, but when see the page of the special session's event at the Florida Speakers Associacon's site, the date is one week later on the 8th of October 🙂 I asked on the Facebook page too, and your amazing staff informed me the the good date is the 8th 🙂 If you have a little spare time, while also you were preparing for tomorrow, may I can ask, if you are pleased or like to do a Livestream tomorrow like before, please? 🙂 Eszter

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  • 5 comments on “Give Yourself a Fresh Start”

    1. Dear Randy, You say, that you are going to appearing tomorrow, but when see the page of the special session's event at the Florida Speakers Associacon's site, the date is one week later on the 8th of October 🙂 I asked on the Facebook page too, and your amazing staff informed me the the good date is the 8th 🙂 If you have a little spare time, while also you were preparing for tomorrow, may I can ask, if you are pleased or like to do a Livestream tomorrow like before, please? 🙂 Eszter

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