Happy Freakin’ Friday!
It’s time again for my weekly chat with you with the subject that I’m thinking about – and believe you might want to think about as well. Today that subject is changing negative thoughts.
What do you do, when you realize that most of your thoughts are negative? First, you work on starting to catch them. Meaning that you notice when you have a lack-centered or fear-based thought. This is much harder than it sounds. Because you’ve been conditioned to think you are your thoughts, as opposed to the thinker of your thoughts.
When something happens and you catch a bad thought, you have to stop and reposition it. Example: You’re single and notice someone you’re attracted to at a party. You think about meeting them and immediately think about being rejected. You notice that and speak to yourself mentally. “Isn’t that interesting? I was thinking about meeting that person, and my first thought was rejection! Where did that come from? Aren’t I just making that up? Why am I not thinking that they would be delighted to meet me?”
And you know what, they still could reject you. But that’s really not likely. But even if they did, you still would have started the change in your thought process. And every time you make an incremental change, it takes you closer to the breakthrough point or prosperity consciousness.
Every time you “catch” negative thoughts, they lose some of their power over you, because they cannot subconsciously influence your behavior. They can still affect you, even give you fear. But you know they are giving you fear, and that makes a difference.
Here’s what else happens…
Every time you notice a negative thought, it becomes categorized and labeled in your mind, and you will almost always notice that same thought again. Each time it gets weaker in its pull over you. And you start to notice other negative thoughts.
Slowly over time, you begin to notice more and more negative thoughts. Each time you start to reposition them. And each time this happens, you inch a little closer to the positive side of the equation. And then one day you wake up, and you are at 51 percent positive. And the second that happens, you’ve had a major breakthrough on your way to health, wealth, and success. Changing the way you think is an incremental process that changes step-by-step. But once you reach the magic 51 percent mark, now you’re on the positive side of the ledger.
Of course, you still will have negative thoughts sometimes. We all do. But thoughts feed on similar thoughts. And once you are at 51 percent, you have a slight majority of positive ones to feed on. So soon it is 53 percent. Then 57. And it keeps going from there.
I don’t know that you ever get to the point you think positive all the time. I know I haven’t yet. But you do get to the point where you cross the line. And that manifests some positive results in your life. Which builds positive beliefs. Which creates more positive thoughts. Ain’t it great!
Once a year I do an Author Apprenticeship program. And that leads to one of my favorite things, when those books are birthed into the world. One of those has just come out, and I recommend you pick it up. It’s titled, Unchained: Break the Victimhood Addiction and it’s by my mate down under, Chris Lianos. If you’ve ever felt that you’ve given your power away to a person, place or event, this is the book that re-empowers you so you can achieve your goals. Grab it here.
ICYMI, on the Success & Prosperity Blog:
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Here’s this week’s Back in the Day Replay: What Do You Take for Granted?
Thought of the Day: To manifest prosperity, you have to stop framing yourself as a victim and start seeing yourself as a co-creator.
- RG
P.S. The 2022 dates have been finalized for my Author Apprenticeship Program. If you have an extraordinary book gestating within you that you want to bring into the world, check the details here: https://randygage.com/author-apprentice-program/
Previous post: How to Deal with a Professional Victim
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