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Find Motivation When You Need It

Posted By: Randy GageJanuary 12, 2023

(Friday Filosophy 1/13/23)

Happy Freakin’ Friday!

Welcome to a fresh edition of Friday Filosophy – the weekly postcard where I challenge you with a question, idea, or topic you may want to think about. Today let’s explore someone I’ll call the first responder mindset.

First responders do what they have to do, when they need to do it.  If a home is burning, the firefighters rush in.  If shots are fired, the police go straight to the scene.  If there’s a car accident, the ambulance medics and hospital ER staff spring into action.

You know what the one thing they never do is?

Wait until they feel motivated.  Because when you sign on as a first responder, that’s what you’re signing up for. The consequences of doing their work only when they feel like it are way too dangerous.

What are the things in your life that you put off, waiting until you feel motivated? The result of not doing things like learning a new language, making time for meditation, or getting in your daily cardio probably aren’t the same as a first responder.  But what if you developed a first responder mindset about doing them anyway?

New on the podcast: Developing Prosperity Consciousness





Hope you have a sensational weekend.


- RG

P.S. Remember King Midas, the guy who everything he touched turned to gold? He was the inspiration for a prosperity training series I created back in the day.  It’s on sale for a huge discount right now.  Get the details here.

Previous Post: Inspired by a Punk

5 comments on “Find Motivation When You Need It”

  1. I LOVE the metaphor of the "First Responder Mindset" for doing what needs to be done as opposed to *waiting until* you feel like it or inspiration hits. An excellent way to make a decision beforehand that you're going to do what needs to be done. Thank you once again Obi Gage Kenobe for your wise advice!

  2. Whenever I'm not feeling physically great or I'm experiencing some emotional state I just can't shake, I just have quick chat with myself.

    I'll acknowledge whatever is going on with me and say, "Let's go. You're coming with me I guess."

    Sometimes I need a little more to get going so I run with something like, "Get in the 'car'. Sit in the back and STFU."

    Whatever works in the moment right?


  3. Great way to put this! I've noticed by watching myself, as well as by watching other people, that our minds are very quick to make up whatever "house of cards" story it needs to to justify not doing something. We think that just because we are able to concoct some "logical" story of why we shouldn't(or should), that this somehow constitutes some larger truth. You can logic your way through anything if you really want. Structure is the key... Coming up with a structure ahead of time that you follow thru on and don't violate because of how you feel that moment. Simply decide ahead of time that "this is something I do, because it will get me xyz result over time", as opposed to waiting until the moment-of to decide if you feel like doing it. It's a bigger picture way of thinking that doesn't allow for more momentary emotional decisions. Peace!!

  4. Love this mindset analogy.

    I am a First Responder of my health (mind, body, and soul)

    I am a First Responder of my wealth

    I am a First Responder of my business and personal relationships

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  • 5 comments on “Find Motivation When You Need It”

    1. I LOVE the metaphor of the "First Responder Mindset" for doing what needs to be done as opposed to *waiting until* you feel like it or inspiration hits. An excellent way to make a decision beforehand that you're going to do what needs to be done. Thank you once again Obi Gage Kenobe for your wise advice!

    2. Whenever I'm not feeling physically great or I'm experiencing some emotional state I just can't shake, I just have quick chat with myself.

      I'll acknowledge whatever is going on with me and say, "Let's go. You're coming with me I guess."

      Sometimes I need a little more to get going so I run with something like, "Get in the 'car'. Sit in the back and STFU."

      Whatever works in the moment right?


    3. Great way to put this! I've noticed by watching myself, as well as by watching other people, that our minds are very quick to make up whatever "house of cards" story it needs to to justify not doing something. We think that just because we are able to concoct some "logical" story of why we shouldn't(or should), that this somehow constitutes some larger truth. You can logic your way through anything if you really want. Structure is the key... Coming up with a structure ahead of time that you follow thru on and don't violate because of how you feel that moment. Simply decide ahead of time that "this is something I do, because it will get me xyz result over time", as opposed to waiting until the moment-of to decide if you feel like doing it. It's a bigger picture way of thinking that doesn't allow for more momentary emotional decisions. Peace!!

    4. Love this mindset analogy.

      I am a First Responder of my health (mind, body, and soul)

      I am a First Responder of my wealth

      I am a First Responder of my business and personal relationships

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