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Fill the Vacuum with Faith

Posted By: Randy GageSeptember 29, 2011

Courage, faith, belief, and confidence.  They are all different, yet they all share many commonalities and are indispensable to manifesting success and prosperity. 

In the past we’ve discussed the Vacuum Law of Prosperity.  This is based on two important considerations:

1)   That natures abhors a vacuum; and,

2)   The universe will fill any vacuum created with good.

When your prosperity is blocked, look first at what you are holding on to that you need to release.  But releasing something – such as a job, negative relationship, or limiting belief – can often take courage.

And this is sometimes the hardest courage to summon.  Because it is the bravery to overcome self…

Take the average guy and he’ll have no fear to bungee jump, race cars, or fight someone in a bar.  But ask him to do some serious introspection about himself and he’s quivering in abject fear.

Take the average woman.  She will challenge a co-worker, fight for what she believes in, and defend her children to the death.  But ask her to face her own fears of inadequacy and she may run shrieking from the room.

We all can summon animal courage when required to rescue a drowning swimmer, face a charging beast or an enemy in battle.  But to look inside our own habits, beliefs and fears can be a much more daunting task.

Which leads us to practicing the vacuum law…

In addition to courage, this takes faith, belief and confidence.  And faith is where most people fall down.  Because you need faith that if you really do create a vacuum, the universe will fill it with good, and not something worse.

Many people have a theological belief in God, Jesus, Mohamed, Buddha, etc., but these are usually just mind viruses they were infected with before they were ten years old.  They’re surface beliefs they were programmed with, but they’re not strong enough to provide real faith in just outcomes.  (And you’ll frequently find that the people who are the most vocal in their faith, publicly declaring and trying to convert everyone else to it, are actually the ones most lacking in faith.)

Where there is faith, there is courage.  And where there is courage there is belief and confidence in right outcomes.  You willingly create vacuums, eager to see what good the universe will fill them with.

It is for this reason I chose to devote this month’s virtual prosperity seminar on the subject of faith.  I’ve spent many weeks preparing it, and the work is nothing short of fascinating.  It’s your opportunity to develop faith in yourself and a prosperous future.

I sure hope you’re joining me for the session.  You’ll discover the connection between your foundational beliefs and how they create or diminish your success.

If you have burning desire backed by faith, impossible won't even occur to you.

I’ll give you five tests you can use to uncover any negative or limiting beliefs you may have about money and success.  Then I’ll reveal six steps you can take immediately to replace those limiting beliefs with empowering ones.  It goes live in less than 15 hours from the time I'm posting this.  However, you can watch it at any time, or it’s available in a DVD and worksheet.  Get all the details here:

If you have the courage to face your fears – I’ll show you how to develop faith, build belief and create confidence.  You up for that?

-  RG


20 comments on “Fill the Vacuum with Faith”

  1. Randy, thanks, this is a very timely message for me. It's one thing to talk faith,it's all together different thing to do faith. It's easy to think about metaphysical principles like releasing and creating a vacuum. As I'm finding out now in a particular area, it can be challenging to actually let go and believe the vacuum will be filled with with something that was worth the risk.

  2. i get that anything can be accomplished if you have enough faith. the problem is, is if i don't have enough faith then how am i going to accomplish anything???

    1. Change the outlook on life, no matter how bad it is. Think positive. Start to believe in something, anything. Have faith in yourself for a start. At least it works for me, although I don't have it at all times. But when I do believe in me, good things happen. Always.

  3. RG,
    I think this was the best post that I have ever read. I constantly fight procrastination.
    I am leaving know to go do my cardio. I have lost 25lbs with another 25 to go..


  4. Hey Randy
    So many great points in this post. That fear of self-examination is present in many of us and even though I have made great strides, I still feel extreme discomfort at this, so if you think of the average person, most will never even come close to attempting it. As much as people may be unhappy in certain respects, it is comfortable and familiar. Those honest assessments of my shortcomings and facing what I did not like about myself were never fun, but have helped immeasurably.

  5. You are simply awesome Randy - I look SO MUCH forward to this seminar :)))) I'm still completely high on being able to control my thoughts.

    Lots of love


  6. Hi Randy,

    as always, powerful stuff. You are right on that most people are brave and courageous when it comes to activities such as bungee jumping but become fainthearts when it comes to facing their fears and challenging them. Why is that that most people fear death less than public humiliation ? Because we have to die anyway and we can "avoid" being humiliated ?

    It takes courage to look into the mirror and to be honest to ourselves - but doesn't it take even more courage in the long run not to do so ?

    Thanks for sharing your insights.

    Be blessed


  7. Well said Randy....Many people out there need to build the confidence and faith that everything will be ok. In facing their fears they will see what they feared really wasn't that bad.

  8. I can't wait to take the tests... run screaming from the room... get a drink of water?!??..and run screaming back into the room and start fixing things!! 🙂

  9. Dear Randy,
    Great Post. Vacuum must be created to Welcome prosperity. Started working on it. And its required on a daily basis. Some video and audio on this topic is listened to on daily basis works more powerful. But I don't know from where to get the Audios and Videos on "Abundance and Prosperity" as am I residing in India. Kindly direct.

    With deepmost profound regards
    Dasgupta Pranab

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  • 20 comments on “Fill the Vacuum with Faith”

    1. Randy, thanks, this is a very timely message for me. It's one thing to talk faith,it's all together different thing to do faith. It's easy to think about metaphysical principles like releasing and creating a vacuum. As I'm finding out now in a particular area, it can be challenging to actually let go and believe the vacuum will be filled with with something that was worth the risk.

    2. i get that anything can be accomplished if you have enough faith. the problem is, is if i don't have enough faith then how am i going to accomplish anything???

      1. Change the outlook on life, no matter how bad it is. Think positive. Start to believe in something, anything. Have faith in yourself for a start. At least it works for me, although I don't have it at all times. But when I do believe in me, good things happen. Always.

    3. RG,
      I think this was the best post that I have ever read. I constantly fight procrastination.
      I am leaving know to go do my cardio. I have lost 25lbs with another 25 to go..


    4. Hey Randy
      So many great points in this post. That fear of self-examination is present in many of us and even though I have made great strides, I still feel extreme discomfort at this, so if you think of the average person, most will never even come close to attempting it. As much as people may be unhappy in certain respects, it is comfortable and familiar. Those honest assessments of my shortcomings and facing what I did not like about myself were never fun, but have helped immeasurably.

    5. You are simply awesome Randy - I look SO MUCH forward to this seminar :)))) I'm still completely high on being able to control my thoughts.

      Lots of love


    6. Hi Randy,

      as always, powerful stuff. You are right on that most people are brave and courageous when it comes to activities such as bungee jumping but become fainthearts when it comes to facing their fears and challenging them. Why is that that most people fear death less than public humiliation ? Because we have to die anyway and we can "avoid" being humiliated ?

      It takes courage to look into the mirror and to be honest to ourselves - but doesn't it take even more courage in the long run not to do so ?

      Thanks for sharing your insights.

      Be blessed


    7. Well said Randy....Many people out there need to build the confidence and faith that everything will be ok. In facing their fears they will see what they feared really wasn't that bad.

    8. I can't wait to take the tests... run screaming from the room... get a drink of water?!??..and run screaming back into the room and start fixing things!! 🙂

    9. Dear Randy,
      Great Post. Vacuum must be created to Welcome prosperity. Started working on it. And its required on a daily basis. Some video and audio on this topic is listened to on daily basis works more powerful. But I don't know from where to get the Audios and Videos on "Abundance and Prosperity" as am I residing in India. Kindly direct.

      With deepmost profound regards
      Dasgupta Pranab

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