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Fighting Mediocrity

Posted By: Randy GageMay 10, 2010

I told you in the last post that the biggest danger you face isn’t negative people, but the neutral ones.  Like most things in life the biggest evil isn’t some intentionally malicious force – but the threat of mediocrity.  It is the most insidious evil.  

That is the evil that stops you from doing the last set at the gym, the last lap in the pool, the extra hour studying for an exam, or making that little extra effort at the job.  It’s the comfort zone.

Which is really the death zone for someone seeking higher consciousness…

We can get complacent, and figure we have attained something.  Which we have.  But having attained something and resting on it is no different than the people who never tried to attain anything.  Because it is wasted potential.  Apathy.  And mediocrity.

Which is the worst of the worst.  Accepting that which is enough to get by, but not really tapping into your greatness.

So here’s my question for you:  What areas of your life are you accepting mediocrity in right now?  And what is your real potential?

By the way, I’m supposed to be doing a program in Lithuania tonight.  Instead, I’m blogging from bed from my hotel in Stockholm because I was too sick to travel this morning.   I’ve got an audience of 10,000 waiting in Bangkok this weekend so please send me some healing energy so I can head out there tomorrow.

And since I am laying here a prisoner in bed, I decided to give you a Mental Aerobics challenge...

Let’s test your vocabulary and math skills.  No cheating in the dictionary here!  Here’s your challenge:

If “diaphanous” and “sheer” do not have the same meaning, cross out all the 9’s in the line below.  If they do, cross out all the 6’s.  If “slough” and “cough” are pronounced the same, multiply the number of 4’s by 6.  If not, add up all of the non-crossed out numbers and multiply by 4.

9 4 6 4 9 4 6 9 4 6 9

Please check in below with your answers to both the questions, and the Mental Aerobics.  I post the answer depending on my healing powers and travel schedule.


35 comments on “Fighting Mediocrity”

  1. Great post Randy.
    Healing is on its way and I've also sent this out to the international Healing Prayers Circle, so lots of good healing energy on the way for you from all around the world.
    Many Blessings.

  2. Randy, thank you, I am in that death zone this morning, somewere between heaven and hell, my ego saids don't , the spirit saids go for it, so I am shifting now to use my full potential...I see you energetic and jumping....1ove....Javier..

  3. My answer is 136.

    For your wellness I leave you with this quote:

    “To wish to be well is a part of becoming well.” - Seneca

  4. I want to thank you on behalf of Team Marina for the big impact you made on all of us on Saturday in Stockholm - you are incredible and amazing! I also wish you to get well as soon as possible with the help from all of our energy.

  5. *Healing energy to you*

    Anyway, I recently made an affirmation CD for myself based on affirmations I read about in the book Change Almost Anything in 21 Days (I think that's the title). I needed that extra umph to push me out of that comfort zone so that I can get some really important things done. The point of the CD is to really ingrain some positives into my subconscious and to cancel out the negatives that keep me stuck (via the principle of autosuggestion). So I put some music to my own voice and listen to it a few times a day. Sometimes I keep it on repeat when I'm sleeping. So far so good.

  6. Здоровья,положительной жизненной энергии,энергии земли,энергии солнца,энергии добра,энергии любви всё это вам для вашего выздоровления,счастья вам и процветания!

  7. Dear Randy:
    I go to my heart center and I imagine that you are filled with love... more and more love. Because the energy of love is very powerful right now you are healthy and all is well . I LOVE YOU

  8. My husband and I are both sending you some distance Reiki energy.

    Thanks for the great article Randy!! Mediocrity is definitely a real energy sucker.


  9. Randy,'

    You are whole healed and perfect. This is such a great post. Apathy and mediocrity are the downfall of all those who don't chose to succeed. In the book "Think and Grow Rich" Napolean Hill tells how to get what you want by visualization, affirmation and daily belief exercises. I can't tell you how many times I have started doing this and the 2nd night I say to myself "I will meditate later, I will just watch a little TV."
    It is what Jeff Ohlson talks about in the "Slight Edge" getting wealthy is not about major quantum leaps, but tiny little 1% things we can do each day. These things are easy to do and easy not to do.

    Have a great trip,


  10. Sorry to hear You are in bed!

    Must be all the energy you burned in Stockholm, YOU WERE ON FIRE! ... and, probablly shocked some ppl in the audience

    The mental aerobic: - 4 6 4 - 4 6 - 4 6 9 = -979 * 4 = -3916

    Sending You some energy, still pumped after the Stockholm event + cruise

  11. -RG,

    My potential is limited by my beliefs. I'm always on the road to achieving my best. Where I stumble is not fully believing what I just wrote, yet my intentions are strong and practiced each day.

    For your recovery.

    Jeremiah 33:6 "Behold, I will bring you health and cure, and I will cure you, and will reveal unto you the abundance of peace and truth."

    Get well my friend,

  12. I would say I accept mediocrity in my housing situation right now - not living in my dream home while renting a tiny flat, but I guess not really ready to make the change... to move to my dream house. I would like to think my real potential in this case, is to allow myself take action towards finding and moving into the house I always dreamt of. Allowing myself that house...
    Another area where I think I have been accepting mediocrity... is the area of choosing my partner. Now, my real potential in this area - someone totally opposite to the ones I´ve been accepting so far...

    And my guess is 208 for the mental aerobic 🙂

    Healing energy coming through!


  13. Ey, Randy! Practice your spanish! Fantastico. Te deseo la mejor energia para que recuperes tu salud. Tu necesitas mejorar tu salud fisica con entrenamiento cardiovascular. Estas enfermandote frecuentemente, mis mas sinceros pensamientos positivos para tu recuperacion pronta.
    Tu medico encargado en America latina
    Mauricio Vergara

  14. Randy,

    You're right....find a groove and it becomes a grave. Mediocrity to me is a slow death march (maybe a little dramatic, but that's how I feel). Also, sending you some healing and healthy energy.



  15. 1.Eat the biggest plate of fresch raw vegetables you are able too.
    2.Sit down in a comfortable place and in at least five minutes think about; a very beautiful nature picture,a beautiful painting or a beautiful song.
    3.Think about something that disturbs you put it in your heart and cure it with all your imaginative forces-Put it in the ideal position of it with your forces
    if you are still sick,even with an extra exo umi min booster-think about someone who has everything a human being can have for another five minutes.
    Are you wel now?I hope so.Remember these my words:Randy, you are a diamond in the neckless of greatness.Good night.

  16. I am sick too...of mediocracy!I am sick OF it and WITH it.It is going to make the humanity Machines.Do we want to be that?With a grey aura and monoton voices?
    I guess not.Arts is a good fight against it I think.If I at all can stand up of that mediocracy sea where I am swimming without goals...jumping from one thing to the other without tension.Oh, no,that is too much of hell.Like you said.It is the task of our time.Let us fight it hard-or I mean, leave it behing.How can you fight against a Nothing?No,we need fresh eyes, looking at the world with the childrens couriosity.THAT IS PERFECT!!!

  17. I'm constantly becoming more aware of the neutral... and am also beginning to notice how negative they actually are (hidden, albiet, still negative).

    My answer is based on the fact that I'm guessing on the meaning of diaphanous.. though I will be checking the definition immediately after this.


  18. Answer in my humble opinion is "24".

    Why are you sick Randy? What experience did you wish to attract into your realty?

    I do send you all the best of wishes........however, they are only of support value as you are the only one in control of your current reality.

    Please choose to be well if that's what you want.

    Best regards, David

  19. My wish to you Randy as that you feel better with each message of health and wellness you read. I'm sending you many thoughts of vitality, energy and a few cyber hugs for good measure.


  20. Well, based on your first question there's a lot that I'm resting on. It's almost, no, it is a really tiring thought of having to push past something that is seemingly already done, to then take it to it's highest potential.
    Then your second question: Real potential?: that would have to be limitless.

    I'm going to have to improve my thinking.

    PS: You blogging from bed is so cool yet also means you must have needed the rest. Take the time to crash (sleep) and recuperate, albeit it ever so short.
    Then go knock 'em dead in Bangkok 🙂

  21. I'd be glad to send you healing energy, Randy. May optimal health return with ease and comfort.

    Mediocrity is boring. The life experience deserves better.

    The results I got were: 94 49 49 49 and 24. Looks funky to me but there it is.

    As always, thanks to Randy for all the awesome work you do. Thanks to everybody else for sharing your thoughts and making the world a great place to live.

  22. Oh, Randy... how I wish to help you, giving you all the power to heal you instantly from your sickness. But, God is with you and in you, giving you the strength and the healing, I pray now. You will be in my constant prayer for the healing so that God' given strength and power will sustain you throughout the week. And thousands of people at this minute are thinking of you and praying to release the healing power. I am/we are not there but will be there in the spirit.

    About "So here’s my question for you: What areas of your life are you accepting mediocrity in right now? And what is your real potential?"
    I must confess that there are some areas that I wasn't even aware in this everyday life that I was allowing myself to accept be honest. You ask 'what my real potential is'...I think my potential is God's potential that is in me that I am not even aware sometimes. That's why it is important to sit down and stay tuned with what is possible with God through me/us.

    9 + 4 + 6 + 4 + 9 + 4 + 6 + 9 + 4 + 6 + 9 = 52 x 4 = 208
    The answer to the math is: 208.

    You'll be in my prayer, Randy. Love you. Hugs:: -saachi
    PS Thank you for all that you do for prople and to the world.

  23. Sick, again?

    What is wrong with you?
    Even with your higher consciousness, you get sick more often than most people I know ...

    I haven't got a serious cold in 2 years ...

  24. Hey all,

    Thanks for the healing energy. Worked very well as I'm feeling great and heading off to Bangkok this afternoon. Will post the anser to the mental aerobics on the next post.


  25. Dude there's no secret here; I'm an open book. I made some very poor health and lifestyle choices in my earlier years with drugs and alcohol. Unfortunately my immune system and vital organs like my liver paid the price. So now at 51, I'm in rebuilding mode.

    And I try to squeeze as much life into the 85 or 90 years I have left. So I was Platinum Elite on three airlines by the end of March this year. Breathing all that moldy recycled air, crossing time zones the way most people cross the street, flying red eye flights is tough on a body. So when I get out of balance, my body shuts down and sends me a wake up call. I don;t know many people that would fly a 20-hour red-eye to get home and play in two softball games. But that's me.


  26. Mama Bear!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR - TRarian - tho do you lead a life as passionate, alive, and stretched as Randy's. It's so easy to point fingers... yet if you lived that powerful, dynamic life would you not need a day off... or two?

    I would say it'd be better that Randy scheduled in time, rather than getting sick to have it off. But I'm guessing RG's gonna learn it.

    AND Randy also got shot - so I'm guessing things don't digest and absorb as well, which affect the immune system too..

    For me, dear RG, I extremely grateful that you're alive.

    You push yourself BLOODY hard... YOU work the amount 5 people do in a day. YOu lead a mad flying life... with little rest, and litte time off.

    You drive yourself (and team!!!!) to the ends of the Earth.... without stopping, unbelievable amounts of jet lag that you pretend you don't have and push yourself anyway...

    And I personally would LOVE to see you schedule in time to rejuvenate MORE than your usual massage and bare foot walk outside.

    Please dude, I want you in my life like forever...

    Don't slow down... just add in forced days of no - busyness.

    NOTHINGNESS!! Will you - for us? Please?

    Love love love and gratitude!

  27. Good advice...if we don't take care of ourselves and give ourselves time to heal, we are hurting ourselves and not reaching our potential. We are limiting ourselves.

  28. If you don't have any dry skin issues, then your liver is relatively OK. I just got sick this past weekend (just getting better now) and its probably due to the long hours being put in associated from moving my enterprise from one place to the other. So the best cure was to stop and rest. - and drink lots of grapefruit juice. Avoid taking acetominaphen if you think your liver is not as healthy as it could be.

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  • 35 comments on “Fighting Mediocrity”

    1. Great post Randy.
      Healing is on its way and I've also sent this out to the international Healing Prayers Circle, so lots of good healing energy on the way for you from all around the world.
      Many Blessings.

    2. Randy, thank you, I am in that death zone this morning, somewere between heaven and hell, my ego saids don't , the spirit saids go for it, so I am shifting now to use my full potential...I see you energetic and jumping....1ove....Javier..

    3. My answer is 136.

      For your wellness I leave you with this quote:

      “To wish to be well is a part of becoming well.” - Seneca

    4. I want to thank you on behalf of Team Marina for the big impact you made on all of us on Saturday in Stockholm - you are incredible and amazing! I also wish you to get well as soon as possible with the help from all of our energy.

    5. *Healing energy to you*

      Anyway, I recently made an affirmation CD for myself based on affirmations I read about in the book Change Almost Anything in 21 Days (I think that's the title). I needed that extra umph to push me out of that comfort zone so that I can get some really important things done. The point of the CD is to really ingrain some positives into my subconscious and to cancel out the negatives that keep me stuck (via the principle of autosuggestion). So I put some music to my own voice and listen to it a few times a day. Sometimes I keep it on repeat when I'm sleeping. So far so good.

    6. Здоровья,положительной жизненной энергии,энергии земли,энергии солнца,энергии добра,энергии любви всё это вам для вашего выздоровления,счастья вам и процветания!

    7. Dear Randy:
      I go to my heart center and I imagine that you are filled with love... more and more love. Because the energy of love is very powerful right now you are healthy and all is well . I LOVE YOU

    8. My husband and I are both sending you some distance Reiki energy.

      Thanks for the great article Randy!! Mediocrity is definitely a real energy sucker.


    9. Randy,'

      You are whole healed and perfect. This is such a great post. Apathy and mediocrity are the downfall of all those who don't chose to succeed. In the book "Think and Grow Rich" Napolean Hill tells how to get what you want by visualization, affirmation and daily belief exercises. I can't tell you how many times I have started doing this and the 2nd night I say to myself "I will meditate later, I will just watch a little TV."
      It is what Jeff Ohlson talks about in the "Slight Edge" getting wealthy is not about major quantum leaps, but tiny little 1% things we can do each day. These things are easy to do and easy not to do.

      Have a great trip,


    10. Sorry to hear You are in bed!

      Must be all the energy you burned in Stockholm, YOU WERE ON FIRE! ... and, probablly shocked some ppl in the audience

      The mental aerobic: - 4 6 4 - 4 6 - 4 6 9 = -979 * 4 = -3916

      Sending You some energy, still pumped after the Stockholm event + cruise

    11. -RG,

      My potential is limited by my beliefs. I'm always on the road to achieving my best. Where I stumble is not fully believing what I just wrote, yet my intentions are strong and practiced each day.

      For your recovery.

      Jeremiah 33:6 "Behold, I will bring you health and cure, and I will cure you, and will reveal unto you the abundance of peace and truth."

      Get well my friend,

    12. I would say I accept mediocrity in my housing situation right now - not living in my dream home while renting a tiny flat, but I guess not really ready to make the change... to move to my dream house. I would like to think my real potential in this case, is to allow myself take action towards finding and moving into the house I always dreamt of. Allowing myself that house...
      Another area where I think I have been accepting mediocrity... is the area of choosing my partner. Now, my real potential in this area - someone totally opposite to the ones I´ve been accepting so far...

      And my guess is 208 for the mental aerobic 🙂

      Healing energy coming through!


    13. Ey, Randy! Practice your spanish! Fantastico. Te deseo la mejor energia para que recuperes tu salud. Tu necesitas mejorar tu salud fisica con entrenamiento cardiovascular. Estas enfermandote frecuentemente, mis mas sinceros pensamientos positivos para tu recuperacion pronta.
      Tu medico encargado en America latina
      Mauricio Vergara

    14. Randy,

      You're right....find a groove and it becomes a grave. Mediocrity to me is a slow death march (maybe a little dramatic, but that's how I feel). Also, sending you some healing and healthy energy.



    15. 1.Eat the biggest plate of fresch raw vegetables you are able too.
      2.Sit down in a comfortable place and in at least five minutes think about; a very beautiful nature picture,a beautiful painting or a beautiful song.
      3.Think about something that disturbs you put it in your heart and cure it with all your imaginative forces-Put it in the ideal position of it with your forces
      if you are still sick,even with an extra exo umi min booster-think about someone who has everything a human being can have for another five minutes.
      Are you wel now?I hope so.Remember these my words:Randy, you are a diamond in the neckless of greatness.Good night.

    16. I am sick too...of mediocracy!I am sick OF it and WITH it.It is going to make the humanity Machines.Do we want to be that?With a grey aura and monoton voices?
      I guess not.Arts is a good fight against it I think.If I at all can stand up of that mediocracy sea where I am swimming without goals...jumping from one thing to the other without tension.Oh, no,that is too much of hell.Like you said.It is the task of our time.Let us fight it hard-or I mean, leave it behing.How can you fight against a Nothing?No,we need fresh eyes, looking at the world with the childrens couriosity.THAT IS PERFECT!!!

    17. I'm constantly becoming more aware of the neutral... and am also beginning to notice how negative they actually are (hidden, albiet, still negative).

      My answer is based on the fact that I'm guessing on the meaning of diaphanous.. though I will be checking the definition immediately after this.


    18. Answer in my humble opinion is "24".

      Why are you sick Randy? What experience did you wish to attract into your realty?

      I do send you all the best of wishes........however, they are only of support value as you are the only one in control of your current reality.

      Please choose to be well if that's what you want.

      Best regards, David

    19. My wish to you Randy as that you feel better with each message of health and wellness you read. I'm sending you many thoughts of vitality, energy and a few cyber hugs for good measure.


    20. Well, based on your first question there's a lot that I'm resting on. It's almost, no, it is a really tiring thought of having to push past something that is seemingly already done, to then take it to it's highest potential.
      Then your second question: Real potential?: that would have to be limitless.

      I'm going to have to improve my thinking.

      PS: You blogging from bed is so cool yet also means you must have needed the rest. Take the time to crash (sleep) and recuperate, albeit it ever so short.
      Then go knock 'em dead in Bangkok 🙂

    21. I'd be glad to send you healing energy, Randy. May optimal health return with ease and comfort.

      Mediocrity is boring. The life experience deserves better.

      The results I got were: 94 49 49 49 and 24. Looks funky to me but there it is.

      As always, thanks to Randy for all the awesome work you do. Thanks to everybody else for sharing your thoughts and making the world a great place to live.

    22. Oh, Randy... how I wish to help you, giving you all the power to heal you instantly from your sickness. But, God is with you and in you, giving you the strength and the healing, I pray now. You will be in my constant prayer for the healing so that God' given strength and power will sustain you throughout the week. And thousands of people at this minute are thinking of you and praying to release the healing power. I am/we are not there but will be there in the spirit.

      About "So here’s my question for you: What areas of your life are you accepting mediocrity in right now? And what is your real potential?"
      I must confess that there are some areas that I wasn't even aware in this everyday life that I was allowing myself to accept be honest. You ask 'what my real potential is'...I think my potential is God's potential that is in me that I am not even aware sometimes. That's why it is important to sit down and stay tuned with what is possible with God through me/us.

      9 + 4 + 6 + 4 + 9 + 4 + 6 + 9 + 4 + 6 + 9 = 52 x 4 = 208
      The answer to the math is: 208.

      You'll be in my prayer, Randy. Love you. Hugs:: -saachi
      PS Thank you for all that you do for prople and to the world.

    23. Sick, again?

      What is wrong with you?
      Even with your higher consciousness, you get sick more often than most people I know ...

      I haven't got a serious cold in 2 years ...

    24. Hey all,

      Thanks for the healing energy. Worked very well as I'm feeling great and heading off to Bangkok this afternoon. Will post the anser to the mental aerobics on the next post.


    25. Dude there's no secret here; I'm an open book. I made some very poor health and lifestyle choices in my earlier years with drugs and alcohol. Unfortunately my immune system and vital organs like my liver paid the price. So now at 51, I'm in rebuilding mode.

      And I try to squeeze as much life into the 85 or 90 years I have left. So I was Platinum Elite on three airlines by the end of March this year. Breathing all that moldy recycled air, crossing time zones the way most people cross the street, flying red eye flights is tough on a body. So when I get out of balance, my body shuts down and sends me a wake up call. I don;t know many people that would fly a 20-hour red-eye to get home and play in two softball games. But that's me.


    26. Mama Bear!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR - TRarian - tho do you lead a life as passionate, alive, and stretched as Randy's. It's so easy to point fingers... yet if you lived that powerful, dynamic life would you not need a day off... or two?

      I would say it'd be better that Randy scheduled in time, rather than getting sick to have it off. But I'm guessing RG's gonna learn it.

      AND Randy also got shot - so I'm guessing things don't digest and absorb as well, which affect the immune system too..

      For me, dear RG, I extremely grateful that you're alive.

      You push yourself BLOODY hard... YOU work the amount 5 people do in a day. YOu lead a mad flying life... with little rest, and litte time off.

      You drive yourself (and team!!!!) to the ends of the Earth.... without stopping, unbelievable amounts of jet lag that you pretend you don't have and push yourself anyway...

      And I personally would LOVE to see you schedule in time to rejuvenate MORE than your usual massage and bare foot walk outside.

      Please dude, I want you in my life like forever...

      Don't slow down... just add in forced days of no - busyness.

      NOTHINGNESS!! Will you - for us? Please?

      Love love love and gratitude!

    27. Good advice...if we don't take care of ourselves and give ourselves time to heal, we are hurting ourselves and not reaching our potential. We are limiting ourselves.

    28. If you don't have any dry skin issues, then your liver is relatively OK. I just got sick this past weekend (just getting better now) and its probably due to the long hours being put in associated from moving my enterprise from one place to the other. So the best cure was to stop and rest. - and drink lots of grapefruit juice. Avoid taking acetominaphen if you think your liver is not as healthy as it could be.

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