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Fearing Fear

Posted By: Randy GageFebruary 1, 2012

The only thing we have to fear itself.  Those words from President Franklin D. Roosevelt ring as true today as they did in his inaugural address. 

Let’s go deeper…

Don't be afraid of fear.  Be afraid the day you have no fear.

Because the point you have no fear - is the point when you settled for a life of mediocrity.  Don’t you dare ever settle for that!

Seek out your fear.  Embrace your fear.  And live in the fringe of fear - because that's where the breakthrough live!

- RG

52 comments on “Fearing Fear”

  1. No fear? I relate that to be somehow "ready to die" - or: to fly!!! Or: zipping on a silver line throu´ tree tops!? Call it crazyness for breakthroughs at some point 🙂

  2. No fear? I relate that to be somehow "ready to die" - or: to fly!!! Or: zipping on a silver line throu´ tree tops!? Call it crazyness for breakthroughs at some point 🙂

  3. I agree with you on this! But there is a difference on being forces to confront your fear, than doing it by choice.

  4. I agree with you on this! But there is a difference on being forces to confront your fear, than doing it by choice.

  5. As a child I was not afraid of many things, but as an adult I have become afraid of snakes. But why? Have never encountered anything with snakes. So why?

    1. @Joakim_Eriksson Perhaps it is what snakes symbolize to you. I use to be really afraid of spiders, and I think it was more because they seemed sneaky and controlling with their webs. So, I think what I was really afraid of was a very controlling person that dominated my life. (It was my mother.)

  6. As a child I was not afraid of many things, but as an adult I have become afraid of snakes. But why? Have never encountered anything with snakes. So why?

  7. Randy, one of your goals in life must be to be fabulous no matter where you go, isn't it? In the middle of the jungle you're well-dressed.

      1. @Randy_Gage I agree. Dressing well and being fit enough to look good in good clothes makes you feel good about yourself.I have no idea why people like owning "material things" is so evil. If you're hurting people or yourself to get, yeah, that's evil.They must watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills too much. Granted, from what little footage I have seen, there are some upstanding ones, some of whom own their own businesses, or at least raise good kids.You don't see them as much, and I think it's done on purpose. People like to see rich people as shallow and uncaring.

        1. @Randy_Gage Randy, I have a short story to share about clothing:A lot of younger men, at least where I live, like to dress in a very preppy way to impress women. My brother refers to them as "douchebags".

          I explained, and as you clearly illustrate, "Some people wear clothing to impress other people, others wear clothing because it enriches their well-being and is an expression of themselves."

    1. @ThomasMrak Thomas, I am writing this here, even though you wrote it on yesterday's post. I don't pity you. I feel sad because I feel, and have felt those things. It is yucky. So, really it was just empathy because I could relate. I prayed last night we both have lots of courage to overcome our obstacles. Love, Annie

  8. Randy, one of your goals in life must be to be fabulous no matter where you go, isn't it? In the middle of the jungle you're well-dressed.

  9. @Randy_Gage I agree. Dressing well and being fit enough to look good in good clothes makes you feel good about yourself.I have no idea why people like owning "material things" is so evil. If you're hurting people or yourself to get, yeah, that's evil.They must watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills too much. Granted, from what little footage I have seen, there are some upstanding ones, some of whom own their own businesses, or at least raise good kids.You don't see them as much, and I think it's done on purpose. People like to see rich people as shallow and uncaring.

  10. @Randy_Gage Randy, I have a short story to share about clothing:A lot of younger men, at least where I live, like to dress in a very preppy way to impress women. My brother refers to them as "douchebags".

    I explained, and as you clearly illustrate, "Some people wear clothing to impress other people, others wear clothing because it enriches their well-being and is an expression of themselves."

  11. @Joakim_Eriksson Perhaps it is what snakes symbolize to you. I use to be really afraid of spiders, and I think it was more because they seemed sneaky and controlling with their webs. So, I think what I was really afraid of was a very controlling person that dominated my life. (It was my mother.)

  12. @ThomasMrak Thomas, I am writing this here, even though you wrote it on yesterday's post. I don't pity you. I feel sad because I feel, and have felt those things. It is yucky. So, really it was just empathy because I could relate. I prayed last night we both have lots of courage to overcome our obstacles. Love, Annie

  13. My son has helped me overcome so many of my fears. You have to be so brave as a parent!! So, I like the fact you say we will always have fear, what we need is the courage to overcome our fears and do what we need to do anyways for our growing souls. You seemed pretty calm to me. You are so brave you big stud.:)

  14. My daughter helped me with their fears, without knowing it. She moved to London when she was 18. I do not feel comfortable in Sweden, she said simply. Move to another country, I think that's cool. She did not care that her English was not good. I know I can not speak proper British she said, but I do not care. But now she does I can promise. It took her less than two years to learn British

  15. My daughter helped me with their fears, without knowing it. She moved to London when she was 18. I do not feel comfortable in Sweden, she said simply. Move to another country, I think that's cool. She did not care that her English was not good. I know I can not speak proper British she said, but I do not care. But now she does I can promise. It took her less than two years to learn British

  16. 🙂 Yes, Randy... Maybe it will sounds strange, but I have idea... I recognize something really amazing... I started to "love" my fears. We were been programming that feel fear is bad, so we wanted to avoid the fear and all these "bad" feelings. But when we allow to "feel", we recognize that we are living. We don´t judge and not put a labels (bad/good), treat it like an experience, just feel, observe what you feel and live in this moment... It is amazing what will open...

  17. 🙂 Yes, Randy... Maybe it will sounds strange, but I have idea... I recognize something really amazing... I started to "love" my fears. We were been programming that feel fear is bad, so we wanted to avoid the fear and all these "bad" feelings. But when we allow to "feel", we recognize that we are living. We don´t judge and not put a labels (bad/good), treat it like an experience, just feel, observe what you feel and live in this moment... It is amazing what will open...

  18. Hi Randy and everyone,

    I have always believed I have a natural fear of heights. So like you Randy I continue to test it.

    Last year I completed a Via Ferrata trail in France where you climb cliffs on metal bars bolted to the cliff face and you cross canyons on what is called a monkey bridge. The monkey bridge was the most incredible experience. I hooked on to two lines above my head and I had to walk across a cable that traversed a canyon that was about 300 m above the ground. As I step by step crossed the canyon I could see a village in a valley below. Wow! it was an intense experience and I loved it. What made it an even greater thrill is that we (my wife and I ) did the trail alone. There was s deep silence as I crossed the longest monkey bridge.

    I will do it again.

    Cheers to all who climb over their fears.


  19. Any negative emotion, fear, anxiety, anger, frustration, etc.. all come from the devil. It's his way of keeping us stuck and out of control, which is exactly where he wants us. Don't run to fear, flee as fast as you can from it. Take fear and turn it into action. Take fear and recondition your thoughts to love, compassion, and any other emotion that the devil has to get behind you with. Then pray through faith for the grace to have the courage to stay in Gods will, not the devils. He's a very clever guy and yes he is real. I've never in my life, seen so many people who you can actually see the devil in their face and actions. We are sheeps among wolves. Stay the straight course, lest you drift away.

  20. Any negative emotion, fear, anxiety, anger, frustration, etc.. all come from the devil. It's his way of keeping us stuck and out of control, which is exactly where he wants us. Don't run to fear, flee as fast as you can from it. Take fear and turn it into action. Take fear and recondition your thoughts to love, compassion, and any other emotion that the devil has to get behind you with. Then pray through faith for the grace to have the courage to stay in Gods will, not the devils. He's a very clever guy and yes he is real. I've never in my life, seen so many people who you can actually see the devil in their face and actions. We are sheeps among wolves. Stay the straight course, lest you drift away.

  21. This is one fear that I am afraid of. And I am not ready to go from tree to tree to get rid of it. I went trough a lot in the past 6 years and I don't think that I am ready for this. So does that make me a failure? I don't think so. I am also scared like you would not believe of spiders. Here's what I do instead. I stay away from them. So I stay away from heights. I don't mind taking the occasional plane, so I feel comfortable and content that I do not need to go from tree to tree. Sorry, Randy! I am not following you on this one.

    Carole 🙂

  22. This is one fear that I am afraid of. And I am not ready to go from tree to tree to get rid of it. I went trough a lot in the past 6 years and I don't think that I am ready for this. So does that make me a failure? I don't think so. I am also scared like you would not believe of spiders. Here's what I do instead. I stay away from them. So I stay away from heights. I don't mind taking the occasional plane, so I feel comfortable and content that I do not need to go from tree to tree. Sorry, Randy! I am not following you on this one.

    Carole 🙂

  23. ....this article runs around my mind in circles.

    Still, due to very many bone surgeries, 1 y. in a wheelchair and 3 y. with 2 crutches as a teenager, I fear heights. No, it´s no glass bones, but something similar. So I am mega scared to fall and break my bones. I´ve been there already without falling back then, where I could end-up when things go wrong - don´t wanna go there EVER again... I won´t climb that respect-mountain (actually, it is no fear) piece by piece to get to the top but rather go for the tip of the top and: jump out of an airplane.

    Yes: sky-diving would be my only test I´d do.

    It is the most craziest thing I could ever do. And I know I need to do it. One day. Or soon. But: not over a landsacpe, my heart would stop beating once falling off - only over the ocean. I know, I know, but it would calm my mind....

    ....why did I read this article.,....? ? ? get reminded ? ? ?

  24. ....this article runs around my mind in circles.

    Still, due to very many bone surgeries, 1 y. in a wheelchair and 3 y. with 2 crutches as a teenager, I fear heights. No, it´s no glass bones, but something similar. So I am mega scared to fall and break my bones. I´ve been there already without falling back then, where I could end-up when things go wrong - don´t wanna go there EVER again... I won´t climb that respect-mountain (actually, it is no fear) piece by piece to get to the top but rather go for the tip of the top and: jump out of an airplane.

    Yes: sky-diving would be my only test I´d do.

    It is the most craziest thing I could ever do. And I know I need to do it. One day. Or soon. But: not over a landsacpe, my heart would stop beating once falling off - only over the ocean. I know, I know, but it would calm my mind....

    ....why did I read this article.,....? ? ? get reminded ? ? ?

  25. Congratulations Randy, you did it by *Feeling The Fear and Doing It Anyway! Thank you for sharing with us your natural honesty, going with the flow for your own self unfoldment -as we celebrate your new plateau of more enriching empowerment, YaY! ;D

  26. Congratulations Randy, you did it by *Feeling The Fear and Doing It Anyway! Thank you for sharing with us your natural honesty, going with the flow for your own self unfoldment -as we celebrate your new plateau of more enriching empowerment, YaY! ;D

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  • 52 comments on “Fearing Fear”

    1. No fear? I relate that to be somehow "ready to die" - or: to fly!!! Or: zipping on a silver line throu´ tree tops!? Call it crazyness for breakthroughs at some point 🙂

    2. No fear? I relate that to be somehow "ready to die" - or: to fly!!! Or: zipping on a silver line throu´ tree tops!? Call it crazyness for breakthroughs at some point 🙂

    3. I agree with you on this! But there is a difference on being forces to confront your fear, than doing it by choice.

    4. I agree with you on this! But there is a difference on being forces to confront your fear, than doing it by choice.

    5. As a child I was not afraid of many things, but as an adult I have become afraid of snakes. But why? Have never encountered anything with snakes. So why?

      1. @Joakim_Eriksson Perhaps it is what snakes symbolize to you. I use to be really afraid of spiders, and I think it was more because they seemed sneaky and controlling with their webs. So, I think what I was really afraid of was a very controlling person that dominated my life. (It was my mother.)

    6. As a child I was not afraid of many things, but as an adult I have become afraid of snakes. But why? Have never encountered anything with snakes. So why?

    7. Randy, one of your goals in life must be to be fabulous no matter where you go, isn't it? In the middle of the jungle you're well-dressed.

        1. @Randy_Gage I agree. Dressing well and being fit enough to look good in good clothes makes you feel good about yourself.I have no idea why people like owning "material things" is so evil. If you're hurting people or yourself to get, yeah, that's evil.They must watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills too much. Granted, from what little footage I have seen, there are some upstanding ones, some of whom own their own businesses, or at least raise good kids.You don't see them as much, and I think it's done on purpose. People like to see rich people as shallow and uncaring.

          1. @Randy_Gage Randy, I have a short story to share about clothing:A lot of younger men, at least where I live, like to dress in a very preppy way to impress women. My brother refers to them as "douchebags".

            I explained, and as you clearly illustrate, "Some people wear clothing to impress other people, others wear clothing because it enriches their well-being and is an expression of themselves."

      1. @ThomasMrak Thomas, I am writing this here, even though you wrote it on yesterday's post. I don't pity you. I feel sad because I feel, and have felt those things. It is yucky. So, really it was just empathy because I could relate. I prayed last night we both have lots of courage to overcome our obstacles. Love, Annie

    8. Randy, one of your goals in life must be to be fabulous no matter where you go, isn't it? In the middle of the jungle you're well-dressed.

    9. @Randy_Gage I agree. Dressing well and being fit enough to look good in good clothes makes you feel good about yourself.I have no idea why people like owning "material things" is so evil. If you're hurting people or yourself to get, yeah, that's evil.They must watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills too much. Granted, from what little footage I have seen, there are some upstanding ones, some of whom own their own businesses, or at least raise good kids.You don't see them as much, and I think it's done on purpose. People like to see rich people as shallow and uncaring.

    10. @Randy_Gage Randy, I have a short story to share about clothing:A lot of younger men, at least where I live, like to dress in a very preppy way to impress women. My brother refers to them as "douchebags".

      I explained, and as you clearly illustrate, "Some people wear clothing to impress other people, others wear clothing because it enriches their well-being and is an expression of themselves."

    11. @Joakim_Eriksson Perhaps it is what snakes symbolize to you. I use to be really afraid of spiders, and I think it was more because they seemed sneaky and controlling with their webs. So, I think what I was really afraid of was a very controlling person that dominated my life. (It was my mother.)

    12. @ThomasMrak Thomas, I am writing this here, even though you wrote it on yesterday's post. I don't pity you. I feel sad because I feel, and have felt those things. It is yucky. So, really it was just empathy because I could relate. I prayed last night we both have lots of courage to overcome our obstacles. Love, Annie

    13. My son has helped me overcome so many of my fears. You have to be so brave as a parent!! So, I like the fact you say we will always have fear, what we need is the courage to overcome our fears and do what we need to do anyways for our growing souls. You seemed pretty calm to me. You are so brave you big stud.:)

    14. My daughter helped me with their fears, without knowing it. She moved to London when she was 18. I do not feel comfortable in Sweden, she said simply. Move to another country, I think that's cool. She did not care that her English was not good. I know I can not speak proper British she said, but I do not care. But now she does I can promise. It took her less than two years to learn British

    15. My daughter helped me with their fears, without knowing it. She moved to London when she was 18. I do not feel comfortable in Sweden, she said simply. Move to another country, I think that's cool. She did not care that her English was not good. I know I can not speak proper British she said, but I do not care. But now she does I can promise. It took her less than two years to learn British

    16. 🙂 Yes, Randy... Maybe it will sounds strange, but I have idea... I recognize something really amazing... I started to "love" my fears. We were been programming that feel fear is bad, so we wanted to avoid the fear and all these "bad" feelings. But when we allow to "feel", we recognize that we are living. We don´t judge and not put a labels (bad/good), treat it like an experience, just feel, observe what you feel and live in this moment... It is amazing what will open...

    17. 🙂 Yes, Randy... Maybe it will sounds strange, but I have idea... I recognize something really amazing... I started to "love" my fears. We were been programming that feel fear is bad, so we wanted to avoid the fear and all these "bad" feelings. But when we allow to "feel", we recognize that we are living. We don´t judge and not put a labels (bad/good), treat it like an experience, just feel, observe what you feel and live in this moment... It is amazing what will open...

    18. Hi Randy and everyone,

      I have always believed I have a natural fear of heights. So like you Randy I continue to test it.

      Last year I completed a Via Ferrata trail in France where you climb cliffs on metal bars bolted to the cliff face and you cross canyons on what is called a monkey bridge. The monkey bridge was the most incredible experience. I hooked on to two lines above my head and I had to walk across a cable that traversed a canyon that was about 300 m above the ground. As I step by step crossed the canyon I could see a village in a valley below. Wow! it was an intense experience and I loved it. What made it an even greater thrill is that we (my wife and I ) did the trail alone. There was s deep silence as I crossed the longest monkey bridge.

      I will do it again.

      Cheers to all who climb over their fears.


    19. Any negative emotion, fear, anxiety, anger, frustration, etc.. all come from the devil. It's his way of keeping us stuck and out of control, which is exactly where he wants us. Don't run to fear, flee as fast as you can from it. Take fear and turn it into action. Take fear and recondition your thoughts to love, compassion, and any other emotion that the devil has to get behind you with. Then pray through faith for the grace to have the courage to stay in Gods will, not the devils. He's a very clever guy and yes he is real. I've never in my life, seen so many people who you can actually see the devil in their face and actions. We are sheeps among wolves. Stay the straight course, lest you drift away.

    20. Any negative emotion, fear, anxiety, anger, frustration, etc.. all come from the devil. It's his way of keeping us stuck and out of control, which is exactly where he wants us. Don't run to fear, flee as fast as you can from it. Take fear and turn it into action. Take fear and recondition your thoughts to love, compassion, and any other emotion that the devil has to get behind you with. Then pray through faith for the grace to have the courage to stay in Gods will, not the devils. He's a very clever guy and yes he is real. I've never in my life, seen so many people who you can actually see the devil in their face and actions. We are sheeps among wolves. Stay the straight course, lest you drift away.

    21. This is one fear that I am afraid of. And I am not ready to go from tree to tree to get rid of it. I went trough a lot in the past 6 years and I don't think that I am ready for this. So does that make me a failure? I don't think so. I am also scared like you would not believe of spiders. Here's what I do instead. I stay away from them. So I stay away from heights. I don't mind taking the occasional plane, so I feel comfortable and content that I do not need to go from tree to tree. Sorry, Randy! I am not following you on this one.

      Carole 🙂

    22. This is one fear that I am afraid of. And I am not ready to go from tree to tree to get rid of it. I went trough a lot in the past 6 years and I don't think that I am ready for this. So does that make me a failure? I don't think so. I am also scared like you would not believe of spiders. Here's what I do instead. I stay away from them. So I stay away from heights. I don't mind taking the occasional plane, so I feel comfortable and content that I do not need to go from tree to tree. Sorry, Randy! I am not following you on this one.

      Carole 🙂

    23. ....this article runs around my mind in circles.

      Still, due to very many bone surgeries, 1 y. in a wheelchair and 3 y. with 2 crutches as a teenager, I fear heights. No, it´s no glass bones, but something similar. So I am mega scared to fall and break my bones. I´ve been there already without falling back then, where I could end-up when things go wrong - don´t wanna go there EVER again... I won´t climb that respect-mountain (actually, it is no fear) piece by piece to get to the top but rather go for the tip of the top and: jump out of an airplane.

      Yes: sky-diving would be my only test I´d do.

      It is the most craziest thing I could ever do. And I know I need to do it. One day. Or soon. But: not over a landsacpe, my heart would stop beating once falling off - only over the ocean. I know, I know, but it would calm my mind....

      ....why did I read this article.,....? ? ? get reminded ? ? ?

    24. ....this article runs around my mind in circles.

      Still, due to very many bone surgeries, 1 y. in a wheelchair and 3 y. with 2 crutches as a teenager, I fear heights. No, it´s no glass bones, but something similar. So I am mega scared to fall and break my bones. I´ve been there already without falling back then, where I could end-up when things go wrong - don´t wanna go there EVER again... I won´t climb that respect-mountain (actually, it is no fear) piece by piece to get to the top but rather go for the tip of the top and: jump out of an airplane.

      Yes: sky-diving would be my only test I´d do.

      It is the most craziest thing I could ever do. And I know I need to do it. One day. Or soon. But: not over a landsacpe, my heart would stop beating once falling off - only over the ocean. I know, I know, but it would calm my mind....

      ....why did I read this article.,....? ? ? get reminded ? ? ?

    25. Congratulations Randy, you did it by *Feeling The Fear and Doing It Anyway! Thank you for sharing with us your natural honesty, going with the flow for your own self unfoldment -as we celebrate your new plateau of more enriching empowerment, YaY! ;D

    26. Congratulations Randy, you did it by *Feeling The Fear and Doing It Anyway! Thank you for sharing with us your natural honesty, going with the flow for your own self unfoldment -as we celebrate your new plateau of more enriching empowerment, YaY! ;D

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