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Facing Difficult Situations

Posted By: Randy GageJune 26, 2018

There are going to be some very painful situations in your life.  Other situations that are terrifying.  And even some that are horrific.  Sometimes life won’t seem very fair.

Because truth is, sometimes life is devastatingly unfair.

Facing these difficult situations will change you.  Never allow them to turn you into someone you’re not...

No matter how overwhelming the situation – let it make you stronger, wiser, and kinder.

- RG

2 comments on “Facing Difficult Situations”

  1. Exaaaaaactly Randy, I can relate with this point and surely I have had my share of hard times but following people like you it makes the journey a lot easier!

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  • 2 comments on “Facing Difficult Situations”

    1. Exaaaaaactly Randy, I can relate with this point and surely I have had my share of hard times but following people like you it makes the journey a lot easier!

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