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Experiencing Genius

Posted By: Randy GageDecember 5, 2009

Last post we spoke of the need to expose yourself to genius as much as possible.  This will really turn your life around if you do.  But I know what some of you may be thinking…

What about if you don’t personally know that many brilliant, amazing and dynamic people?

Meet them by remote control.  There are still a lot of ways to expose yourself to genius:

Go to a sports event featuring David Beckham, Kobe Bryant, Alex Rodriquez, Eli Manning, Rafael Nadal, or a host of others.  Read a book like Harry Potter, Dune, or The Hobbit, Catcher in the Rye, Moby Dick, or Atlas Shrugged.

Get a CD by Ray Charles, Prince, Pink Floyd, Johnny Lang, or Miles Davis.  Go to an art gallery, museum or art show.  Have a night at the ballet, opera, symphony, or playhouse.

Or, go to a beach, forest, or mountain, and watch the sunrise or sunset, and tap into your own!


P.S.  The EU tour is going amazing.  Great stops in Bucharest, Budapest, Warsaw and Vilnius. It’s been wonderful meeting many of you along the way. Now tonight is Stockholm.  I’ve extended the tour and added an event on Tuesday in Prague.

14 comments on “Experiencing Genius”

  1. Great point, go out and expose yourself to genius and if you can't find them, make them. Just explore the wonders of our World.

    ~ Dorene Pierceall

    p.s. I'd like to add Brett Favre to your list of sports figures to expose yourself to. Brett truly loves what he is doing and he just glows when playing football.

  2. I am convinced that (and I think you have covered this in the past week) that genius is in us and all around us. For anyone who believes that we are created in the likeness or God or Source, and believes that Source is Absolute or Perfect, then it would follow that we are too. For the first nine months of our lives, we are not concerned about the BS of the world or how it affects us, we are simply happy to "be". After that, is when we start to learn to respond to the world around us and how that shapes our beliefs and our perception of genius.

    It is good to see the genius in why is my 70 lb American Bully trying to climb in my lap right now? Because she loves me and sees my genius...or is she trying to get my breakfast on the desk? hmmm. lol.

  3. Great advise! Remote association is my umbilical cord!

    What I have noticed is that as I have exposed myself to great people, places, things....The sphere continues to increase.
    It is exhilerating to realize that it all started with a book...Rich Dad, Poor Dad in 2003. My life was at it's scariest point, but I made a decision to dig in and dig out!
    Start somewhere, but start!

    BTW: I am jealous of the amazing places you are visiting right now, but....know that I will soon experience them. Why? Because I dare to associate with those that visit & transfer wisdom in such places! It's just the law of association!

    Enjoy your trip...

  4. Well I met many interesting people another night.
    Including few celebrities, some mafia guys and of course you RG.
    Yes, that was my dream one night before.
    I am not sure why I had that dream, but that was an interesting one.
    We have been sitting on one table and talking about something.
    I guess that was a result of my inner feeling to wanting to meet nice and brilliant people, even if they are a mafia. ))

  5. Funny...I was at a Fine Arts & crafts show today. (something I enjoy). I met several artists & saw their amazing work.

  6. Randy,

    Don't forget to get on Twitter and hook up with the likes of Randy Gage, Eric Worre, John C. Maxwell and the many other great minds of day.

    Make sure to go to their blogs and sign up for their RSS feed so you can be notified every time they have something to say.

    Lead others to their information and the people you lead there will also grow with their exposure to that information.

    Here's to Your LifetoSuccess,

    John Clark

  7. One of my favorite stories to tell that I learned from jack Canfield is, if you want to learn from geniuses, get around them. Talk with them. Pick their brains.

    So I did.

    I called up a local, very well respected business man here in town who also happens to be a multi-millionaire.

    I left a message with his secretary. I told her my personal challenge.

    He called back within the hour and we chatted for about an hour.

    Talk about genius!

    In gratitude,

    Jhanna Dawson

  8. Hey Randy,

    Hope you are tanking yourself up on your Grand Tour! Exposure to Genius is incredibly important! The more aware you become the more you will attract, in All Ways always!

    Keep the Fire Burning! And have a Safe and Successful Journey:)


  9. Randy,
    Enjoy Stockholm! Scandinavia is one of the most amazing, beautiful places. Take good care of yourself.

  10. -RG,

    I agree for the most part of what you said. Yet when you say that a sport figure or artist is a genius we should realize that they may be in their profession but still can be a complete screw-up in their personal life.

    The point being appreciate and learn from their talents yet don't fall into idol worship.


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  • 14 comments on “Experiencing Genius”

    1. Great point, go out and expose yourself to genius and if you can't find them, make them. Just explore the wonders of our World.

      ~ Dorene Pierceall

      p.s. I'd like to add Brett Favre to your list of sports figures to expose yourself to. Brett truly loves what he is doing and he just glows when playing football.

    2. I am convinced that (and I think you have covered this in the past week) that genius is in us and all around us. For anyone who believes that we are created in the likeness or God or Source, and believes that Source is Absolute or Perfect, then it would follow that we are too. For the first nine months of our lives, we are not concerned about the BS of the world or how it affects us, we are simply happy to "be". After that, is when we start to learn to respond to the world around us and how that shapes our beliefs and our perception of genius.

      It is good to see the genius in why is my 70 lb American Bully trying to climb in my lap right now? Because she loves me and sees my genius...or is she trying to get my breakfast on the desk? hmmm. lol.

    3. Great advise! Remote association is my umbilical cord!

      What I have noticed is that as I have exposed myself to great people, places, things....The sphere continues to increase.
      It is exhilerating to realize that it all started with a book...Rich Dad, Poor Dad in 2003. My life was at it's scariest point, but I made a decision to dig in and dig out!
      Start somewhere, but start!

      BTW: I am jealous of the amazing places you are visiting right now, but....know that I will soon experience them. Why? Because I dare to associate with those that visit & transfer wisdom in such places! It's just the law of association!

      Enjoy your trip...

    4. Well I met many interesting people another night.
      Including few celebrities, some mafia guys and of course you RG.
      Yes, that was my dream one night before.
      I am not sure why I had that dream, but that was an interesting one.
      We have been sitting on one table and talking about something.
      I guess that was a result of my inner feeling to wanting to meet nice and brilliant people, even if they are a mafia. ))

    5. Funny...I was at a Fine Arts & crafts show today. (something I enjoy). I met several artists & saw their amazing work.

    6. Randy,

      Don't forget to get on Twitter and hook up with the likes of Randy Gage, Eric Worre, John C. Maxwell and the many other great minds of day.

      Make sure to go to their blogs and sign up for their RSS feed so you can be notified every time they have something to say.

      Lead others to their information and the people you lead there will also grow with their exposure to that information.

      Here's to Your LifetoSuccess,

      John Clark

    7. One of my favorite stories to tell that I learned from jack Canfield is, if you want to learn from geniuses, get around them. Talk with them. Pick their brains.

      So I did.

      I called up a local, very well respected business man here in town who also happens to be a multi-millionaire.

      I left a message with his secretary. I told her my personal challenge.

      He called back within the hour and we chatted for about an hour.

      Talk about genius!

      In gratitude,

      Jhanna Dawson

    8. Hey Randy,

      Hope you are tanking yourself up on your Grand Tour! Exposure to Genius is incredibly important! The more aware you become the more you will attract, in All Ways always!

      Keep the Fire Burning! And have a Safe and Successful Journey:)


    9. Randy,
      Enjoy Stockholm! Scandinavia is one of the most amazing, beautiful places. Take good care of yourself.

    10. -RG,

      I agree for the most part of what you said. Yet when you say that a sport figure or artist is a genius we should realize that they may be in their profession but still can be a complete screw-up in their personal life.

      The point being appreciate and learn from their talents yet don't fall into idol worship.


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