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Evil, Money-Grubbing Rich People

Posted By: Randy GageJanuary 24, 2012

Okay last week I talked about how money is used for manipulation and mind control.  That’s a tough post for me to write, because it’s the opposite of my work most of the time.  I’m usually in the position of defending money, but the way it is being used for manipulation and mind control in the election was the basis for that post.  Now we’re back to normal…

The Miami New Times blog has a post up this morning on Mitt Romney’s taxes that is so reeking of negative memes about money it is breathtaking in its scope.  (DISCLOSURE: I love New Times, as it is a great alternative paper.  And it will always hold a fond position in my heart, because then editor Jim Mullin bought the very first freelance article I ever wrote.  And I love their blog because it’s an edgy, thought-provoking, no-holds-barred look at the circuses we call government and politics in Miami.)

But this post today has as much per capita per paragraph negative programming as you’re likely to find anywhere.

People are very emotional about money, so it’s very susceptible to memes.  Pandering to people’s beliefs that money is bad and rich people are evil is like shooting fish in a barrel.  And this post today certainly does that!

It starts with a compelling headline:

Mitt Romney's Tax Forms' Craziest Revelations:  Swiss Accounts, Mormon Payouts, Low Taxes

Even the National Inquirer would be hard pressed to top that.  Then they take a photo of Romney and Photoshop in a few crisp 100-dollar bills over the flag, to ensure that even the most dim-witted mouth-breather gets the connection.  (As demonstrated by the reader who comments “to damn rich to be president!”)

Then check the language sprinkled through the piece:

"insanely rich"

"all in pure profit from investments, not working wages"

"the real dirt on Romney's cash"

Then it looks at tithing, one of the most spiritual of all prosperity practices and labels it "Mormon payouts."   It's not often I bypass a chance to rant against organized religion, but that is a is a bit over the top even for me!

Forget the politics, forget the parties, forget the candidates.  Simply look at the subliminal messages in the post about money and wealth.  And know you are being programming with thousands more like this every day.  This is just one of thousands of reports, articles and posts that will be filed today, filled with sensationalistic language about Romney's tax returns.  Most aren’t as blatant in their hated of money as this one.  But they’re even more dangerous to your prosperity because they don’t jump out so obviously.



139 comments on “Evil, Money-Grubbing Rich People”

  1. Hi RG,

    Amazing, how the media has created a circus around Romney's finances. When you really, really think about it, most people are absolutely insane in matters of money, really, really sick, the way they speak about the form of energy which is really freedom, when it is acquired and used in harmony with universal laws.

    I don't spend much time thinking about it because I don't want money to run from me. Apparently, the media doesn't mind money running the hell away from them. Nor do people who read the papers and agree with the ideas that money is filthy, nasty and evil.

    In truth, the media might sell more papers, or increase ad revenue on the tube, but this initial appearance is quite deceiving, because money is really, really clever, and will run from these individuals who curse it in the long run. Karma is a biatch, and money will sprint from anyone who condemns it, or condemns anyone who has accumulated a large fortune. This fact is as certain as the night following the day.

    That's why I don't dwell on this stuff too much. I am simply aware of it, and let all the people who want to be sick and broke argue about this money-repelling stuff.

    Thanks for sharing RG.


  2. Agreed. It's a shame how having money is equated to evil. However, it's predictable since many would discredit someone's good fortune rather than work on their own. This translates to everything. Beauty, position, possessions, relationships, even someone else's happiness. Sad state. Many tear down what they don't think attainable. It's easier to create broad generalizations than do the work.

    1. @EmeliaSam Creativity and free thought is also considered evil. It's better to buy a few DVDs or a video game than even try anything.Doesn't mean the work has to suck.Anyway, I'm working on music which of course "there's just no money in" and not being a teenager, and having just turned 30, I have to approach it differently. So, I've managed to connect with people and not wait for a "big break". Still need to create some stuff at high enough quality, which I am in the process of doing, thanks to mentoring from several people.I actually like talking to people and learning about sound programming, arrangement, etc.I hope I can use it as a springboard to help improve the industry. It needs a lot of work.Of course since it's not a "good middle class job" and creative people (and some of their fans) think making money off of art is "selling out", I put up with a lot of crap from a lot of people.It's worth it. Anyway, going outside for a walk to get some exercise. Have to get stuff out there.

  3. Agreed. It's a shame how having money is equated to evil. However, it's predictable since many would discredit someone's good fortune rather than work on their own. This translates to everything. Beauty, position, possessions, relationships, even someone else's happiness. Sad state. Many tear down what they don't think attainable. It's easier to create broad generalizations than do the work.

  4. @EmeliaSam Creativity and free thought is also considered evil. It's better to buy a few DVDs or a video game than even try anything.Doesn't mean the work has to suck.Anyway, I'm working on music which of course "there's just no money in" and not being a teenager, and having just turned 30, I have to approach it differently. So, I've managed to connect with people and not wait for a "big break". Still need to create some stuff at high enough quality, which I am in the process of doing, thanks to mentoring from several people.I actually like talking to people and learning about sound programming, arrangement, etc.I hope I can use it as a springboard to help improve the industry. It needs a lot of work.Of course since it's not a "good middle class job" and creative people (and some of their fans) think making money off of art is "selling out", I put up with a lot of crap from a lot of people.It's worth it. Anyway, going outside for a walk to get some exercise. Have to get stuff out there.

  5. Sad part is there was an article in the Houston Chronicle that tracks the fact that Romney is probably paying MORE than the average American even at 15%. It stated that once credits and all the other stuff was accounted for last year, the average taxpayer in the U.S. paid about 13.3% for their tax rate.

    You really get what you think about. It's never been about "good" vs "evil", it's always been about "wanted" vs "unwanted". If you want money, you get it. Period.

    1. @EllisHubbardPhDad The "evil" rich people pay plenty of taxes, sometimes twice depending on what sort of business(es) they own and its corporate structure. (S type, LLC, etc.)I agree with "if you want money, you get it".

  6. Sad part is there was an article in the Houston Chronicle that tracks the fact that Romney is probably paying MORE than the average American even at 15%. It stated that once credits and all the other stuff was accounted for last year, the average taxpayer in the U.S. paid about 13.3% for their tax rate.

    You really get what you think about. It's never been about "good" vs "evil", it's always been about "wanted" vs "unwanted". If you want money, you get it. Period.

  7. This is like a standard strategy to sell more papers in Malaysia. Or get more hits on a blog post. There seems to be only 2 main strats that the media use to really try to grab the attention of an audience - money scandals or sex scandals. They make both money & sex out to be so dirty and immoral, I am constantly disturbed that people sink themselves into the whole drama of shaming someone else so dishonorably - when on a daily basis everyone actually either have sex or transact money! And yet it does not surprise me that the media keep using these - because the general public laps it all up, gossips about it, and sends it out virally to further infect more people. In my country, our politicians are disgraceful as they pull each other through the dirt using the media. It's drummed down to such unbelievably base levels that it redefines the word "thrash". I think it really boils down to a lack of self-esteem & being spiritually-disconnected. How do we make a bigger difference to help evolve mass consciousness? Something i've been thinking about for a while now. Maybe you should post something on that rocksta. xoxo

    1. @Jamie Loh Hey Jamie! Ya know it's funny you think you just described Malaysia but I could replace that one word with U.S. and the rest of your comments would be just as applicable. Around the globe, people are the same; incentives, what motivates people are the same no matter where we're talking about.

  8. This is like a standard strategy to sell more papers in Malaysia. Or get more hits on a blog post. There seems to be only 2 main strats that the media use to really try to grab the attention of an audience - money scandals or sex scandals. They make both money & sex out to be so dirty and immoral, I am constantly disturbed that people sink themselves into the whole drama of shaming someone else so dishonorably - when on a daily basis everyone actually either have sex or transact money! And yet it does not surprise me that the media keep using these - because the general public laps it all up, gossips about it, and sends it out virally to further infect more people. In my country, our politicians are disgraceful as they pull each other through the dirt using the media. It's drummed down to such unbelievably base levels that it redefines the word "thrash". I think it really boils down to a lack of self-esteem & being spiritually-disconnected. How do we make a bigger difference to help evolve mass consciousness? Something i've been thinking about for a while now. Maybe you should post something on that rocksta. xoxo

  9. Hi, I have read both posts and first came to my mind was - envy. I understand that feeling..., but now is couple of months I am still thinking about. Why to write this? Why in newspapers are not information about HOW these people create their businesses and sucess? And how can be media used for inspiration in positive way? I think there are millions of people who are looking these inspiration, motivation... Hmmm, wonderful idea. I can imagine it. I am not reading newspapers, I read only things, I read only the things that interest me and those are things about the use of the human mind, psychology, relationships in general. Generally the matter very inspiring to grow. And I share my opinion with people around me. All people around. And they have choice to choose. They can read things, which I don´t support and don´t agree. But at this point we haven´t a much theme to speak about, not in this cases. And if they ask I tell my opinion and that´s it. I am not fighting. Just lets say, show that I don´t agree and give them arguments why. And the rest is their choice. As long as people read, slander and defamation, gossip and other stories of life "people more known", newspaparer will write it.

    Thank you for this info. M.

  10. Hi, I have read both posts and first came to my mind was - envy. I understand that feeling..., but now is couple of months I am still thinking about. Why to write this? Why in newspapers are not information about HOW these people create their businesses and sucess? And how can be media used for inspiration in positive way? I think there are millions of people who are looking these inspiration, motivation... Hmmm, wonderful idea. I can imagine it. I am not reading newspapers, I read only things, I read only the things that interest me and those are things about the use of the human mind, psychology, relationships in general. Generally the matter very inspiring to grow. And I share my opinion with people around me. All people around. And they have choice to choose. They can read things, which I don´t support and don´t agree. But at this point we haven´t a much theme to speak about, not in this cases. And if they ask I tell my opinion and that´s it. I am not fighting. Just lets say, show that I don´t agree and give them arguments why. And the rest is their choice. As long as people read, slander and defamation, gossip and other stories of life "people more known", newspaparer will write it.

    Thank you for this info. M.

  11. @mortgageminute There's nothing wrong with money or rich people. I have only a problem with the insane political advantage it gives them.

    1. @PhilKJames Hi Phil. Great point. If you've earned it you can certainly do with it as you want, but the political side of things gets ugly

  12. @mortgageminute There's nothing wrong with money or rich people. I have only a problem with the insane political advantage it gives them.

  13. @PhilKJames Hi Phil. Great point. If you've earned it you can certainly do with it as you want, but the political side of things gets ugly

  14. Imagine living in a country run by a person who believes money is evil, and/or who has no clue how to handle the amount of money that the United States has as it's responsibility. Money is tricky and complicated. Macro- and Microeconomic knowledge would come in handy, too. So would some international banking experience. No lack thinker has the balls and attitude to think progressively toward the future. It keeps me up at night that we might vote in a leader who believes poverty is noble.

  15. Imagine living in a country run by a person who believes money is evil, and/or who has no clue how to handle the amount of money that the United States has as it's responsibility. Money is tricky and complicated. Macro- and Microeconomic knowledge would come in handy, too. So would some international banking experience. No lack thinker has the balls and attitude to think progressively toward the future. It keeps me up at night that we might vote in a leader who believes poverty is noble.

  16. I agree completely, Randy --- that article was shameless. But the media isn't completely to blame; they're simply giving people what they want -- which, after all, is what they're supposed to do. (Free market, and all that.) If people didn't enjoy wallowing in such rot, the papers wouldn't print it and the networks wouldn't broadcast it.

    The media isn't going to change until the majority of their customers (members of the herd) change what they want... and that's not likely to happen anytime soon. That's why, as you say, it's vital that we critically analyze and filter the "news" we get.... and will continue to get.


    1. @jimbarber

      I agree with you that ultimately the responsibility lies with the people. If we quit rewarding the media with our money and attention they would have to change what they offer.

      That starts with more folk doing some critical thinking and evaluating what's going on and stop allowing themselves to be kid. Or more acuratly to stop kidding themselves.

      1. @Matt Shorty Wells@jimbarber People are gullible; believing that someone will provide them with system to solve all of their problems.My grandmother is ill, and I see how someone who can pay for their own medical care (or have someone pay for them) has much better care and a higher quality of life than someone who decided that they "earned" Free Medicare and Social Security.I won't get into details, but I'm certainly not going to depend on a system run by people who can print money whenever they want and pass laws which hurt people in the name "fairness".

        1. @ThomasMrak@jimbarber crap apparently I really went on and on. the comment program is telling me I wrote too much so I'm going to post 2 (more) replies for my reply.

          Hi Thomas, it seems a bit off topic from the point Jim raised & that I replied to but yea, I think I agree with what you're saying.

          Where you say gullible I might use the word naive but to believe that another person is charged with providing for you is... Well, many words could be used there but let's just say inaccurate.:)

          That's part of the challenge with something like the Social Security program we have here in the States.

          When the idea of SS was sold to the U.S. people basically what was said without using these words was: "Look, we know that you are too stupid and/or lazy to plan for your own future so why don't you just leave that up to us and we'll make sure you at least have 'something'."

          And that's exactly what many did. They gave their power away and made no plans for themselves. The didn't learn/grow/expand to provide a future for themselves by their own design. They put their faith in the politicians instead of planning and preparing their own lives. They failed to make their own plans and so they fell into some else's plans. I think it was Jim Rohn who said it best, and this is not a direct quote, I'm pulling it out of ass, but basically he said:

          You know what someone else has planned for you? Not much!

          And that's exatly what those who put their faith in such a communistic idea like SS get, not much. As it should be.

          Another old recording form one of the Amway founders from the early 60's comes to mind too where he talked about "being equal" and what they really mean is being equally poor because that's exactly the result of falling into someone else's plans. And I believe that's exactly how it should be. I mean, hey if you don't care enough about your own comfort/joy/happiness then why should I? That would just make me tired so I'll just go focus on my own comfort/joy/happiness instead. But then again I don't go around offering myself as surety for another either so I suppose I'm getting off topic.

        2. @ThomasMrak@jimbarber

          It's late and I guess I went on a bit of a rant here. I'll quit rambling on. But before I say "buh bye" I do want to hit on your thought about how you're not going to depend on someone else.

          Dude, CONGRATULATIONS!

          Seriously, how Blessed is our generation!? I don't know how old you are but you mentioned your grandma and 2 of my grandparents are still living so I suppose we're close. How great do we have it that we can see the results of an entire generation who gave their power away!? How about we not let their anguish be in vain? Let's learn from it and offer a brighter future to those to come after us. Be an example of what's possible.

          okay I'm done.

          Buh Bye and good night!

        3. @Matt Shorty Wells@jimbarber It's not really getting off topic. It's clearly something VERY wrong with American society. People don't seem to realize that the "New Deal" programs caused more suffering and prolonged the Great Depression because individual people and the market itself weren't left alone to solve problems.People do help one another in times of crisis, even complete strangers. Unfortunately, Socialism teaches people that they are alienated victims that no one will ever care about.

          The Great Depression is no different than today: A bunch of people made bad investments and were not willing to admit to the consequences, and a Democratic president in the name of "helping" inflicted more suffering.Rich people are an easy target. Always have been throughout history. There are some people who cannot take care of themselves- the genuinely disabled and severely mentally ill .I feel the utmost sympathy for them. I also feel a great deal of sympathy for people born into poverty, or who were impoverished by circumstances which they could not control. (i.e. parents getting divorced and deadbeat dad not paying child support,etc.) But, no amount of planning can save you from risk and loss.To play the game of life, you have to take the risk you could lose it all. If you don't, and try to avoid losing (whether rich or poor) you're going to pay for it eventually.

        4. @Matt Shorty Wells I just turned 30, but don't look or feel it.Our generation with our technology has the ability to transcend and connect across socio-economic barriers. It is the nearest we can get to real equality without forcing people to be the same.At my age I'm treading that line between Gen-X and the "tapes? vinyl records? VHS? What the hell are those?" generation.

        5. @ThomasMrak@Matt Shorty Wells@jimbarber This is not the whole story. A world economic meltdown is so much more than people making risky bets. More education needed here.

  17. I agree completely, Randy --- that article was shameless. But the media isn't completely to blame; they're simply giving people what they want -- which, after all, is what they're supposed to do. (Free market, and all that.) If people didn't enjoy wallowing in such rot, the papers wouldn't print it and the networks wouldn't broadcast it.

    The media isn't going to change until the majority of their customers (members of the herd) change what they want... and that's not likely to happen anytime soon. That's why, as you say, it's vital that we critically analyze and filter the "news" we get.... and will continue to get.


  18. @EllisHubbardPhDad The "evil" rich people pay plenty of taxes, sometimes twice depending on what sort of business(es) they own and its corporate structure. (S type, LLC, etc.)I agree with "if you want money, you get it".

  19. I was not aware of all the subliminal programming we get about money and riches until I read DS&B. Now I see it everywhere in the news and in movies. "Not from working wages" is a very powerful statement in itself. It is almost damning. It is like saying those who toil away for working wages are noble and honest. It is also like saying "Hey, look at him, he is not one of us." Us being the ones getting working wages.

    1. @Edward Devero Some business/freelancers/professionals are stuck in this trap too. They only make money when they can bill for a service. The whole "work for a living" mindset never left them.

  20. I was not aware of all the subliminal programming we get about money and riches until I read DS&B. Now I see it everywhere in the news and in movies. "Not from working wages" is a very powerful statement in itself. It is almost damning. It is like saying those who toil away for working wages are noble and honest. It is also like saying "Hey, look at him, he is not one of us." Us being the ones getting working wages.

  21. @Edward Devero Some business/freelancers/professionals are stuck in this trap too. They only make money when they can bill for a service. The whole "work for a living" mindset never left them.

  22. And of course he's a Mormon (which people don't even try to understand), rich, and a Republican, which to a lot of people who vote Democrat is the Devil.It seems to be rare that anyone really successful stays Democrat for life. A lot of successful people in the entertainment industry and at Universities, who often make more than the average person, continue to push Liberal entitlement views onto people, and are eager to talk about how "evil" money is.

  23. And of course he's a Mormon (which people don't even try to understand), rich, and a Republican, which to a lot of people who vote Democrat is the Devil.It seems to be rare that anyone really successful stays Democrat for life. A lot of successful people in the entertainment industry and at Universities, who often make more than the average person, continue to push Liberal entitlement views onto people, and are eager to talk about how "evil" money is.

  24. This will be unpopular but, the reason such a small group of people has so much more than others is they didn't give into a sense of entitlement the way the "99%" has.

  25. This will be unpopular but, the reason such a small group of people has so much more than others is they didn't give into a sense of entitlement the way the "99%" has.

  26. I suppose the fact Romney and his wife made 21.6 million is "evil" too.While i am not religious, they did give a lot to LDS.While I have some level of sympathy for people who are struggling financially or if a situation is beyond their control, I don't feel sympathy for their anti-Capitalistic/anti-creativity views.People do not choose to be born poor or middle class. They choose to stay that way.

  27. I suppose the fact Romney and his wife made 21.6 million is "evil" too.While i am not religious, they did give a lot to LDS.While I have some level of sympathy for people who are struggling financially or if a situation is beyond their control, I don't feel sympathy for their anti-Capitalistic/anti-creativity views.People do not choose to be born poor or middle class. They choose to stay that way.

  28. When looking at "the Rich" we always need to distinguish between the capitalists and the corporatists. There is a big difference. The rich capitalists get rich by serving people and are great from their customers and all of society while the corporatists get rich by stealing wealth from the tax payers and getting special favours from government by subsidies, bailouts, regulations that block out competition etc.

    If you look at Michael Moore (ultimate hypocrite) who is a rich capitalist. He doesn't understand the difference between capitalism and corporatism and is infecting his followers with the idea that capitalism is bad. Even though he used it to get very rich ($50m from his retarded documentaries) he attacks others who do the same. I would say the Rich corporatists are the plight of the world and destroy the working class by ripping them off and then the public assumes that all capitalists who are rich do that too.

    Being super rich is no indication of what a person is like, but we need to look at how someone got rich. I would love to see the filthy corporatists get wiped out and the capitalists create as much wealth as possible.

    Obama is another major hypocrite, he attacks the honest rich capitalists so he can plunder their wealth and give it to his campaign contributors who are filthy corporatists (Goldman Sacs etc). If we could get the message out to people that there is a difference then we could reinstall the American appreciation of success and put an end to corporatism and government intervention.

    The central bank (FED) is the major reason for all the super rich corporatists while the middle class is shrinking and then capitalism gets the blame. That is why I support Ron Paul because he is the first politician since Barry Goldwater and Regan who have told the truth and spread the idea of honest capitalism and praising honest success!

    1. @WDavidC Teaching people that wealth is evil makes some people a lot of money.Obama proves it is possible to be born poor and become successful in spite of it. He's a hypocrite, especially since he's an Ivy League graduate, and an Ivy League education opens a lot of doors that are not open for most people.Hard core Liberalism is far more evil than giving Corporations the ability to do whatever they want as long as they pay government officials. It teaches people that individual people just aren't capable of making their own decisions, and that someone else knows what's best for them and their families.A lot of people don't want to learn the difference. Learning about the world in which we live requires a great deal of effort, and there is no class or on the job training program which will teach you this.It sickens me that that the platform that many people who want to get elected is"more education" and "more jobs" as the solution to all of life's problems. As the education bubble proves, clearly this has been an abysmal failure. Also clear is the days of the "good job" are long since over, and very rarely are people hired for "decent" wages or even full-time. Even young lawyers aren't guaranteed "good jobs" with firms any more.As far as I am concerned, the only way to solve these problems isn't to focus on "strengthening the middle class", it's teaching people to be creative and entrepreneurial. Some creative people suck at entrepreneurship and some entrepreneurs need more of a creative bent.

      However, in the America Obama and hard-core Democrats are pushing for, their won't be many ways someone can succeed without having been born into a supportive/rich family. Clearly the middle class was only as strong as it was because their were more rich people; especially rich people who decided to value their employees.There is a small film about Michael Moore entitled "Michael Moore Hates America". This films touches on this and how Michael Moore manipulates people. Michael Moore lives in extreme comfort in Manhattan, but continues to pretend to be "the little guy", and is all too eager to demean the very system which made him rich in the first place.There are a lot of people in Hollywood like this too.Yeah, giving Corporations blank checks to do whatever they want is evil too.

  29. When looking at "the Rich" we always need to distinguish between the capitalists and the corporatists. There is a big difference. The rich capitalists get rich by serving people and are great from their customers and all of society while the corporatists get rich by stealing wealth from the tax payers and getting special favours from government by subsidies, bailouts, regulations that block out competition etc.

    If you look at Michael Moore (ultimate hypocrite) who is a rich capitalist. He doesn't understand the difference between capitalism and corporatism and is infecting his followers with the idea that capitalism is bad. Even though he used it to get very rich ($50m from his retarded documentaries) he attacks others who do the same. I would say the Rich corporatists are the plight of the world and destroy the working class by ripping them off and then the public assumes that all capitalists who are rich do that too.

    Being super rich is no indication of what a person is like, but we need to look at how someone got rich. I would love to see the filthy corporatists get wiped out and the capitalists create as much wealth as possible.

    Obama is another major hypocrite, he attacks the honest rich capitalists so he can plunder their wealth and give it to his campaign contributors who are filthy corporatists (Goldman Sacs etc). If we could get the message out to people that there is a difference then we could reinstall the American appreciation of success and put an end to corporatism and government intervention.

    The central bank (FED) is the major reason for all the super rich corporatists while the middle class is shrinking and then capitalism gets the blame. That is why I support Ron Paul because he is the first politician since Barry Goldwater and Regan who have told the truth and spread the idea of honest capitalism and praising honest success!

  30. At least Ron Paul was the only candidate who stood up for Romney and his wealth that he made in the private sector. That shows real honesty and character! When he could have jumped on the band wagon to attack an opponent like the rest of them he stood up for his principles even if it helped an opponent!

    That is why we need him in the Whitehouse! He will stand up for his principles, liberty and speak the truth even when everyone hates him for it. On many occasions when a bill in being passed it is 500-1 and Ron is the only name on the opposition side, he is the only one doing what is right no matter how much he gets criticised for it! Ron Paul 2012! Last chance for a free America before it goes beyond the point of no return. American needs the last honest principled politician to repeal the government intervention. This will be his last run and if we miss this opportunity then it may not come around again for decades. Not to mention that if Ron doesn't get elected then it is certain that there will be 100,000s more dead in the middle east because all other candidates are humming along to McCain beach boys style - bomb, bomb, bomb...............bomb bomb Iran!

    Vote for Peace and liberty Ron Paul 2012!!!!

    1. @WDavidC Ron Paul rocks. Only person in Congress who has a soul that hasn't been bought by trade organizations or corporations. Ron Paul lives in reality, he doesn't live in a fantasy Universe where giving people free money improves their lives, which is the platform the Democrats run on.I was raised by hard core Liberals who blamed Reagan for everything because they didn't succeed in the 80s due to their "my job and the government has to do it all for me, and I don't ever have to take responsibility for my own life and the lives of my family."I have to work really hard to prevent myself from sliding into that, especially since almost everyone has VERY limiting beliefs and narrow-minded views.

      1. @WDavidC At this point, I've given up on showing any sort of sympathy for people who hold this view beyond actual pain they experience.People choose to surrender their lives to someone else, because it's far easier to be an innocent "victim", and since hating rich people is cool, almost every person will side with you.

        1. @WDavidC I am honestly convinced a lot of people prefer poverty and a middle class life, after all, being successful means being extraordinary at something, which requires a lot of work and self-esteem.

        2. @WDavidC Come on, Ron Paul has to love Ayn Rand. His son is named RAND Paul.Good luck dropping a copy of "The Virtue Of Selfishness" on someone's lap. I attempted to get some of my friends to read it, but you can't lead someone and force them to do it.

      1. @peacelovegroovey Someone watches too much TV!!!! Ron is the least racist person out there! Look at his stance on war, he wants to protect rights of everyone all around the world. He is the only one who will stand up against the racist drug war! When he was a doctor he treated hundreds of minorities for free when other hospitals and doctors turned them away. He didn't write the newsletters and it was over 20 years ago. There were about 9 pages out of thousands of newsletters that had nasty statements and they were all written by one author while Ron was working as a Doctor 80 hours a week. Do some of your own research and watch him on youtube before you listen to the talking heads. Watch this and then decide for yourself.

        1. @WDavidC@peacelovegroovey A lot of people are going to vote for Obama and the ultra Left wing propaganda he and his people spread.4 more years of his hardcore anti-business, save the "little" guy from the big "bad" rich people really will create the conditions he claims to want to avoid. The Great Depression lasted FAR longer than necessary because of the Pro-Socialism stance of FDR and his supporters,who just couldn't let the market and people acting freely, correct the problems of the economy.The wealthy aren't obligated to keep their money here in the US. If it gets bad enough, they'll leave. Steve Jobs told Obama to his face that all the rules and regulations make it next to impossible to build advanced factories in the US, and have them remain profitable. But, what does Liberal know about fairness? After all, they can take money from someone else to give to the non-productive and punish anyone who dares to make more than $50k a year.

  31. At least Ron Paul was the only candidate who stood up for Romney and his wealth that he made in the private sector. That shows real honesty and character! When he could have jumped on the band wagon to attack an opponent like the rest of them he stood up for his principles even if it helped an opponent!

    That is why we need him in the Whitehouse! He will stand up for his principles, liberty and speak the truth even when everyone hates him for it. On many occasions when a bill in being passed it is 500-1 and Ron is the only name on the opposition side, he is the only one doing what is right no matter how much he gets criticised for it! Ron Paul 2012! Last chance for a free America before it goes beyond the point of no return. American needs the last honest principled politician to repeal the government intervention. This will be his last run and if we miss this opportunity then it may not come around again for decades. Not to mention that if Ron doesn't get elected then it is certain that there will be 100,000s more dead in the middle east because all other candidates are humming along to McCain beach boys style - bomb, bomb, bomb...............bomb bomb Iran!

    Vote for Peace and liberty Ron Paul 2012!!!!

  32. @WDavidC Teaching people that wealth is evil makes some people a lot of money.Obama proves it is possible to be born poor and become successful in spite of it. He's a hypocrite, especially since he's an Ivy League graduate, and an Ivy League education opens a lot of doors that are not open for most people.Hard core Liberalism is far more evil than giving Corporations the ability to do whatever they want as long as they pay government officials. It teaches people that individual people just aren't capable of making their own decisions, and that someone else knows what's best for them and their families.A lot of people don't want to learn the difference. Learning about the world in which we live requires a great deal of effort, and there is no class or on the job training program which will teach you this.It sickens me that that the platform that many people who want to get elected is"more education" and "more jobs" as the solution to all of life's problems. As the education bubble proves, clearly this has been an abysmal failure. Also clear is the days of the "good job" are long since over, and very rarely are people hired for "decent" wages or even full-time. Even young lawyers aren't guaranteed "good jobs" with firms any more.As far as I am concerned, the only way to solve these problems isn't to focus on "strengthening the middle class", it's teaching people to be creative and entrepreneurial. Some creative people suck at entrepreneurship and some entrepreneurs need more of a creative bent.

    However, in the America Obama and hard-core Democrats are pushing for, their won't be many ways someone can succeed without having been born into a supportive/rich family. Clearly the middle class was only as strong as it was because their were more rich people; especially rich people who decided to value their employees.There is a small film about Michael Moore entitled "Michael Moore Hates America". This films touches on this and how Michael Moore manipulates people. Michael Moore lives in extreme comfort in Manhattan, but continues to pretend to be "the little guy", and is all too eager to demean the very system which made him rich in the first place.There are a lot of people in Hollywood like this too.Yeah, giving Corporations blank checks to do whatever they want is evil too.

  33. @WDavidC Ron Paul rocks. Only person in Congress who has a soul that hasn't been bought by trade organizations or corporations. Ron Paul lives in reality, he doesn't live in a fantasy Universe where giving people free money improves their lives, which is the platform the Democrats run on.I was raised by hard core Liberals who blamed Reagan for everything because they didn't succeed in the 80s due to their "my job and the government has to do it all for me, and I don't ever have to take responsibility for my own life and the lives of my family."I have to work really hard to prevent myself from sliding into that, especially since almost everyone has VERY limiting beliefs and narrow-minded views.

  34. @WDavidC At this point, I've given up on showing any sort of sympathy for people who hold this view beyond actual pain they experience.People choose to surrender their lives to someone else, because it's far easier to be an innocent "victim", and since hating rich people is cool, almost every person will side with you.

  35. @WDavidC I am honestly convinced a lot of people prefer poverty and a middle class life, after all, being successful means being extraordinary at something, which requires a lot of work and self-esteem.

  36. @WDavidC Come on, Ron Paul has to love Ayn Rand. His son is named RAND Paul.Good luck dropping a copy of "The Virtue Of Selfishness" on someone's lap. I attempted to get some of my friends to read it, but you can't lead someone and force them to do it.

  37. 'For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils.' - Timothy 6:10. It doesn't say money is the root of all evil. The love of money. I don't know, would I like a wealthy person running the country or a lawyer? I'm just saying.

    1. @jbirvin I'd rather have an ethical wealthy person running the government.At least an ethical wealthy person would remove as much waste as possible and focus on moving people away from government dependence.It was why I was disappointed that Trump didn't run. He's come close to losing everything each time but always bounces back.Where I disagree with some some Republicans is their anti-gay marriage stances, although this is changing.

      1. @ThomasMrak It was kind of a rhetorical question. A very wealthy person running the country. Uh... yea. Of course. I don't think Trump would make it though because politics takes a different breed. What has this government come to? What are the numbers of people on welfare going to produce? Change? We need brain surgery. A full frontal lobotomy which starts at the head. Hmmm. Executive branch is where to go. Also, changing our school system is a whole other issue. They teach NO classes on business, finance, or economics is public school today. Down right HORRIFYING.

        1. @jbirvin I figured as much, but I like to to discuss such things with like-minded people.If anything, our school system, even some of the private schools, teaches people to rely on someone else and random chance for their livelihood/success.Sometimes we do need to receive help from others and sometimes the best things in life do happen due to random chance.Of course no one can do it themselves, which seems to be the opposite extreme of "the government and my job" should do it for me. After all, the "good ol' boys club" is a prime example of this in action.

        2. @jbirvin Even if people were taught from a young age to be entrepreneurial/creative, there clearly would still be people who worked for someone else.Not everyone is suited for it. To an extant, people have to be wired in certain ways to begin with.Clearly a degree in business or marketing doesn't determine whether or not someone is good at either, as the vast amount of unemployed/underemployed/failed business people illustrates.

      2. @ThomasMrak@jbirvin Sorry, but he didn't "come close to losing everything..and always bounces back." He comes from wealth, and even managed to bankrupt his own casino. He'll do the same to his network marketing company and leave all the reps in the lurch.

        1. @peacelovegroovey@ThomasMrak@jbirvin Trump was about $900m in personal debt. The bank tried to repossess his possessions and companies but he negotiated an extension and turned it all around. Trump has a huge portfolio of companies and a few have gone bankrupt, but anyone with a large portfolio will lose some investments. He is still one of the Richest and most successful men in the world. Not saying I like him though! Especially don't like his political views.

  38. 'For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils.' - Timothy 6:10. It doesn't say money is the root of all evil. The love of money. I don't know, would I like a wealthy person running the country or a lawyer? I'm just saying.

  39. @jbirvin I'd rather have an ethical wealthy person running the government.At least an ethical wealthy person would remove as much waste as possible and focus on moving people away from government dependence.It was why I was disappointed that Trump didn't run. He's come close to losing everything each time but always bounces back.Where I disagree with some some Republicans is their anti-gay marriage stances, although this is changing.

  40. @ThomasMrak It was kind of a rhetorical question. A very wealthy person running the country. Uh... yea. Of course. I don't think Trump would make it though because politics takes a different breed. What has this government come to? What are the numbers of people on welfare going to produce? Change? We need brain surgery. A full frontal lobotomy which starts at the head. Hmmm. Executive branch is where to go. Also, changing our school system is a whole other issue. They teach NO classes on business, finance, or economics is public school today. Down right HORRIFYING.

  41. I completely agree with the closing idea of how it's the subtle ones people need be more aware of.

    The blatant ones are easy to recognize for what they are but the subtle ones often get by peoples "guard" and into their consciousness without any resistance or evaluation at all.

  42. I completely agree with the closing idea of how it's the subtle ones people need be more aware of.

    The blatant ones are easy to recognize for what they are but the subtle ones often get by peoples "guard" and into their consciousness without any resistance or evaluation at all.

  43. @jbirvin I figured as much, but I like to to discuss such things with like-minded people.If anything, our school system, even some of the private schools, teaches people to rely on someone else and random chance for their livelihood/success.Sometimes we do need to receive help from others and sometimes the best things in life do happen due to random chance.Of course no one can do it themselves, which seems to be the opposite extreme of "the government and my job" should do it for me. After all, the "good ol' boys club" is a prime example of this in action.

  44. @jbirvin Even if people were taught from a young age to be entrepreneurial/creative, there clearly would still be people who worked for someone else.Not everyone is suited for it. To an extant, people have to be wired in certain ways to begin with.Clearly a degree in business or marketing doesn't determine whether or not someone is good at either, as the vast amount of unemployed/underemployed/failed business people illustrates.

  45. @jimbarber

    I agree with you that ultimately the responsibility lies with the people. If we quit rewarding the media with our money and attention they would have to change what they offer.

    That starts with more folk doing some critical thinking and evaluating what's going on and stop allowing themselves to be kid. Or more acuratly to stop kidding themselves.

  46. @Jamie Loh Hey Jamie! Ya know it's funny you think you just described Malaysia but I could replace that one word with U.S. and the rest of your comments would be just as applicable. Around the globe, people are the same; incentives, what motivates people are the same no matter where we're talking about.

  47. @ThomasMrak@jbirvin Sorry, but he didn't "come close to losing everything..and always bounces back." He comes from wealth, and even managed to bankrupt his own casino. He'll do the same to his network marketing company and leave all the reps in the lurch.

  48. I prefer not to read the news since as you've pointed out, it's filled with memes that don't serve us. That's my story and I'm sticking to it 🙂

  49. I prefer not to read the news since as you've pointed out, it's filled with memes that don't serve us. That's my story and I'm sticking to it 🙂

  50. I am definitily not going to talk politics on this blog today! 🙂 However, I agree it isn't good to have memes of anykind that blur the truth. I think maybe what we are really talking about is stereotypes. Stereotypes may contain kernals of truth, but they never tell the whole story. And, I agree with Dr. M. Scott Peck that half truths are always worse than a complete lie.

    The half truth in rich people being money grubbing evil, etc.. only applies to some who may use their wealth to manipulate and opress others. Still many other people are wealthy and very good and would never dream of abusing their power.

    Still, I think the worse thing is if people don't want to be wealthy because they think other will view them as shallow, money grubbing or evil. That's too bad.

    It is also too bad when it is said that poor people are lazy, or black people are criminals, or women are the cause of human evil (the Genesis story). Let's stop all the nonsense now!

  51. I am definitily not going to talk politics on this blog today! 🙂 However, I agree it isn't good to have memes of anykind that blur the truth. I think maybe what we are really talking about is stereotypes. Stereotypes may contain kernals of truth, but they never tell the whole story. And, I agree with Dr. M. Scott Peck that half truths are always worse than a complete lie.

    The half truth in rich people being money grubbing evil, etc.. only applies to some who may use their wealth to manipulate and opress others. Still many other people are wealthy and very good and would never dream of abusing their power.

    Still, I think the worse thing is if people don't want to be wealthy because they think other will view them as shallow, money grubbing or evil. That's too bad.

    It is also too bad when it is said that poor people are lazy, or black people are criminals, or women are the cause of human evil (the Genesis story). Let's stop all the nonsense now!

  52. @peacelovegroovey Someone watches too much TV!!!! Ron is the least racist person out there! Look at his stance on war, he wants to protect rights of everyone all around the world. He is the only one who will stand up against the racist drug war! When he was a doctor he treated hundreds of minorities for free when other hospitals and doctors turned them away. He didn't write the newsletters and it was over 20 years ago. There were about 9 pages out of thousands of newsletters that had nasty statements and they were all written by one author while Ron was working as a Doctor 80 hours a week. Do some of your own research and watch him on youtube before you listen to the talking heads. Watch this and then decide for yourself.

  53. @peacelovegroovey@ThomasMrak@jbirvin Trump was about $900m in personal debt. The bank tried to repossess his possessions and companies but he negotiated an extension and turned it all around. Trump has a huge portfolio of companies and a few have gone bankrupt, but anyone with a large portfolio will lose some investments. He is still one of the Richest and most successful men in the world. Not saying I like him though! Especially don't like his political views.

  54. @WDavidC@peacelovegroovey A lot of people are going to vote for Obama and the ultra Left wing propaganda he and his people spread.4 more years of his hardcore anti-business, save the "little" guy from the big "bad" rich people really will create the conditions he claims to want to avoid. The Great Depression lasted FAR longer than necessary because of the Pro-Socialism stance of FDR and his supporters,who just couldn't let the market and people acting freely, correct the problems of the economy.The wealthy aren't obligated to keep their money here in the US. If it gets bad enough, they'll leave. Steve Jobs told Obama to his face that all the rules and regulations make it next to impossible to build advanced factories in the US, and have them remain profitable. But, what does Liberal know about fairness? After all, they can take money from someone else to give to the non-productive and punish anyone who dares to make more than $50k a year.

  55. @Matt Shorty Wells@jimbarber People are gullible; believing that someone will provide them with system to solve all of their problems.My grandmother is ill, and I see how someone who can pay for their own medical care (or have someone pay for them) has much better care and a higher quality of life than someone who decided that they "earned" Free Medicare and Social Security.I won't get into details, but I'm certainly not going to depend on a system run by people who can print money whenever they want and pass laws which hurt people in the name "fairness".

  56. @ThomasMrak@jimbarber crap apparently I really went on and on. the comment program is telling me I wrote too much so I'm going to post 2 (more) replies for my reply.

    Hi Thomas, it seems a bit off topic from the point Jim raised & that I replied to but yea, I think I agree with what you're saying.

    Where you say gullible I might use the word naive but to believe that another person is charged with providing for you is... Well, many words could be used there but let's just say inaccurate.:)

    That's part of the challenge with something like the Social Security program we have here in the States.

    When the idea of SS was sold to the U.S. people basically what was said without using these words was: "Look, we know that you are too stupid and/or lazy to plan for your own future so why don't you just leave that up to us and we'll make sure you at least have 'something'."

    And that's exactly what many did. They gave their power away and made no plans for themselves. The didn't learn/grow/expand to provide a future for themselves by their own design. They put their faith in the politicians instead of planning and preparing their own lives. They failed to make their own plans and so they fell into some else's plans. I think it was Jim Rohn who said it best, and this is not a direct quote, I'm pulling it out of ass, but basically he said:

    You know what someone else has planned for you? Not much!

    And that's exatly what those who put their faith in such a communistic idea like SS get, not much. As it should be.

    Another old recording form one of the Amway founders from the early 60's comes to mind too where he talked about "being equal" and what they really mean is being equally poor because that's exactly the result of falling into someone else's plans. And I believe that's exactly how it should be. I mean, hey if you don't care enough about your own comfort/joy/happiness then why should I? That would just make me tired so I'll just go focus on my own comfort/joy/happiness instead. But then again I don't go around offering myself as surety for another either so I suppose I'm getting off topic.

  57. @ThomasMrak@jimbarber

    It's late and I guess I went on a bit of a rant here. I'll quit rambling on. But before I say "buh bye" I do want to hit on your thought about how you're not going to depend on someone else.


    Seriously, how Blessed is our generation!? I don't know how old you are but you mentioned your grandma and 2 of my grandparents are still living so I suppose we're close. How great do we have it that we can see the results of an entire generation who gave their power away!? How about we not let their anguish be in vain? Let's learn from it and offer a brighter future to those to come after us. Be an example of what's possible.

    okay I'm done.

    Buh Bye and good night!

  58. @Randy_Gage , can I translate this post to russian and publish in my blog, linking to you? That's very important!

  59. @Matt Shorty Wells@jimbarber It's not really getting off topic. It's clearly something VERY wrong with American society. People don't seem to realize that the "New Deal" programs caused more suffering and prolonged the Great Depression because individual people and the market itself weren't left alone to solve problems.People do help one another in times of crisis, even complete strangers. Unfortunately, Socialism teaches people that they are alienated victims that no one will ever care about.

    The Great Depression is no different than today: A bunch of people made bad investments and were not willing to admit to the consequences, and a Democratic president in the name of "helping" inflicted more suffering.Rich people are an easy target. Always have been throughout history. There are some people who cannot take care of themselves- the genuinely disabled and severely mentally ill .I feel the utmost sympathy for them. I also feel a great deal of sympathy for people born into poverty, or who were impoverished by circumstances which they could not control. (i.e. parents getting divorced and deadbeat dad not paying child support,etc.) But, no amount of planning can save you from risk and loss.To play the game of life, you have to take the risk you could lose it all. If you don't, and try to avoid losing (whether rich or poor) you're going to pay for it eventually.

  60. @MilissaEthan Want to be your own boss? I became mine 2 months ago and now I make 6k a month working fro home (thecashjo urnalpage .com)

  61. @MilissaEthan Want to be your own boss? I became mine 2 months ago and now I make 6k a month working fro home (thecashjo urnalpage .com)

  62. @Matt Shorty Wells I just turned 30, but don't look or feel it.Our generation with our technology has the ability to transcend and connect across socio-economic barriers. It is the nearest we can get to real equality without forcing people to be the same.At my age I'm treading that line between Gen-X and the "tapes? vinyl records? VHS? What the hell are those?" generation.

  63. @ThomasMrak@Matt Shorty Wells@jimbarber This is not the whole story. A world economic meltdown is so much more than people making risky bets. More education needed here.

  64. Romney is a phoney and very uncomfortable about how he made his wealth, it seems. That is what people are attacking, not wealth in general. Isn't this the guy that recently said people should talk about income inequality in "quiet rooms"? Seriously? I mean, we can't make up this shit. I thought I was hearing an alien talk. So disconnected from the very people he claims to want to help.

    Randy, it's not always about programming my friend, sometimes it's just looking at a person that claims to want to go out there to make rules that affect everybody's money and scrutinizing how they made theirs. So journalists use phrases that are designed to elicit emotion. People aren't entirely dumb as you want to cast them, but then again you have to tell people that they are dumb in order for them to listen to you. It's the way of marketing gurus.

    There's nothing wrong with the language in the article. You also use such emotionally triggering language Randy. Pot, kettle......

  65. Romney is a phoney and very uncomfortable about how he made his wealth, it seems. That is what people are attacking, not wealth in general. Isn't this the guy that recently said people should talk about income inequality in "quiet rooms"? Seriously? I mean, we can't make up this shit. I thought I was hearing an alien talk. So disconnected from the very people he claims to want to help.

    Randy, it's not always about programming my friend, sometimes it's just looking at a person that claims to want to go out there to make rules that affect everybody's money and scrutinizing how they made theirs. So journalists use phrases that are designed to elicit emotion. People aren't entirely dumb as you want to cast them, but then again you have to tell people that they are dumb in order for them to listen to you. It's the way of marketing gurus.

    There's nothing wrong with the language in the article. You also use such emotionally triggering language Randy. Pot, kettle......

  66. Almost every middle class person at tax time takes advantage of tax credits.

    If a middle class person uses a tax loophole/incentive they "earned" it, and if a wealthy person does it they're "greedy".

    The same with pensions and other entitlements which they "earned.", but if a wealthy person makes more than $50k a year, they "exploited" the "little" guy.

    I do think if a company values their employees, they could help them. However, benefits are a courtesy, not a right.

  67. Almost every middle class person at tax time takes advantage of tax credits.

    If a middle class person uses a tax loophole/incentive they "earned" it, and if a wealthy person does it they're "greedy".

    The same with pensions and other entitlements which they "earned.", but if a wealthy person makes more than $50k a year, they "exploited" the "little" guy.

    I do think if a company values their employees, they could help them. However, benefits are a courtesy, not a right.

  68. Of course Thomas forgot to tell us that each of ceo of the 5 major banks in the U.S received $20 milion in bonuses after they bankrupted their banks. Not one banker has gone to jail yet.

  69. Of course Thomas forgot to tell us that each of ceo of the 5 major banks in the U.S received $20 milion in bonuses after they bankrupted their banks. Not one banker has gone to jail yet.

  70. I agree, that is negligent,criminal behavior. As were the bailouts.

    However, I don't consider anyone who makes a lot of money to be immoral. If they're going out of their way to hurt people, that certainly is immoral, which is clearly the case with some of these banks.

    There were banks that warned people about the bad assets; some of them were quite large.

    While I feel sympathy for people who were hurt and used as people were manipulated, people did enter into agreements for large amount of moneys such as a mortgage or various investments.

    While the predatory behavior of investors and the banks is deplorable and unethical, it is the responsibility of people to do the research and understand that any financial product carries with it some level of risk.

    Giving a business special government favors is Crony Capitalism- capitalism for people who bribe government officials. True Capitalism is a business or person becoming successful by providing value which other people are willing to pay for.

  71. I agree, that is negligent,criminal behavior. As were the bailouts.

    However, I don't consider anyone who makes a lot of money to be immoral. If they're going out of their way to hurt people, that certainly is immoral, which is clearly the case with some of these banks.

    There were banks that warned people about the bad assets; some of them were quite large.

    While I feel sympathy for people who were hurt and used as people were manipulated, people did enter into agreements for large amount of moneys such as a mortgage or various investments.

    While the predatory behavior of investors and the banks is deplorable and unethical, it is the responsibility of people to do the research and understand that any financial product carries with it some level of risk.

    Giving a business special government favors is Crony Capitalism- capitalism for people who bribe government officials. True Capitalism is a business or person becoming successful by providing value which other people are willing to pay for.

  72. @Thomas Mrak I know this is from a while ago but I just needed to reply.  What relevance is it whether or not average people did their background research while they were getting fucked up the ass by the investors and banks?  That's irrelevant.  It's typical Republican, asinine, retardedness.  Does the fact that some people didn't do extra research change what the investors and bankers did?  Are people supposed to assume that all legitimate organizations in our country are really illegitimate and criminal and react accordingly?
    And it doesn't really matter how much the little guy fucked up( if he did at all which I don't think he did) because the power differential is too enormous for that to be relevant.  The fact of the matter is that extremely wealthy, greedy, people fucked up our country 5 years ago and we're still dealing with their fuckup.  Have they paid for that fuckup?  Not really.  In reality, they just keep getting richer.  
     Do you know that the average income of the One percenter has tripled since the early 80s while the average working class income has only risen by 3,000 dollars; and, ofcourse, when adjusted for inflation, this means their income went up quite a bit and ours went DOWN.  This is the failed policy of trickle-down.  It was an enormous lie created, perpetuated, and maintained by rich people and, specifically, by the richest of the rich, the .1 percenters.  The average man has been working all this time.  It's not like you could prove to me in any scientific study or through legitimate research that man has become lazier or refuses to work as much as he used to.

    So, rationalize this for me.  Please!  And the man who wrote this blog, please, do chime in.  Lecture me more about how I'm being "programmed" and "misinformed."  I invite both of you, please.

  73. I cannot disagree more with people saying a guy with 100 millions is a good person i don't care which way you cut it. Don't get me wrong both the dems and repubs deserve to be burned at the stake. But any person that feels he wont survive without having this money just in banks or wherever is really sick. There are kids dying resources dwindling and opportunities shrinking. Think about this you worked for a company 50 yrs ago and there were 20 employees and 3 managers now that same company might have 50 employees yet still 3 maybe 4 managers so inversely the amount of high jobs are shrinking . With every damn number being scrutinized and analyzed those employees are evn getting squeezed tighter for less. Yes it sad to say but the world is filled with more and more horrible people who just want more money more power

  74. absmith2286 The only good thing in this guy is he have 100 million. Nothing else. But he's name is good to discourage people from money.

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  • 139 comments on “Evil, Money-Grubbing Rich People”

    1. Hi RG,

      Amazing, how the media has created a circus around Romney's finances. When you really, really think about it, most people are absolutely insane in matters of money, really, really sick, the way they speak about the form of energy which is really freedom, when it is acquired and used in harmony with universal laws.

      I don't spend much time thinking about it because I don't want money to run from me. Apparently, the media doesn't mind money running the hell away from them. Nor do people who read the papers and agree with the ideas that money is filthy, nasty and evil.

      In truth, the media might sell more papers, or increase ad revenue on the tube, but this initial appearance is quite deceiving, because money is really, really clever, and will run from these individuals who curse it in the long run. Karma is a biatch, and money will sprint from anyone who condemns it, or condemns anyone who has accumulated a large fortune. This fact is as certain as the night following the day.

      That's why I don't dwell on this stuff too much. I am simply aware of it, and let all the people who want to be sick and broke argue about this money-repelling stuff.

      Thanks for sharing RG.


    2. Agreed. It's a shame how having money is equated to evil. However, it's predictable since many would discredit someone's good fortune rather than work on their own. This translates to everything. Beauty, position, possessions, relationships, even someone else's happiness. Sad state. Many tear down what they don't think attainable. It's easier to create broad generalizations than do the work.

      1. @EmeliaSam Creativity and free thought is also considered evil. It's better to buy a few DVDs or a video game than even try anything.Doesn't mean the work has to suck.Anyway, I'm working on music which of course "there's just no money in" and not being a teenager, and having just turned 30, I have to approach it differently. So, I've managed to connect with people and not wait for a "big break". Still need to create some stuff at high enough quality, which I am in the process of doing, thanks to mentoring from several people.I actually like talking to people and learning about sound programming, arrangement, etc.I hope I can use it as a springboard to help improve the industry. It needs a lot of work.Of course since it's not a "good middle class job" and creative people (and some of their fans) think making money off of art is "selling out", I put up with a lot of crap from a lot of people.It's worth it. Anyway, going outside for a walk to get some exercise. Have to get stuff out there.

    3. Agreed. It's a shame how having money is equated to evil. However, it's predictable since many would discredit someone's good fortune rather than work on their own. This translates to everything. Beauty, position, possessions, relationships, even someone else's happiness. Sad state. Many tear down what they don't think attainable. It's easier to create broad generalizations than do the work.

    4. @EmeliaSam Creativity and free thought is also considered evil. It's better to buy a few DVDs or a video game than even try anything.Doesn't mean the work has to suck.Anyway, I'm working on music which of course "there's just no money in" and not being a teenager, and having just turned 30, I have to approach it differently. So, I've managed to connect with people and not wait for a "big break". Still need to create some stuff at high enough quality, which I am in the process of doing, thanks to mentoring from several people.I actually like talking to people and learning about sound programming, arrangement, etc.I hope I can use it as a springboard to help improve the industry. It needs a lot of work.Of course since it's not a "good middle class job" and creative people (and some of their fans) think making money off of art is "selling out", I put up with a lot of crap from a lot of people.It's worth it. Anyway, going outside for a walk to get some exercise. Have to get stuff out there.

    5. Sad part is there was an article in the Houston Chronicle that tracks the fact that Romney is probably paying MORE than the average American even at 15%. It stated that once credits and all the other stuff was accounted for last year, the average taxpayer in the U.S. paid about 13.3% for their tax rate.

      You really get what you think about. It's never been about "good" vs "evil", it's always been about "wanted" vs "unwanted". If you want money, you get it. Period.

      1. @EllisHubbardPhDad The "evil" rich people pay plenty of taxes, sometimes twice depending on what sort of business(es) they own and its corporate structure. (S type, LLC, etc.)I agree with "if you want money, you get it".

    6. Sad part is there was an article in the Houston Chronicle that tracks the fact that Romney is probably paying MORE than the average American even at 15%. It stated that once credits and all the other stuff was accounted for last year, the average taxpayer in the U.S. paid about 13.3% for their tax rate.

      You really get what you think about. It's never been about "good" vs "evil", it's always been about "wanted" vs "unwanted". If you want money, you get it. Period.

    7. This is like a standard strategy to sell more papers in Malaysia. Or get more hits on a blog post. There seems to be only 2 main strats that the media use to really try to grab the attention of an audience - money scandals or sex scandals. They make both money & sex out to be so dirty and immoral, I am constantly disturbed that people sink themselves into the whole drama of shaming someone else so dishonorably - when on a daily basis everyone actually either have sex or transact money! And yet it does not surprise me that the media keep using these - because the general public laps it all up, gossips about it, and sends it out virally to further infect more people. In my country, our politicians are disgraceful as they pull each other through the dirt using the media. It's drummed down to such unbelievably base levels that it redefines the word "thrash". I think it really boils down to a lack of self-esteem & being spiritually-disconnected. How do we make a bigger difference to help evolve mass consciousness? Something i've been thinking about for a while now. Maybe you should post something on that rocksta. xoxo

      1. @Jamie Loh Hey Jamie! Ya know it's funny you think you just described Malaysia but I could replace that one word with U.S. and the rest of your comments would be just as applicable. Around the globe, people are the same; incentives, what motivates people are the same no matter where we're talking about.

    8. This is like a standard strategy to sell more papers in Malaysia. Or get more hits on a blog post. There seems to be only 2 main strats that the media use to really try to grab the attention of an audience - money scandals or sex scandals. They make both money & sex out to be so dirty and immoral, I am constantly disturbed that people sink themselves into the whole drama of shaming someone else so dishonorably - when on a daily basis everyone actually either have sex or transact money! And yet it does not surprise me that the media keep using these - because the general public laps it all up, gossips about it, and sends it out virally to further infect more people. In my country, our politicians are disgraceful as they pull each other through the dirt using the media. It's drummed down to such unbelievably base levels that it redefines the word "thrash". I think it really boils down to a lack of self-esteem & being spiritually-disconnected. How do we make a bigger difference to help evolve mass consciousness? Something i've been thinking about for a while now. Maybe you should post something on that rocksta. xoxo

    9. Hi, I have read both posts and first came to my mind was - envy. I understand that feeling..., but now is couple of months I am still thinking about. Why to write this? Why in newspapers are not information about HOW these people create their businesses and sucess? And how can be media used for inspiration in positive way? I think there are millions of people who are looking these inspiration, motivation... Hmmm, wonderful idea. I can imagine it. I am not reading newspapers, I read only things, I read only the things that interest me and those are things about the use of the human mind, psychology, relationships in general. Generally the matter very inspiring to grow. And I share my opinion with people around me. All people around. And they have choice to choose. They can read things, which I don´t support and don´t agree. But at this point we haven´t a much theme to speak about, not in this cases. And if they ask I tell my opinion and that´s it. I am not fighting. Just lets say, show that I don´t agree and give them arguments why. And the rest is their choice. As long as people read, slander and defamation, gossip and other stories of life "people more known", newspaparer will write it.

      Thank you for this info. M.

    10. Hi, I have read both posts and first came to my mind was - envy. I understand that feeling..., but now is couple of months I am still thinking about. Why to write this? Why in newspapers are not information about HOW these people create their businesses and sucess? And how can be media used for inspiration in positive way? I think there are millions of people who are looking these inspiration, motivation... Hmmm, wonderful idea. I can imagine it. I am not reading newspapers, I read only things, I read only the things that interest me and those are things about the use of the human mind, psychology, relationships in general. Generally the matter very inspiring to grow. And I share my opinion with people around me. All people around. And they have choice to choose. They can read things, which I don´t support and don´t agree. But at this point we haven´t a much theme to speak about, not in this cases. And if they ask I tell my opinion and that´s it. I am not fighting. Just lets say, show that I don´t agree and give them arguments why. And the rest is their choice. As long as people read, slander and defamation, gossip and other stories of life "people more known", newspaparer will write it.

      Thank you for this info. M.

    11. @mortgageminute There's nothing wrong with money or rich people. I have only a problem with the insane political advantage it gives them.

      1. @PhilKJames Hi Phil. Great point. If you've earned it you can certainly do with it as you want, but the political side of things gets ugly

    12. @mortgageminute There's nothing wrong with money or rich people. I have only a problem with the insane political advantage it gives them.

    13. @PhilKJames Hi Phil. Great point. If you've earned it you can certainly do with it as you want, but the political side of things gets ugly

    14. Imagine living in a country run by a person who believes money is evil, and/or who has no clue how to handle the amount of money that the United States has as it's responsibility. Money is tricky and complicated. Macro- and Microeconomic knowledge would come in handy, too. So would some international banking experience. No lack thinker has the balls and attitude to think progressively toward the future. It keeps me up at night that we might vote in a leader who believes poverty is noble.

    15. Imagine living in a country run by a person who believes money is evil, and/or who has no clue how to handle the amount of money that the United States has as it's responsibility. Money is tricky and complicated. Macro- and Microeconomic knowledge would come in handy, too. So would some international banking experience. No lack thinker has the balls and attitude to think progressively toward the future. It keeps me up at night that we might vote in a leader who believes poverty is noble.

    16. I agree completely, Randy --- that article was shameless. But the media isn't completely to blame; they're simply giving people what they want -- which, after all, is what they're supposed to do. (Free market, and all that.) If people didn't enjoy wallowing in such rot, the papers wouldn't print it and the networks wouldn't broadcast it.

      The media isn't going to change until the majority of their customers (members of the herd) change what they want... and that's not likely to happen anytime soon. That's why, as you say, it's vital that we critically analyze and filter the "news" we get.... and will continue to get.


      1. @jimbarber

        I agree with you that ultimately the responsibility lies with the people. If we quit rewarding the media with our money and attention they would have to change what they offer.

        That starts with more folk doing some critical thinking and evaluating what's going on and stop allowing themselves to be kid. Or more acuratly to stop kidding themselves.

        1. @Matt Shorty Wells@jimbarber People are gullible; believing that someone will provide them with system to solve all of their problems.My grandmother is ill, and I see how someone who can pay for their own medical care (or have someone pay for them) has much better care and a higher quality of life than someone who decided that they "earned" Free Medicare and Social Security.I won't get into details, but I'm certainly not going to depend on a system run by people who can print money whenever they want and pass laws which hurt people in the name "fairness".

          1. @ThomasMrak@jimbarber crap apparently I really went on and on. the comment program is telling me I wrote too much so I'm going to post 2 (more) replies for my reply.

            Hi Thomas, it seems a bit off topic from the point Jim raised & that I replied to but yea, I think I agree with what you're saying.

            Where you say gullible I might use the word naive but to believe that another person is charged with providing for you is... Well, many words could be used there but let's just say inaccurate.:)

            That's part of the challenge with something like the Social Security program we have here in the States.

            When the idea of SS was sold to the U.S. people basically what was said without using these words was: "Look, we know that you are too stupid and/or lazy to plan for your own future so why don't you just leave that up to us and we'll make sure you at least have 'something'."

            And that's exactly what many did. They gave their power away and made no plans for themselves. The didn't learn/grow/expand to provide a future for themselves by their own design. They put their faith in the politicians instead of planning and preparing their own lives. They failed to make their own plans and so they fell into some else's plans. I think it was Jim Rohn who said it best, and this is not a direct quote, I'm pulling it out of ass, but basically he said:

            You know what someone else has planned for you? Not much!

            And that's exatly what those who put their faith in such a communistic idea like SS get, not much. As it should be.

            Another old recording form one of the Amway founders from the early 60's comes to mind too where he talked about "being equal" and what they really mean is being equally poor because that's exactly the result of falling into someone else's plans. And I believe that's exactly how it should be. I mean, hey if you don't care enough about your own comfort/joy/happiness then why should I? That would just make me tired so I'll just go focus on my own comfort/joy/happiness instead. But then again I don't go around offering myself as surety for another either so I suppose I'm getting off topic.

          2. @ThomasMrak@jimbarber

            It's late and I guess I went on a bit of a rant here. I'll quit rambling on. But before I say "buh bye" I do want to hit on your thought about how you're not going to depend on someone else.

            Dude, CONGRATULATIONS!

            Seriously, how Blessed is our generation!? I don't know how old you are but you mentioned your grandma and 2 of my grandparents are still living so I suppose we're close. How great do we have it that we can see the results of an entire generation who gave their power away!? How about we not let their anguish be in vain? Let's learn from it and offer a brighter future to those to come after us. Be an example of what's possible.

            okay I'm done.

            Buh Bye and good night!

          3. @Matt Shorty Wells@jimbarber It's not really getting off topic. It's clearly something VERY wrong with American society. People don't seem to realize that the "New Deal" programs caused more suffering and prolonged the Great Depression because individual people and the market itself weren't left alone to solve problems.People do help one another in times of crisis, even complete strangers. Unfortunately, Socialism teaches people that they are alienated victims that no one will ever care about.

            The Great Depression is no different than today: A bunch of people made bad investments and were not willing to admit to the consequences, and a Democratic president in the name of "helping" inflicted more suffering.Rich people are an easy target. Always have been throughout history. There are some people who cannot take care of themselves- the genuinely disabled and severely mentally ill .I feel the utmost sympathy for them. I also feel a great deal of sympathy for people born into poverty, or who were impoverished by circumstances which they could not control. (i.e. parents getting divorced and deadbeat dad not paying child support,etc.) But, no amount of planning can save you from risk and loss.To play the game of life, you have to take the risk you could lose it all. If you don't, and try to avoid losing (whether rich or poor) you're going to pay for it eventually.

          4. @Matt Shorty Wells I just turned 30, but don't look or feel it.Our generation with our technology has the ability to transcend and connect across socio-economic barriers. It is the nearest we can get to real equality without forcing people to be the same.At my age I'm treading that line between Gen-X and the "tapes? vinyl records? VHS? What the hell are those?" generation.

          5. @ThomasMrak@Matt Shorty Wells@jimbarber This is not the whole story. A world economic meltdown is so much more than people making risky bets. More education needed here.

    17. I agree completely, Randy --- that article was shameless. But the media isn't completely to blame; they're simply giving people what they want -- which, after all, is what they're supposed to do. (Free market, and all that.) If people didn't enjoy wallowing in such rot, the papers wouldn't print it and the networks wouldn't broadcast it.

      The media isn't going to change until the majority of their customers (members of the herd) change what they want... and that's not likely to happen anytime soon. That's why, as you say, it's vital that we critically analyze and filter the "news" we get.... and will continue to get.


    18. @EllisHubbardPhDad The "evil" rich people pay plenty of taxes, sometimes twice depending on what sort of business(es) they own and its corporate structure. (S type, LLC, etc.)I agree with "if you want money, you get it".

    19. I was not aware of all the subliminal programming we get about money and riches until I read DS&B. Now I see it everywhere in the news and in movies. "Not from working wages" is a very powerful statement in itself. It is almost damning. It is like saying those who toil away for working wages are noble and honest. It is also like saying "Hey, look at him, he is not one of us." Us being the ones getting working wages.

      1. @Edward Devero Some business/freelancers/professionals are stuck in this trap too. They only make money when they can bill for a service. The whole "work for a living" mindset never left them.

    20. I was not aware of all the subliminal programming we get about money and riches until I read DS&B. Now I see it everywhere in the news and in movies. "Not from working wages" is a very powerful statement in itself. It is almost damning. It is like saying those who toil away for working wages are noble and honest. It is also like saying "Hey, look at him, he is not one of us." Us being the ones getting working wages.

    21. @Edward Devero Some business/freelancers/professionals are stuck in this trap too. They only make money when they can bill for a service. The whole "work for a living" mindset never left them.

    22. And of course he's a Mormon (which people don't even try to understand), rich, and a Republican, which to a lot of people who vote Democrat is the Devil.It seems to be rare that anyone really successful stays Democrat for life. A lot of successful people in the entertainment industry and at Universities, who often make more than the average person, continue to push Liberal entitlement views onto people, and are eager to talk about how "evil" money is.

    23. And of course he's a Mormon (which people don't even try to understand), rich, and a Republican, which to a lot of people who vote Democrat is the Devil.It seems to be rare that anyone really successful stays Democrat for life. A lot of successful people in the entertainment industry and at Universities, who often make more than the average person, continue to push Liberal entitlement views onto people, and are eager to talk about how "evil" money is.

    24. This will be unpopular but, the reason such a small group of people has so much more than others is they didn't give into a sense of entitlement the way the "99%" has.

    25. This will be unpopular but, the reason such a small group of people has so much more than others is they didn't give into a sense of entitlement the way the "99%" has.

    26. I suppose the fact Romney and his wife made 21.6 million is "evil" too.While i am not religious, they did give a lot to LDS.While I have some level of sympathy for people who are struggling financially or if a situation is beyond their control, I don't feel sympathy for their anti-Capitalistic/anti-creativity views.People do not choose to be born poor or middle class. They choose to stay that way.

    27. I suppose the fact Romney and his wife made 21.6 million is "evil" too.While i am not religious, they did give a lot to LDS.While I have some level of sympathy for people who are struggling financially or if a situation is beyond their control, I don't feel sympathy for their anti-Capitalistic/anti-creativity views.People do not choose to be born poor or middle class. They choose to stay that way.

    28. When looking at "the Rich" we always need to distinguish between the capitalists and the corporatists. There is a big difference. The rich capitalists get rich by serving people and are great from their customers and all of society while the corporatists get rich by stealing wealth from the tax payers and getting special favours from government by subsidies, bailouts, regulations that block out competition etc.

      If you look at Michael Moore (ultimate hypocrite) who is a rich capitalist. He doesn't understand the difference between capitalism and corporatism and is infecting his followers with the idea that capitalism is bad. Even though he used it to get very rich ($50m from his retarded documentaries) he attacks others who do the same. I would say the Rich corporatists are the plight of the world and destroy the working class by ripping them off and then the public assumes that all capitalists who are rich do that too.

      Being super rich is no indication of what a person is like, but we need to look at how someone got rich. I would love to see the filthy corporatists get wiped out and the capitalists create as much wealth as possible.

      Obama is another major hypocrite, he attacks the honest rich capitalists so he can plunder their wealth and give it to his campaign contributors who are filthy corporatists (Goldman Sacs etc). If we could get the message out to people that there is a difference then we could reinstall the American appreciation of success and put an end to corporatism and government intervention.

      The central bank (FED) is the major reason for all the super rich corporatists while the middle class is shrinking and then capitalism gets the blame. That is why I support Ron Paul because he is the first politician since Barry Goldwater and Regan who have told the truth and spread the idea of honest capitalism and praising honest success!

      1. @WDavidC Teaching people that wealth is evil makes some people a lot of money.Obama proves it is possible to be born poor and become successful in spite of it. He's a hypocrite, especially since he's an Ivy League graduate, and an Ivy League education opens a lot of doors that are not open for most people.Hard core Liberalism is far more evil than giving Corporations the ability to do whatever they want as long as they pay government officials. It teaches people that individual people just aren't capable of making their own decisions, and that someone else knows what's best for them and their families.A lot of people don't want to learn the difference. Learning about the world in which we live requires a great deal of effort, and there is no class or on the job training program which will teach you this.It sickens me that that the platform that many people who want to get elected is"more education" and "more jobs" as the solution to all of life's problems. As the education bubble proves, clearly this has been an abysmal failure. Also clear is the days of the "good job" are long since over, and very rarely are people hired for "decent" wages or even full-time. Even young lawyers aren't guaranteed "good jobs" with firms any more.As far as I am concerned, the only way to solve these problems isn't to focus on "strengthening the middle class", it's teaching people to be creative and entrepreneurial. Some creative people suck at entrepreneurship and some entrepreneurs need more of a creative bent.

        However, in the America Obama and hard-core Democrats are pushing for, their won't be many ways someone can succeed without having been born into a supportive/rich family. Clearly the middle class was only as strong as it was because their were more rich people; especially rich people who decided to value their employees.There is a small film about Michael Moore entitled "Michael Moore Hates America". This films touches on this and how Michael Moore manipulates people. Michael Moore lives in extreme comfort in Manhattan, but continues to pretend to be "the little guy", and is all too eager to demean the very system which made him rich in the first place.There are a lot of people in Hollywood like this too.Yeah, giving Corporations blank checks to do whatever they want is evil too.

    29. When looking at "the Rich" we always need to distinguish between the capitalists and the corporatists. There is a big difference. The rich capitalists get rich by serving people and are great from their customers and all of society while the corporatists get rich by stealing wealth from the tax payers and getting special favours from government by subsidies, bailouts, regulations that block out competition etc.

      If you look at Michael Moore (ultimate hypocrite) who is a rich capitalist. He doesn't understand the difference between capitalism and corporatism and is infecting his followers with the idea that capitalism is bad. Even though he used it to get very rich ($50m from his retarded documentaries) he attacks others who do the same. I would say the Rich corporatists are the plight of the world and destroy the working class by ripping them off and then the public assumes that all capitalists who are rich do that too.

      Being super rich is no indication of what a person is like, but we need to look at how someone got rich. I would love to see the filthy corporatists get wiped out and the capitalists create as much wealth as possible.

      Obama is another major hypocrite, he attacks the honest rich capitalists so he can plunder their wealth and give it to his campaign contributors who are filthy corporatists (Goldman Sacs etc). If we could get the message out to people that there is a difference then we could reinstall the American appreciation of success and put an end to corporatism and government intervention.

      The central bank (FED) is the major reason for all the super rich corporatists while the middle class is shrinking and then capitalism gets the blame. That is why I support Ron Paul because he is the first politician since Barry Goldwater and Regan who have told the truth and spread the idea of honest capitalism and praising honest success!

    30. At least Ron Paul was the only candidate who stood up for Romney and his wealth that he made in the private sector. That shows real honesty and character! When he could have jumped on the band wagon to attack an opponent like the rest of them he stood up for his principles even if it helped an opponent!

      That is why we need him in the Whitehouse! He will stand up for his principles, liberty and speak the truth even when everyone hates him for it. On many occasions when a bill in being passed it is 500-1 and Ron is the only name on the opposition side, he is the only one doing what is right no matter how much he gets criticised for it! Ron Paul 2012! Last chance for a free America before it goes beyond the point of no return. American needs the last honest principled politician to repeal the government intervention. This will be his last run and if we miss this opportunity then it may not come around again for decades. Not to mention that if Ron doesn't get elected then it is certain that there will be 100,000s more dead in the middle east because all other candidates are humming along to McCain beach boys style - bomb, bomb, bomb...............bomb bomb Iran!

      Vote for Peace and liberty Ron Paul 2012!!!!

      1. @WDavidC Ron Paul rocks. Only person in Congress who has a soul that hasn't been bought by trade organizations or corporations. Ron Paul lives in reality, he doesn't live in a fantasy Universe where giving people free money improves their lives, which is the platform the Democrats run on.I was raised by hard core Liberals who blamed Reagan for everything because they didn't succeed in the 80s due to their "my job and the government has to do it all for me, and I don't ever have to take responsibility for my own life and the lives of my family."I have to work really hard to prevent myself from sliding into that, especially since almost everyone has VERY limiting beliefs and narrow-minded views.

        1. @WDavidC At this point, I've given up on showing any sort of sympathy for people who hold this view beyond actual pain they experience.People choose to surrender their lives to someone else, because it's far easier to be an innocent "victim", and since hating rich people is cool, almost every person will side with you.

          1. @WDavidC I am honestly convinced a lot of people prefer poverty and a middle class life, after all, being successful means being extraordinary at something, which requires a lot of work and self-esteem.

          2. @WDavidC Come on, Ron Paul has to love Ayn Rand. His son is named RAND Paul.Good luck dropping a copy of "The Virtue Of Selfishness" on someone's lap. I attempted to get some of my friends to read it, but you can't lead someone and force them to do it.

        1. @peacelovegroovey Someone watches too much TV!!!! Ron is the least racist person out there! Look at his stance on war, he wants to protect rights of everyone all around the world. He is the only one who will stand up against the racist drug war! When he was a doctor he treated hundreds of minorities for free when other hospitals and doctors turned them away. He didn't write the newsletters and it was over 20 years ago. There were about 9 pages out of thousands of newsletters that had nasty statements and they were all written by one author while Ron was working as a Doctor 80 hours a week. Do some of your own research and watch him on youtube before you listen to the talking heads. Watch this and then decide for yourself.

          1. @WDavidC@peacelovegroovey A lot of people are going to vote for Obama and the ultra Left wing propaganda he and his people spread.4 more years of his hardcore anti-business, save the "little" guy from the big "bad" rich people really will create the conditions he claims to want to avoid. The Great Depression lasted FAR longer than necessary because of the Pro-Socialism stance of FDR and his supporters,who just couldn't let the market and people acting freely, correct the problems of the economy.The wealthy aren't obligated to keep their money here in the US. If it gets bad enough, they'll leave. Steve Jobs told Obama to his face that all the rules and regulations make it next to impossible to build advanced factories in the US, and have them remain profitable. But, what does Liberal know about fairness? After all, they can take money from someone else to give to the non-productive and punish anyone who dares to make more than $50k a year.

    31. At least Ron Paul was the only candidate who stood up for Romney and his wealth that he made in the private sector. That shows real honesty and character! When he could have jumped on the band wagon to attack an opponent like the rest of them he stood up for his principles even if it helped an opponent!

      That is why we need him in the Whitehouse! He will stand up for his principles, liberty and speak the truth even when everyone hates him for it. On many occasions when a bill in being passed it is 500-1 and Ron is the only name on the opposition side, he is the only one doing what is right no matter how much he gets criticised for it! Ron Paul 2012! Last chance for a free America before it goes beyond the point of no return. American needs the last honest principled politician to repeal the government intervention. This will be his last run and if we miss this opportunity then it may not come around again for decades. Not to mention that if Ron doesn't get elected then it is certain that there will be 100,000s more dead in the middle east because all other candidates are humming along to McCain beach boys style - bomb, bomb, bomb...............bomb bomb Iran!

      Vote for Peace and liberty Ron Paul 2012!!!!

    32. @WDavidC Teaching people that wealth is evil makes some people a lot of money.Obama proves it is possible to be born poor and become successful in spite of it. He's a hypocrite, especially since he's an Ivy League graduate, and an Ivy League education opens a lot of doors that are not open for most people.Hard core Liberalism is far more evil than giving Corporations the ability to do whatever they want as long as they pay government officials. It teaches people that individual people just aren't capable of making their own decisions, and that someone else knows what's best for them and their families.A lot of people don't want to learn the difference. Learning about the world in which we live requires a great deal of effort, and there is no class or on the job training program which will teach you this.It sickens me that that the platform that many people who want to get elected is"more education" and "more jobs" as the solution to all of life's problems. As the education bubble proves, clearly this has been an abysmal failure. Also clear is the days of the "good job" are long since over, and very rarely are people hired for "decent" wages or even full-time. Even young lawyers aren't guaranteed "good jobs" with firms any more.As far as I am concerned, the only way to solve these problems isn't to focus on "strengthening the middle class", it's teaching people to be creative and entrepreneurial. Some creative people suck at entrepreneurship and some entrepreneurs need more of a creative bent.

      However, in the America Obama and hard-core Democrats are pushing for, their won't be many ways someone can succeed without having been born into a supportive/rich family. Clearly the middle class was only as strong as it was because their were more rich people; especially rich people who decided to value their employees.There is a small film about Michael Moore entitled "Michael Moore Hates America". This films touches on this and how Michael Moore manipulates people. Michael Moore lives in extreme comfort in Manhattan, but continues to pretend to be "the little guy", and is all too eager to demean the very system which made him rich in the first place.There are a lot of people in Hollywood like this too.Yeah, giving Corporations blank checks to do whatever they want is evil too.

    33. @WDavidC Ron Paul rocks. Only person in Congress who has a soul that hasn't been bought by trade organizations or corporations. Ron Paul lives in reality, he doesn't live in a fantasy Universe where giving people free money improves their lives, which is the platform the Democrats run on.I was raised by hard core Liberals who blamed Reagan for everything because they didn't succeed in the 80s due to their "my job and the government has to do it all for me, and I don't ever have to take responsibility for my own life and the lives of my family."I have to work really hard to prevent myself from sliding into that, especially since almost everyone has VERY limiting beliefs and narrow-minded views.

    34. @WDavidC At this point, I've given up on showing any sort of sympathy for people who hold this view beyond actual pain they experience.People choose to surrender their lives to someone else, because it's far easier to be an innocent "victim", and since hating rich people is cool, almost every person will side with you.

    35. @WDavidC I am honestly convinced a lot of people prefer poverty and a middle class life, after all, being successful means being extraordinary at something, which requires a lot of work and self-esteem.

    36. @WDavidC Come on, Ron Paul has to love Ayn Rand. His son is named RAND Paul.Good luck dropping a copy of "The Virtue Of Selfishness" on someone's lap. I attempted to get some of my friends to read it, but you can't lead someone and force them to do it.

    37. 'For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils.' - Timothy 6:10. It doesn't say money is the root of all evil. The love of money. I don't know, would I like a wealthy person running the country or a lawyer? I'm just saying.

      1. @jbirvin I'd rather have an ethical wealthy person running the government.At least an ethical wealthy person would remove as much waste as possible and focus on moving people away from government dependence.It was why I was disappointed that Trump didn't run. He's come close to losing everything each time but always bounces back.Where I disagree with some some Republicans is their anti-gay marriage stances, although this is changing.

        1. @ThomasMrak It was kind of a rhetorical question. A very wealthy person running the country. Uh... yea. Of course. I don't think Trump would make it though because politics takes a different breed. What has this government come to? What are the numbers of people on welfare going to produce? Change? We need brain surgery. A full frontal lobotomy which starts at the head. Hmmm. Executive branch is where to go. Also, changing our school system is a whole other issue. They teach NO classes on business, finance, or economics is public school today. Down right HORRIFYING.

          1. @jbirvin I figured as much, but I like to to discuss such things with like-minded people.If anything, our school system, even some of the private schools, teaches people to rely on someone else and random chance for their livelihood/success.Sometimes we do need to receive help from others and sometimes the best things in life do happen due to random chance.Of course no one can do it themselves, which seems to be the opposite extreme of "the government and my job" should do it for me. After all, the "good ol' boys club" is a prime example of this in action.

          2. @jbirvin Even if people were taught from a young age to be entrepreneurial/creative, there clearly would still be people who worked for someone else.Not everyone is suited for it. To an extant, people have to be wired in certain ways to begin with.Clearly a degree in business or marketing doesn't determine whether or not someone is good at either, as the vast amount of unemployed/underemployed/failed business people illustrates.

        2. @ThomasMrak@jbirvin Sorry, but he didn't "come close to losing everything..and always bounces back." He comes from wealth, and even managed to bankrupt his own casino. He'll do the same to his network marketing company and leave all the reps in the lurch.

          1. @peacelovegroovey@ThomasMrak@jbirvin Trump was about $900m in personal debt. The bank tried to repossess his possessions and companies but he negotiated an extension and turned it all around. Trump has a huge portfolio of companies and a few have gone bankrupt, but anyone with a large portfolio will lose some investments. He is still one of the Richest and most successful men in the world. Not saying I like him though! Especially don't like his political views.

    38. 'For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils.' - Timothy 6:10. It doesn't say money is the root of all evil. The love of money. I don't know, would I like a wealthy person running the country or a lawyer? I'm just saying.

    39. @jbirvin I'd rather have an ethical wealthy person running the government.At least an ethical wealthy person would remove as much waste as possible and focus on moving people away from government dependence.It was why I was disappointed that Trump didn't run. He's come close to losing everything each time but always bounces back.Where I disagree with some some Republicans is their anti-gay marriage stances, although this is changing.

    40. @ThomasMrak It was kind of a rhetorical question. A very wealthy person running the country. Uh... yea. Of course. I don't think Trump would make it though because politics takes a different breed. What has this government come to? What are the numbers of people on welfare going to produce? Change? We need brain surgery. A full frontal lobotomy which starts at the head. Hmmm. Executive branch is where to go. Also, changing our school system is a whole other issue. They teach NO classes on business, finance, or economics is public school today. Down right HORRIFYING.

    41. I completely agree with the closing idea of how it's the subtle ones people need be more aware of.

      The blatant ones are easy to recognize for what they are but the subtle ones often get by peoples "guard" and into their consciousness without any resistance or evaluation at all.

    42. I completely agree with the closing idea of how it's the subtle ones people need be more aware of.

      The blatant ones are easy to recognize for what they are but the subtle ones often get by peoples "guard" and into their consciousness without any resistance or evaluation at all.

    43. @jbirvin I figured as much, but I like to to discuss such things with like-minded people.If anything, our school system, even some of the private schools, teaches people to rely on someone else and random chance for their livelihood/success.Sometimes we do need to receive help from others and sometimes the best things in life do happen due to random chance.Of course no one can do it themselves, which seems to be the opposite extreme of "the government and my job" should do it for me. After all, the "good ol' boys club" is a prime example of this in action.

    44. @jbirvin Even if people were taught from a young age to be entrepreneurial/creative, there clearly would still be people who worked for someone else.Not everyone is suited for it. To an extant, people have to be wired in certain ways to begin with.Clearly a degree in business or marketing doesn't determine whether or not someone is good at either, as the vast amount of unemployed/underemployed/failed business people illustrates.

    45. @jimbarber

      I agree with you that ultimately the responsibility lies with the people. If we quit rewarding the media with our money and attention they would have to change what they offer.

      That starts with more folk doing some critical thinking and evaluating what's going on and stop allowing themselves to be kid. Or more acuratly to stop kidding themselves.

    46. @Jamie Loh Hey Jamie! Ya know it's funny you think you just described Malaysia but I could replace that one word with U.S. and the rest of your comments would be just as applicable. Around the globe, people are the same; incentives, what motivates people are the same no matter where we're talking about.

    47. @ThomasMrak@jbirvin Sorry, but he didn't "come close to losing everything..and always bounces back." He comes from wealth, and even managed to bankrupt his own casino. He'll do the same to his network marketing company and leave all the reps in the lurch.

    48. I prefer not to read the news since as you've pointed out, it's filled with memes that don't serve us. That's my story and I'm sticking to it 🙂

    49. I prefer not to read the news since as you've pointed out, it's filled with memes that don't serve us. That's my story and I'm sticking to it 🙂

    50. I am definitily not going to talk politics on this blog today! 🙂 However, I agree it isn't good to have memes of anykind that blur the truth. I think maybe what we are really talking about is stereotypes. Stereotypes may contain kernals of truth, but they never tell the whole story. And, I agree with Dr. M. Scott Peck that half truths are always worse than a complete lie.

      The half truth in rich people being money grubbing evil, etc.. only applies to some who may use their wealth to manipulate and opress others. Still many other people are wealthy and very good and would never dream of abusing their power.

      Still, I think the worse thing is if people don't want to be wealthy because they think other will view them as shallow, money grubbing or evil. That's too bad.

      It is also too bad when it is said that poor people are lazy, or black people are criminals, or women are the cause of human evil (the Genesis story). Let's stop all the nonsense now!

    51. I am definitily not going to talk politics on this blog today! 🙂 However, I agree it isn't good to have memes of anykind that blur the truth. I think maybe what we are really talking about is stereotypes. Stereotypes may contain kernals of truth, but they never tell the whole story. And, I agree with Dr. M. Scott Peck that half truths are always worse than a complete lie.

      The half truth in rich people being money grubbing evil, etc.. only applies to some who may use their wealth to manipulate and opress others. Still many other people are wealthy and very good and would never dream of abusing their power.

      Still, I think the worse thing is if people don't want to be wealthy because they think other will view them as shallow, money grubbing or evil. That's too bad.

      It is also too bad when it is said that poor people are lazy, or black people are criminals, or women are the cause of human evil (the Genesis story). Let's stop all the nonsense now!

    52. @peacelovegroovey Someone watches too much TV!!!! Ron is the least racist person out there! Look at his stance on war, he wants to protect rights of everyone all around the world. He is the only one who will stand up against the racist drug war! When he was a doctor he treated hundreds of minorities for free when other hospitals and doctors turned them away. He didn't write the newsletters and it was over 20 years ago. There were about 9 pages out of thousands of newsletters that had nasty statements and they were all written by one author while Ron was working as a Doctor 80 hours a week. Do some of your own research and watch him on youtube before you listen to the talking heads. Watch this and then decide for yourself.

    53. @peacelovegroovey@ThomasMrak@jbirvin Trump was about $900m in personal debt. The bank tried to repossess his possessions and companies but he negotiated an extension and turned it all around. Trump has a huge portfolio of companies and a few have gone bankrupt, but anyone with a large portfolio will lose some investments. He is still one of the Richest and most successful men in the world. Not saying I like him though! Especially don't like his political views.

    54. @WDavidC@peacelovegroovey A lot of people are going to vote for Obama and the ultra Left wing propaganda he and his people spread.4 more years of his hardcore anti-business, save the "little" guy from the big "bad" rich people really will create the conditions he claims to want to avoid. The Great Depression lasted FAR longer than necessary because of the Pro-Socialism stance of FDR and his supporters,who just couldn't let the market and people acting freely, correct the problems of the economy.The wealthy aren't obligated to keep their money here in the US. If it gets bad enough, they'll leave. Steve Jobs told Obama to his face that all the rules and regulations make it next to impossible to build advanced factories in the US, and have them remain profitable. But, what does Liberal know about fairness? After all, they can take money from someone else to give to the non-productive and punish anyone who dares to make more than $50k a year.

    55. @Matt Shorty Wells@jimbarber People are gullible; believing that someone will provide them with system to solve all of their problems.My grandmother is ill, and I see how someone who can pay for their own medical care (or have someone pay for them) has much better care and a higher quality of life than someone who decided that they "earned" Free Medicare and Social Security.I won't get into details, but I'm certainly not going to depend on a system run by people who can print money whenever they want and pass laws which hurt people in the name "fairness".

    56. @ThomasMrak@jimbarber crap apparently I really went on and on. the comment program is telling me I wrote too much so I'm going to post 2 (more) replies for my reply.

      Hi Thomas, it seems a bit off topic from the point Jim raised & that I replied to but yea, I think I agree with what you're saying.

      Where you say gullible I might use the word naive but to believe that another person is charged with providing for you is... Well, many words could be used there but let's just say inaccurate.:)

      That's part of the challenge with something like the Social Security program we have here in the States.

      When the idea of SS was sold to the U.S. people basically what was said without using these words was: "Look, we know that you are too stupid and/or lazy to plan for your own future so why don't you just leave that up to us and we'll make sure you at least have 'something'."

      And that's exactly what many did. They gave their power away and made no plans for themselves. The didn't learn/grow/expand to provide a future for themselves by their own design. They put their faith in the politicians instead of planning and preparing their own lives. They failed to make their own plans and so they fell into some else's plans. I think it was Jim Rohn who said it best, and this is not a direct quote, I'm pulling it out of ass, but basically he said:

      You know what someone else has planned for you? Not much!

      And that's exatly what those who put their faith in such a communistic idea like SS get, not much. As it should be.

      Another old recording form one of the Amway founders from the early 60's comes to mind too where he talked about "being equal" and what they really mean is being equally poor because that's exactly the result of falling into someone else's plans. And I believe that's exactly how it should be. I mean, hey if you don't care enough about your own comfort/joy/happiness then why should I? That would just make me tired so I'll just go focus on my own comfort/joy/happiness instead. But then again I don't go around offering myself as surety for another either so I suppose I'm getting off topic.

    57. @ThomasMrak@jimbarber

      It's late and I guess I went on a bit of a rant here. I'll quit rambling on. But before I say "buh bye" I do want to hit on your thought about how you're not going to depend on someone else.


      Seriously, how Blessed is our generation!? I don't know how old you are but you mentioned your grandma and 2 of my grandparents are still living so I suppose we're close. How great do we have it that we can see the results of an entire generation who gave their power away!? How about we not let their anguish be in vain? Let's learn from it and offer a brighter future to those to come after us. Be an example of what's possible.

      okay I'm done.

      Buh Bye and good night!

    58. @Randy_Gage , can I translate this post to russian and publish in my blog, linking to you? That's very important!

    59. @Matt Shorty Wells@jimbarber It's not really getting off topic. It's clearly something VERY wrong with American society. People don't seem to realize that the "New Deal" programs caused more suffering and prolonged the Great Depression because individual people and the market itself weren't left alone to solve problems.People do help one another in times of crisis, even complete strangers. Unfortunately, Socialism teaches people that they are alienated victims that no one will ever care about.

      The Great Depression is no different than today: A bunch of people made bad investments and were not willing to admit to the consequences, and a Democratic president in the name of "helping" inflicted more suffering.Rich people are an easy target. Always have been throughout history. There are some people who cannot take care of themselves- the genuinely disabled and severely mentally ill .I feel the utmost sympathy for them. I also feel a great deal of sympathy for people born into poverty, or who were impoverished by circumstances which they could not control. (i.e. parents getting divorced and deadbeat dad not paying child support,etc.) But, no amount of planning can save you from risk and loss.To play the game of life, you have to take the risk you could lose it all. If you don't, and try to avoid losing (whether rich or poor) you're going to pay for it eventually.

    60. @MilissaEthan Want to be your own boss? I became mine 2 months ago and now I make 6k a month working fro home (thecashjo urnalpage .com)

    61. @MilissaEthan Want to be your own boss? I became mine 2 months ago and now I make 6k a month working fro home (thecashjo urnalpage .com)

    62. @Matt Shorty Wells I just turned 30, but don't look or feel it.Our generation with our technology has the ability to transcend and connect across socio-economic barriers. It is the nearest we can get to real equality without forcing people to be the same.At my age I'm treading that line between Gen-X and the "tapes? vinyl records? VHS? What the hell are those?" generation.

    63. @ThomasMrak@Matt Shorty Wells@jimbarber This is not the whole story. A world economic meltdown is so much more than people making risky bets. More education needed here.

    64. Romney is a phoney and very uncomfortable about how he made his wealth, it seems. That is what people are attacking, not wealth in general. Isn't this the guy that recently said people should talk about income inequality in "quiet rooms"? Seriously? I mean, we can't make up this shit. I thought I was hearing an alien talk. So disconnected from the very people he claims to want to help.

      Randy, it's not always about programming my friend, sometimes it's just looking at a person that claims to want to go out there to make rules that affect everybody's money and scrutinizing how they made theirs. So journalists use phrases that are designed to elicit emotion. People aren't entirely dumb as you want to cast them, but then again you have to tell people that they are dumb in order for them to listen to you. It's the way of marketing gurus.

      There's nothing wrong with the language in the article. You also use such emotionally triggering language Randy. Pot, kettle......

    65. Romney is a phoney and very uncomfortable about how he made his wealth, it seems. That is what people are attacking, not wealth in general. Isn't this the guy that recently said people should talk about income inequality in "quiet rooms"? Seriously? I mean, we can't make up this shit. I thought I was hearing an alien talk. So disconnected from the very people he claims to want to help.

      Randy, it's not always about programming my friend, sometimes it's just looking at a person that claims to want to go out there to make rules that affect everybody's money and scrutinizing how they made theirs. So journalists use phrases that are designed to elicit emotion. People aren't entirely dumb as you want to cast them, but then again you have to tell people that they are dumb in order for them to listen to you. It's the way of marketing gurus.

      There's nothing wrong with the language in the article. You also use such emotionally triggering language Randy. Pot, kettle......

    66. Almost every middle class person at tax time takes advantage of tax credits.

      If a middle class person uses a tax loophole/incentive they "earned" it, and if a wealthy person does it they're "greedy".

      The same with pensions and other entitlements which they "earned.", but if a wealthy person makes more than $50k a year, they "exploited" the "little" guy.

      I do think if a company values their employees, they could help them. However, benefits are a courtesy, not a right.

    67. Almost every middle class person at tax time takes advantage of tax credits.

      If a middle class person uses a tax loophole/incentive they "earned" it, and if a wealthy person does it they're "greedy".

      The same with pensions and other entitlements which they "earned.", but if a wealthy person makes more than $50k a year, they "exploited" the "little" guy.

      I do think if a company values their employees, they could help them. However, benefits are a courtesy, not a right.

    68. Of course Thomas forgot to tell us that each of ceo of the 5 major banks in the U.S received $20 milion in bonuses after they bankrupted their banks. Not one banker has gone to jail yet.

    69. Of course Thomas forgot to tell us that each of ceo of the 5 major banks in the U.S received $20 milion in bonuses after they bankrupted their banks. Not one banker has gone to jail yet.

    70. I agree, that is negligent,criminal behavior. As were the bailouts.

      However, I don't consider anyone who makes a lot of money to be immoral. If they're going out of their way to hurt people, that certainly is immoral, which is clearly the case with some of these banks.

      There were banks that warned people about the bad assets; some of them were quite large.

      While I feel sympathy for people who were hurt and used as people were manipulated, people did enter into agreements for large amount of moneys such as a mortgage or various investments.

      While the predatory behavior of investors and the banks is deplorable and unethical, it is the responsibility of people to do the research and understand that any financial product carries with it some level of risk.

      Giving a business special government favors is Crony Capitalism- capitalism for people who bribe government officials. True Capitalism is a business or person becoming successful by providing value which other people are willing to pay for.

    71. I agree, that is negligent,criminal behavior. As were the bailouts.

      However, I don't consider anyone who makes a lot of money to be immoral. If they're going out of their way to hurt people, that certainly is immoral, which is clearly the case with some of these banks.

      There were banks that warned people about the bad assets; some of them were quite large.

      While I feel sympathy for people who were hurt and used as people were manipulated, people did enter into agreements for large amount of moneys such as a mortgage or various investments.

      While the predatory behavior of investors and the banks is deplorable and unethical, it is the responsibility of people to do the research and understand that any financial product carries with it some level of risk.

      Giving a business special government favors is Crony Capitalism- capitalism for people who bribe government officials. True Capitalism is a business or person becoming successful by providing value which other people are willing to pay for.

    72. @Thomas Mrak I know this is from a while ago but I just needed to reply.  What relevance is it whether or not average people did their background research while they were getting fucked up the ass by the investors and banks?  That's irrelevant.  It's typical Republican, asinine, retardedness.  Does the fact that some people didn't do extra research change what the investors and bankers did?  Are people supposed to assume that all legitimate organizations in our country are really illegitimate and criminal and react accordingly?
      And it doesn't really matter how much the little guy fucked up( if he did at all which I don't think he did) because the power differential is too enormous for that to be relevant.  The fact of the matter is that extremely wealthy, greedy, people fucked up our country 5 years ago and we're still dealing with their fuckup.  Have they paid for that fuckup?  Not really.  In reality, they just keep getting richer.  
       Do you know that the average income of the One percenter has tripled since the early 80s while the average working class income has only risen by 3,000 dollars; and, ofcourse, when adjusted for inflation, this means their income went up quite a bit and ours went DOWN.  This is the failed policy of trickle-down.  It was an enormous lie created, perpetuated, and maintained by rich people and, specifically, by the richest of the rich, the .1 percenters.  The average man has been working all this time.  It's not like you could prove to me in any scientific study or through legitimate research that man has become lazier or refuses to work as much as he used to.

      So, rationalize this for me.  Please!  And the man who wrote this blog, please, do chime in.  Lecture me more about how I'm being "programmed" and "misinformed."  I invite both of you, please.

    73. I cannot disagree more with people saying a guy with 100 millions is a good person i don't care which way you cut it. Don't get me wrong both the dems and repubs deserve to be burned at the stake. But any person that feels he wont survive without having this money just in banks or wherever is really sick. There are kids dying resources dwindling and opportunities shrinking. Think about this you worked for a company 50 yrs ago and there were 20 employees and 3 managers now that same company might have 50 employees yet still 3 maybe 4 managers so inversely the amount of high jobs are shrinking . With every damn number being scrutinized and analyzed those employees are evn getting squeezed tighter for less. Yes it sad to say but the world is filled with more and more horrible people who just want more money more power

    74. absmith2286 The only good thing in this guy is he have 100 million. Nothing else. But he's name is good to discourage people from money.

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