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Epic Takes Work

Posted By: Randy GageNovember 27, 2012

Robin Sharma calls it “the 5 am club.”  I saw the Rock tweeted this morning, “Nothin' more honest than sweat..”  What they’re talking about is the price you pay for success.

I’ve been up since 6, did my cardio, weights, and self-development reading, cleaned out my inbox, and am ready for an amazing day.

But amazing days don’t just happen…

They take work.  And that’s the part a lot of self-help literature and feel good inspiration leaves out.  If you want to do something epic, be prepared to work your ass off.  Because success in anything takes self-discipline.   Sweat.  Work.  Determination.  Guts.

Yes, you want to work smart.  Yes, success is divine order.  But success doesn’t come without sacrifice or inconvenience.  Pay the price – it’s worth it.

Always remember you are overcoming to become.


15 comments on “Epic Takes Work”

  1. Your a good role model for that Randy.  You work really hard.  Important lesson to remember. 🙂  I think you would enjoy watching "The Men Who Built America" on the History channel.

  2. Your a good role model for that Randy.  You work really hard.  Important lesson to remember. 🙂  I think you would enjoy watching "The Men Who Built America" on the History channel.

  3. I've been studying (adopting, practicing) the habits of successful people - not ALL the habits, ALL at once; rather, I add about one per month.  Consequently, what I like in this post, Randy, is your description of your morning: Exercise, pers. development, CLEAN OUT THE INBOX.  I'm yelling that one at myself, because that one is a good new habit I could adopt.  All too often, I think "I'll deal with that later"  Guess what? Later either doesn't come, OR I use the inbox as a distraction from doing something more productive.  (Currently I'm working on revamping my habit of allowing myself to be distracted.)
    So far today I've done my pers. development study (this blog  counts!); my daily brisk-walk-w/friends is next; but you'll have to excuse me now, I need to get back to the inbox-clearing...tata for now.

  4. I've been studying (adopting, practicing) the habits of successful people - not ALL the habits, ALL at once; rather, I add about one per month.  Consequently, what I like in this post, Randy, is your description of your morning: Exercise, pers. development, CLEAN OUT THE INBOX.  I'm yelling that one at myself, because that one is a good new habit I could adopt.  All too often, I think "I'll deal with that later"  Guess what? Later either doesn't come, OR I use the inbox as a distraction from doing something more productive.  (Currently I'm working on revamping my habit of allowing myself to be distracted.)
    So far today I've done my pers. development study (this blog  counts!); my daily brisk-walk-w/friends is next; but you'll have to excuse me now, I need to get back to the inbox-clearing...tata for now.

  5. One of the habits of successful people is "doing it now." Taking action instantly. The other habit is have a plan and exercise discipline to follow it. Many of my clients are having challenges with these two. That got me to create a workshop, Procrastination Buster Workshop and writing a e-manual, Dreams to Reality to address these two issues. 
    There are basically 8 reasons someone delay doing things. 
    1. Fear of Success
    2. Fear of Failure
    3. Lack of self-confidence
    4. Lack of self efficacy
    5. Task averson
    6. Fear of uncertainty
    7. Pefectionism
    8. Fear of making decision

  6. One of the habits of successful people is "doing it now." Taking action instantly. The other habit is have a plan and exercise discipline to follow it. Many of my clients are having challenges with these two. That got me to create a workshop, Procrastination Buster Workshop and writing a e-manual, Dreams to Reality to address these two issues. 
    There are basically 8 reasons someone delay doing things. 
    1. Fear of Success
    2. Fear of Failure
    3. Lack of self-confidence
    4. Lack of self efficacy
    5. Task averson
    6. Fear of uncertainty
    7. Pefectionism
    8. Fear of making decision

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  • 15 comments on “Epic Takes Work”

    1. Your a good role model for that Randy.  You work really hard.  Important lesson to remember. 🙂  I think you would enjoy watching "The Men Who Built America" on the History channel.

    2. Your a good role model for that Randy.  You work really hard.  Important lesson to remember. 🙂  I think you would enjoy watching "The Men Who Built America" on the History channel.

    3. I've been studying (adopting, practicing) the habits of successful people - not ALL the habits, ALL at once; rather, I add about one per month.  Consequently, what I like in this post, Randy, is your description of your morning: Exercise, pers. development, CLEAN OUT THE INBOX.  I'm yelling that one at myself, because that one is a good new habit I could adopt.  All too often, I think "I'll deal with that later"  Guess what? Later either doesn't come, OR I use the inbox as a distraction from doing something more productive.  (Currently I'm working on revamping my habit of allowing myself to be distracted.)
      So far today I've done my pers. development study (this blog  counts!); my daily brisk-walk-w/friends is next; but you'll have to excuse me now, I need to get back to the inbox-clearing...tata for now.

    4. I've been studying (adopting, practicing) the habits of successful people - not ALL the habits, ALL at once; rather, I add about one per month.  Consequently, what I like in this post, Randy, is your description of your morning: Exercise, pers. development, CLEAN OUT THE INBOX.  I'm yelling that one at myself, because that one is a good new habit I could adopt.  All too often, I think "I'll deal with that later"  Guess what? Later either doesn't come, OR I use the inbox as a distraction from doing something more productive.  (Currently I'm working on revamping my habit of allowing myself to be distracted.)
      So far today I've done my pers. development study (this blog  counts!); my daily brisk-walk-w/friends is next; but you'll have to excuse me now, I need to get back to the inbox-clearing...tata for now.

    5. One of the habits of successful people is "doing it now." Taking action instantly. The other habit is have a plan and exercise discipline to follow it. Many of my clients are having challenges with these two. That got me to create a workshop, Procrastination Buster Workshop and writing a e-manual, Dreams to Reality to address these two issues. 
      There are basically 8 reasons someone delay doing things. 
      1. Fear of Success
      2. Fear of Failure
      3. Lack of self-confidence
      4. Lack of self efficacy
      5. Task averson
      6. Fear of uncertainty
      7. Pefectionism
      8. Fear of making decision

    6. One of the habits of successful people is "doing it now." Taking action instantly. The other habit is have a plan and exercise discipline to follow it. Many of my clients are having challenges with these two. That got me to create a workshop, Procrastination Buster Workshop and writing a e-manual, Dreams to Reality to address these two issues. 
      There are basically 8 reasons someone delay doing things. 
      1. Fear of Success
      2. Fear of Failure
      3. Lack of self-confidence
      4. Lack of self efficacy
      5. Task averson
      6. Fear of uncertainty
      7. Pefectionism
      8. Fear of making decision

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