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Energizing Your Power to Heal

Posted By: Randy GageOctober 5, 2010

Today is a great day to reclaim your health and wholeness.  Each breath you take pulls more oxygen into your body, which circulates through your blood, which feeds the activity of your liver, lungs, heart, and all your other vital systems.

Each breath helps the regeneration process, as cells continually die off and are replaced with fresh, new ones.  You are not the person you were two years ago, or even two months ago.  The ever-renewing life of nature is within you, and all around you.  This energy flows through your entire body, healing and restoring your bones, muscles, and organs.

Why not take out twenty minutes some time today for some good cardiovascular exercise, and gulp down some big quantities of fresh air?

Drink a couple bottles of water to help cleanse your system.  And how about less “fake food” today, and more fresh fruits and vegetables?

P.S.  The new episode of Prosperity TV is up.  It’s an important topic, “Are you repelling your prosperity?”  See it here:

13 comments on “Energizing Your Power to Heal”

  1. Good tips Randy.

    I walked for 30 minutes this morning, another 30 minute session tonight. Your post alone caused me to breathe slowly and deeply, nice suggestion 😉

    Thanks for sharing and have a fun day.


  2. I hope people take Randy's advise. I'm in the gym 4 to 5 days a week. Not to brag but to share that it's the best anti depressant on the planet. Doing deep breathing exercises 3 times a day will also help those who smoke. It relaxes you better than any cigarette can. I eat as much organic food as I can. I know it's very expensive but so is a corinary bypass. Take it slow, we all need to walk before we can run. Challenge yourself to get to the gym, walk the dog, take a hike, whatever you enjoy by the end of the week. I think you will find in short order that how you feel will get you doing it one more day. Before you know it, you won't be able to go very long without a good work out. Go get em!!!!!

  3. Randy it's great to see you post this.. With all the Food TV shows focusing on gluttony, BBQ, sweets and massive portions at various restaurants, it's good to see the focus on what's good for the body including breathing and water. I have been vegetarian most of my life, though I do indulge in seafood and a little poultry at times, though I have been a devotee of regular exercise, drinking lots of water, meditating and eating sustainable foods too.. This is a major lifestyle element here in the SF Bay Area, the home of the Slow Food movement..

  4. Randy, "fake food" is killing our society physically and our thinking has been dumbed down.

    I stick to basics: eat healthy portioned meals, exercise, take supplements and soak my brain/thinking with positive activities.

    I have a salad at least 1-2 times a day with my portioned meals, I do my 'Five Rites' exercise everyday + 10 minute weights, walk as much in NYC as possible, and read/listen to self development material everyday.

    "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."~Lao-Tzu

  5. Én Hungary hölgy vagyok.
    Randynek láttam több MLM témához kapcsolodó videóját.
    Szeretem az egyszerű, nyílt és egyenes véleményét.

  6. Regular exercise and weighlifting will make you look younger, be much stronger, and live better and longer - but you have to eat properly to get its maximum benefit. I have been doing my own weightlifting routine based on my own beliefs only to learn in a recent publication that it is very effective for strength training. Common Belief : do 3-4 sets of 10 - 12 reps for strength training. My Belief (and it has proven to be true ) : do 2 sets of 15 - 20 reps but by the 20th rep you ought to be near fatigue. of course you do this with lighter weights. Your work outs take less time and you actually get better developed muscles. I can ( as a result of weightlifing ) deadlift 350 lbs no problem. Any male can get to this level within 6 months or less.

  7. As a fitness-lady I can't live without moovings. If we love ourselfs, we must be wise and take time to excersice. 20 minutes of running or dancing, 20 minutes of excersices and stretcing at the end REGULARY brings happiness!

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  • 13 comments on “Energizing Your Power to Heal”

    1. Good tips Randy.

      I walked for 30 minutes this morning, another 30 minute session tonight. Your post alone caused me to breathe slowly and deeply, nice suggestion 😉

      Thanks for sharing and have a fun day.


    2. I hope people take Randy's advise. I'm in the gym 4 to 5 days a week. Not to brag but to share that it's the best anti depressant on the planet. Doing deep breathing exercises 3 times a day will also help those who smoke. It relaxes you better than any cigarette can. I eat as much organic food as I can. I know it's very expensive but so is a corinary bypass. Take it slow, we all need to walk before we can run. Challenge yourself to get to the gym, walk the dog, take a hike, whatever you enjoy by the end of the week. I think you will find in short order that how you feel will get you doing it one more day. Before you know it, you won't be able to go very long without a good work out. Go get em!!!!!

    3. Randy it's great to see you post this.. With all the Food TV shows focusing on gluttony, BBQ, sweets and massive portions at various restaurants, it's good to see the focus on what's good for the body including breathing and water. I have been vegetarian most of my life, though I do indulge in seafood and a little poultry at times, though I have been a devotee of regular exercise, drinking lots of water, meditating and eating sustainable foods too.. This is a major lifestyle element here in the SF Bay Area, the home of the Slow Food movement..

    4. Randy, "fake food" is killing our society physically and our thinking has been dumbed down.

      I stick to basics: eat healthy portioned meals, exercise, take supplements and soak my brain/thinking with positive activities.

      I have a salad at least 1-2 times a day with my portioned meals, I do my 'Five Rites' exercise everyday + 10 minute weights, walk as much in NYC as possible, and read/listen to self development material everyday.

      "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."~Lao-Tzu

    5. Én Hungary hölgy vagyok.
      Randynek láttam több MLM témához kapcsolodó videóját.
      Szeretem az egyszerű, nyílt és egyenes véleményét.

    6. Regular exercise and weighlifting will make you look younger, be much stronger, and live better and longer - but you have to eat properly to get its maximum benefit. I have been doing my own weightlifting routine based on my own beliefs only to learn in a recent publication that it is very effective for strength training. Common Belief : do 3-4 sets of 10 - 12 reps for strength training. My Belief (and it has proven to be true ) : do 2 sets of 15 - 20 reps but by the 20th rep you ought to be near fatigue. of course you do this with lighter weights. Your work outs take less time and you actually get better developed muscles. I can ( as a result of weightlifing ) deadlift 350 lbs no problem. Any male can get to this level within 6 months or less.

    7. As a fitness-lady I can't live without moovings. If we love ourselfs, we must be wise and take time to excersice. 20 minutes of running or dancing, 20 minutes of excersices and stretcing at the end REGULARY brings happiness!

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