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Don’t Give Up on Hope

Posted By: Randy GageJune 4, 2020

If ever there was a time for hope, it is now.  You may be feeling overwhelmed right now, anxious or disconcerted.  Perfectly understandable.  There’s a lot going on right now, and media and your social feeds are probably in hyperdrive to report it all to you.  But they can’t extinguish hope.

And you can never give up hope.  Because hope is bigger than anything you will ever face.  Hope makes the cold nights livable, the tough situations tolerable, the tragic losses bearable.  Hope can overcome hopeless.

You might need to unplug from the news for a while.  You’re allowed.  The world will keep spinning. You may have to dial back the time you look at your phone.  Or limit the time spent with certain people. Plug into my Power Prosperity Podcast.

Celebrate the daily miracles we all usually take for granted.  Surround yourself with people who dream bigger than you do.  Go drink in some great content from Ramon Ray, Robin Sharma, “FlyGirl” Vernice, or wild man Willie Jolley.

Hope is your reminder that this storm shall pass, and there are better days on the other side, waiting patiently for you.


- RG

5 comments on “Don’t Give Up on Hope”

  1. Actually, I am doing a video series on YouTube called "Mission 100.000", and also racism is a key point in there. This week, the final eighth part will include the ending of suffering.

  2. Hi Randy, just a quick story, my dutch client lived through the nazi occupation of holland, she tells me the stories of how the the germans took over, they put their soldiers in the schools, they took the trains, they even had to house german soldiers in their own houses, they lived on potatoe peelings for years, she laughed when this is only for 3 months.. just a bit of perspective.. the human race has always been at the mercy of a few idiots.. best wishes graham uk

  3. I forgot her pig story, back in holland, the germans where looking for the food,, now this family had only one pig left, the family was bereft, how can we save our pig? the wise grandmother got the pig dressed in a night dress and put a bonnet on it and sat sat it on the loo,. the germans exused the old lady sitting on the loo, they kept their pig,... belive or not that is a true stroy... the human spirit will ALWAYS PREVAIL.. G UK

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  • 5 comments on “Don’t Give Up on Hope”

    1. Actually, I am doing a video series on YouTube called "Mission 100.000", and also racism is a key point in there. This week, the final eighth part will include the ending of suffering.

    2. Hi Randy, just a quick story, my dutch client lived through the nazi occupation of holland, she tells me the stories of how the the germans took over, they put their soldiers in the schools, they took the trains, they even had to house german soldiers in their own houses, they lived on potatoe peelings for years, she laughed when this is only for 3 months.. just a bit of perspective.. the human race has always been at the mercy of a few idiots.. best wishes graham uk

    3. I forgot her pig story, back in holland, the germans where looking for the food,, now this family had only one pig left, the family was bereft, how can we save our pig? the wise grandmother got the pig dressed in a night dress and put a bonnet on it and sat sat it on the loo,. the germans exused the old lady sitting on the loo, they kept their pig,... belive or not that is a true stroy... the human spirit will ALWAYS PREVAIL.. G UK

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