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Do You Think Like a Millionaire?

Posted By: Randy GageDecember 19, 2024

Millionaires have more discretionary time to pursue they things which bring them joy. Millionaires travel more, in a better style, to more beautiful places. Millionaires can better provide for their loved ones.

They also live in nicer homes, drive cooler cars, and can surround themselves with more art and other forms of beauty.  So who wants to be a millionaire? (Or billionaire.)

Most people would say they’d like to be. But they take actions daily to prevent this from happening. (I know because I did this for 35 years.)

If you want to be a millionaire, you must invest like a millionaire, invest in assets like a millionaire, and most importantly, think like a millionaire.  Because how you think does more to determine your prosperity than any other single element.  More than where you were born, your connections, or the level of poverty you may begin from.

The way you think.

Rich people think differently than broke people.
Healthy people think differently than sick people.
Happy people think differently than depressed people.
This is not a coincidence.


- RG


Previous post: Navigating the Holiday Season When All You Want to Do is Scream! (Or Cry.)

4 comments on “Do You Think Like a Millionaire?”

  1. Hey Randy, such great reminders of the power of thinking mindsets. When it comes to "happy people think differently than depressed people" I wonder how much is nature versus nurture versus intention/choice. I am definitely in the Happy People camp. I don't mentally beat myself up. I operate on a personal philosophy I call ASSERTIVE OPTIMISM. Definitely a unicorn. I wonder if that's 100% me and my choices or if that's just part of it and other parts are due to who I am or the nurturing experiences I've had. Perhaps that doesn't matter and we are all responsible for making choices.

    1. Interesting question. I believe for sure there are some DNA driven physical elements. And I believe we also still have a huge ability to modify them.

      1. Ahoj Randy,
        pokud existují nějaké fyzické prvky řízené DNA pak zní otázka proč tolik lidí na světě trpí hladem, chudobou a nenávistí. Kde je podstata života a je to někým řízené ?
        Mám před sebou naši společnou fotku z Prahy. Jsi mi vzorem ale stále nemohu prolomit svoji chudobu a být úspěšný. Jak se programovat, jak dělat ty správné věci ?
        Randy přeji hezký nový rok z České republiky.

        Hi Randy,
        if there are any physical elements controlled by DNA then the question is why so many people in the world suffer from hunger, poverty and hatred. Where is the essence of life and is it controlled by someone?
        I have in front of me our joint photo from Prague. You are my role model but I still can't break through my poverty and be successful. How to program myself, how to do the right things?
        Randy, I wish you a happy new year from the Czech Republic.

        1. I don't believe that DNA is the reason why so many people are hungry, in poverty, or experiencing hatred. I believe that the biggest cause for these things is the mind, and how we use it. Way too much negative programming, causing self-sabotage and other limiting beliefs.

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  • 4 comments on “Do You Think Like a Millionaire?”

    1. Hey Randy, such great reminders of the power of thinking mindsets. When it comes to "happy people think differently than depressed people" I wonder how much is nature versus nurture versus intention/choice. I am definitely in the Happy People camp. I don't mentally beat myself up. I operate on a personal philosophy I call ASSERTIVE OPTIMISM. Definitely a unicorn. I wonder if that's 100% me and my choices or if that's just part of it and other parts are due to who I am or the nurturing experiences I've had. Perhaps that doesn't matter and we are all responsible for making choices.

      1. Interesting question. I believe for sure there are some DNA driven physical elements. And I believe we also still have a huge ability to modify them.

        1. Ahoj Randy,
          pokud existují nějaké fyzické prvky řízené DNA pak zní otázka proč tolik lidí na světě trpí hladem, chudobou a nenávistí. Kde je podstata života a je to někým řízené ?
          Mám před sebou naši společnou fotku z Prahy. Jsi mi vzorem ale stále nemohu prolomit svoji chudobu a být úspěšný. Jak se programovat, jak dělat ty správné věci ?
          Randy přeji hezký nový rok z České republiky.

          Hi Randy,
          if there are any physical elements controlled by DNA then the question is why so many people in the world suffer from hunger, poverty and hatred. Where is the essence of life and is it controlled by someone?
          I have in front of me our joint photo from Prague. You are my role model but I still can't break through my poverty and be successful. How to program myself, how to do the right things?
          Randy, I wish you a happy new year from the Czech Republic.

          1. I don't believe that DNA is the reason why so many people are hungry, in poverty, or experiencing hatred. I believe that the biggest cause for these things is the mind, and how we use it. Way too much negative programming, causing self-sabotage and other limiting beliefs.

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