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Do You have Optimistic DNA?

Posted By: Randy GageSeptember 17, 2009

Did you know there are some genetic factors that influence your optimism?

Most personality traits are determined about 50% by your genes and family origin.   So you may have been born optimistic.  Or pessimistic.

When you’re a child you tend to be more optimistic.  As people get older, they start to buy into the bullshit around them and progressively become more pessimistic.  While women are generally more optimistic than men, they are also more pessimistic.

How can that be?  Because they have a greater emotional range.  So while they are more optimistic, they are also more susceptible to depression.

So what if you are born more disposed to be pessimistic?  You can change.  Don’t use your DNA as an excuse.  All that does is diminish what you can get in life.  So we’ll look at how you can deal with this more on the next post.  And please check in now with any suggestion you have.


13 comments on “Do You have Optimistic DNA?”

  1. Suggestion:
    1. Get rid of negative - pessimistic habits&patterns
    2. Create a new persona with new constructive - optimistic choices

    Bashar & Tony Robbins talk extensively on how to do both

  2. Don’t use your DNA as an excuse.

    Definitely we can always change the way feel by first recognizing there's something we can do about it and the by consciously changing the pictures we hold on the screen of our mind.
    We don't have to allow our thoughts to take us around in a circle.We can direct our thoughts which control our feelings and therefor our ACTIONS.
    Phenomenal day to you all
    Lorena Heletea

  3. I believe that people who tend toward pessimism can become more positive and achieve more through gratitude. Any one can be more grateful. Start small and add something new everyday. The more thankful we are, the less room for depression and it's downward spiral. Smiling also has a physical effect on us that is undeniable. Smile at yourself in the mirror and change your mood, smile at others and change their whole day!

  4. This is a great area worth exploring..

    When I first started doing personal growth work, it forced me to make inquiries into my single digit years with my Mother. I learned that during the years of 1-6 I was taken care of my Dad's mom who was the most bitter, negative, nasty, judgmental person I've ever known. As an adult, I realized many of my anger and negative issues stemmed from this upbringing, though there is NO blame made anywhere.

    So what I do is let go of all of this and surround myself with upbeat people, read positive, inspiring books and make sure not to buy into other people's negative crap. I'll never be 100% free of this, but I'm far better off now!

    My two cents.

  5. Years ago I started writing down what I was thankful for in my life. After a while I started to write things such as air to breathe, water to drink, flowers and trees to see and smell the fragrance of, the wind rustling the trees, etc etc.

    There is so much around us which we take for granted. They say the healthiest human emotion is gratitude. Pessimism is a sign that you're not thankful for what you have got and what you can do with it.

    Optimism is seeing opportunites in challenges whereas pessimism is seeing difficulties in opportunities!

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  • 13 comments on “Do You have Optimistic DNA?”

    1. Suggestion:
      1. Get rid of negative - pessimistic habits&patterns
      2. Create a new persona with new constructive - optimistic choices

      Bashar & Tony Robbins talk extensively on how to do both

    2. Don’t use your DNA as an excuse.

      Definitely we can always change the way feel by first recognizing there's something we can do about it and the by consciously changing the pictures we hold on the screen of our mind.
      We don't have to allow our thoughts to take us around in a circle.We can direct our thoughts which control our feelings and therefor our ACTIONS.
      Phenomenal day to you all
      Lorena Heletea

    3. I believe that people who tend toward pessimism can become more positive and achieve more through gratitude. Any one can be more grateful. Start small and add something new everyday. The more thankful we are, the less room for depression and it's downward spiral. Smiling also has a physical effect on us that is undeniable. Smile at yourself in the mirror and change your mood, smile at others and change their whole day!

    4. This is a great area worth exploring..

      When I first started doing personal growth work, it forced me to make inquiries into my single digit years with my Mother. I learned that during the years of 1-6 I was taken care of my Dad's mom who was the most bitter, negative, nasty, judgmental person I've ever known. As an adult, I realized many of my anger and negative issues stemmed from this upbringing, though there is NO blame made anywhere.

      So what I do is let go of all of this and surround myself with upbeat people, read positive, inspiring books and make sure not to buy into other people's negative crap. I'll never be 100% free of this, but I'm far better off now!

      My two cents.

    5. Years ago I started writing down what I was thankful for in my life. After a while I started to write things such as air to breathe, water to drink, flowers and trees to see and smell the fragrance of, the wind rustling the trees, etc etc.

      There is so much around us which we take for granted. They say the healthiest human emotion is gratitude. Pessimism is a sign that you're not thankful for what you have got and what you can do with it.

      Optimism is seeing opportunites in challenges whereas pessimism is seeing difficulties in opportunities!

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