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Are You a Dreamer or Delusional?

Posted By: Randy GageAugust 26, 2019

Last post we looked at dreamers, the people so optimistic, so certain on their success, that they knew they could not fail.  And many who did fail.  So that leads us to one of the most important questions in prosperity, success and significance….

How do you know whether your brilliant new idea will gain traction and change the game – or you’re just naive and delusional? 

The fuck I know.

  • I have had book ideas that I knew would change the game and become bestsellers around the world. And they did.


  • I have come up with brilliant seminars concepts I was certain my tribe would go ga-ga for, and they were absolute duds.


  • I set out to build a team of distributors around the world and created one of the most amazing collection of talented individuals in the direct selling business.


  • I believed I had a restaurant concept so sexy that I would be able to bootstrap it with no money into success.   The first one I had to give back to the seller, and the second one was seized by the IRS because I was delinquent in the taxes.


  • I set my intention to become a sought-after world-class keynote speaker and did exactly that.


  • I have launched hot startups. That were dead on arrival.

So like I said, regarding the difference between a delusional dreamer and an optimistic visionary, the fuck I know.  But I do know this….

First, sharing your idea with everyone you know, to take a survey, is one of the worst possible ways to find out.  Possible game-changers should be shared only with people who are:

  • Smart critical thinkers;
  • Successful in at least one area;
  • Care about you and only want the best for you; and maybe most importantly,
  • Care about you enough to be honest with you, not pander to you.

When you have two or three people like that in your life, you have something of immense value.  (And if you don’t have people like that in your life, make this a top priority for you!)  They can give you insights and advice worth considering.  But understand this…

First, there are no guarantees.  Even if these people you trust think your project is a winner, it still might not work.  They still won’t “know” for sure if something will work.  No one really does, and only idiots think they do.

Second, your idea might be the one that no one saw coming.  Even if the people you trust think your idea won’t fly, it could still be the next Uber or Amazon.  Some things are such game-changers no one recognizes their potential.

If you really believe in your idea – whether it’s running for president, launching a startup, or writing a Broadway play – and you can’t stop thinking about it, why not take a shot?

Lots of people are delusional dreamers.  But better to be a dreamer that takes a shot, than to relegate yourself to be a jaded cynic who knows why nothing amazing will ever work.  I also know this…

The world is a better place because we have delusional dreamers.  And we need more of them. 


6 comments on “Are You a Dreamer or Delusional?”

  1. I'd just add always do a lot of TRUE due diligence. Wanna win a swimming contest? Go see a professional trainer, don't rely on your mommy telling you that you swim beautifully. The American Idol and similar shows give us the best examples of delusional vs. prepared people. Just wearing similar clothes won't make you a Michael Jackson but taking dance and singing lessons (I assume you are talented) may achieve something. 🙂

  2. Lin Manuel Miranda worked for a year on My Shot before he was happy with it... that's dedication to his craft and inspiring as well.. everyone take your shot!!

  3. Delusional Dreamer here my friend. I just took a shot at something that was a really convincing illusion, that pushed my buttons into a crash landing.

    Time to regroup and avoid "panderers" or people looking for "people pleasers" #Ouch! Awakening can be painful!

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  • 6 comments on “Are You a Dreamer or Delusional?”

    1. I'd just add always do a lot of TRUE due diligence. Wanna win a swimming contest? Go see a professional trainer, don't rely on your mommy telling you that you swim beautifully. The American Idol and similar shows give us the best examples of delusional vs. prepared people. Just wearing similar clothes won't make you a Michael Jackson but taking dance and singing lessons (I assume you are talented) may achieve something. 🙂

    2. Lin Manuel Miranda worked for a year on My Shot before he was happy with it... that's dedication to his craft and inspiring as well.. everyone take your shot!!

    3. Delusional Dreamer here my friend. I just took a shot at something that was a really convincing illusion, that pushed my buttons into a crash landing.

      Time to regroup and avoid "panderers" or people looking for "people pleasers" #Ouch! Awakening can be painful!

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