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Discovering Your Assignment

Posted By: Randy GageNovember 15, 2010

Last week we talked about the connection between you and your work.  Most people spend so much time working that it plays a big role in defining who they are as a person.  

As we discussed, many of us will start with jobs that aren’t ideal.  But if you give them everything you’ve got, the experience will benefit you and lead you to the next stage of your career.  Going the extra mile creates prosperity in the bank that will benefit you at some point.  Which leads us to the next stage…

Your assignment.

The thing that you were meant to do and be.  The work that brings meaning to you and the people you impact.  And I’m not sure you figure out what your assignment is as much as you discover it.  Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say it discovers you.

So want to discover your assignment?  Know this:

The universe won’t send your next assignment until you are overqualified for the current one.  So how you doing on that?


23 comments on “Discovering Your Assignment”

  1. I guess most of us have an issue with this because it seems to be very difficult to discover our passion, our purpose or assignment. It took me a long time to get to a place where I can feel my purpose in a real way.

    One of the most important things I had to do was releasing the "shoulds" from my life. At a certain point, I was so deeply involved with things I should be doing, that it prevented me from clearly feeling and seeing what really lights me up.

    Meditation and prayer are great remedies for confusion!

    All the best:)


  2. RG,
    This is one of those posts that make us go deep and are not about the other person who is causing havoc in my life. So yes I have to look inside and ask the universe (God) to reveal to me what it is for me to do.

    I think the real work is in the awareness, consciousness. I have to be awake and BOLA (be on the lookout for) what my purpose in this life is. I think we are all on a journey to get closer to God. I think God gives us individual gifts and talents to do that.

    I am studying acting. I think making people feel good and entertain them is what I am here for.


  3. I think Josip nailed it in his post - I believe we need to get quiet and visit that place in us where all answers reside. I believe knowing our purpose is no more elusive than knowing our favorite breakfast cereal. We are just too damn busy living from ego and trying to keep up with what we think others give a shit about - and we (collectively) are so concerned with how others see us. If we can just get quiet we'll have access to learning our true purpose.

  4. Hi Randy,

    "Your assignment discovering you" is the best way to put it.

    Your duty sings to you. Unfortunately the signing tends to be blocked out by resistance and the blabbering of the ego. It points to the reasons why you can't do it while the higher self - residing under mounds of misinformation - knows you can do it.

    Work through you resistance and the higher self shows itself on a more consistent basis. Eventually opportunities seem to find you left and right. What's happened is that you're vibrating at a higher frequency and the universe responds appropriately. Or they sing to you.

    Picture a tuning fork that's been pinged...yeah, that kind of singing 😉

    Thanks for sharing 🙂


  5. Wow, this was exactly was I was thinking about, when I CHECKED IN on this blog todaY!Have struggled a long time with work.One after the other, and after a while I am so bored I could die.I know I am doing wrong, I should be patient.And I can somehow see the problem but it is totally impossible to solve it.My life had not changed much for the last ten years.Always the same things again and again.I have started with As a man thinket and all the other books in the subject and sometimes I really feel I am moving forward, but in reality I don´t.I REALLY WANT IT, but my action doesn´t.I feel that I am ment to be very wealthy, that I am a person with huge potential who can be nothing but Gods servant.And my life is so boring unless I read books or be with my family(which isn´t always either)What shall I do?Persistence?I promise, I will have that.My next assignment,I really hope it finds me...

  6. This was answer to all my questions, thank you!I read the past five posts too.WOW.Today I went home from work feeling My God, my life is ended.Tomorrow I will go there and work the hell of my debt.I feel I have a lot of debt to God.The latest years I haven´t done what a person of my strength must do.And this is my result;The life I have today.I have even been my own ungrateful master, always!Now I know what to do;work, work, work.You get very lazy in doing nothing, in follow the "joy" in listen to all peoples oppinions.I will do what I have to do with that extra mile.Everyday, even if I am bored.I am afraid my debt is so big it will take years to reach my next assignment... but at least I know now what the problem is.THANK YOU!LOTS OF LOVE!!!

  7. To me, your 'assignment' is connected to your purpose. And until you uncover that you may not know. And I also believe that once you're clear about your purpose, it will find you too.

    Living life fully WITH purpose is passion at its highest level. Bringing MORE value to the world than you ever thought possible is what we must all aspire to do. So in this light, I believe that all of our assignments must be connected with how much value we can bring along with being in alignment with our purpose.

    If you build it, they will come!

    Thanks Randy!

  8. I concern myself a little with Randy's opinion, if I interpreted it correctly. I think more people should have the courage to QUIT doing what it is they are not good at, or don't like. Sticking it out only wastes time and invariably brings us a negative result that impacts our beliefs about what we are truly capable of achieving. We are all great at a few things. I think a great way to discover what your strength's are, is to ask a trusted friend. How do other people react or respond to you? I like the comments left about getting quiet and listening to our inner voice. I also pay attention to the every day events in life. I think they are often, the way God speaks to us, either through others or experiences, to guide us to our intended purpose. If it doesn't feel good to us, it usually isn't.

    1. I like the idea of checking things out with people around you. But it's important that these be people of consciousness, truly want the best for you, and will always be real and tell you the truth.


  9. It seems to me that if you look at people who are working in their ‘true service’ – more often than not, their ‘assignment’ ends up being largely related to the talent, gift or message that they’ve developed by mastering or overcoming a personal struggle or challenge in their own lives. Your ‘assignment’ then, finds YOU when YOU develop the courage to go out into the world and use the power of your own discovery to help others move beyond their restrictions to do the same.

    Many of us can probably admit that we have been a ‘victim’ to a pattern of behavior or thought at some point in our own lives which, when brought into the light of consciousness, holds for us the very key to set us free and allow us to live larger than we ever have before. That’s what I think it’s all about. It’s the ‘pay it forward’ part of the process, the passing on of the key … and it creates bliss. And after all, aren’t we here to lead by example?

    1. Geez ... after re-reading, that was SO proper.

      In other words ... when we get over being afraid of life and afraid of making mistakes, we open the door for our assignment to find us.

      Roll up your sleeves, dive in - all the way up to the elbows, don't be afraid to get dirty and take it to the streets - that's the stuff life is made of! 😉

  10. Quote, "...Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say it discovers you...." unquote. Brilliant line.

    Yes, I am over qualified for my present job both academically and in experience. And this is exactly what has led me to look deeper within to find out where really am I going wrong.

    Like they say, life is unfoldment, not accretion! Lets see, when my assignment discovers me! On my part, I am trying to release and create a vacuum!!

  11. I have to say that generally speaking, I really love work. In recent times I've been a bit uncomfortable due to some unusual events taking place on the work front, but otherwise I find it mentally stimulating and interesting. I've been putting in extra for a long time now so I figure I must be due for my next assignment. As it turns out, evidence of it is already appearing. I'm looking forward to it.

  12. East twenty years for me to knock me to the possibility of what I believe about MLM.
    I got the device, we ll reach my goal.
    Came out of my dreams. The main desire was to a human being live.
    I could earn as much money as I want.
    Very good, If you ask a man how to use only what is important.

    I saw a lot of talk and people hear the words of which were still ringing in my ears is the phrase that defined it, that all will be decided in the head.
    That which will never let him and so it is all about!
    Do not let anyone tear your dreams, if it is important for you to get what you want, you can never, never give up on him.
    I am now 56 years old and this desire for success.
    Live, live well, best to live, to love life so much that every minute of it and use kikell else can give it.
    Believe that it is not by chance, there are things you really want something!
    I also once believed that I would like to have a million friends and it's still got it in my head, and the tool also has access to catch!
    If you have an opportunity right away we can plan, you won the jackpot.

  13. Wow, all along my perception about our assignment in life is that we discover it. But to think of it that our assignment discovers us is a very profound way of looking at it.

    Moreover, i coudn't agree with you more in saying that the universe will not reveal your next assignment to you until you are over qualified for your current assignment. Personally i strive to best that i can at what i do especially when i have the passion for it. I wouldn't say that i do same for assignments i do not like.....just being honest!

  14. I don't know how I am doing on it...

    If I look back over the last 12 months of my own evolution, what you say is very true - The universe won’t send your next assignment until you are overqualified for the current one.

    When I first started blogging, I began by writing some fairly low level stuff. But as I've grown, my writing style as completely changed. It's a much more mature style of writing.

    There was no way I was going to post videos on YouTube in the beginning, but now, I feel very comfortable in front of the camera.

    I still can't fathom speaking in front of a crowd yet, but I have a feeling I'll be quite comfortable with that too in the near future.


  15. Hi Randy,
    Loved the last line, it's so amazing "The universe won’t send your next assignment until you are overqualified for the current one".

    Thank you again for this thought provoking post!

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  • 23 comments on “Discovering Your Assignment”

    1. I guess most of us have an issue with this because it seems to be very difficult to discover our passion, our purpose or assignment. It took me a long time to get to a place where I can feel my purpose in a real way.

      One of the most important things I had to do was releasing the "shoulds" from my life. At a certain point, I was so deeply involved with things I should be doing, that it prevented me from clearly feeling and seeing what really lights me up.

      Meditation and prayer are great remedies for confusion!

      All the best:)


    2. RG,
      This is one of those posts that make us go deep and are not about the other person who is causing havoc in my life. So yes I have to look inside and ask the universe (God) to reveal to me what it is for me to do.

      I think the real work is in the awareness, consciousness. I have to be awake and BOLA (be on the lookout for) what my purpose in this life is. I think we are all on a journey to get closer to God. I think God gives us individual gifts and talents to do that.

      I am studying acting. I think making people feel good and entertain them is what I am here for.


    3. I think Josip nailed it in his post - I believe we need to get quiet and visit that place in us where all answers reside. I believe knowing our purpose is no more elusive than knowing our favorite breakfast cereal. We are just too damn busy living from ego and trying to keep up with what we think others give a shit about - and we (collectively) are so concerned with how others see us. If we can just get quiet we'll have access to learning our true purpose.

    4. Hi Randy,

      "Your assignment discovering you" is the best way to put it.

      Your duty sings to you. Unfortunately the signing tends to be blocked out by resistance and the blabbering of the ego. It points to the reasons why you can't do it while the higher self - residing under mounds of misinformation - knows you can do it.

      Work through you resistance and the higher self shows itself on a more consistent basis. Eventually opportunities seem to find you left and right. What's happened is that you're vibrating at a higher frequency and the universe responds appropriately. Or they sing to you.

      Picture a tuning fork that's been pinged...yeah, that kind of singing 😉

      Thanks for sharing 🙂


    5. Wow, this was exactly was I was thinking about, when I CHECKED IN on this blog todaY!Have struggled a long time with work.One after the other, and after a while I am so bored I could die.I know I am doing wrong, I should be patient.And I can somehow see the problem but it is totally impossible to solve it.My life had not changed much for the last ten years.Always the same things again and again.I have started with As a man thinket and all the other books in the subject and sometimes I really feel I am moving forward, but in reality I don´t.I REALLY WANT IT, but my action doesn´t.I feel that I am ment to be very wealthy, that I am a person with huge potential who can be nothing but Gods servant.And my life is so boring unless I read books or be with my family(which isn´t always either)What shall I do?Persistence?I promise, I will have that.My next assignment,I really hope it finds me...

    6. This was answer to all my questions, thank you!I read the past five posts too.WOW.Today I went home from work feeling My God, my life is ended.Tomorrow I will go there and work the hell of my debt.I feel I have a lot of debt to God.The latest years I haven´t done what a person of my strength must do.And this is my result;The life I have today.I have even been my own ungrateful master, always!Now I know what to do;work, work, work.You get very lazy in doing nothing, in follow the "joy" in listen to all peoples oppinions.I will do what I have to do with that extra mile.Everyday, even if I am bored.I am afraid my debt is so big it will take years to reach my next assignment... but at least I know now what the problem is.THANK YOU!LOTS OF LOVE!!!

    7. To me, your 'assignment' is connected to your purpose. And until you uncover that you may not know. And I also believe that once you're clear about your purpose, it will find you too.

      Living life fully WITH purpose is passion at its highest level. Bringing MORE value to the world than you ever thought possible is what we must all aspire to do. So in this light, I believe that all of our assignments must be connected with how much value we can bring along with being in alignment with our purpose.

      If you build it, they will come!

      Thanks Randy!

    8. I concern myself a little with Randy's opinion, if I interpreted it correctly. I think more people should have the courage to QUIT doing what it is they are not good at, or don't like. Sticking it out only wastes time and invariably brings us a negative result that impacts our beliefs about what we are truly capable of achieving. We are all great at a few things. I think a great way to discover what your strength's are, is to ask a trusted friend. How do other people react or respond to you? I like the comments left about getting quiet and listening to our inner voice. I also pay attention to the every day events in life. I think they are often, the way God speaks to us, either through others or experiences, to guide us to our intended purpose. If it doesn't feel good to us, it usually isn't.

      1. I like the idea of checking things out with people around you. But it's important that these be people of consciousness, truly want the best for you, and will always be real and tell you the truth.


    9. It seems to me that if you look at people who are working in their ‘true service’ – more often than not, their ‘assignment’ ends up being largely related to the talent, gift or message that they’ve developed by mastering or overcoming a personal struggle or challenge in their own lives. Your ‘assignment’ then, finds YOU when YOU develop the courage to go out into the world and use the power of your own discovery to help others move beyond their restrictions to do the same.

      Many of us can probably admit that we have been a ‘victim’ to a pattern of behavior or thought at some point in our own lives which, when brought into the light of consciousness, holds for us the very key to set us free and allow us to live larger than we ever have before. That’s what I think it’s all about. It’s the ‘pay it forward’ part of the process, the passing on of the key … and it creates bliss. And after all, aren’t we here to lead by example?

      1. Geez ... after re-reading, that was SO proper.

        In other words ... when we get over being afraid of life and afraid of making mistakes, we open the door for our assignment to find us.

        Roll up your sleeves, dive in - all the way up to the elbows, don't be afraid to get dirty and take it to the streets - that's the stuff life is made of! 😉

    10. Quote, "...Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say it discovers you...." unquote. Brilliant line.

      Yes, I am over qualified for my present job both academically and in experience. And this is exactly what has led me to look deeper within to find out where really am I going wrong.

      Like they say, life is unfoldment, not accretion! Lets see, when my assignment discovers me! On my part, I am trying to release and create a vacuum!!

    11. I have to say that generally speaking, I really love work. In recent times I've been a bit uncomfortable due to some unusual events taking place on the work front, but otherwise I find it mentally stimulating and interesting. I've been putting in extra for a long time now so I figure I must be due for my next assignment. As it turns out, evidence of it is already appearing. I'm looking forward to it.

    12. East twenty years for me to knock me to the possibility of what I believe about MLM.
      I got the device, we ll reach my goal.
      Came out of my dreams. The main desire was to a human being live.
      I could earn as much money as I want.
      Very good, If you ask a man how to use only what is important.

      I saw a lot of talk and people hear the words of which were still ringing in my ears is the phrase that defined it, that all will be decided in the head.
      That which will never let him and so it is all about!
      Do not let anyone tear your dreams, if it is important for you to get what you want, you can never, never give up on him.
      I am now 56 years old and this desire for success.
      Live, live well, best to live, to love life so much that every minute of it and use kikell else can give it.
      Believe that it is not by chance, there are things you really want something!
      I also once believed that I would like to have a million friends and it's still got it in my head, and the tool also has access to catch!
      If you have an opportunity right away we can plan, you won the jackpot.

    13. Wow, all along my perception about our assignment in life is that we discover it. But to think of it that our assignment discovers us is a very profound way of looking at it.

      Moreover, i coudn't agree with you more in saying that the universe will not reveal your next assignment to you until you are over qualified for your current assignment. Personally i strive to best that i can at what i do especially when i have the passion for it. I wouldn't say that i do same for assignments i do not like.....just being honest!

    14. I don't know how I am doing on it...

      If I look back over the last 12 months of my own evolution, what you say is very true - The universe won’t send your next assignment until you are overqualified for the current one.

      When I first started blogging, I began by writing some fairly low level stuff. But as I've grown, my writing style as completely changed. It's a much more mature style of writing.

      There was no way I was going to post videos on YouTube in the beginning, but now, I feel very comfortable in front of the camera.

      I still can't fathom speaking in front of a crowd yet, but I have a feeling I'll be quite comfortable with that too in the near future.


    15. Hi Randy,
      Loved the last line, it's so amazing "The universe won’t send your next assignment until you are overqualified for the current one".

      Thank you again for this thought provoking post!

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