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Discipline Creates Freedom

Posted By: Randy GageMay 22, 2009

We think we hate discipline.  But the truth is, we all need it.  And ironically it is discipline that creates freedom.

When you start a new activity like the gym, cardio, or self-development, you may not want to do it each day.  You have to make yourself do it.  You don’t want to, but you do it anyway.

Then a funny thing happens…

Suddenly you reach a point where you want to do it.  And if something comes up to prevent you from doing it, you’re actually disappointed or upset.  When you reach that point, you’ve got it licked!

If you’ve followed my work for a while, then you’ve often heard me share my mantra on this:

“I will do today what others will not do, so tomorrow I can do what others cannot do.”

This has served me well over the years and given me a dream life.  But that dream life grew from my earlier discipline, just as my future freedoms and joys are grounded in my discipline of today.

So how are you doing on that?


P.S. Connect with me on Twitter here

16 comments on “Discipline Creates Freedom”

  1. Discipline and disciple both come from the Latin word disceo, which means "I learn."

    Most people are not free. Freedom is something you learn, or rather, something you access by learning--about yourself, about the world, about what binds you and your attachments.

    I love discipline. It makes me feel on track, in the groove, in the zone. To be disciplined is to be in a constant state of learning and growing. Now that's something I can live for.

    When I let discipline go down, I feel anxiety rise. I can numb myself, or I can get back to being disciplined.

    Discipline is easy when you are doing it. It's a bit harder if you have let it slip. It's not even an option when you numb or distract yourself (with our common addictions such as food, TV, busyness, noise ...).

    Be vigilant, life is short, time flies, enjoy and relax into discipline.

  2. Randy - Another great post and one that is helpful to even us disciplined types as it reminds us of the rewards that are sure to follow. I am constantly learning and ensuring to remain at the leading edge of change.

    Awesome teaching and greatly appreciated!


  3. Great mantra Randy.. I wrote it down in Word in BIG letters and printed out a few copies. I'll post it everywhere around.

    And this is great since I'm launching a VERY exciting new home based business with HUGE potential. It requires I speak to people and enroll them into the possibilty of amazing health, so I need to be focused and DO WHAT OTHERS WILL NOT DO!


  4. Awesome Randy!!! I totally agree when you make a habit of something good, even better things happen.

    I really liked your mantra!! I am going to tweet it!!

    have a nice day everybody!


  5. This is what so many people don't "get" about freedom. Structure and discipline allow you to be productive and create wealth which in turn allows you to be free.

    I have a lot of friends who do freelance work, and they all say they love their "freedom," but regret that they don't make much money doing freelance work. Well, it doesn't surprise me: most of them have no regular work schedule, no regular sleep schedule, and no set "to do" tasks--long or short term. To them, freedom means not having to answer to anyone, going to bed when you want, getting up when you want, taking off in the middle of the day when you want. Sure, it's fine to do that once in awhile, but not to make a regular practice of it.

    This is one of your best posts yet, Randy!!

  6. Yes, and this is physical reality. Very dense and tangible so to speak. Another thing is you will find the times of the day when it works best for you. You might want to stick to that as well.

    Imagine if your thoughts manifested instantly. Quite a responsibility, i.e. if you're not ready for that, you're probably here to practice.

  7. Hi Jonathan - may I ask you, what business are you getting into? I'm looking at a couple things and would like to know.


  8. Those who drink Aloe Vera Gel from my company know that it has a bitter taste, but has imense benefits to the body. It detoxifies and cleanses the body. Therefore, at the start, it requires discipline but eventually you get "an acquired taste", and you continue happily thereafter.
    I am also thinking that; Acquiring good habits that will propel one to prosperity cannot happen without discpline, but one must say from the heart, 'I choose' to do this'.

  9. I am working on this. As you probably have reaized by now, I'm a work in progress. I am putting down some goals that I want to achieve over the next 4 weeks. They are not huge but for me they will be significant to reach.

    Thanks Randy.


  10. I needed that! After a setback I am trying to whip myself in shape and get started on a new wat if life with exercise..oh my goodness, does it ever take discipline. For two weeks I kept coming up with excuses then I just said HEY, STOP IT, Just get started.


  11. Dear Randy, in order to such a great advice I just say: “I will do today what others will not do, so tomorrow I can do what others cannot do.” 🙂


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  • 16 comments on “Discipline Creates Freedom”

    1. Discipline and disciple both come from the Latin word disceo, which means "I learn."

      Most people are not free. Freedom is something you learn, or rather, something you access by learning--about yourself, about the world, about what binds you and your attachments.

      I love discipline. It makes me feel on track, in the groove, in the zone. To be disciplined is to be in a constant state of learning and growing. Now that's something I can live for.

      When I let discipline go down, I feel anxiety rise. I can numb myself, or I can get back to being disciplined.

      Discipline is easy when you are doing it. It's a bit harder if you have let it slip. It's not even an option when you numb or distract yourself (with our common addictions such as food, TV, busyness, noise ...).

      Be vigilant, life is short, time flies, enjoy and relax into discipline.

    2. Randy - Another great post and one that is helpful to even us disciplined types as it reminds us of the rewards that are sure to follow. I am constantly learning and ensuring to remain at the leading edge of change.

      Awesome teaching and greatly appreciated!


    3. Great mantra Randy.. I wrote it down in Word in BIG letters and printed out a few copies. I'll post it everywhere around.

      And this is great since I'm launching a VERY exciting new home based business with HUGE potential. It requires I speak to people and enroll them into the possibilty of amazing health, so I need to be focused and DO WHAT OTHERS WILL NOT DO!


    4. Awesome Randy!!! I totally agree when you make a habit of something good, even better things happen.

      I really liked your mantra!! I am going to tweet it!!

      have a nice day everybody!


    5. This is what so many people don't "get" about freedom. Structure and discipline allow you to be productive and create wealth which in turn allows you to be free.

      I have a lot of friends who do freelance work, and they all say they love their "freedom," but regret that they don't make much money doing freelance work. Well, it doesn't surprise me: most of them have no regular work schedule, no regular sleep schedule, and no set "to do" tasks--long or short term. To them, freedom means not having to answer to anyone, going to bed when you want, getting up when you want, taking off in the middle of the day when you want. Sure, it's fine to do that once in awhile, but not to make a regular practice of it.

      This is one of your best posts yet, Randy!!

    6. Yes, and this is physical reality. Very dense and tangible so to speak. Another thing is you will find the times of the day when it works best for you. You might want to stick to that as well.

      Imagine if your thoughts manifested instantly. Quite a responsibility, i.e. if you're not ready for that, you're probably here to practice.

    7. Hi Jonathan - may I ask you, what business are you getting into? I'm looking at a couple things and would like to know.


    8. Those who drink Aloe Vera Gel from my company know that it has a bitter taste, but has imense benefits to the body. It detoxifies and cleanses the body. Therefore, at the start, it requires discipline but eventually you get "an acquired taste", and you continue happily thereafter.
      I am also thinking that; Acquiring good habits that will propel one to prosperity cannot happen without discpline, but one must say from the heart, 'I choose' to do this'.

    9. I am working on this. As you probably have reaized by now, I'm a work in progress. I am putting down some goals that I want to achieve over the next 4 weeks. They are not huge but for me they will be significant to reach.

      Thanks Randy.


    10. I needed that! After a setback I am trying to whip myself in shape and get started on a new wat if life with exercise..oh my goodness, does it ever take discipline. For two weeks I kept coming up with excuses then I just said HEY, STOP IT, Just get started.


    11. Dear Randy, in order to such a great advice I just say: “I will do today what others will not do, so tomorrow I can do what others cannot do.” 🙂


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