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Determination - How Hungry Are You?

Posted By: Randy GageMay 27, 2018

While most of you are reading this. I’ll be winging my way home from an event in Perú.  While the event was held in Cusco, the participants actually came from about 15, mostly Latin American countries.  And most of those countries have high levels of poverty.

Yet I had more than 4,000 people in front of me, passionately working towards building their prosperity and success.  In many cases, they made great sacrifices to attend, and came at a high personal cost.

Because they were hungry.

If you travel around the region as I do, you will find a lot of inspiration, if you look for it.  The “alternate economy” in these countries is booming.

Makeshift stands along almost every highway offer things for sale.  There are thousands of vendors, walking between waiting cars in the cities – offering items from lotto tickets to candy, newspapers to home-baked goodies, and everything in-between.  And every time a streetlight turns red, there’s a strong chance some juggler or other form of busker will instantly materialize for your entertainment pleasure.  (And tips.)

Why?  Because these people are hungry.

They don’t waste time waiting for the government or some other entity to bail them out.  They don’t stay home and whine about their circumstances.  They don't sit in their living room watching The Secret, expecting a BMW to miraculously pull up in the driveway.

They find a way to add value and solve problems.  They have determination.  Which leads us to the main question…

How hungry are you?


2 comments on “Determination - How Hungry Are You?”

  1. I am very hungry! Do you think it could be from the Karen Carpenter diet I am following?

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  • 2 comments on “Determination - How Hungry Are You?”

    1. I am very hungry! Do you think it could be from the Karen Carpenter diet I am following?

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