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Posted By: Randy GageJanuary 10, 2015

Lots of talk in the world today about curbing desires, moderating them, or even denying them. Many would tell you that the secret to happiness is reducing your desires to the situation you are currently in.


But if you ask the wrong question, the answer is irrelevant...


The question isn’t how much your desires should be curbed or reduced or even if desire controls happiness.


Happiness is a choice; a mindset. Desire is almost irrelevant to that question. And trying to reduce your desires is coming from the school of poverty consciousness.


A good analogy for this discussion is money and/or material things (which are often the desires people are telling you to curb). Money and material things won’t buy you happiness. However money and material things do allow you the self-expression that can contribute greatly to your happiness.


The secret to happiness is not curbing desires, but channeling them.  When desire is channeled into a positive end and a worthwhile dream – meaning a dream that is big enough for you – it is a wonderful driver.


Desire is the space between who you are – and who you can become.


Chasing to close that space – and never being able to – is the path to both happiness and enlightenment.



17 comments on “DESIRE”

  1. Randy,
    I would be curious to hear about your thoughts on the relationship between desire and ego.  Some schools of thought advocate that if your desires are based on ego, they may actually make you less happy.  At the same time I'd say that accomplishing anything great certainly requires a certain amount of desire to get it done; does this simply relate to the nature of each individual as a human being, eg. their spiritual nature?  I'd be glad for any insights!

  2. What patience it takes, sometimes, to keep the candle of desire going.  I have been working so hard to create something better for myself (often taken for granted by others) but have very frustrated and discouraged by the tools I have at hand to make it happen. I sense this will change for the better because of the level of desire but there just has to be layers and layers of patience sometimes.

  3. Randy_Gage Ah thanks for the reminder!  I've got the whole series, apparently it's time to go back and review again. 🙂

  4. Desires are awesome!,it's free...
    but dont forget 🙂
    "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness"'ll be fineU0001f609
    Happy Sunday Randy!U0001f618
    Welcome back...

  5. Randy_Gage so to clarify (after another review of disc 8) would you espouse that a "healthy ego" as you described, will naturally move one towards the fulfillment of their desires - and that if one has desires that are not in harmony with their highest good, only then a person may become unhappy or frustrated by them?  Because if your ego is healthy and you are working towards your objectives, those desires will motivate you to manifest them in your life?  So then perhaps we could say that desires are the pieces that form the track that lead you in the direction of your life's purpose once you have developed your ego to a healthy level?  Small distinctions here but for me personally in life right now this is something I've been working towards understanding.  Great lesson again by the way, reminds me that a review of the whole series is in order very soon. 🙂

  6. Desire is the driving force for creation. And without creation our lives lack purpose. "The purpose of life is to live a life of purpose". Desire is healthy, necessary and motivational at its core.

  7. Allowing the dream to "pull us forward through desire"; I believe understanding and sychronizing your "faculty of Faith" is key here..
    Faith as the ever flowing consciousness substance, where substance flows as required.. that's where I'm at..
    I want to change lives; to uplift consciousness, inspire from my demonstration.. nothing is impossible through consciousness..

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  • 17 comments on “DESIRE”

    1. Randy,
      I would be curious to hear about your thoughts on the relationship between desire and ego.  Some schools of thought advocate that if your desires are based on ego, they may actually make you less happy.  At the same time I'd say that accomplishing anything great certainly requires a certain amount of desire to get it done; does this simply relate to the nature of each individual as a human being, eg. their spiritual nature?  I'd be glad for any insights!

    2. What patience it takes, sometimes, to keep the candle of desire going.  I have been working so hard to create something better for myself (often taken for granted by others) but have very frustrated and discouraged by the tools I have at hand to make it happen. I sense this will change for the better because of the level of desire but there just has to be layers and layers of patience sometimes.

    3. Randy_Gage Ah thanks for the reminder!  I've got the whole series, apparently it's time to go back and review again. 🙂

    4. Desires are awesome!,it's free...
      but dont forget 🙂
      "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness"'ll be fineU0001f609
      Happy Sunday Randy!U0001f618
      Welcome back...

    5. Randy_Gage so to clarify (after another review of disc 8) would you espouse that a "healthy ego" as you described, will naturally move one towards the fulfillment of their desires - and that if one has desires that are not in harmony with their highest good, only then a person may become unhappy or frustrated by them?  Because if your ego is healthy and you are working towards your objectives, those desires will motivate you to manifest them in your life?  So then perhaps we could say that desires are the pieces that form the track that lead you in the direction of your life's purpose once you have developed your ego to a healthy level?  Small distinctions here but for me personally in life right now this is something I've been working towards understanding.  Great lesson again by the way, reminds me that a review of the whole series is in order very soon. 🙂

    6. Desire is the driving force for creation. And without creation our lives lack purpose. "The purpose of life is to live a life of purpose". Desire is healthy, necessary and motivational at its core.

    7. Allowing the dream to "pull us forward through desire"; I believe understanding and sychronizing your "faculty of Faith" is key here..
      Faith as the ever flowing consciousness substance, where substance flows as required.. that's where I'm at..
      I want to change lives; to uplift consciousness, inspire from my demonstration.. nothing is impossible through consciousness..

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