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Dangerous Beliefs

Posted By: Randy GageAugust 23, 2012

I was counseling with someone the other day on why their prosperity is blocked.  And the reason was quite apparent…

In a two-minute time frame he must have affirmed at least ten negative things about rich people.  Yet he wants to become one.  Or at least consciously.  But I can tell you that his statements indicate that subconsciously he absolutely does NOT want to be rich, because he thinks rich people are prideful, ostentatious and manipulative.  Not to mention exploitative, grandiose and petty.  And about five other derogatory things...

When you have a conflict in your conscious and subconscious mind, which one do you think wins?


Don’t worry about your goals or what you say you want.  Find out how you really think about rich people and concentrate on that.

It’s easy to see someone like Donald Trump who has a lot of money and notice they’re acting boorishly.  But numbers-wise, there are actually a lot more broke people who act like jerks.  And there are plenty of wealthy people who contribute and serve in untold ways.

Hospitals and schools aren't built by broke people.  Cures to diseases and lasting social change are usually not created by poor people.

Want to do good, help people and save the world?  Great.  Get the money thing out of the way first.

- RG


42 comments on “Dangerous Beliefs”

  1. That is impressive what's in the subconcious mind - "controling" us. I'm very impressed you managed to work your own way out of these limiting thoughts 🙂 Or did you get help from others?

      1.  @Randy_Gage
         Thank's for answerring back Randy! So there IS hope! I've been working with these limiting beliefs for a while now, and when some are out of the way, new ones pops up. I think your are absolutely right, this is an important issue to get out of the way, before you actually CAN change your situation. Lene.

  2. That is impressive what's in the subconcious mind - "controling" us. I'm very impressed you managed to work your own way out of these limiting thoughts 🙂 Or did you get help from others?

  3.  @Randy_Gage
     Thank's for answerring back Randy! So there IS hope! I've been working with these limiting beliefs for a while now, and when some are out of the way, new ones pops up. I think your are absolutely right, this is an important issue to get out of the way, before you actually CAN change your situation. Lene.

  4. Love it. 
    I'm looking forward to hearing more about what else we do to block our prosperity, cause this issue isn't it for me. I genuinely celebrate the success of others. 
    But I'm pretty sure I've finally put my finger on my issue. Silly too, cause it's such a "DUH" kind of "a Ha" kind of moment. 
    I've been blocking mine (for five years) because I've been so focused on all that I can't do that I've continually perpetuated more "can't do" into my experience. 
    Today I'm developing the habit of habitually focusing on all that I can do. I believe this is the key for me. 
    Everyday, in every way, I'm getting better and better. 

  5. Love it. 
    I'm looking forward to hearing more about what else we do to block our prosperity, cause this issue isn't it for me. I genuinely celebrate the success of others. 
    But I'm pretty sure I've finally put my finger on my issue. Silly too, cause it's such a "DUH" kind of "a Ha" kind of moment. 
    I've been blocking mine (for five years) because I've been so focused on all that I can't do that I've continually perpetuated more "can't do" into my experience. 
    Today I'm developing the habit of habitually focusing on all that I can do. I believe this is the key for me. 
    Everyday, in every way, I'm getting better and better. 

  6. Randy, I am on retirement which brings me exactly how much my highest earning was during my working years, which is less than 1500/mo. I have never had more, so how can I break out and make more with NWM? I want so much more for my family and myself. Thanks for your posts, love you.

    1. Arlene, Read Randy's book, "Why You're Sick, Dumb, and Broke..." and it will be an interesting start for your NWM life.  There are so many resources out there and  books that I have either read or are next on my list...feel free to look me up on FB or email me and I can send them to you.  My NWM coach and mentor is @Tom Chenault and I'm fortunate that he interviews these authors for his show and I have access to their books through him and his work in the industry.  Blessings, Trish

  7. Randy, I am on retirement which brings me exactly how much my highest earning was during my working years, which is less than 1500/mo. I have never had more, so how can I break out and make more with NWM? I want so much more for my family and myself. Thanks for your posts, love you.

  8. "If you spot it, you got it"
    .... so if poor think "rich people are prideful, ostentatious and manipulative.  Not to mention exploitative, grandiose and petty.  And about five other derogatory things…"
    then they need to look at themselves and how they are those things.
    then turn it around to positive... (Byron Katie "the Work")
    You have to know where you are and where you want to go & why ( a powerful why...) to get there.

  9. "If you spot it, you got it"
    .... so if poor think "rich people are prideful, ostentatious and manipulative.  Not to mention exploitative, grandiose and petty.  And about five other derogatory things…"
    then they need to look at themselves and how they are those things.
    then turn it around to positive... (Byron Katie "the Work")
    You have to know where you are and where you want to go & why ( a powerful why...) to get there.

  10. As we begin to identify our neg ideas and beliefs about rich folk, money, etc., the question becomes, How do we rid ourselves of them?  Because it is all very well to identify the little devils; getting rid of 'em is another thing altogether.  Wish we could just call the pest-exterminator.  What do you recommend, Randy, to exterminate these counter-productive perceptions? 
    The next question that arises for me is this:  After too too long of looking at What's Wrong With Me - mightn't it be more productive to begin looking at What's Right With Me?

  11. As we begin to identify our neg ideas and beliefs about rich folk, money, etc., the question becomes, How do we rid ourselves of them?  Because it is all very well to identify the little devils; getting rid of 'em is another thing altogether.  Wish we could just call the pest-exterminator.  What do you recommend, Randy, to exterminate these counter-productive perceptions? 
    The next question that arises for me is this:  After too too long of looking at What's Wrong With Me - mightn't it be more productive to begin looking at What's Right With Me?

  12. May I inject a self-promotion here?  I teach a methodology for eliminating negative and limiting beliefs at the core of the psyche.  It's called "The BeliefCloset Process."  I offer a 25-page multimedia eBook for free on my website,, and teach this process to coaches and therapists around the world. It's effective, efficient, and enjoyable.  I'm doing a program called Belief Closet Cleanout with The Shift Network starting Aug. 29..  Info and free recording here:  It IS possible to change core beliefs quickly, and get rid of them completely.   Thanks for your insights, Randy, and for allowing me to share this with your audience.

  13. May I inject a self-promotion here?  I teach a methodology for eliminating negative and limiting beliefs at the core of the psyche.  It's called "The BeliefCloset Process."  I offer a 25-page multimedia eBook for free on my website,, and teach this process to coaches and therapists around the world. It's effective, efficient, and enjoyable.  I'm doing a program called Belief Closet Cleanout with The Shift Network starting Aug. 29..  Info and free recording here:  It IS possible to change core beliefs quickly, and get rid of them completely.   Thanks for your insights, Randy, and for allowing me to share this with your audience.

  14. Just think ... in order to "do good" for others -- i.e. feed, clothe or house them -  you will need YOUR $ or Someone else's $ to get these things.  Even if they are donated .. someone had to pay for them.  Soooo, consider that the more $ I make/have, the more choices I have to DO with the $.  I want to be surrounded by people who have Richness in their life .. it's not always $, but it does help.  As  a Realtor, I want people who have $ to be my clients so that I can help them find their dream home.  And they will need $ or the qualifications ( job, good credit, etc) to be eligible to buy.  I LOVE MONEY! And $ is good for me!

  15. Just think ... in order to "do good" for others -- i.e. feed, clothe or house them -  you will need YOUR $ or Someone else's $ to get these things.  Even if they are donated .. someone had to pay for them.  Soooo, consider that the more $ I make/have, the more choices I have to DO with the $.  I want to be surrounded by people who have Richness in their life .. it's not always $, but it does help.  As  a Realtor, I want people who have $ to be my clients so that I can help them find their dream home.  And they will need $ or the qualifications ( job, good credit, etc) to be eligible to buy.  I LOVE MONEY! And $ is good for me!

  16. I think it is a dangerous way to think to put people in separate categories.  Broke people, and wealthy people.  It is even more dangerous to pit them against one another broke vs wealthy.  I wished to be judged by my acts.
    Certainly, it is most likely true that more broke people act like jerks, because their are simply more poor people than wealthy.  However, I think you may be missing the point that irrespective of one's material wealth or lack there of, people are people good and bad.  If you propagate beliefs such as this, it is no better than your subject thinking rich people are jerks.
    Really Randy?  I am sad you would write what you did.  I mean speaking of manipulations..........

    1.  @Annieb
       Hi Annieb... when I read Randy's intro I took in very differently to how you read it.
      I thought he was saying NOT to judge people or have pre-conceived ideas about a persons morality or charactor based solely on the amount of money one has or has not accumulated.... because this could serverly hinder ones efforts to produce monetory wealth if one so chose to do so. (I guess the opposite is probably also true... If a rich person wanted to become poor it would be extremely difficult to do if they believed all poor people were cheats and liars)
      I think Randy's final point was that the pursuit of money is a nobel cause because a person of good character can achieve so much more good with money than without... hard to argue with that.

  17. I think it is a dangerous way to think to put people in separate categories.  Broke people, and wealthy people.  It is even more dangerous to pit them against one another broke vs wealthy.  I wished to be judged by my acts.
    Certainly, it is most likely true that more broke people act like jerks, because their are simply more poor people than wealthy.  However, I think you may be missing the point that irrespective of one's material wealth or lack there of, people are people good and bad.  If you propagate beliefs such as this, it is no better than your subject thinking rich people are jerks.
    Really Randy?  I am sad you would write what you did.  I mean speaking of manipulations..........

  18. Arlene, Read Randy's book, "Why You're Sick, Dumb, and Broke..." and it will be an interesting start for your NWM life.  There are so many resources out there and  books that I have either read or are next on my list...feel free to look me up on FB or email me and I can send them to you.  My NWM coach and mentor is @Tom Chenault and I'm fortunate that he interviews these authors for his show and I have access to their books through him and his work in the industry.  Blessings, Trish

  19. Hi RG,
    I carried a jealous, anger-filled block toward successful people for quite a while. I affirmed wealth, then I felt a surge of envy when people made it big around me. 
    With meditation, I finally saw my mind, and feelings, as they really were. Gotta dig deep to let these energies to the surface.
    Become aware of your feelings. Be honest. Be truthful. Facing, embracing and releasing these negative energies is a key to freedom.

  20. Hi RG,
    I carried a jealous, anger-filled block toward successful people for quite a while. I affirmed wealth, then I felt a surge of envy when people made it big around me. 
    With meditation, I finally saw my mind, and feelings, as they really were. Gotta dig deep to let these energies to the surface.
    Become aware of your feelings. Be honest. Be truthful. Facing, embracing and releasing these negative energies is a key to freedom.

  21.  @Annieb
     Hi Annieb... when I read Randy's intro I took in very differently to how you read it.
    I thought he was saying NOT to judge people or have pre-conceived ideas about a persons morality or charactor based solely on the amount of money one has or has not accumulated.... because this could serverly hinder ones efforts to produce monetory wealth if one so chose to do so. (I guess the opposite is probably also true... If a rich person wanted to become poor it would be extremely difficult to do if they believed all poor people were cheats and liars)
    I think Randy's final point was that the pursuit of money is a nobel cause because a person of good character can achieve so much more good with money than without... hard to argue with that.

  22. Great post as usual.  The question I have is HOW in the Hell do I get out of certain mindsets that are negative and sabotage myself from becoming wealthy

      1.  @dportiz55
         my question was answered.  There are approximately ten thousand books that might answer your question; one of them will be a match for you.  It took me about 3 dozen books before I really GOT the "How" ... and before I actually began DOING the work of practice practice practicing the how-to-change-your-mind techniques. 
        My method has been: I've dis-owned  the mindsets I don't want (they weren't really mine, but just some bumf that I accidentally picked up on the stroll through life - the puppy-poo on the sidewalk of life you might say. Or not.)   
        I began telling myself that changing my ideas is easy.  I chose to believe that.  I asserted my right to choose new ideas, and to deliberately, consciously begin repeating them to myself. 
        If you are SERIOUS about wanting to develop a success-mindset, STOP telling yourself that you don't know how;  Begin today to tell yourself that you are NOW learning how.  Assert your innate capacity for controlling your own mental processes.  You can do that.  If I can, you can.  What would you LIKE to believe about money, success, and yourself?  You now have permission to start believing that. 

  23. Great post as usual.  The question I have is HOW in the Hell do I get out of certain mindsets that are negative and sabotage myself from becoming wealthy

  24.  @dportiz55
     my question was answered.  There are approximately ten thousand books that might answer your question; one of them will be a match for you.  It took me about 3 dozen books before I really GOT the "How" ... and before I actually began DOING the work of practice practice practicing the how-to-change-your-mind techniques. 
    My method has been: I've dis-owned  the mindsets I don't want (they weren't really mine, but just some bumf that I accidentally picked up on the stroll through life - the puppy-poo on the sidewalk of life you might say. Or not.)   
    I began telling myself that changing my ideas is easy.  I chose to believe that.  I asserted my right to choose new ideas, and to deliberately, consciously begin repeating them to myself. 
    If you are SERIOUS about wanting to develop a success-mindset, STOP telling yourself that you don't know how;  Begin today to tell yourself that you are NOW learning how.  Assert your innate capacity for controlling your own mental processes.  You can do that.  If I can, you can.  What would you LIKE to believe about money, success, and yourself?  You now have permission to start believing that. 

  25. Similarly, I have a friend who wants to be a millionaire. Then she said her weekend is precious, she doesn't want to work on weekend. And the rich work very hard, even on weekend. So she is still where she is. 

  26. Similarly, I have a friend who wants to be a millionaire. Then she said her weekend is precious, she doesn't want to work on weekend. And the rich work very hard, even on weekend. So she is still where she is. 

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  • 42 comments on “Dangerous Beliefs”

    1. That is impressive what's in the subconcious mind - "controling" us. I'm very impressed you managed to work your own way out of these limiting thoughts 🙂 Or did you get help from others?

        1.  @Randy_Gage
           Thank's for answerring back Randy! So there IS hope! I've been working with these limiting beliefs for a while now, and when some are out of the way, new ones pops up. I think your are absolutely right, this is an important issue to get out of the way, before you actually CAN change your situation. Lene.

    2. That is impressive what's in the subconcious mind - "controling" us. I'm very impressed you managed to work your own way out of these limiting thoughts 🙂 Or did you get help from others?

    3.  @Randy_Gage
       Thank's for answerring back Randy! So there IS hope! I've been working with these limiting beliefs for a while now, and when some are out of the way, new ones pops up. I think your are absolutely right, this is an important issue to get out of the way, before you actually CAN change your situation. Lene.

    4. Love it. 
      I'm looking forward to hearing more about what else we do to block our prosperity, cause this issue isn't it for me. I genuinely celebrate the success of others. 
      But I'm pretty sure I've finally put my finger on my issue. Silly too, cause it's such a "DUH" kind of "a Ha" kind of moment. 
      I've been blocking mine (for five years) because I've been so focused on all that I can't do that I've continually perpetuated more "can't do" into my experience. 
      Today I'm developing the habit of habitually focusing on all that I can do. I believe this is the key for me. 
      Everyday, in every way, I'm getting better and better. 

    5. Love it. 
      I'm looking forward to hearing more about what else we do to block our prosperity, cause this issue isn't it for me. I genuinely celebrate the success of others. 
      But I'm pretty sure I've finally put my finger on my issue. Silly too, cause it's such a "DUH" kind of "a Ha" kind of moment. 
      I've been blocking mine (for five years) because I've been so focused on all that I can't do that I've continually perpetuated more "can't do" into my experience. 
      Today I'm developing the habit of habitually focusing on all that I can do. I believe this is the key for me. 
      Everyday, in every way, I'm getting better and better. 

    6. Randy, I am on retirement which brings me exactly how much my highest earning was during my working years, which is less than 1500/mo. I have never had more, so how can I break out and make more with NWM? I want so much more for my family and myself. Thanks for your posts, love you.

      1. Arlene, Read Randy's book, "Why You're Sick, Dumb, and Broke..." and it will be an interesting start for your NWM life.  There are so many resources out there and  books that I have either read or are next on my list...feel free to look me up on FB or email me and I can send them to you.  My NWM coach and mentor is @Tom Chenault and I'm fortunate that he interviews these authors for his show and I have access to their books through him and his work in the industry.  Blessings, Trish

    7. Randy, I am on retirement which brings me exactly how much my highest earning was during my working years, which is less than 1500/mo. I have never had more, so how can I break out and make more with NWM? I want so much more for my family and myself. Thanks for your posts, love you.

    8. "If you spot it, you got it"
      .... so if poor think "rich people are prideful, ostentatious and manipulative.  Not to mention exploitative, grandiose and petty.  And about five other derogatory things…"
      then they need to look at themselves and how they are those things.
      then turn it around to positive... (Byron Katie "the Work")
      You have to know where you are and where you want to go & why ( a powerful why...) to get there.

    9. "If you spot it, you got it"
      .... so if poor think "rich people are prideful, ostentatious and manipulative.  Not to mention exploitative, grandiose and petty.  And about five other derogatory things…"
      then they need to look at themselves and how they are those things.
      then turn it around to positive... (Byron Katie "the Work")
      You have to know where you are and where you want to go & why ( a powerful why...) to get there.

    10. As we begin to identify our neg ideas and beliefs about rich folk, money, etc., the question becomes, How do we rid ourselves of them?  Because it is all very well to identify the little devils; getting rid of 'em is another thing altogether.  Wish we could just call the pest-exterminator.  What do you recommend, Randy, to exterminate these counter-productive perceptions? 
      The next question that arises for me is this:  After too too long of looking at What's Wrong With Me - mightn't it be more productive to begin looking at What's Right With Me?

    11. As we begin to identify our neg ideas and beliefs about rich folk, money, etc., the question becomes, How do we rid ourselves of them?  Because it is all very well to identify the little devils; getting rid of 'em is another thing altogether.  Wish we could just call the pest-exterminator.  What do you recommend, Randy, to exterminate these counter-productive perceptions? 
      The next question that arises for me is this:  After too too long of looking at What's Wrong With Me - mightn't it be more productive to begin looking at What's Right With Me?

    12. May I inject a self-promotion here?  I teach a methodology for eliminating negative and limiting beliefs at the core of the psyche.  It's called "The BeliefCloset Process."  I offer a 25-page multimedia eBook for free on my website,, and teach this process to coaches and therapists around the world. It's effective, efficient, and enjoyable.  I'm doing a program called Belief Closet Cleanout with The Shift Network starting Aug. 29..  Info and free recording here:  It IS possible to change core beliefs quickly, and get rid of them completely.   Thanks for your insights, Randy, and for allowing me to share this with your audience.

    13. May I inject a self-promotion here?  I teach a methodology for eliminating negative and limiting beliefs at the core of the psyche.  It's called "The BeliefCloset Process."  I offer a 25-page multimedia eBook for free on my website,, and teach this process to coaches and therapists around the world. It's effective, efficient, and enjoyable.  I'm doing a program called Belief Closet Cleanout with The Shift Network starting Aug. 29..  Info and free recording here:  It IS possible to change core beliefs quickly, and get rid of them completely.   Thanks for your insights, Randy, and for allowing me to share this with your audience.

    14. Just think ... in order to "do good" for others -- i.e. feed, clothe or house them -  you will need YOUR $ or Someone else's $ to get these things.  Even if they are donated .. someone had to pay for them.  Soooo, consider that the more $ I make/have, the more choices I have to DO with the $.  I want to be surrounded by people who have Richness in their life .. it's not always $, but it does help.  As  a Realtor, I want people who have $ to be my clients so that I can help them find their dream home.  And they will need $ or the qualifications ( job, good credit, etc) to be eligible to buy.  I LOVE MONEY! And $ is good for me!

    15. Just think ... in order to "do good" for others -- i.e. feed, clothe or house them -  you will need YOUR $ or Someone else's $ to get these things.  Even if they are donated .. someone had to pay for them.  Soooo, consider that the more $ I make/have, the more choices I have to DO with the $.  I want to be surrounded by people who have Richness in their life .. it's not always $, but it does help.  As  a Realtor, I want people who have $ to be my clients so that I can help them find their dream home.  And they will need $ or the qualifications ( job, good credit, etc) to be eligible to buy.  I LOVE MONEY! And $ is good for me!

    16. I think it is a dangerous way to think to put people in separate categories.  Broke people, and wealthy people.  It is even more dangerous to pit them against one another broke vs wealthy.  I wished to be judged by my acts.
      Certainly, it is most likely true that more broke people act like jerks, because their are simply more poor people than wealthy.  However, I think you may be missing the point that irrespective of one's material wealth or lack there of, people are people good and bad.  If you propagate beliefs such as this, it is no better than your subject thinking rich people are jerks.
      Really Randy?  I am sad you would write what you did.  I mean speaking of manipulations..........

      1.  @Annieb
         Hi Annieb... when I read Randy's intro I took in very differently to how you read it.
        I thought he was saying NOT to judge people or have pre-conceived ideas about a persons morality or charactor based solely on the amount of money one has or has not accumulated.... because this could serverly hinder ones efforts to produce monetory wealth if one so chose to do so. (I guess the opposite is probably also true... If a rich person wanted to become poor it would be extremely difficult to do if they believed all poor people were cheats and liars)
        I think Randy's final point was that the pursuit of money is a nobel cause because a person of good character can achieve so much more good with money than without... hard to argue with that.

    17. I think it is a dangerous way to think to put people in separate categories.  Broke people, and wealthy people.  It is even more dangerous to pit them against one another broke vs wealthy.  I wished to be judged by my acts.
      Certainly, it is most likely true that more broke people act like jerks, because their are simply more poor people than wealthy.  However, I think you may be missing the point that irrespective of one's material wealth or lack there of, people are people good and bad.  If you propagate beliefs such as this, it is no better than your subject thinking rich people are jerks.
      Really Randy?  I am sad you would write what you did.  I mean speaking of manipulations..........

    18. Arlene, Read Randy's book, "Why You're Sick, Dumb, and Broke..." and it will be an interesting start for your NWM life.  There are so many resources out there and  books that I have either read or are next on my list...feel free to look me up on FB or email me and I can send them to you.  My NWM coach and mentor is @Tom Chenault and I'm fortunate that he interviews these authors for his show and I have access to their books through him and his work in the industry.  Blessings, Trish

    19. Hi RG,
      I carried a jealous, anger-filled block toward successful people for quite a while. I affirmed wealth, then I felt a surge of envy when people made it big around me. 
      With meditation, I finally saw my mind, and feelings, as they really were. Gotta dig deep to let these energies to the surface.
      Become aware of your feelings. Be honest. Be truthful. Facing, embracing and releasing these negative energies is a key to freedom.

    20. Hi RG,
      I carried a jealous, anger-filled block toward successful people for quite a while. I affirmed wealth, then I felt a surge of envy when people made it big around me. 
      With meditation, I finally saw my mind, and feelings, as they really were. Gotta dig deep to let these energies to the surface.
      Become aware of your feelings. Be honest. Be truthful. Facing, embracing and releasing these negative energies is a key to freedom.

    21.  @Annieb
       Hi Annieb... when I read Randy's intro I took in very differently to how you read it.
      I thought he was saying NOT to judge people or have pre-conceived ideas about a persons morality or charactor based solely on the amount of money one has or has not accumulated.... because this could serverly hinder ones efforts to produce monetory wealth if one so chose to do so. (I guess the opposite is probably also true... If a rich person wanted to become poor it would be extremely difficult to do if they believed all poor people were cheats and liars)
      I think Randy's final point was that the pursuit of money is a nobel cause because a person of good character can achieve so much more good with money than without... hard to argue with that.

    22. Great post as usual.  The question I have is HOW in the Hell do I get out of certain mindsets that are negative and sabotage myself from becoming wealthy

        1.  @dportiz55
           my question was answered.  There are approximately ten thousand books that might answer your question; one of them will be a match for you.  It took me about 3 dozen books before I really GOT the "How" ... and before I actually began DOING the work of practice practice practicing the how-to-change-your-mind techniques. 
          My method has been: I've dis-owned  the mindsets I don't want (they weren't really mine, but just some bumf that I accidentally picked up on the stroll through life - the puppy-poo on the sidewalk of life you might say. Or not.)   
          I began telling myself that changing my ideas is easy.  I chose to believe that.  I asserted my right to choose new ideas, and to deliberately, consciously begin repeating them to myself. 
          If you are SERIOUS about wanting to develop a success-mindset, STOP telling yourself that you don't know how;  Begin today to tell yourself that you are NOW learning how.  Assert your innate capacity for controlling your own mental processes.  You can do that.  If I can, you can.  What would you LIKE to believe about money, success, and yourself?  You now have permission to start believing that. 

    23. Great post as usual.  The question I have is HOW in the Hell do I get out of certain mindsets that are negative and sabotage myself from becoming wealthy

    24.  @dportiz55
       my question was answered.  There are approximately ten thousand books that might answer your question; one of them will be a match for you.  It took me about 3 dozen books before I really GOT the "How" ... and before I actually began DOING the work of practice practice practicing the how-to-change-your-mind techniques. 
      My method has been: I've dis-owned  the mindsets I don't want (they weren't really mine, but just some bumf that I accidentally picked up on the stroll through life - the puppy-poo on the sidewalk of life you might say. Or not.)   
      I began telling myself that changing my ideas is easy.  I chose to believe that.  I asserted my right to choose new ideas, and to deliberately, consciously begin repeating them to myself. 
      If you are SERIOUS about wanting to develop a success-mindset, STOP telling yourself that you don't know how;  Begin today to tell yourself that you are NOW learning how.  Assert your innate capacity for controlling your own mental processes.  You can do that.  If I can, you can.  What would you LIKE to believe about money, success, and yourself?  You now have permission to start believing that. 

    25. Similarly, I have a friend who wants to be a millionaire. Then she said her weekend is precious, she doesn't want to work on weekend. And the rich work very hard, even on weekend. So she is still where she is. 

    26. Similarly, I have a friend who wants to be a millionaire. Then she said her weekend is precious, she doesn't want to work on weekend. And the rich work very hard, even on weekend. So she is still where she is. 

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