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Creating Wealth

Posted By: Randy GageJune 16, 2011

Creating wealth isn't really as difficult as most people believe.  And manifesting a prosperous lifestyle requires finding your ideal balance between enjoying life today while you also build for a better future. 

The spendthrift will never create wealth.  And even if he wins a lottery or large inheritance, will soon find his way back to poor.  The miser with all of her locked away savings cannot be said to be rich, for she lives in want.  I know people with net worth 50 times larger than mine, but I don't think they live lives of abundance.

The prosperous person is thrifty and prudent.  They spend wisely, save deliberately, and gradually expand their lifestyle as their growing means allows.

Only a fool tries to appear affluent by living beyond his or her means.  [I know, I did this for years.]

There is always room at the bottom and it's a safe place to begin, because there is nothing below and everything above.  Celebrate the successes along the upward track and you'll continue to attract more.

Above all, avoid the extremes of parsimony and prodigality.  Sometimes you will forgo something today, for something you really want later.  And sometimes you indulge yourself now, simply because it's the prosperous thing to do.  Find the sweet spot in the middle, and you'll live in ever increasing abundance.  That is the delicate dance of prosperity!

P.S.  Well the volcano in Chile behaved, so I'm back in Buenos Aires.  That pic is a view of the Argentinian congress from over the city.   Unfortunately I forgot my computer in Miami!  So if you notice some weird writing from me over the weekend, that's because I bought a new one here, I'm trying to figure out this South American keyboard.

34 comments on “Creating Wealth”

  1. I am always reminded of Scrooge when the question of wealth and being miserly comes up. Scrooge was hardly prosperous, rich in monetary numbers, but not wealthy...until the ghosts' visit that is 😉

    Being a miser is fear based lack thinking for sure. Being smart and caring for your money is loving.

    A great post once again Randy!

      1. Well, I looked those words up. And now I would like to say your response was parsimonious!

        You big word user.:)

        Speaking of sweet spots in the middle, my poor dog had to be shaved today with just a tuff of fur at top. So, right in the middle of her sweet head the groomer placed a little blue bow. She is a great big dog by the way, it's a little funny looking.

        Point. I don't have one. No, actually I do. Sweet spots in the middle of anything are usually the best place to be!

  2. Yes again, I have to refer to the being worthy aspect of the Prosperity mindset. NEVER allowing ourselves to enjoy things that make us happy based on not having enough robs us of Joy in my mind.

    Having the belief that abundance is infinite and that our thoughts, actions and gratitude create the life of Abundance we seek is what's important. I don't go out to eat but once a week or so, but I do treat myself to events and things that make me happy, regardless. I carry no debt and continue to maintain the thoughts of abundance and prosperity that are necessary. And I also offer up my thanks for all things, people and opportunities that come to me and those I care about.

    I used to be far more frugal but now, I simply listen and act on the guidance I receive.

  3. While being prosperous and prudent - supposedly the steak is incredible down there and really reasonable - so have a rib eye and a Malbec and tell me how it was!!!

  4. Thanks Randy for the message, There was a time when I was really spendthrift, I had all the credit cards that existed, I spend more money than I had and because of that I had a lot of economic problems.
    Fortunately that is part of my past, and ofcourse I learned a very important lesson, I am more careful now, this doesn't mean I am miser, I appreciate and value everything I have and get, which will bring me more abundance, I know.

    By the way, I'm glad our volcano behaved, welcome to South America 🙂


  5. Now Randy you do know that acquiring wealth does not require one to be frugal. This noble act does not activate the natural laws in no way. There is exact science and way of doing thing to accumulate wealth. Now I do agree to maintain such wealth a proper mindset and awareness must be retain. But the spender as well as the savor, can accumulate massive riches and live an abundant life. But very good post.

  6. I agree with Randy that you have to learn how to respect and manage money if you want to keep it and continue to grow it. From a monetary standpoint, true wealth is obtained when your money is making you money, to the point where you can choose to do whatever you want, whenever you want, with who ever you want and the wealth continues to grow. You can keep making money, but that becomes a choice. I found it is O.K. to stretch beyond your comfort zone a little to increase your drive to excel. For example, if you can afford the 3 series BMW but not the 5 series that you desire, buy the 5 series and force yourself to make up the difference by increasing your productivity. These stretch's should be some what realistic but if you don't take yourself out of your comfort zone, even a little, you won't get to the next level. At least that's been my experience.

    1. Mary-Ellen, the 3 Series to 5 Series example is a great analogy, and this is something I have experienced on a smaller scale, but the principle is the same.

      I had to stretch in order to afford my new Macbook Pro.

      Originally, I had considered merely buying the entry level one or buying one used, and even skipping buying a Mac altogether.

      After all, it was (and often is) far cheaper to buy a bargain laptop.

      I had even considered borrowing money, and calling in favors, but I considered this to be unacceptable, as I would learn nothing from that experience.

      I went to a local retailer and tried various models out. I did my research. I talked to people who already owned the product.

      Like some BMW owners, I could buy something to impress others, which comes from a lack and poverty based mentality.

      The opposite end is being focused merely on price. (Why buy 1 or 2 when I can buy 8?) This way of thinking also stems from lack, and can lead to hoarding behavior, which costs time, money, and life.

      Yes, you can purchase multiple new or used cars for the price of luxury car, the same with other premium/luxury items.

      But, the quality and the experience of it, was more important to me.

      Like Apple, BMW sells a whole experience, and not just a car.

      Quality items certainly can bring happiness if the item was obtained with good intentions.

      I obtained my computer so I had a stable home for my work, and a tool that inspired me to create and push forward through obstacles. Great design and construction inspires.

      It was more than wanting it merely to have it.

      I will find a way to afford a BMW 5 or 7 series,/an Audi A6 or A8.

      It is not so much the car that I value as much as the growth of myself and other aspects of my life in order to obtain it.

      After all, owning a luxury car, and not having it destroy you means having a great life of abundance.

      Things are never as important as you or other people, but they enrich your life if they are chosen well.

      From where I stand now, obtaining such a life where I live well enough to being to afford a premium lifestyle, seems almost impossible.

      But a year ago, I never would have thought I could afford to buy a premium computer without credit, asking others for help, or relying on a job to get the money.

      It wasn't merely the acquisition of resources that made it possible. It was the growth of myself, along with helping others grow.

      I think this is true of anything- the process is more important than the goal, and you can't do it all alone, contrary to what some people say.

      If a small circumstance can be manifested, surely something bigger can be.

      Perhaps the Law of Attraction exists, but not in the sense the Gurus say.

        1. Hehe.

          Sounds like a challenge.

          Finding a way to meet up with Randy Gage in a tropical paradise.

          If I am going to Buenos Aires or any other place to meet with you, I'd want to share music and exchange ideas. That would be far more priceless to me than a used BMW.

          Although I am sure it would be a prosperous deal.

          Man, the energy of just thinking of that as a possibility. Wow.

      1. Hi Thomas,
        Thanks for sharing. It doesn't matter where you start, or what the object is, as much as it is about your thoughts. Good for you that you don't listen to the naysayers. Don't compare yourself to anyone. We've all been at the bottom and at the top. You are your only limit to where you will go and where you believe yourself to be. Randy gives great insight, keep listening and learning and connecting with positive uplifting people who support whatever great dreams you have. Go get emmmmmm......

      1. Forget your computer at home...just buy a new it. Some people might characterize that as being prodigal. I look at that as one of the advantages of being wealthy! (Thanks for making us stretch our vocabulary, and hope I used it correctly in that sentence).

        1. Every good wealthy person whom I have had the chance of encountering, (Only a couple of people so far) is able to do this.

          This comes from a place of love and wholeness, not a place of lack, which is unfortunately how so many people see ALL wealthy people as. (Crooks who want to take from others.)

          People needing to be co-dependent on someone else is far more harmful on so many levels.

          I think that Ayn Rand understood things a great deal. Objectivism isn't perfect, but it's a start.

          One day I will be able to buy everything I want and need, as well as benefit others, just like Randy.

      2. I'm laughing - after our series of emails...

        It's just delicious to see how delightful my life shall be too...

        One thing I often imagine is being so rich that I tithe by leaving money around for others to pick up with "pay it forward - use this money to CREATE wealth for yourself, and 10% of the profit circulate for someone else..."

        Are you gonna give it away now?

  7. Randy,
    Thanks for expanding my vocabulary, my mind and my world experience. I travel vicariously through you for now. And thank you for buying the new computer, I would have missed hearing from you 🙂

  8. What's going on...You're becoming mild mannered and reasonable...Yes, just a little bit of added wealth and then track the upward progress. Thank you..

  9. Wow, i must say that you have very interesting things here, i enjoyed reading this for hours.

    I'm glad your new computer has solved your problem today.

  10. Scrooge was visited by Ghosts? I don't recall THAT episode of Donald Duck... 🙂 Nah, seriously, Randy, nice sentiment & good call about "the delicate dance": it's all about the balance of frugality & frivolity, yin & yang.

  11. Hi RG,

    Cool pic.

    This post reminds me of an old stockbroker named Russell Sage. He had a massive net worth, and died with the same massive net worth, barely spending a buck. He couldn't enjoy his wealth, so why even generate a fortune?

    On the flip side I see the keep up with the Jones' crowd, of which I was a former member. I bought stuff that wasn't in harmony with my level of prosperity consciousness. I've since sold this stuff - let go and grow, they say - to make room for better things, for me, at this time.

    Never become so terrified of going broke that you don't enjoy your wealth, and never give into the urge to mortgage your future by buying stuff you don't want, but that you want to buy to impress others.

    Thanks for sharing!


  12. Привет Всем...
    Особенно большой Привет Ренди Гейджу!
    Я очень рад был слушать твои тренинги)
    особенно наука Дубликации...
    Я очень рад что на свете есть такой замечательный человек Ренди Гейдж...

  13. It is different Levels for Creating Wealth. I remember the first time I paid cash for my first car which was a volkswagon Jetta. I also vividly remember when I paid Cash for My Mercedes Benz 500Ml Sport Utility Truck. Both Experiences were incredible at different stages in my Wealth development.

  14. Hi Randy,
    Good point here.Prosperity and abundance mean to find that sweet spot in your life on all your areas.In other words equilibrium is waht gives you a sense of prosperity and taht always attracts more.Now,everyone of us find this sweet spot after a while by living,experiencing and improving.

    Thank you:)


  15. Exactly. Being rich is having money, Being wealthy is having time. Wealth is also a state of mind. Money is like blood, and needs to flow like blood. When you hord it, you create a clot and can only lead to lack.

    One must get into the wealth consciousness by creating impressions in your subconscious about wealth (wealth state of mind) - There are affirmations that are great to repeat before sleep and after you awake or to meditate to that will work wonders. I am sure there will be a post of affirmations we can all share soon 🙂


  16. I agree that abundance includes not only financial wealth, but a balance of enjoying it and your life, and using it wisely. The affirmations mentioned below are a good way to align you thinking to that of abundance, and I've also been doing the Awaken To Wealth Program,
    Good, thoughtful post, Randy!

  17. I agree that abundance includes not only financial wealth, but a balance of enjoying it and your life, and using it wisely. The affirmations mentioned below are a good way to align you thinking to that of abundance, and I've also been doing the Awaken To Wealth Program,
    Good, thoughtful post, Randy!

  18. Proverbs 13:7  "One man pretends to be rich, yet has nothing; another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth."

  19. Proverbs 13:7  "One man pretends to be rich, yet has nothing; another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth."

  20. Wealth is available to anyone who applies smart property investing techniques. I've developed wealth by nabbing well-positioned property bargains (which gave me instant equity allowing me to expand my portfolio), and holding onto these properties (which gave me great capital growth!)

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  • 34 comments on “Creating Wealth”

    1. I am always reminded of Scrooge when the question of wealth and being miserly comes up. Scrooge was hardly prosperous, rich in monetary numbers, but not wealthy...until the ghosts' visit that is 😉

      Being a miser is fear based lack thinking for sure. Being smart and caring for your money is loving.

      A great post once again Randy!

        1. Well, I looked those words up. And now I would like to say your response was parsimonious!

          You big word user.:)

          Speaking of sweet spots in the middle, my poor dog had to be shaved today with just a tuff of fur at top. So, right in the middle of her sweet head the groomer placed a little blue bow. She is a great big dog by the way, it's a little funny looking.

          Point. I don't have one. No, actually I do. Sweet spots in the middle of anything are usually the best place to be!

    2. Yes again, I have to refer to the being worthy aspect of the Prosperity mindset. NEVER allowing ourselves to enjoy things that make us happy based on not having enough robs us of Joy in my mind.

      Having the belief that abundance is infinite and that our thoughts, actions and gratitude create the life of Abundance we seek is what's important. I don't go out to eat but once a week or so, but I do treat myself to events and things that make me happy, regardless. I carry no debt and continue to maintain the thoughts of abundance and prosperity that are necessary. And I also offer up my thanks for all things, people and opportunities that come to me and those I care about.

      I used to be far more frugal but now, I simply listen and act on the guidance I receive.

    3. While being prosperous and prudent - supposedly the steak is incredible down there and really reasonable - so have a rib eye and a Malbec and tell me how it was!!!

    4. Thanks Randy for the message, There was a time when I was really spendthrift, I had all the credit cards that existed, I spend more money than I had and because of that I had a lot of economic problems.
      Fortunately that is part of my past, and ofcourse I learned a very important lesson, I am more careful now, this doesn't mean I am miser, I appreciate and value everything I have and get, which will bring me more abundance, I know.

      By the way, I'm glad our volcano behaved, welcome to South America 🙂


    5. Now Randy you do know that acquiring wealth does not require one to be frugal. This noble act does not activate the natural laws in no way. There is exact science and way of doing thing to accumulate wealth. Now I do agree to maintain such wealth a proper mindset and awareness must be retain. But the spender as well as the savor, can accumulate massive riches and live an abundant life. But very good post.

    6. I agree with Randy that you have to learn how to respect and manage money if you want to keep it and continue to grow it. From a monetary standpoint, true wealth is obtained when your money is making you money, to the point where you can choose to do whatever you want, whenever you want, with who ever you want and the wealth continues to grow. You can keep making money, but that becomes a choice. I found it is O.K. to stretch beyond your comfort zone a little to increase your drive to excel. For example, if you can afford the 3 series BMW but not the 5 series that you desire, buy the 5 series and force yourself to make up the difference by increasing your productivity. These stretch's should be some what realistic but if you don't take yourself out of your comfort zone, even a little, you won't get to the next level. At least that's been my experience.

      1. Mary-Ellen, the 3 Series to 5 Series example is a great analogy, and this is something I have experienced on a smaller scale, but the principle is the same.

        I had to stretch in order to afford my new Macbook Pro.

        Originally, I had considered merely buying the entry level one or buying one used, and even skipping buying a Mac altogether.

        After all, it was (and often is) far cheaper to buy a bargain laptop.

        I had even considered borrowing money, and calling in favors, but I considered this to be unacceptable, as I would learn nothing from that experience.

        I went to a local retailer and tried various models out. I did my research. I talked to people who already owned the product.

        Like some BMW owners, I could buy something to impress others, which comes from a lack and poverty based mentality.

        The opposite end is being focused merely on price. (Why buy 1 or 2 when I can buy 8?) This way of thinking also stems from lack, and can lead to hoarding behavior, which costs time, money, and life.

        Yes, you can purchase multiple new or used cars for the price of luxury car, the same with other premium/luxury items.

        But, the quality and the experience of it, was more important to me.

        Like Apple, BMW sells a whole experience, and not just a car.

        Quality items certainly can bring happiness if the item was obtained with good intentions.

        I obtained my computer so I had a stable home for my work, and a tool that inspired me to create and push forward through obstacles. Great design and construction inspires.

        It was more than wanting it merely to have it.

        I will find a way to afford a BMW 5 or 7 series,/an Audi A6 or A8.

        It is not so much the car that I value as much as the growth of myself and other aspects of my life in order to obtain it.

        After all, owning a luxury car, and not having it destroy you means having a great life of abundance.

        Things are never as important as you or other people, but they enrich your life if they are chosen well.

        From where I stand now, obtaining such a life where I live well enough to being to afford a premium lifestyle, seems almost impossible.

        But a year ago, I never would have thought I could afford to buy a premium computer without credit, asking others for help, or relying on a job to get the money.

        It wasn't merely the acquisition of resources that made it possible. It was the growth of myself, along with helping others grow.

        I think this is true of anything- the process is more important than the goal, and you can't do it all alone, contrary to what some people say.

        If a small circumstance can be manifested, surely something bigger can be.

        Perhaps the Law of Attraction exists, but not in the sense the Gurus say.

          1. Hehe.

            Sounds like a challenge.

            Finding a way to meet up with Randy Gage in a tropical paradise.

            If I am going to Buenos Aires or any other place to meet with you, I'd want to share music and exchange ideas. That would be far more priceless to me than a used BMW.

            Although I am sure it would be a prosperous deal.

            Man, the energy of just thinking of that as a possibility. Wow.

        1. Hi Thomas,
          Thanks for sharing. It doesn't matter where you start, or what the object is, as much as it is about your thoughts. Good for you that you don't listen to the naysayers. Don't compare yourself to anyone. We've all been at the bottom and at the top. You are your only limit to where you will go and where you believe yourself to be. Randy gives great insight, keep listening and learning and connecting with positive uplifting people who support whatever great dreams you have. Go get emmmmmm......

        1. Forget your computer at home...just buy a new it. Some people might characterize that as being prodigal. I look at that as one of the advantages of being wealthy! (Thanks for making us stretch our vocabulary, and hope I used it correctly in that sentence).

          1. Every good wealthy person whom I have had the chance of encountering, (Only a couple of people so far) is able to do this.

            This comes from a place of love and wholeness, not a place of lack, which is unfortunately how so many people see ALL wealthy people as. (Crooks who want to take from others.)

            People needing to be co-dependent on someone else is far more harmful on so many levels.

            I think that Ayn Rand understood things a great deal. Objectivism isn't perfect, but it's a start.

            One day I will be able to buy everything I want and need, as well as benefit others, just like Randy.

        2. I'm laughing - after our series of emails...

          It's just delicious to see how delightful my life shall be too...

          One thing I often imagine is being so rich that I tithe by leaving money around for others to pick up with "pay it forward - use this money to CREATE wealth for yourself, and 10% of the profit circulate for someone else..."

          Are you gonna give it away now?

    7. Randy,
      Thanks for expanding my vocabulary, my mind and my world experience. I travel vicariously through you for now. And thank you for buying the new computer, I would have missed hearing from you 🙂

    8. What's going on...You're becoming mild mannered and reasonable...Yes, just a little bit of added wealth and then track the upward progress. Thank you..

    9. Wow, i must say that you have very interesting things here, i enjoyed reading this for hours.

      I'm glad your new computer has solved your problem today.

    10. Scrooge was visited by Ghosts? I don't recall THAT episode of Donald Duck... 🙂 Nah, seriously, Randy, nice sentiment & good call about "the delicate dance": it's all about the balance of frugality & frivolity, yin & yang.

    11. Hi RG,

      Cool pic.

      This post reminds me of an old stockbroker named Russell Sage. He had a massive net worth, and died with the same massive net worth, barely spending a buck. He couldn't enjoy his wealth, so why even generate a fortune?

      On the flip side I see the keep up with the Jones' crowd, of which I was a former member. I bought stuff that wasn't in harmony with my level of prosperity consciousness. I've since sold this stuff - let go and grow, they say - to make room for better things, for me, at this time.

      Never become so terrified of going broke that you don't enjoy your wealth, and never give into the urge to mortgage your future by buying stuff you don't want, but that you want to buy to impress others.

      Thanks for sharing!


    12. Привет Всем...
      Особенно большой Привет Ренди Гейджу!
      Я очень рад был слушать твои тренинги)
      особенно наука Дубликации...
      Я очень рад что на свете есть такой замечательный человек Ренди Гейдж...

    13. It is different Levels for Creating Wealth. I remember the first time I paid cash for my first car which was a volkswagon Jetta. I also vividly remember when I paid Cash for My Mercedes Benz 500Ml Sport Utility Truck. Both Experiences were incredible at different stages in my Wealth development.

    14. Hi Randy,
      Good point here.Prosperity and abundance mean to find that sweet spot in your life on all your areas.In other words equilibrium is waht gives you a sense of prosperity and taht always attracts more.Now,everyone of us find this sweet spot after a while by living,experiencing and improving.

      Thank you:)


    15. Exactly. Being rich is having money, Being wealthy is having time. Wealth is also a state of mind. Money is like blood, and needs to flow like blood. When you hord it, you create a clot and can only lead to lack.

      One must get into the wealth consciousness by creating impressions in your subconscious about wealth (wealth state of mind) - There are affirmations that are great to repeat before sleep and after you awake or to meditate to that will work wonders. I am sure there will be a post of affirmations we can all share soon 🙂


    16. I agree that abundance includes not only financial wealth, but a balance of enjoying it and your life, and using it wisely. The affirmations mentioned below are a good way to align you thinking to that of abundance, and I've also been doing the Awaken To Wealth Program,
      Good, thoughtful post, Randy!

    17. I agree that abundance includes not only financial wealth, but a balance of enjoying it and your life, and using it wisely. The affirmations mentioned below are a good way to align you thinking to that of abundance, and I've also been doing the Awaken To Wealth Program,
      Good, thoughtful post, Randy!

    18. Proverbs 13:7  "One man pretends to be rich, yet has nothing; another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth."

    19. Proverbs 13:7  "One man pretends to be rich, yet has nothing; another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth."

    20. Wealth is available to anyone who applies smart property investing techniques. I've developed wealth by nabbing well-positioned property bargains (which gave me instant equity allowing me to expand my portfolio), and holding onto these properties (which gave me great capital growth!)

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