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Creating Success

Posted By: Randy GageSeptember 21, 2012

There are a lot of people that think you create success by sitting on the sofa watching The Secret, simply visualizing it, or “attracting” it. 

One thing I know is this.  Success requires sweat, passion, self-discipline, determination and work.  You don't simply attract it with positive thoughts.

But I also know this…

Once you set your intention, you bend the universe to your will.  And that’s when all that sweat, passion, self-discipline, determination and work turn into the result you want!

- RG

12 comments on “Creating Success”

  1. Setting out the intention, activating the law of attraction brings the opportunities. But the opportunities won't turn into reality if one continue to sit and visualize. That's why the BE, DO, HAVE. After visualizing from BEING, one got to move to DOING.

  2. Setting out the intention, activating the law of attraction brings the opportunities. But the opportunities won't turn into reality if one continue to sit and visualize. That's why the BE, DO, HAVE. After visualizing from BEING, one got to move to DOING.

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  • 12 comments on “Creating Success”

    1. Setting out the intention, activating the law of attraction brings the opportunities. But the opportunities won't turn into reality if one continue to sit and visualize. That's why the BE, DO, HAVE. After visualizing from BEING, one got to move to DOING.

    2. Setting out the intention, activating the law of attraction brings the opportunities. But the opportunities won't turn into reality if one continue to sit and visualize. That's why the BE, DO, HAVE. After visualizing from BEING, one got to move to DOING.

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