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Creating Prosperity in the Moment

Posted By: Randy GageFebruary 29, 2020

You think you have life all figured out, until you take a bullet to the gut and left for dead.  Or at least I did. 

I wouldn’t recommend this system.  But I can tell you that getting shot was one of the best things that ever happened to me.  The pain, the surgeries, and facing down death aren’t that enjoyable of course.  But going through an experience like that gives you such a heightened sense of appreciation for every moment.

I just landed in Miami from Germany about an hour ago.  As we cruised in from the Atlantic and headed over Miami Beach and Biscayne Bay I was filled with a sense of awe and wonder.  Even though I’ve seen that sight thousands of times, I still savor it each and every time.  I’ll never take another sunset or sunrise for granted.  I celebrate every moment with the people who are special to me.

How about you?

Maybe you’ve stared your mortality in the face, or maybe not.  But you don’t need to in order to create a prosperous day every day.  You simply notice the beauty around you and celebrate the moments.

You’re never too busy to smell the roses, give a kind word, or flash someone a smile.  Yes of course you’ll have difficult times and challenges along the way.  But you know every challenge contains an opportunity.  And you know it’s not really about what happens to you, but how you choose to frame it.

You realize that prosperity comes in the moments.  And you get to create those moments.  How are you doing on that?


- RG

4 comments on “Creating Prosperity in the Moment”

  1. YES! It's the "set of the sail"; the quality and depth of the questions we ask ourselves. I'm finding I have to prep my subconscious a bit if there's a really deep question I want to ask it.

    When we go into the depths of our mind, I find appreciating "the continuous moments" just bubbles up.

  2. Thank you Randy, for this great reminder to appreciate the treasures the Universe is constantly showing us.

    When I first moved here to South Florida nearly 40 years ago, friends & relatives began visiting me, exclaiming how lucky I was to live here.

    I said “luck has nothing to do with it, everyone has to live somewhere and I choose to live here”, instead of living in Western PA.

    I never take it for granted, even all these years later because I know that for some folks, they save money all year just so they can spend a week here on vacation.

    I treasure these moments of Prosperity visiting with you on your posts.


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  • 4 comments on “Creating Prosperity in the Moment”

    1. YES! It's the "set of the sail"; the quality and depth of the questions we ask ourselves. I'm finding I have to prep my subconscious a bit if there's a really deep question I want to ask it.

      When we go into the depths of our mind, I find appreciating "the continuous moments" just bubbles up.

    2. Thank you Randy, for this great reminder to appreciate the treasures the Universe is constantly showing us.

      When I first moved here to South Florida nearly 40 years ago, friends & relatives began visiting me, exclaiming how lucky I was to live here.

      I said “luck has nothing to do with it, everyone has to live somewhere and I choose to live here”, instead of living in Western PA.

      I never take it for granted, even all these years later because I know that for some folks, they save money all year just so they can spend a week here on vacation.

      I treasure these moments of Prosperity visiting with you on your posts.


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