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Creating a New You, Part 1

Posted By: Randy GageDecember 30, 2018

It’s New Year’s Eve, so lots of people are making their resolutions for 2019.  Good on them.  Hopefully you too have been doing some serious thinking about what you want to happen in the New Year. 

I’ve never been big on resolutions.  I don’t need some subjective date to goad me into changing something I don’t like about myself.  I recognize that I’m living right now.

Usually resolutions are about abstract behaviors (I will be kinder) or killing old habits (I will quit smoking).  Nothing inherently wrong about either of those.  But just as I strive to be “the thinker of the thought,” I also endeavor to become “the person who would live in this way.”

To me, the relevant metric is how the version of you on December 31st 2019, will be any different than the version reading these words now.  And that’s what I want to get into, on the next post.

Until then, love to hear your thoughts below.  Please enjoy the New Years festivities, and don’t drive impaired.


5 comments on “Creating a New You, Part 1”

  1. Great approach!
    Personally, I want to reach the point when I don't just know how to think positively and apply it a lot of times but I applying it without reluctancy, always.
    I also want to "evascerate" my wothyness issues. I want to feel deeply that I'm worthy for good so not to debate myself.
    I want better heath. I want to know what would I do with petfect heath. It's an interesting topic. Why we are not perfectly heathy. Do we want to be? My "yes" is reluctant which is a worthyness issue, I think. I want to see myself saying an honest YES in 2019.

  2. I'm experiencing a releasing of old archaic belief structures, that block our innate divinity. We are all divine beings I believe. What I want and intend in 019' are quantum breakthroughs, happening in quantum event timing.

    Kind of like people savvy of this skill can completely heal tumors in moments, for example, or become who they choose to become in minutes with proper guidance and meditation skills

  3. The 2019 version of me will be grounded in consistency of action and discipline. He starts and engrains admirable habits.

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  • 5 comments on “Creating a New You, Part 1”

    1. Great approach!
      Personally, I want to reach the point when I don't just know how to think positively and apply it a lot of times but I applying it without reluctancy, always.
      I also want to "evascerate" my wothyness issues. I want to feel deeply that I'm worthy for good so not to debate myself.
      I want better heath. I want to know what would I do with petfect heath. It's an interesting topic. Why we are not perfectly heathy. Do we want to be? My "yes" is reluctant which is a worthyness issue, I think. I want to see myself saying an honest YES in 2019.

    2. I'm experiencing a releasing of old archaic belief structures, that block our innate divinity. We are all divine beings I believe. What I want and intend in 019' are quantum breakthroughs, happening in quantum event timing.

      Kind of like people savvy of this skill can completely heal tumors in moments, for example, or become who they choose to become in minutes with proper guidance and meditation skills

    3. The 2019 version of me will be grounded in consistency of action and discipline. He starts and engrains admirable habits.

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