How many time do we waste on what is happening around us, on politics, social media, social environment, others gossip, watching tv / series or news which leads us to nothing else than worries and concerns that actually never will happened in te 80% of the scenarios! How many fuel do we waste on that. It’s mandatory to change our minds and focus on that really matters and leads us to a better life and once we reach that invest a lot of resources helping others.
Merry Christmas Amigo Randy
How many time do we waste on what is happening around us, on politics, social media, social environment, others gossip, watching tv / series or news which leads us to nothing else than worries and concerns that actually never will happened in te 80% of the scenarios! How many fuel do we waste on that. It’s mandatory to change our minds and focus on that really matters and leads us to a better life and once we reach that invest a lot of resources helping others.
Merry Christmas Amigo Randy