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Could You Do 3 Chin-ups to Save Your Life?

Posted By: Randy GageJanuary 17, 2020

If everyone on earth had to do three chin-ups to save their lives tomorrow – it would be an extinction level event.

If that doesn’t frighten you, it should.  And if you’re one of the 97 percent of people who couldn’t do three chin-ups to save your life – you should be terrified.

Last post we looked at how you can become a better critical thinker.  Let’s return to our series about how beliefs in different categories can hold you back.  Let’s explore your beliefs about health and wellness.

We have developed more knowledge about nutrition, medicine, and wellness than ever before.  We’ve advanced greatly in the areas of drugs, medical treatments, and life extension.  Yet obesity, heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, and other degenerative diseases are reaching epidemic and pandemic levels.  For the third year in a row, in the United States life expectancy has declined.  We are the most overfed but malnourished society in human history.  For the first time in that history, you are more likely to die from obesity than starvation.

We are digging our graves with our teeth.

This category on health and wellness is the most important of the six belief categories.  Even with the massive volume of anti-wealth memes, and the pervasive and suffocating crazy beliefs around god and religion – I believe memes and misconceptions about health impact you the most.  Health is the foundational basis of your entire experience as a human being.  In my case, low energy and poor health was the biggest obstacle I faced to making myself over.  I would wager for a lot of you, it’s also the biggest threat to building a new you.

Note: I’m not a nutritionist or dietician and have no desire to be the food police.    I’m not going to get into the weeds here in terms of specific diets, exercise routines, or medical treatment.  You’re not going to find double-blind, medical research studies and statistics.  We’re going to stay in the realms of big picture issues and common sense.  The focus here isn’t a PhD in health, but how you can protect yourself from daily habits that are harmful and dangerous.  Please find a doctor who understands health, not just disease, and consult with other wellness professionals.  And there are great books completely devoted to healthy eating, wellness, exercise and preventive medicine.

Like the other categories we’ve discussed, this is another case of people sabotaging themselves, practicing daily behaviors that are taking them away from, not toward, their goals, dreams and objectives.  No one is ever too busy to work on their body and mind, only too foolish to work on their body and mind.

Why would people work against feeling energetic, enjoying good health, and living a long life? 

Once again, this harmful behavior is caused by mind viruses – manipulation of the subconscious mind by external forces.  In this case, the primary source of the programming leads us back to our old friends: marketers.

The main memes in this category are:

  • Food is produced in factories
  • Good taste equals healthy food
  • Sugar is natural and healthy
  • Diet sodas help you lose weight
  • Bread is the staff of life
  • Prescription drugs correct mistakes in living
  • Daily exercise is only for professional athletes

Let’s start with the prevalent belief that food comes from factories.  Most people don’t consciously think about this.  Food should come from the earth, but ninety percent of the items in their kitchen and pantry come from factories, not farms.

We were meant to nourish ourselves with fruits, vegetables and nuts. Vegetarians and meat eaters can argue about the other proteins, I’ll stay out of that debate.  Other than to say I believe within a decade it will no longer be socially acceptable to raise animals for food.  The advances in biogenetic engineering will have provided perfectly tasty alternatives from vegetable sources, and even “real” meat will be grown completely cruelty-free, in labs from cells.

Yet for most of the world now, the staples of their diet are things like donuts, chips, pizza, sodas, cookies, cakes, candy, and greasy fried food.  This counterfeit food has little or no vitamins, minerals, enzymes, protein, antioxidants and many other things our bodies need to regenerate healthy cells.  Our bodies cry out for true nourishment and we eat more.  But these empty calories provide fat, but not much nutrition.  Portions are getting bigger, and so are our waistlines.

What about those pantry items I mentioned?  They’re items like canned goods, breakfast cereals, and pastas – often with an expiration date a couple years into the future.  Cheese spread in a can?  What do you think the nutritional value of that is?

Think about the items probably in your freezer right now, like cheese tots, pretzel bites, mozzarella sticks, bagel bites, french fries, corn dogs, hot pockets, croquettes, battered onion rings, pot stickers, pizza rolls, tater tots – even all those frozen fruits and vegetables.  Check the expiration date on some of those.  Look at the amount of added sugar. Do you really think they’re giving you much more nutritional value than you’d get by eating cardboard?

There are people who believe that eating strawberry pop tarts is the same as eating strawberries, apple cobbler is akin to apples, and scarfing down carrot-cake-flavored cheesecake is as nourishing as eating carrots.  You probably (I hope) wouldn’t eat chocolate chips cookies for breakfast; the marketers know that.  So they made chocolate chip muffins and scones.  They’ve programmed you to believe something that tastes good is wholesome and healthy.

Many people have breakfast from a microwave, lunch at their desk and dinner from a drive through window.  Fast food outlets keep proliferating, and our busy lifestyles force more and more of us to eat on the go.  People everywhere are in serious need of proper nutrition.  And simply popping some vitamin/mineral supplementation isn’t the answer.

It’s not so much about what you put in your body, as it is what your body can get out of it.  Numerous studies have shown that many over-the-counter vitamin and mineral supplements often pass through your digestive track without providing you much, or even any, nutritional value.  Oftentimes these pills are machine-pressed with thousands of pounds of pressure, so your body simply can’t assimilate the nutrition from them.  

Next let’s deal with the meme that sugar is natural and healthy.  True sugar is natural, but so is arsenic.  Most of the sugar you consume today is far from natural, it’s processed and refined.  It tastes sweeter and is more addictive, but its nutritional value is diminished.

The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends limiting the amount of added sugars you consume.  The AHA says for most American women, that’s about six teaspoons of sugar. For men, about nine teaspoons.  But we’re consuming about 32 teaspoons.  That’s because 80 percent of groceries have added sugar.  Research shows that the majority of this excess sugar becomes metabolized into body fat – leading to the long list of debilitating chronic metabolic diseases so many people are struggling with.

Too much sugar overloads and damages your liver the same as alcohol.  It turns off your appetite control system, so you eat more, and can develop insulin resistance.  This causes metabolic dysfunction, leading to a barrage of symptoms including weight gain, abdominal obesity, decreased HDL and increased LDL, elevated blood sugar, elevated triglycerides, and high blood pressure.   It also increases your uric acid levels - a risk factor for heart and kidney disease. There is fairly convincing and reproducible evidence that too much sugar in the diet is linked to cognitive and brain deficits – Alzheimer’s disease.  And a lot of evidence that sugar substitutes are not much better and may be worse.

The brainwashing about sugar and sugar substitutes is among the most harmful things happening to humankind right now.  It’s arguably doing the most damage through soda, because it harms your body on so many levels.  The average person consumes 50 gallons of soda every year.  Diet sodas are not helping you lose weight, they’re helping you gain disease.

Let’s talk about bread.  Bread being the staff of life is another one of those dangerous beliefs created by religion.  Bread is the staff of death.  Not only is enriched white bread sorely lacking in nutritional elements, it also leaches other nutrients out of your body. The less bread there is in your diet, the healthier you will be.

So we’re at a crossroads where our knowledge and technology is advancing, and we’re doing little to benefit from it. And still marketers continue the deception and confusion... 

Have you noticed how much advertising for prescriptions there is to consumers?  And what’s the focus?  That these are miracle drugs that can erase all of those horrible lifestyle choices we’ve made.  Instead of improving our diet and health habits, we take more medicine.  There is an astonishing number of people who take at least ten prescription drugs on a daily basis today.

Think back to what we discussed earlier about the Matrix that is created when memes interact with marketing, AI, and algorithms.  In its simplest level, it is a lot more lucrative to sell you cancer treatments, medical care, and prescriptions, than it is to teach you knowledge and prevention.

Finally, too many people have bought into the belief that exercise is something you do a few times a week, or that exercise is only for athletes.  That’s just another misconception put out by marketers to sell you magic potions to “dream away the pounds.”

You have to fight back and reclaim your health.  Because no matter what version of a new you that you decide to create, you’re going to need energy, wellness, and mental acuity to get there.

Let’s explore some ways you can blow up these limiting beliefs about health and wellness and replace them with beliefs that serve you. 

Start by losing the belief that it’s normal that every decade of your life means you add an extra five to ten pounds.  That belief can kill you.  Lose the belief that it’s normal to take more prescriptions than you have fingers.  Change your paradigm to prevention and well care, not medicine and sick care.

Millions of people affirm statements like, “I just don’t have the energy.”   But physical energy isn’t lying around on a shelf waiting to be picked up.  You don’t find energy, you create it.  You create it by the fuel (food and drink) you put into your engine (body and mind).

Stop making diet choices simply on what is convenient or tastes sweet, make them on how they nourish and energize your body and brain.  If you want to live longer, eat living food.  If you want to die sooner eat dead food.  The difference between the two is active, living enzymes.  All raw fruits, vegetables and nuts have living enzymes.  The more of these items you include in your diet, the more natural energy you will possess and the better nutrition you are receiving.

Stop looking for hacks and short cuts.  Everyone needs cardiovascular exercise daily and resistance training two or three times a week to maintain good health.  As you create the new you, create a new set of priorities and daily habits to include exercise. And don’t forget your mind…

Create a workout routine for your brain to keep your cognitive skills sharp.  You can solve Sudoku, word games, brainteasers, crossword puzzles, and other exercises to stimulate your mental capacity.  Give yourself the gift of some form of meditation to calm your mind and create harmony.  Once you reprogram your beliefs about health and wellness, you’ll accelerate improvements in all the other areas in your life.

Next post, we’ll look at our final category of beliefs: The ones about career and work.  Until then, please check in with your thoughts below.


- RG

4 comments on “Could You Do 3 Chin-ups to Save Your Life?”

  1. Hi Randy, with all six categories of beliefs of wellness habits, it's a full time task to unlearn then relearn. I welcome the opportunity to drop the old scripts and begin new ones! We have the discernment and choice. The heartbeats of prosperity!

  2. Randy, I see you're still preaching super simplistic solutions to complex problems. They just need to visualize and say affirmations, and they'll stop eating sugar, right?

    1. It's not my intent (or qualification) to write a book about diet and nutrition. I'm writing one about the harmful or limiting beliefs we have in six main areas, with wellness being one of them. There are people much more qualified than I to write about diet, nutrition, exercise, and longevity. Hopefully many people who read my work will be concerned and intrigued enough about the subject of wellness to explore it deeper.

  3. Hi Randy, Pushups are good too "!In a new study led by Harvard University, researchers found that men's ability to do more than 40 push-ups was linked with significantly reduced risk of serious heart problems over the next 10 years – in some cases slashing risk by as much as 96 percent."

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  • 4 comments on “Could You Do 3 Chin-ups to Save Your Life?”

    1. Hi Randy, with all six categories of beliefs of wellness habits, it's a full time task to unlearn then relearn. I welcome the opportunity to drop the old scripts and begin new ones! We have the discernment and choice. The heartbeats of prosperity!

    2. Randy, I see you're still preaching super simplistic solutions to complex problems. They just need to visualize and say affirmations, and they'll stop eating sugar, right?

      1. It's not my intent (or qualification) to write a book about diet and nutrition. I'm writing one about the harmful or limiting beliefs we have in six main areas, with wellness being one of them. There are people much more qualified than I to write about diet, nutrition, exercise, and longevity. Hopefully many people who read my work will be concerned and intrigued enough about the subject of wellness to explore it deeper.

    3. Hi Randy, Pushups are good too "!In a new study led by Harvard University, researchers found that men's ability to do more than 40 push-ups was linked with significantly reduced risk of serious heart problems over the next 10 years – in some cases slashing risk by as much as 96 percent."

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