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Constructive Doubt

Posted By: Randy GageAugust 5, 2011

There seems to be a religion of doubt in the world today.  It’s almost like doubt has been glorified to cult status.  If you want to appear intelligent today, you must doubt everything.  That means pointing out the flaws, defects of everything, especially denigrating all spiritual ideals.

Make no mistake, this theology of doubt has nothing to do with the critical thinking I am always urging you to do.  There is a huge difference between critical thinking and a mindset of automatic doubt.  It's the difference between skepticism and cynicism.

Sometimes doubt can be good and actually serve your enlightenment.  That is what I call constructive doubt.  This is the kind of doubt that occurs as you walk the path of illumination.

This kind of doubt tests you while it pulls you forward.  Instead of questioning “why” it questions “why not?”  This doubt inspires you and pulls you closer to who you really are meant to be.

This kind of doubt is the most difficult to learn if you are intellectual, and measure everything from an empirical and practical basis.

Because spiritual things must be spiritually discerned...

If you don’t understand this, you can be skeptical and negative about everything, and miss out on living in the fourth dimension – the spiritual one.

Now that doesn’t mean you have to sell your possessions and live the life of an ascetic.  It just means you are open to the spiritual element of everything that happens in your day-to-day world.

A constructive doubt means you question things, and practice critical thinking.  But you don’t question things to prove they’re wrong.  You question them to learn their mysteries.  That is constructive doubt.



24 comments on “Constructive Doubt”

  1. Hi Randy,

    I love the distinction between good doubt and bad doubt, constructive doubt and destructive doubt.

    If someone is supposed to make a decision and they question their abilities by saying something like "Am I good enough ?", my answer to them usually is:"When you can doubt it you can make it."

    Doubt is a sign that we can make it, otherwise we wouldn't have to doubt it or we wouldn't ask ourselves the question if we are good enough or not.

    Thanks for a lot of food for thought !

    Take care


  2. There is no doubt that there is some very important points in your these words.And "Why not?" is a question of a genious.

  3. I trust my inner voice, I hear it. Then I accept the decision (I accept them quickly), I am not looking back anymore. If it is done, it is done. I start from this position, as it is at the moment. After reading your post, I understand, that I do not know - what is doubt. Maybe... I have forgotten. What is doubt?

  4. Funny, this article appeared to me on a day that I needed this message most! Been grappling with an idea and wondering if I could pull it off. Came across this "tweet" from RG about "Constructive Doubt" and here's the article.

    I've realized this doubt is pulling me forward, out of my comfort zone, and it's a good thing. I'm removing the doubt and moving forward on the idea. Thanks, Oliver, for you comment above, it helped, and thanks, RG for this article at a time when I needed it most! Funny how that works, huh?

  5. I use my intuition more than logic. If something resonates deep within I already know it fits. If it doesn't resonate... I have no desire to doubt it, I just walk away.

    So why would I need doubt?

    I guess I would need doubt if someone else was trying to get me to pay attention to something I had no interest in. But again, why do I need to pay attention to something I have no interest in? Why can't I just say, "that's nice," and then go away?

    I have no desire to make other realities wrong in order to prove my reality as the only right one. So I don't doubt. I believe or I go away. I let my subconscious do the work for me. I just make sure my subconscious is programmed to create the results I want! And when it's not...I explore that.

  6. Right on target, Randy, as usual. When I run into the doubt wall I ask two questions: "Why not?" (which you pointed out) and "What if...." Not "What if ....things go to Hades in a hand-basket"; but rather, "What if.....I tried this bizarre, off-the-wall, unconventional, crazy idea as a possible solution?"

    I have those two questions posted on the bulletin board in front of my desk. The letters are bright orange and florescent pink, in big 72-point font. The "What If..." question I have found especially helpful in getting my creative juices flowing--especially on tricky client projects.

  7. Now I understand all those people I have left behind, they don't even seek for the fourth dimension, don't decide and live in an eternal doubt. Uffff, what a great reading Randy. UN BESO!!!!!

  8. Is this constructive doubt to awaken to mystery and Greatness?

    Why is Randy Gage blessed with such a sexy arse?

    How does he create and maintain that sparkle in his eyes?

    And what has made him into such a consistent caring man with high integrity?

    What's molded his heart for finely for his love to grow?

    How does he constantly give so much value to serve so many, so much, so well and so often?

    How did he breakthrough and shift from egocentric drives into deep service?

    What formed this blind, HIV+, shot man to not only be LUCKY but to cause miracles in so many lives?

    Why do you continue to love me through and through? That truly is one of the greatest mysteries and miracles of all time.

    Mwah! x

  9. "Among the gifts of the Spirit scarcely one is of greater practical usefulness than the gift of discernment. This gift should be highly valued and frankly sought as being almost indispensable in these critical times. This gift will enable us to distinguish the chaff from the wheat and to divide the manifestations of the flesh from the operations of the Spirit."A.W. Tozer

  10. Hi Randy,

    I like to be open minded yet discerning.

    You need not accept everything coming down the pike, but at least be open to all things.

    Skeptics live in a prison of their own making.

    Thanks RG!


  11. Interesting.
    But I don't think it is that black and white.
    Critical thinking contains doubt after all.
    Nothing as it seems and we never see the things the way they are but the way their appearances are.
    Thanks for posting!

  12. Many years ago, I read the book Selestinskie prophecy, and this book made me change the attitude to life.

    7. revelation. It teaches us to remember that the things that catch your eye, and come to mind thoughts, dreams can be sent to us as the answers to our questions. In order not to miss them, we must take a position of the observer. When we comes to mind a thought, we must always ask ourselves, why she came. Bad thoughts to be stopped with the appearance, and good to develop. Then evil thoughts will no longer be us. That is why, before you say no, Im trying to consider everything from different angles and do not deny it.

    Много лет назад, я прочла книгу "Селестинские пророчества" и эта книга заставила меня изменить отношение к жизни.

    7. откровение. Оно учит нас помнить, что вещи, которые бросаются в глаза, и приходящие в голову мысли, сны могут быть нам посланы как ответы на наши вопросы. Чтобы не пропускать их, мы должны занять позицию наблюдателя. Когда к нам в голову приходит какая-то мысль, надо всегда спрашивать себя: зачем она пришла. Плохие мысли надо останавливать при появлении, а хорошие развивать. Тогда плохие мысли перестанут нам являться.

    Именно поэтому, прежде чем сказать нет, я стараюсь рассмотреть все с разных сторон и ничего не отрицать.

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  • 24 comments on “Constructive Doubt”

    1. Hi Randy,

      I love the distinction between good doubt and bad doubt, constructive doubt and destructive doubt.

      If someone is supposed to make a decision and they question their abilities by saying something like "Am I good enough ?", my answer to them usually is:"When you can doubt it you can make it."

      Doubt is a sign that we can make it, otherwise we wouldn't have to doubt it or we wouldn't ask ourselves the question if we are good enough or not.

      Thanks for a lot of food for thought !

      Take care


    2. There is no doubt that there is some very important points in your these words.And "Why not?" is a question of a genious.

    3. I trust my inner voice, I hear it. Then I accept the decision (I accept them quickly), I am not looking back anymore. If it is done, it is done. I start from this position, as it is at the moment. After reading your post, I understand, that I do not know - what is doubt. Maybe... I have forgotten. What is doubt?

    4. Funny, this article appeared to me on a day that I needed this message most! Been grappling with an idea and wondering if I could pull it off. Came across this "tweet" from RG about "Constructive Doubt" and here's the article.

      I've realized this doubt is pulling me forward, out of my comfort zone, and it's a good thing. I'm removing the doubt and moving forward on the idea. Thanks, Oliver, for you comment above, it helped, and thanks, RG for this article at a time when I needed it most! Funny how that works, huh?

    5. I use my intuition more than logic. If something resonates deep within I already know it fits. If it doesn't resonate... I have no desire to doubt it, I just walk away.

      So why would I need doubt?

      I guess I would need doubt if someone else was trying to get me to pay attention to something I had no interest in. But again, why do I need to pay attention to something I have no interest in? Why can't I just say, "that's nice," and then go away?

      I have no desire to make other realities wrong in order to prove my reality as the only right one. So I don't doubt. I believe or I go away. I let my subconscious do the work for me. I just make sure my subconscious is programmed to create the results I want! And when it's not...I explore that.

    6. Right on target, Randy, as usual. When I run into the doubt wall I ask two questions: "Why not?" (which you pointed out) and "What if...." Not "What if ....things go to Hades in a hand-basket"; but rather, "What if.....I tried this bizarre, off-the-wall, unconventional, crazy idea as a possible solution?"

      I have those two questions posted on the bulletin board in front of my desk. The letters are bright orange and florescent pink, in big 72-point font. The "What If..." question I have found especially helpful in getting my creative juices flowing--especially on tricky client projects.

    7. Now I understand all those people I have left behind, they don't even seek for the fourth dimension, don't decide and live in an eternal doubt. Uffff, what a great reading Randy. UN BESO!!!!!

    8. Is this constructive doubt to awaken to mystery and Greatness?

      Why is Randy Gage blessed with such a sexy arse?

      How does he create and maintain that sparkle in his eyes?

      And what has made him into such a consistent caring man with high integrity?

      What's molded his heart for finely for his love to grow?

      How does he constantly give so much value to serve so many, so much, so well and so often?

      How did he breakthrough and shift from egocentric drives into deep service?

      What formed this blind, HIV+, shot man to not only be LUCKY but to cause miracles in so many lives?

      Why do you continue to love me through and through? That truly is one of the greatest mysteries and miracles of all time.

      Mwah! x

    9. "Among the gifts of the Spirit scarcely one is of greater practical usefulness than the gift of discernment. This gift should be highly valued and frankly sought as being almost indispensable in these critical times. This gift will enable us to distinguish the chaff from the wheat and to divide the manifestations of the flesh from the operations of the Spirit."A.W. Tozer

    10. Hi Randy,

      I like to be open minded yet discerning.

      You need not accept everything coming down the pike, but at least be open to all things.

      Skeptics live in a prison of their own making.

      Thanks RG!


    11. Interesting.
      But I don't think it is that black and white.
      Critical thinking contains doubt after all.
      Nothing as it seems and we never see the things the way they are but the way their appearances are.
      Thanks for posting!

    12. Many years ago, I read the book Selestinskie prophecy, and this book made me change the attitude to life.

      7. revelation. It teaches us to remember that the things that catch your eye, and come to mind thoughts, dreams can be sent to us as the answers to our questions. In order not to miss them, we must take a position of the observer. When we comes to mind a thought, we must always ask ourselves, why she came. Bad thoughts to be stopped with the appearance, and good to develop. Then evil thoughts will no longer be us. That is why, before you say no, Im trying to consider everything from different angles and do not deny it.

      Много лет назад, я прочла книгу "Селестинские пророчества" и эта книга заставила меня изменить отношение к жизни.

      7. откровение. Оно учит нас помнить, что вещи, которые бросаются в глаза, и приходящие в голову мысли, сны могут быть нам посланы как ответы на наши вопросы. Чтобы не пропускать их, мы должны занять позицию наблюдателя. Когда к нам в голову приходит какая-то мысль, надо всегда спрашивать себя: зачем она пришла. Плохие мысли надо останавливать при появлении, а хорошие развивать. Тогда плохие мысли перестанут нам являться.

      Именно поэтому, прежде чем сказать нет, я стараюсь рассмотреть все с разных сторон и ничего не отрицать.

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