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Conserving Your Sexual Energy

Posted By: Randy GageOctober 28, 2009

Last post I said that repressing sexual thoughts leads to them manifesting as other addictions or unhealthy behavior.  Yet you can’t let them control your behavior.  Because this is where your rational and conscious mind comes in.  

Sex is amazing.  And spiritual.  And energizing.  But so is ice cream.  And if you eat nothing but ice cream for three meals every day, you’ll eventually get sick and die.

There is something to be said for moderation in almost everything.  (Which is the lesson I’m still working on!)  But sex has another variable, because of the energy it produces...

Sexual energy can be one of the most powerful drivers of physical force, creative application, and mental breakthroughs.  Sexual energy cannot be denied, but it can be channeled.  But to do this, you must nurture the energy and prevent it from becoming depleted.

Sexual energy or “chi,” the term Asians use for life force, are closely unified.  In fact, when you have an orgasm, it is an explosion of sexual energy that you are releasing.   That is why tantric sex practitioners learn how to delay orgasms and experience them without ejaculation.   Note this is not about repression, but channeling this energy.  Which is where we’ll pick up next post.  Until then, please check in with your thoughts on all this.


22 comments on “Conserving Your Sexual Energy”

  1. You are so right Randy. When one misuses the sexual energy, one becomes nothing but a hormonal puppet with no wit and no focus in life or goals, let alone achieving one´s dreams.
    I know it sounds a little bit of an exaggeration, but if you notice, average people, which is the majority, seem dull, confused and somehow aslept in life. Aren´t they lost in lust and running after a faded illusion of sexual happiness?

  2. So.... is this getting anyone else HOT?

    There's definitely something to be said for building up the sexual energy- everyone has had the experience of "sexual tension" rising and rising.

    I don't know if three times a day is so bad though... I'll see what the wife thinks, and let you know!

  3. You, Randy, don't know it, but you are part of changing the lives of these two people -- you introduced prosperity, and then Catherine Ponder, which led on and on, and the rest is history. New people we are with, and new places we go. Wonderful new philosophy.

    I would have wished you had been a spiritual leader when I was a kid. Great stuff. Great teaching. Most religion does the repression thing in teaching, and then the disempowering guilt and condemnation, until everyone, priests included, are acting at an unconscious level. Thanks a million times over for you and what you are and do.

  4. Randy,

    Thanks for taking the lead in the subject of sexual energy. Even though I have not commented on your previous post, I have read them and went into some level of deep thought waiting on a post that would inspire me to respond. And so here it is...

    “Sex is amazing. And spiritual. And energizing. But so is ice cream.” - Randy Gage. Love this saying and agree - thanks for the joyful laughter that came along while reading this post.

    But it doesn't go without saying that your mentioning of rechanneling this energy is so important. It is not the consumption/possession of the energy that is bad or good but the action behind our way of dealing with it that is.

    Before, I respond further I would like to look into the information about how the tantric sex practitioners learn how to delay orgasms and experience them without ejaculation. I find that this single statement is so interesting as I am ignorant to their practices/teaching. Yet, in my past I have studied several different methodologies that have been taught to rechannel such a powerful energy to enhance creativity, mental strength, and physical advantages.

    Love it Randy... keep it coming. It’s wonderful to have an opportunity to engage in thought provoking blogs like this one.


  5. Excellent!

    Remember in the 'old days' the coaches didn't want fighters or sports professionals to have sex or girlfriends because the sex distracted and depleted them? That they were able to focus their energy into their chosen discipline?

    Tantric sex is delicious, everyday sex is sensational, but so is channeling the sexual energy into other avenues.

    As mentioned, I'm not suggesting repression, but the energy can be directed as a powerful life force in other directions besides sex.

    I love where you are heading with all of the, Mr. Gage. 😉

    In Gratitude,

    Jhanna Dawson

  6. I think the idea ... we must prevent it from being depleted.... is a limited belief. I also feel the idea that most don't eat ice cream all day long is a valuable reminder of balance.

    This idea of channeling or containing sexual energy is "either/or" thinking. I actually feel that many life situations that people label as stressful are far more draining than most people would experience from having sex. In fact if we dropped most of the judgment about sexual behavior and just enjoyed it I feel there would be a lot less stress.

    I am in alignment with expansion of experiences

    I would love for all members of Congress and Supreme Court to have massages and orgasms very often instead of focusing on the insane legislation that is proposed.

    On a tape from Randy I first heard " I believe if everyone had a massage once a week there would be no wars. ... If you cannot afford a massage trade services for one. Mow the grass, do baby sitting, it doesn't matter just do it." I feel that Randy was talking about the value of touch.

    I think this area may draw too much thinking and analysis. Does if feel good? Do it. Is that or anything for that matter hurting anyone? If so - don't.



    The Law of Reciprocity - how you treat another is how you are actually treating yourself.

    Sending all an Unconditional Love Hug


  7. I think it's not just about rechanneling energy but actually learning to create more energy and manage it in a more focused fashion. I joined a gym about 4 weeks ago. I was very healthy before, but the amount of energy I have now is amazing. Theres nothing like hitting the treadmill after a stressful day and allowing the stress to be pushed from your cells. Like sex, it relaxes you. At that point its almost like meditation- the clarifity of thoughts.

  8. My mission is to get the planet to shift from patrichal-power penetrative education (that only serves half the population) into a healthy aware orgasm education (that teaches communication, respect, and pleasure for all relationships). So each teen and colelge student will leave the system being multi-orgasmic and concious of their energy, rather than suppressed, shameful, seedy, or sleezy...

    I'm thrilled to see you writing about sexual energy... As you know.

    Your title says "conserving."

    I don't its about conserving energy - it's about learning to play with it, becoming multi-orgasmic - so that it's a way to continue grow your energy, replenish your cells, and strengthen you energy forces so that you are awakening, alive, and buzzing with life force. So it's more continuous-serving... rather than withholding as con-serving.

    Dude- I'm so impresed you're writing about this. And find it weird that I've also spent this week writing about the consciousness we have around our penis relationships, and issues and joys around blow jobs. Must be something in the air - this must be disignated "sexual consciousness week."

    I best go write something on the feminine arts - so that the conversation doesn't stay focused on masculine sexuality all the time!

    Luscious love!

  9. I have been a dancer most of my life and have consciously chosen to not have sex before a big performance, choosing instead to save that energy to channel into my performance. Nowadays I dance socially with my husband (Argentine Tango, latin, ballroom etc) we used to perform in competitions and showcases, and I would never have sex with him the day before one of these events, because he would be too relaxed and unfocused. He always danced better and was pleased with his performance when we refrained the night before. Mind you we always made up for it after the event - this was our way of celebrating!

  10. The biggest issue for most guys (as far as I can tell in my limited experience having been married for 16 years) is that they think they don't get enough sex. They are not worrying about over-doing it! Rather wondering how to get

    I was in the book store yesterday and saw this tiny book they have made into a special edition - from the 1900s. It looked a bit like those 1950s type magazine articles about good wives and slippers that we sometimes see re-printed.

    Anyhow being a curious sort I leafed through it and laughed so hard.. it said that men are always plotting ways to get more sex from their wife and on the whole it is a waste of time for the wife to try and put them off cause they just don't take no for an answer... the next one said 'if you must have sex then do it in the dark.'

    Well what can I tell you? No wonder there is a lot of confusion about sex!

    I'm all for the new rules of sex and money! Multi orgasmic and multiple streams of income. 🙂

  11. Sex energy is the most powerful driving force. At it's core is survival, the continuing of our species. Mind you, this is its core. Beyond that ego tends to jump into play. This is healthy as long as there's a balance. Don't deny the urges. Just don't let them dominate your time. Learn to channel the energy.

    If you learn to channel this energy towards developing 'animal magnetism' you'll have no problem 'getting run' or becoming a successful person.

  12. I am still waiting to see the relationship between sexual energy and making money in Network Marketing.
    Chi is energy and sexual energy is just one type of chi.

  13. Great topic. Sex is wasted on youth AND there is a reason you have children when you are just past being one. Experiencing 'chi' daily is much more powerful and doesn't leave you spent but exhilerated. I must find the story of the 'bound man.' I have lost it somewhere because moderation and control are two different energies.

  14. Hi, Randy!

    What you're saying is true. And it's I've been reading things about sexual energy and sublimation but still can't figure it all out for myself.
    I can't do without sex and I need a very emotional, satisfying and long-lasting sex. After that's over I feel high and extatic for a day or two. But somehow euphoria vanishes and turns into a bad depression. And the most frustrating thing is that I cannot control it.
    On the other hand when I have a long break (no sex) I feel like I'm back to my normal, alert, flirtatious state of mind and body.
    At this point I'm able to think and do things efficiently but the sexual thoughts come back and distract me enormously. So I end up feeling very unbalanced. Maybe you could give tips or a piece of practical advice on how to convert sexual energy into creativity and productivity. Because right now I feel like t's not me controling my sexual desire but the desire having a powerful grip on me.

    Best regards

    1. Look into Karezza. You can read texts about it at or something more modern is Cupid's Poisoned Arrow by Marnia Robinson or Energy Karezza by Dr. Stanley S Bass. Karezza is about lots of bonding behaviors and slow, gentle sex without the goal or orgasm. According to Marnia Robinson, orgasm itself triggers a dopamine rush (think "dope") that leads to a neuro-chemical roller coaster that disrupts harmony in relationships and causes a kind of addiction, with the requisite diminishing returns. Also, biology kicks in and the brain thinks, "okay, fertilization accomplished...on to the next gene pool", causing couples to lose interest in one another after the neuro-chemical high of a new partner wears off . (It's cliche: "the honeymoon is over", and all that.) Karezza bypasses all that by producing lots of oxytocin, the bonding chemical, and not taking you on the roller coaster ride to begin with. The result is that couples enter a kind of love-making state that doesn't end, as opposed to the "finish" of orgasm, and the mood swings normally caused by the neuro-chemical roller coaster are replaced with harmony.

  15. Hello Everyone. This is a profounding subject. I have practised acupuncture and chinese medicine since 1977 , four decades , and shortened the holy book of TCM , The Yellow Emperors Classic of Internal Medicine - Neij Jing there is one cause to disease and thats ~stagnation~ and there is one treatment of disease and thats ~ circulation ~.
    In our productline there is particulary one product that in its optimal way fits into this description and thats why they are soooo powerful and act INSTANTLY.

  16. Randy, I must agree with you on this subject 1000%. I practiced sexual conservancy for one year in my twenties, and when I started I was like a junkie trying to kick a smack habit. Over time, I shifted my sexual energies away from just pure sex thought and action, into other worthwhile endeavors, and gained not only satisfaction from accomplishing other projects, but I was able to control my body instead of it controlling me. Don't get me wrong, sex has its place, however we sometimes become preoccupied with it, and can't get anything done, and we do foolish things to get it!

  17. Wow! Randy, I must say you certainly aren't afraid to speak your mind. Not sure what to make of this post, but do know that sex can be misused to fill voids in our lives. I liked your analogy of ice cream. They both give off some pretty amazing pleasures.

  18. I read Think and Grow Rich in 2005 and the first chapter I randomly opened the book up to was The Mystery of Sex transmutation. This chapter changed my direction in life, it changed my relationship, it inspired me to create my business and write a book.

    I have expended Hill’s one chapter of The Mystry of Sex Transmutation into a whole book: The Currency of Sexual Energy, The art of Sexual Transmutation by Y.S de Jong.

    Sex Transmutation is the most fun and exciting concepts since the invention of sex itself. I think a lot of people are put off by the term ‘Transmutation’. It is not about abstinence or restraining yourself. It is about building your energy through sexual activity and then transforming sexual energy into productive energy and creativity. The transforming part is quite effortless actually.

    For me, when I am aroused I become incredibly creative and inspired. I have written most of my book in an aroused state. I have had most of my break through inspirations after orgasm. By the way I am female so I usually can not stop at one orgasm and the more I have the more energy I build and the more inspirations that flows through me. This is not limited to women. Men can use orgasmic energy in the same way. They can also experience mulit-orgasmic states.

    Google Neo Tantra Massage Melbourne and you will find me. You can buy the book online through my website.


  19. Look into Karezza. You can read texts about it at or something more modern is Cupid's Poisoned Arrow by Marnia Robinson or Energy Karezza by Dr. Stanley S Bass. Karezza is about lots of bonding behaviors and slow, gentle sex without the goal or orgasm. According to Marnia Robinson, orgasm itself triggers a dopamine rush (think "dope") that leads to a neuro-chemical roller coaster that disrupts harmony in relationships and causes a kind of addiction, with the requisite diminishing returns. Also, biology kicks in and the brain thinks, "okay, fertilization accomplished...on to the next gene pool", causing couples to lose interest in one another after the neuro-chemical high of a new partner wears off . (It's cliche: "the honeymoon is over", and all that.) Karezza bypasses all that by producing lots of oxytocin, the bonding chemical, and not taking you on the roller coaster ride to begin with. The result is that couples enter a kind of love-making state that doesn't end, as opposed to the "finish" of orgasm, and the mood swings normally caused by the neuro-chemical roller coaster are replaced with harmony.

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  • 22 comments on “Conserving Your Sexual Energy”

    1. You are so right Randy. When one misuses the sexual energy, one becomes nothing but a hormonal puppet with no wit and no focus in life or goals, let alone achieving one´s dreams.
      I know it sounds a little bit of an exaggeration, but if you notice, average people, which is the majority, seem dull, confused and somehow aslept in life. Aren´t they lost in lust and running after a faded illusion of sexual happiness?

    2. So.... is this getting anyone else HOT?

      There's definitely something to be said for building up the sexual energy- everyone has had the experience of "sexual tension" rising and rising.

      I don't know if three times a day is so bad though... I'll see what the wife thinks, and let you know!

    3. You, Randy, don't know it, but you are part of changing the lives of these two people -- you introduced prosperity, and then Catherine Ponder, which led on and on, and the rest is history. New people we are with, and new places we go. Wonderful new philosophy.

      I would have wished you had been a spiritual leader when I was a kid. Great stuff. Great teaching. Most religion does the repression thing in teaching, and then the disempowering guilt and condemnation, until everyone, priests included, are acting at an unconscious level. Thanks a million times over for you and what you are and do.

    4. Randy,

      Thanks for taking the lead in the subject of sexual energy. Even though I have not commented on your previous post, I have read them and went into some level of deep thought waiting on a post that would inspire me to respond. And so here it is...

      “Sex is amazing. And spiritual. And energizing. But so is ice cream.” - Randy Gage. Love this saying and agree - thanks for the joyful laughter that came along while reading this post.

      But it doesn't go without saying that your mentioning of rechanneling this energy is so important. It is not the consumption/possession of the energy that is bad or good but the action behind our way of dealing with it that is.

      Before, I respond further I would like to look into the information about how the tantric sex practitioners learn how to delay orgasms and experience them without ejaculation. I find that this single statement is so interesting as I am ignorant to their practices/teaching. Yet, in my past I have studied several different methodologies that have been taught to rechannel such a powerful energy to enhance creativity, mental strength, and physical advantages.

      Love it Randy... keep it coming. It’s wonderful to have an opportunity to engage in thought provoking blogs like this one.


    5. Excellent!

      Remember in the 'old days' the coaches didn't want fighters or sports professionals to have sex or girlfriends because the sex distracted and depleted them? That they were able to focus their energy into their chosen discipline?

      Tantric sex is delicious, everyday sex is sensational, but so is channeling the sexual energy into other avenues.

      As mentioned, I'm not suggesting repression, but the energy can be directed as a powerful life force in other directions besides sex.

      I love where you are heading with all of the, Mr. Gage. 😉

      In Gratitude,

      Jhanna Dawson

    6. I think the idea ... we must prevent it from being depleted.... is a limited belief. I also feel the idea that most don't eat ice cream all day long is a valuable reminder of balance.

      This idea of channeling or containing sexual energy is "either/or" thinking. I actually feel that many life situations that people label as stressful are far more draining than most people would experience from having sex. In fact if we dropped most of the judgment about sexual behavior and just enjoyed it I feel there would be a lot less stress.

      I am in alignment with expansion of experiences

      I would love for all members of Congress and Supreme Court to have massages and orgasms very often instead of focusing on the insane legislation that is proposed.

      On a tape from Randy I first heard " I believe if everyone had a massage once a week there would be no wars. ... If you cannot afford a massage trade services for one. Mow the grass, do baby sitting, it doesn't matter just do it." I feel that Randy was talking about the value of touch.

      I think this area may draw too much thinking and analysis. Does if feel good? Do it. Is that or anything for that matter hurting anyone? If so - don't.



      The Law of Reciprocity - how you treat another is how you are actually treating yourself.

      Sending all an Unconditional Love Hug


    7. I think it's not just about rechanneling energy but actually learning to create more energy and manage it in a more focused fashion. I joined a gym about 4 weeks ago. I was very healthy before, but the amount of energy I have now is amazing. Theres nothing like hitting the treadmill after a stressful day and allowing the stress to be pushed from your cells. Like sex, it relaxes you. At that point its almost like meditation- the clarifity of thoughts.

    8. My mission is to get the planet to shift from patrichal-power penetrative education (that only serves half the population) into a healthy aware orgasm education (that teaches communication, respect, and pleasure for all relationships). So each teen and colelge student will leave the system being multi-orgasmic and concious of their energy, rather than suppressed, shameful, seedy, or sleezy...

      I'm thrilled to see you writing about sexual energy... As you know.

      Your title says "conserving."

      I don't its about conserving energy - it's about learning to play with it, becoming multi-orgasmic - so that it's a way to continue grow your energy, replenish your cells, and strengthen you energy forces so that you are awakening, alive, and buzzing with life force. So it's more continuous-serving... rather than withholding as con-serving.

      Dude- I'm so impresed you're writing about this. And find it weird that I've also spent this week writing about the consciousness we have around our penis relationships, and issues and joys around blow jobs. Must be something in the air - this must be disignated "sexual consciousness week."

      I best go write something on the feminine arts - so that the conversation doesn't stay focused on masculine sexuality all the time!

      Luscious love!

    9. I have been a dancer most of my life and have consciously chosen to not have sex before a big performance, choosing instead to save that energy to channel into my performance. Nowadays I dance socially with my husband (Argentine Tango, latin, ballroom etc) we used to perform in competitions and showcases, and I would never have sex with him the day before one of these events, because he would be too relaxed and unfocused. He always danced better and was pleased with his performance when we refrained the night before. Mind you we always made up for it after the event - this was our way of celebrating!

    10. The biggest issue for most guys (as far as I can tell in my limited experience having been married for 16 years) is that they think they don't get enough sex. They are not worrying about over-doing it! Rather wondering how to get

      I was in the book store yesterday and saw this tiny book they have made into a special edition - from the 1900s. It looked a bit like those 1950s type magazine articles about good wives and slippers that we sometimes see re-printed.

      Anyhow being a curious sort I leafed through it and laughed so hard.. it said that men are always plotting ways to get more sex from their wife and on the whole it is a waste of time for the wife to try and put them off cause they just don't take no for an answer... the next one said 'if you must have sex then do it in the dark.'

      Well what can I tell you? No wonder there is a lot of confusion about sex!

      I'm all for the new rules of sex and money! Multi orgasmic and multiple streams of income. 🙂

    11. Sex energy is the most powerful driving force. At it's core is survival, the continuing of our species. Mind you, this is its core. Beyond that ego tends to jump into play. This is healthy as long as there's a balance. Don't deny the urges. Just don't let them dominate your time. Learn to channel the energy.

      If you learn to channel this energy towards developing 'animal magnetism' you'll have no problem 'getting run' or becoming a successful person.

    12. I am still waiting to see the relationship between sexual energy and making money in Network Marketing.
      Chi is energy and sexual energy is just one type of chi.

    13. Great topic. Sex is wasted on youth AND there is a reason you have children when you are just past being one. Experiencing 'chi' daily is much more powerful and doesn't leave you spent but exhilerated. I must find the story of the 'bound man.' I have lost it somewhere because moderation and control are two different energies.

    14. Hi, Randy!

      What you're saying is true. And it's I've been reading things about sexual energy and sublimation but still can't figure it all out for myself.
      I can't do without sex and I need a very emotional, satisfying and long-lasting sex. After that's over I feel high and extatic for a day or two. But somehow euphoria vanishes and turns into a bad depression. And the most frustrating thing is that I cannot control it.
      On the other hand when I have a long break (no sex) I feel like I'm back to my normal, alert, flirtatious state of mind and body.
      At this point I'm able to think and do things efficiently but the sexual thoughts come back and distract me enormously. So I end up feeling very unbalanced. Maybe you could give tips or a piece of practical advice on how to convert sexual energy into creativity and productivity. Because right now I feel like t's not me controling my sexual desire but the desire having a powerful grip on me.

      Best regards

      1. Look into Karezza. You can read texts about it at or something more modern is Cupid's Poisoned Arrow by Marnia Robinson or Energy Karezza by Dr. Stanley S Bass. Karezza is about lots of bonding behaviors and slow, gentle sex without the goal or orgasm. According to Marnia Robinson, orgasm itself triggers a dopamine rush (think "dope") that leads to a neuro-chemical roller coaster that disrupts harmony in relationships and causes a kind of addiction, with the requisite diminishing returns. Also, biology kicks in and the brain thinks, "okay, fertilization accomplished...on to the next gene pool", causing couples to lose interest in one another after the neuro-chemical high of a new partner wears off . (It's cliche: "the honeymoon is over", and all that.) Karezza bypasses all that by producing lots of oxytocin, the bonding chemical, and not taking you on the roller coaster ride to begin with. The result is that couples enter a kind of love-making state that doesn't end, as opposed to the "finish" of orgasm, and the mood swings normally caused by the neuro-chemical roller coaster are replaced with harmony.

    15. Hello Everyone. This is a profounding subject. I have practised acupuncture and chinese medicine since 1977 , four decades , and shortened the holy book of TCM , The Yellow Emperors Classic of Internal Medicine - Neij Jing there is one cause to disease and thats ~stagnation~ and there is one treatment of disease and thats ~ circulation ~.
      In our productline there is particulary one product that in its optimal way fits into this description and thats why they are soooo powerful and act INSTANTLY.

    16. Randy, I must agree with you on this subject 1000%. I practiced sexual conservancy for one year in my twenties, and when I started I was like a junkie trying to kick a smack habit. Over time, I shifted my sexual energies away from just pure sex thought and action, into other worthwhile endeavors, and gained not only satisfaction from accomplishing other projects, but I was able to control my body instead of it controlling me. Don't get me wrong, sex has its place, however we sometimes become preoccupied with it, and can't get anything done, and we do foolish things to get it!

    17. Wow! Randy, I must say you certainly aren't afraid to speak your mind. Not sure what to make of this post, but do know that sex can be misused to fill voids in our lives. I liked your analogy of ice cream. They both give off some pretty amazing pleasures.

    18. I read Think and Grow Rich in 2005 and the first chapter I randomly opened the book up to was The Mystery of Sex transmutation. This chapter changed my direction in life, it changed my relationship, it inspired me to create my business and write a book.

      I have expended Hill’s one chapter of The Mystry of Sex Transmutation into a whole book: The Currency of Sexual Energy, The art of Sexual Transmutation by Y.S de Jong.

      Sex Transmutation is the most fun and exciting concepts since the invention of sex itself. I think a lot of people are put off by the term ‘Transmutation’. It is not about abstinence or restraining yourself. It is about building your energy through sexual activity and then transforming sexual energy into productive energy and creativity. The transforming part is quite effortless actually.

      For me, when I am aroused I become incredibly creative and inspired. I have written most of my book in an aroused state. I have had most of my break through inspirations after orgasm. By the way I am female so I usually can not stop at one orgasm and the more I have the more energy I build and the more inspirations that flows through me. This is not limited to women. Men can use orgasmic energy in the same way. They can also experience mulit-orgasmic states.

      Google Neo Tantra Massage Melbourne and you will find me. You can buy the book online through my website.


    19. Look into Karezza. You can read texts about it at or something more modern is Cupid's Poisoned Arrow by Marnia Robinson or Energy Karezza by Dr. Stanley S Bass. Karezza is about lots of bonding behaviors and slow, gentle sex without the goal or orgasm. According to Marnia Robinson, orgasm itself triggers a dopamine rush (think "dope") that leads to a neuro-chemical roller coaster that disrupts harmony in relationships and causes a kind of addiction, with the requisite diminishing returns. Also, biology kicks in and the brain thinks, "okay, fertilization accomplished...on to the next gene pool", causing couples to lose interest in one another after the neuro-chemical high of a new partner wears off . (It's cliche: "the honeymoon is over", and all that.) Karezza bypasses all that by producing lots of oxytocin, the bonding chemical, and not taking you on the roller coaster ride to begin with. The result is that couples enter a kind of love-making state that doesn't end, as opposed to the "finish" of orgasm, and the mood swings normally caused by the neuro-chemical roller coaster are replaced with harmony.

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