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Posted By: Randy GageMay 7, 2012

So what do you think is the single biggest threat to mastery?  What about excellence?  And what is the greatest challenge to living an epic life?  The answer is the same for all of them…


Because  complacency is usually when you give up, decide you’ve done enough, figure something is good enough to get by.  And that’s okay for most people.

But it’s not okay for you. 

Because if I were in charge of the thesaurus, the synonym I would use for complacency is mediocrity.  And there’s no room in an epic life for mediocrity.


P. S.  By the time most of you read this, I'll be winging my way to Australia.  Look for me at the Sydney premier or The YES Movie - the film that exposes the secrets of today's youngest millionaires.

10 comments on “Complacency”

  1. Cool movie !! This time Randy is also in the movie. Like it very much. I got to get off my ***

  2. Cool movie !! This time Randy is also in the movie. Like it very much. I got to get off my ***

  3. Amen to that. I really appreciate the fact that I am VERY aware that as long as I have to punch a clock I am not a free man. The idea of being employed, as a lifestyle, is very uncomfortable for me. No illusions there for me and that's exactly why I am destined to be self employed and own my life.
    Makes me think of something I just heard in church yesterday:
    P.A.I.N. Pay Attention Inwardly Now

  4. Amen to that. I really appreciate the fact that I am VERY aware that as long as I have to punch a clock I am not a free man. The idea of being employed, as a lifestyle, is very uncomfortable for me. No illusions there for me and that's exactly why I am destined to be self employed and own my life.
    Makes me think of something I just heard in church yesterday:
    P.A.I.N. Pay Attention Inwardly Now

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  • 10 comments on “Complacency”

    1. Cool movie !! This time Randy is also in the movie. Like it very much. I got to get off my ***

    2. Cool movie !! This time Randy is also in the movie. Like it very much. I got to get off my ***

    3. Amen to that. I really appreciate the fact that I am VERY aware that as long as I have to punch a clock I am not a free man. The idea of being employed, as a lifestyle, is very uncomfortable for me. No illusions there for me and that's exactly why I am destined to be self employed and own my life.
      Makes me think of something I just heard in church yesterday:
      P.A.I.N. Pay Attention Inwardly Now

    4. Amen to that. I really appreciate the fact that I am VERY aware that as long as I have to punch a clock I am not a free man. The idea of being employed, as a lifestyle, is very uncomfortable for me. No illusions there for me and that's exactly why I am destined to be self employed and own my life.
      Makes me think of something I just heard in church yesterday:
      P.A.I.N. Pay Attention Inwardly Now

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