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Choosing Your Thoughts

Posted By: Randy GageSeptember 6, 2010

Hopefully you checked out the discussion on the last post. Some great discussion going on there.  To continue the thought, your circumstances don’t make you.  They reveal you.  They give you a choice.  

Two brothers grow up in the same home.  One becomes a successful family man and business leader, the other is homeless.  What is the difference?

The way they each chose to respond to their circumstances.

We can make a similar argument for the environment.  Truth is, it makes sense to place yourself in the best possible environment.  If you’re hanging out in bars with professional victims, it’s easier for you to slide down that slope.  Yet you don’t have to.  Because it is a choice.

Going back to James Allen, he said, “A man cannot directly choose his circumstances, but he can choose his thoughts, and so indirectly, yet surely, shape his circumstances.”

Are you giving your power away to your boss, the economy, government, or some other circumstances?  Or do you consciously choose your thoughts and thus shape your own circumstances?


29 comments on “Choosing Your Thoughts”

  1. Randy,

    Great post!

    The only thing that we have control over is our thoughts and our actions. If we don't control them, we have little or no control over the results we get.

    When we make that a habit knit way of looking at our lives, we tend to get more control over the results we get in our lives and stop living the life of the victim.

    As Always, Here's to Your LifetoSuccess,

    John Clark

  2. Fortunately, more and more people come to realize they have a choice. Unfortunately, the vast majority is slave to their thoughts instead of master of them.
    Modern slavery; your choice.

  3. Hi Randy,
    I just finished your DUMB, SICK, BROKE book and one of the key things I took away from it, was that our thought process means everything. It's how we view and deal with the world and others. A simple change in ones thoughts can create change in ones life. I have been one to choose my path, but not necessarily my thoughts. I hear my father in my thoughts sometimes, or I hear teachers that were critical of me. Once I deciphered where those thoughts were coming from I was able to shed light on the fact that these were not my thoughts they were memes that were placed in my thinking by others. It made it easier to get rid of them and replace them with positive affirmations. You can change your whole day with one thought. String those days together and there is a life change, guaranteed. Learning from you daily Randy. Thanks!

  4. I find that whenever I'm in the reactive mode, blaming anyone or anything, without accounting for my own thoughts - I give away my power.

    It's funny how much time and energy we spend giving away our power and ability to choose what type of circumstances we want to be surrounded with.

    I guess it's all about being conscious where and how we place most of our attention - where are thoughts are directed.

    James Allen's writing has been a major help in my life when it comes to living consciously!

    Another great one, Randy.



  5. I love that quote from James Allen because it acknowledges that yes, some things may happen beyond our control. But it's still empowering because it also acknowledges that we CHOOSE our responses to everything that happens to us.

    The older you get, the more CHOICES you've made, and the more responsible you are for everything that happens to you.

    Another great quote along these lines:

    "If you want to be happy, put your effort into controlling the sail, not the wind." – Anonymous

  6. It is hard to always keep control of your thoughts..there are so many external factors such as fear, hunger, stress, that will cause you to act and choose a given path. I believe those who are strongest have conditioned themselves to not respond to these outside influences and continue on their desired path. I know for me it is much easier said than done and I am currently practicing on a daily basis to make better choices.

  7. Hi Randy,

    When you blame, you disempower yourself. Whatever you blame takes control of your thoughts. You have ceded the most powerful gift which God has given you: the power to control your thoughts which ultimately controls your destiny.

    To direct your life choose your thoughts.

    Thanks for sharing the important reminder.

    Ryan Biddulph

  8. Randy,

    A bit off topic here, but since I know that you like controversial subjects I thought you may be able to make a discussion about it sometime.

    The weird thing I noticed was that people will go and watch movies that have people who hate each other and want to kill each other. The movie will have people kidnapping, chainsawing each others heads, eating their brains, setting off nuclear bombs, shooting hundreds of people - and this is just seen as harmless entertainment. A family will even watch this together.

    But the idea of two people naked giving each other pleasure is seen as disgusting, wrong, immoral and anyone who watches such a thing is thought of as a dirty pervert.

    Killing, hatred and revenge is fine but pleasure is disgusting and immoral. Weird!!!!!

    Tell your neighbour that you are going to watch a mass murder movie (rambo) and they say cool. Tell them you are going to watch a sex movie and the whole street will look down at you and think you are to be kept away from their families.

    We all have sex but we don't want people killing. I know this will even make some people reading this think "what a weirdo!". What ever we watch we imagine ourselves doing it.

    As a man thinketh in his heart so is he. I would rather have women thinking about having sex with me than have people around me thinking about putting a chainsaw to my head.

    Through much study of health and disease it has been found that illnesses are usually in the parts of the body with guilt and shame attached to it. This is misperception of pleasure and sex has probably been the main cause of all the sexual related illnesses.

    The old religious idea of suffering as noble and pleasure for sinners still holds strong. Even with the non religious.

    Time for a change of social perception I think.

    1. Agree, but few people even know what sex is all about.

      It is all over the place in the way it is so you won't discover its true meaning.

      Examining your deepest sexual thoughts, desires and fantasies helps you to understand your deepest levels and relation to God-Mind, who started "Alone", as in "All One".

      A lot of people are sexually programmed, and since it has to be removed in the same way it came in...

      This is what many people unconsciously try to do, to deprogram themselves by having sex in various forms, perhaps with various (programming) fetishes.

      At the moment of orgasm you should project the thought you want to manifest on the physical realm. This is what rituals are all about as well, albeit more powerful.

      "Where two or more are gathered in my name..."

      If humanity "discovered" the "True Reality of Sexuality" (check out the book), the controllers of the mass consciousness would lose their hold.

    2. Well, although I haven't had the pleasure of going yet, I have a German friend from whom I learned that over there, its the opposite. Over there full nudity is no biggie, but extreme violence is taboo. Strange I know. It'd take a lot more thought and research for me to attempt to explain why Americans are so fascinated with violence, and I don't care enough to pursue it. However, I fully believe that the general populace's distaste for public display of sexual activity is entirely due to religious indoctrination (or interpolation, whichever you believe).

      1. Totally- Religion promotes the killing of non-believers, yet doesn't encourage the propagation of the flock!

        Actually, Catholics are all about having babies.... and killing.

        In Sweden (I think), they're not allowed to have sex scenes and violence scenes without a certain amount of time in between!

        1. What is really funny in America is that on TV when a movie is on they will show 100 people being brutally killed while dubbing over the swear words. They will also put up a major investigation when a nipple is shown (Janet Jackson, Superbowl and the nipple wasn't even visible).

          I think they have something mixed up there.

          The Germans are on to something with their philosophy. Love of the human body while not wanting to promote the destruction of it.

          The UK is becoming more liberal. The NHS hired out one of their hospital wards to have a Sex movie filmed in it. Their mismanagement of money has made them have to reevaluate their moral position. When they need the money their views of right and wrong quickly change.

          Even this blog restricts the word POR NO. I had to leave a space between the letters to have it posted.

          But I can easily say kill, murder, massacre and it is not blocked.

  9. I can't say I don't pay attention to the government,economy etc. at all, actually they sometimes make me blue, just for couple hours or days-depends on the issue, but I will be back on my feet after all and try to focus on my goals and dreams because when I think to myself I say , "Okay Zeinab, this is your situation what you gonna do about this? let it tear you apart or you gonna fight it " I mostly choose the second one because I don't wanna live a miserable life with lots of regrets.

  10. Hey Randy,

    We all have choices in what we do when circumstances show up in our lives. It is what we choose to do at this point that determines our outcome. Choose the high road and keep your thoughts pure and moving towards your mission, vision and goals.

    Make it a great day!
    God Bless,

  11. Now I really watch how I use my mind and how I think in it cos I know it's got a whole lot of control over me, my life, and the universe I'm in. So one has got to watch their thoughts carefully and also make sure they think the right things because your thoughts are part of what are going to predetermine your future.

    A Good Day to you, Randy :).

  12. Thoughts are good, but there's a little more to it:






    I have yet to see a so called personal development guru hardly even mentioning and certainly not integrating any of those five absolutely critical items for real "success".

    I think I see a business opportunity here.

  13. Great topic Randy
    I often think about this same topic. When I'm sitting at a stop light and there's a person there with a sign or I see someone homeless. I just thank the lord I was given more drive and ambition. I understand some of them have mental issues I'm not talking about them. It's the person that has no drive to accomplish more or that will sit and complain or just be satisfied with how they are. I'm so thankful I had something in me that wanted more. I never put them down I'm just thankful.

    I often wander what is the difference.

  14. Choosing to watch good movies is a very good idea. I like videos from Randy, and there are great videos available on youtube from veterans like Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale, and Bob Proctor that I love to watch and try applying to life.

  15. Some great comments here..

    Ultimately we have an amazing opportunity in an infinite Universe.. choosing carefully what we think about, affirming our thoughts through planting them in our unconscious and then taking action to see them manifest is a true miracle.. And we get to do this every single minute of every day!

    Thanks Randy.

  16. The comments about the sexual taboos in America are interesting, but they do not at all follow the principles outlined here about the power of thoughts. If you say "oh the media or the culture or the government has power over our thinking and imposes on it images of violence, and forces us to be ashamed of sexual imagery" you have just relinquished your thinking to them. On the contrary, we must take from the same circumstances the possibility of taking back the power of our own thoughts. By realizing, for example that if people judge you for indulging in sexual entertainment, they are actually subconsciously referring to the power of thought but come from a fear based approach toward it.

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  • 29 comments on “Choosing Your Thoughts”

    1. Randy,

      Great post!

      The only thing that we have control over is our thoughts and our actions. If we don't control them, we have little or no control over the results we get.

      When we make that a habit knit way of looking at our lives, we tend to get more control over the results we get in our lives and stop living the life of the victim.

      As Always, Here's to Your LifetoSuccess,

      John Clark

    2. Fortunately, more and more people come to realize they have a choice. Unfortunately, the vast majority is slave to their thoughts instead of master of them.
      Modern slavery; your choice.

    3. Hi Randy,
      I just finished your DUMB, SICK, BROKE book and one of the key things I took away from it, was that our thought process means everything. It's how we view and deal with the world and others. A simple change in ones thoughts can create change in ones life. I have been one to choose my path, but not necessarily my thoughts. I hear my father in my thoughts sometimes, or I hear teachers that were critical of me. Once I deciphered where those thoughts were coming from I was able to shed light on the fact that these were not my thoughts they were memes that were placed in my thinking by others. It made it easier to get rid of them and replace them with positive affirmations. You can change your whole day with one thought. String those days together and there is a life change, guaranteed. Learning from you daily Randy. Thanks!

    4. I find that whenever I'm in the reactive mode, blaming anyone or anything, without accounting for my own thoughts - I give away my power.

      It's funny how much time and energy we spend giving away our power and ability to choose what type of circumstances we want to be surrounded with.

      I guess it's all about being conscious where and how we place most of our attention - where are thoughts are directed.

      James Allen's writing has been a major help in my life when it comes to living consciously!

      Another great one, Randy.



    5. I love that quote from James Allen because it acknowledges that yes, some things may happen beyond our control. But it's still empowering because it also acknowledges that we CHOOSE our responses to everything that happens to us.

      The older you get, the more CHOICES you've made, and the more responsible you are for everything that happens to you.

      Another great quote along these lines:

      "If you want to be happy, put your effort into controlling the sail, not the wind." – Anonymous

    6. It is hard to always keep control of your thoughts..there are so many external factors such as fear, hunger, stress, that will cause you to act and choose a given path. I believe those who are strongest have conditioned themselves to not respond to these outside influences and continue on their desired path. I know for me it is much easier said than done and I am currently practicing on a daily basis to make better choices.

    7. Hi Randy,

      When you blame, you disempower yourself. Whatever you blame takes control of your thoughts. You have ceded the most powerful gift which God has given you: the power to control your thoughts which ultimately controls your destiny.

      To direct your life choose your thoughts.

      Thanks for sharing the important reminder.

      Ryan Biddulph

    8. Randy,

      A bit off topic here, but since I know that you like controversial subjects I thought you may be able to make a discussion about it sometime.

      The weird thing I noticed was that people will go and watch movies that have people who hate each other and want to kill each other. The movie will have people kidnapping, chainsawing each others heads, eating their brains, setting off nuclear bombs, shooting hundreds of people - and this is just seen as harmless entertainment. A family will even watch this together.

      But the idea of two people naked giving each other pleasure is seen as disgusting, wrong, immoral and anyone who watches such a thing is thought of as a dirty pervert.

      Killing, hatred and revenge is fine but pleasure is disgusting and immoral. Weird!!!!!

      Tell your neighbour that you are going to watch a mass murder movie (rambo) and they say cool. Tell them you are going to watch a sex movie and the whole street will look down at you and think you are to be kept away from their families.

      We all have sex but we don't want people killing. I know this will even make some people reading this think "what a weirdo!". What ever we watch we imagine ourselves doing it.

      As a man thinketh in his heart so is he. I would rather have women thinking about having sex with me than have people around me thinking about putting a chainsaw to my head.

      Through much study of health and disease it has been found that illnesses are usually in the parts of the body with guilt and shame attached to it. This is misperception of pleasure and sex has probably been the main cause of all the sexual related illnesses.

      The old religious idea of suffering as noble and pleasure for sinners still holds strong. Even with the non religious.

      Time for a change of social perception I think.

      1. Agree, but few people even know what sex is all about.

        It is all over the place in the way it is so you won't discover its true meaning.

        Examining your deepest sexual thoughts, desires and fantasies helps you to understand your deepest levels and relation to God-Mind, who started "Alone", as in "All One".

        A lot of people are sexually programmed, and since it has to be removed in the same way it came in...

        This is what many people unconsciously try to do, to deprogram themselves by having sex in various forms, perhaps with various (programming) fetishes.

        At the moment of orgasm you should project the thought you want to manifest on the physical realm. This is what rituals are all about as well, albeit more powerful.

        "Where two or more are gathered in my name..."

        If humanity "discovered" the "True Reality of Sexuality" (check out the book), the controllers of the mass consciousness would lose their hold.

      2. Well, although I haven't had the pleasure of going yet, I have a German friend from whom I learned that over there, its the opposite. Over there full nudity is no biggie, but extreme violence is taboo. Strange I know. It'd take a lot more thought and research for me to attempt to explain why Americans are so fascinated with violence, and I don't care enough to pursue it. However, I fully believe that the general populace's distaste for public display of sexual activity is entirely due to religious indoctrination (or interpolation, whichever you believe).

        1. Totally- Religion promotes the killing of non-believers, yet doesn't encourage the propagation of the flock!

          Actually, Catholics are all about having babies.... and killing.

          In Sweden (I think), they're not allowed to have sex scenes and violence scenes without a certain amount of time in between!

          1. What is really funny in America is that on TV when a movie is on they will show 100 people being brutally killed while dubbing over the swear words. They will also put up a major investigation when a nipple is shown (Janet Jackson, Superbowl and the nipple wasn't even visible).

            I think they have something mixed up there.

            The Germans are on to something with their philosophy. Love of the human body while not wanting to promote the destruction of it.

            The UK is becoming more liberal. The NHS hired out one of their hospital wards to have a Sex movie filmed in it. Their mismanagement of money has made them have to reevaluate their moral position. When they need the money their views of right and wrong quickly change.

            Even this blog restricts the word POR NO. I had to leave a space between the letters to have it posted.

            But I can easily say kill, murder, massacre and it is not blocked.

    9. I can't say I don't pay attention to the government,economy etc. at all, actually they sometimes make me blue, just for couple hours or days-depends on the issue, but I will be back on my feet after all and try to focus on my goals and dreams because when I think to myself I say , "Okay Zeinab, this is your situation what you gonna do about this? let it tear you apart or you gonna fight it " I mostly choose the second one because I don't wanna live a miserable life with lots of regrets.

    10. Hey Randy,

      We all have choices in what we do when circumstances show up in our lives. It is what we choose to do at this point that determines our outcome. Choose the high road and keep your thoughts pure and moving towards your mission, vision and goals.

      Make it a great day!
      God Bless,

    11. Now I really watch how I use my mind and how I think in it cos I know it's got a whole lot of control over me, my life, and the universe I'm in. So one has got to watch their thoughts carefully and also make sure they think the right things because your thoughts are part of what are going to predetermine your future.

      A Good Day to you, Randy :).

    12. Thoughts are good, but there's a little more to it:






      I have yet to see a so called personal development guru hardly even mentioning and certainly not integrating any of those five absolutely critical items for real "success".

      I think I see a business opportunity here.

    13. Great topic Randy
      I often think about this same topic. When I'm sitting at a stop light and there's a person there with a sign or I see someone homeless. I just thank the lord I was given more drive and ambition. I understand some of them have mental issues I'm not talking about them. It's the person that has no drive to accomplish more or that will sit and complain or just be satisfied with how they are. I'm so thankful I had something in me that wanted more. I never put them down I'm just thankful.

      I often wander what is the difference.

    14. Choosing to watch good movies is a very good idea. I like videos from Randy, and there are great videos available on youtube from veterans like Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale, and Bob Proctor that I love to watch and try applying to life.

    15. Some great comments here..

      Ultimately we have an amazing opportunity in an infinite Universe.. choosing carefully what we think about, affirming our thoughts through planting them in our unconscious and then taking action to see them manifest is a true miracle.. And we get to do this every single minute of every day!

      Thanks Randy.

    16. The comments about the sexual taboos in America are interesting, but they do not at all follow the principles outlined here about the power of thoughts. If you say "oh the media or the culture or the government has power over our thinking and imposes on it images of violence, and forces us to be ashamed of sexual imagery" you have just relinquished your thinking to them. On the contrary, we must take from the same circumstances the possibility of taking back the power of our own thoughts. By realizing, for example that if people judge you for indulging in sexual entertainment, they are actually subconsciously referring to the power of thought but come from a fear based approach toward it.

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