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Choosing to Win

Posted By: Randy GageJanuary 21, 2010

Ok in yesterday’s post I said you have two choices if you want to break through.  Choice number one, you can be the victim…  

“Man everything was going great.  I was succeeding, making more money, and then, ‘Bam,’ out of nowhere I got sick/the project was cancelled/the economy took a dive/my ex-wife sued me/the condom broke/blah, blah, blah.”  You see yourself as the innocent victim, and the universe as the guilty party.

Or choice number two...

You say, “I guess the universe is trying to tell me something.”  You use the setback as a stepping-stone.  You gain knowledge, wisdom and character, so the next time you can prevail.

Everything around us is governed by universal laws.  If you throw an apple in the air, gravity brings it back down.  If you drive your Ferrari around a turn at 120 miles per hour, centrifugal force will pull it to the side.  The “spiritual” laws are no less exacting.

If you don’t pay your tithe at the source of your spiritual nourishment, you’ll pay it at the hospital, transmission shop, or traffic court.  You can withhold and “save” all your love, but you’ll find your bank account empty when you go to check your balance.

When I reach a brick wall, I see it as a challenge for me to overcome.  I have to go above, around it, under it or through it.  And I usually do.  But when I get through the wall, and see that there’s another...and another – I begin to think that the universe is giving me a lesson.

And the thing with the universe is, when you don’t learn a lesson – you keep getting the opportunity to try again.  So you can quit and say all the cards are stacked against you.  Or you can change YOU, and try another angle.

You can stay in victim-hood, believing you are at the mercy of outside circumstances.  Or you can take responsibility and manifest your own destiny.

Which one do you choose?  Think about that and please check in below.


33 comments on “Choosing to Win”

  1. I choose to take responsibility and manifest my own destiny.

    Let's change the whole world to be a better place to live by changing ourself at first my friends!

    Fathur - Jakarta

  2. Great post as always ...

    It's interesting, Randy. Once I chose to win - no matter what - and accepted ultimate responsibility for everything in my life, my entire outlook changed.

    Things that used to aggravate me, or make me feel like the world had it 'in' for me, became just another situation to solve or lesson to be learned.

    Which of course changed my attitude completely (for the better) ... which of course led to attracting more 'good' in my life ... which of course, etc. You get the idea ... 🙂

    Best to you,

  3. I have chosen to be victorious. It is my birthright. I do take responsibility and manifest my own destiny. I have chosen to change me. I am learning the Universal Laws so I can achieve prosperity.

    I am taking Catherine Ponder's advice and I am praying for guidance on where to find my source of spiritual nourishment. I will give a tithe (Law of Tithing...10% of my income) to the source of my spiritual nourishment.

    The Circulation Law says we should not hoard or be stingy. Hoarding leads to recession. We need to circulate substance to break through the brick walls. For example, letting go of things we no longer need. Houses, cars & stuff are just temporary. So we need to release them to move-on. (Randy has good videos on the Laws of Tithing & Circulation).

    Love is both personal and impersonal (good will towards others or getting along with others). The Bible says:
    "Love never fails" (I Corinthians 13:8)

    And Jesus says
    "...All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." (Matthew 22:40)

    I think healthy, happy, harmonious and successful living requires love. Love is powerful and we can choose love (personal and/or impersonal).

    Charles Fillmore wrote:
    "You may trust love to get you out of your difficulties. There is nothing too hard for it to accomplish for you, if you put your confidence in it."

    Catherine Ponder wrote:
    "Jesus Christ, the Master of victorious living, placed it (love) first in importance."

    "Love shall be victorious." C. Ponder

  4. only a week ago, I became conscious how life-people,events-are reactions to my output.This scared me.I became very very carefull of what I say and do.

  5. You can stay in victim-hood, believing you are at the mercy of outside circumstances or you can take responsibility and manifest your own destiny. Wow! repeat that a few times and reflect on your day. When I close my eyes at night I reflect on what a tremendous success my day has been. When I wake up and pause before I start my day I anticipate the activities I have scheduled and what a success my day is going to be. It is proving to be awesome, productive, gratifying...

  6. Hi Randy,
    A very wise woman once wrote that when you are confronted with a learning experience/situation, and you don't learn from it, you will be confronted with it over and over and each time will usually be harder than the last. So you might as well roll up your sleeves and get to work. I have learned that the only way out is through.
    The faster I meet it head on, the faster I can get to where I really want to go. The experiences of working things out/coming up with viable answers has given me a strength/confidence that I never had before and it shows. People come to me for answers/help/advise because they feel and see an new light in me, determination. There have been things that I've wanted but wasn't really ready to tackle, until now. The much needed growth wasn't there. Now... Look out world! 🙂
    Oh, when you travel, use Neil Med sinus rinse bottles-costco-(salt water rinse + 1 drop grapefruit seed extract GSE/whole foods) to keep your sinuses free of bacteria/irritants daily and take Sambucol Elderberry extract, 1 tbsp. a day for upper respiratory health. You will be good as gold while you travel. You might look at Spring Forest ChiQong, it's right up your alley for physical/energy healing. xoxox

  7. Great Posts Everyone!

    Vince Lombardi stated, "Once a man (woman) has made a commitment to a way of life, he puts the greatest strength in the world behind him. It's something we call heart power. Once a man
    has made this commitment, nothing will stop him short of success."

    Our world really needs to re-think blame and look at what it has cost us. There is too much wasted energy in victim-hood. It will drain your energy and zap the life out of you. I have been there, done that one and can cross it off my list forever. There is absolutely no room for this victim-hood drama to co-exist with your authentic self. It simply can't.

    I know that I know that I know MY POWER is within. Therefore, I chose that heart power to co-create possibilities. I take responsibility everyday in learning how that power can be fully utilize; so when I scrape my knees, I will get up. And when the storms, battles, or defeats come I will know to "keep on keeping on."

    Celebrate YOUR Victories,

  8. Dear Randy,
    I so choose to be the victor!! I am going through a tiring situation (quite literally) right now but I know as I stick it out, it will get better. I have been provided with the means to add capitol to my business ventures. It would be so easy right now to throw in the towel and except defeit and remain a victim. But, that would really suck since I know my business partner and I are on the verge of a huge business breakthrough and success.

    So, here's to sucking it up and doing what needs to be done so that I know longer can remain a victim. Victory is mine!

    Thanks Randy,

    Lucinda (The Opera Diva)

  9. I wish, I whish with all my heart, that I could choose to be a victim, as you phrase it.
    All you people, you talk like you have seen the light, that you have come to a great spiritual understanding of your life. I haven't, and more than that, I don't believe any of it. I believe in sense and logic. Using those tools, I have come to the same conclusions: that your life is in your hands, you control where your life is headed, and you are to blame for not succeeding to overcome them. I even believe that you are to blame for any obstical you meet, because you could have forseen it, and be better prepared.
    I have come to this understanding, and lived my life this way since I was a small child. It is hard, it is exhausting and it is even sometimes depressing. The knowlege that if you fail, you mostly let yourself down. And the knowlege that no one can and no one could have helped you, because you, and only you, are the true descision maker of your life. You, and only you are responsible for the path your life has taken, and you can only doubt yourself, only blame yourself. The obsicals you have to overcome, and if you see that they are coming at you one after another, you either keep on going at it, or go back and find another path, which I see as both bad options. But you can never just give up and blame someone else. You can never cry for help, because no one else can control your life. Sometimes I just don't have enough power in me to handle it, and I wish I didn't have this knowlege, so I wouldn't always have to worry about where I'm going.
    I'll end with a little optimism: My life is a relatively very good one, meaning that most of the time I am happy, or at least content.
    After a little less than 20 years (I'm 23, I started thinking this way when I was about 4...) I can say that I have brought my life to a good place, and most of my choices were good. It was hard, sometimes very hard, but I managed it. It will keep on being hard, but I will keep on managing. I just sometimes wish I didn't have to...

  10. You all feel like you have made a very brave choice. The fact is that you never made a choice at all. You just started living life, as life should be. The fact is that now you understand what you are doing and why, and before you didn't know what is happening to you and why, because you couldn't ascribe anything to yourslef. Now you know that *everything* is a choice you make.
    What I ask is this: how much is a choice really a choice, when you only have one good option?
    About living in control of your life - is it really a choice? The way I see it, the other "option" is not really an option, because that's just not living.

  11. Boy, I certainly have experienced the law of "opportunity to learn a lesson again..again etc.." But today I am choosing to be a "victor" and take responsiblity for my own actions learn that lesson and go for a new one, I'm sure!!!
    Thank you Rnady.

  12. Randy, I have cycled through this for 20 years of my life. Yes I have made $500,000 a year and yes in the last two years I have lost nearly $1.5 million in businesses and real estate. After finding your web site, I finally realized that I can either stay a victim or do what you said in todays post. I have set out on a 90 day mission to transform my life from victim to winner. It is amazing what happens when you make that decision. I am taking what happens in my life and doing something with it instead of worrying and wondering why I have such bad luck. I am certain that I will be back on top sooner than later. I have a couple of ebusinesses in the works and even when I face obstacles in those, I learn and move forward. I have a saying that I believe "God is a God of motion and we as His images should be in motion and not worrying and wondering what to do, but moving forward." Thanks Randy for your insight, it has changed my life for the better. Have a great weekend wherever you are.

  13. Yes, it is important to move on towards our dreams. Move towards prosperity. The Imaging Law of Prosperity video by Randy is a good resource. Charles Fillmore wrote:"Imagination gives man the ability to project himself through time and space and rise above all limitations."

    By using this law, we can achieve more than what we think we are currently capable of. For example, imaging our dream house instead of the house we think we can afford & plan for in the next 90 days. I can't write a 90 day plan for a Big Dream. Instead, I can use the imaging law to manifest my dreams.

  14. This is why I constantly enjoy books about the law of attraction, they keep my head on staright and my mind focused on making every day better! Thanks for yet another reminder to embrace the obstacles.

  15. So I am moving on to the Universal Law of Command. This is a powerful law that Catherine Ponder talks about in the "Dynamic Law of Prosperity". She says that Jesus used this law. Some ways that we can use it to manifest prosperity is by saying or writing affirmations. We constantly make decrees, but we have to be careful of what we are commanding. She gives the examples of peple saying things like "I'd give my right arm if..." or "I'm going to turn a deaf year to that".

    Catherine Ponder also says "The spiritual leaders of Egypt, India, Persia, China, and Tibet all taught their students to speak only when they have something constructive to say. Knowing the danger of idle talk, the set up a standard to determine whether it was wise to say a thing: "Is it true? Is it kind? Is it needful?" Even if it is true, if it is not kind, then surely it is not needful!"

    She suggests:
    1.) daily write out your notes of desired good
    2.) mentally image the successful results
    3.) command the successful results to appear (affirmations)

  16. Absolutely agree with the idea that when things go wrong in our lives, the universe is trying to tell us something. The challenge is to figure out exactly what the lesson is, and then act upon it.

  17. Having a Prosperous Attitude toward money is also important for prosperity. Money is important for successful. I think some things about money in the Bible get misinterpreted. Catherine Ponder says, in her book " The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity", that "money is divine, because money is God's good in expression." Remember that God wants us to be prosperous. Money is not evil.

    Catherine Ponder says that "since thoughts make your world, your thoughts about money need to be appreciative in order for money to appreciate you and be attracted to you."

    She gives an example of a man who was "down & out". When she talked to him she realized his attitudes had brought him to that place. For example, he believed "the politicians in Washington and the terrible way they were spending the country's money". Catherine Ponder recommended he change his attitudes toward people (especially towards the politicians) by wishing "health, prosperity, and happiness to come to him."

    Mixed attitudes about money bring mixed results. "The rich man's wealth is his strong city; the destruction of the poor is their poverty." (Proverbs 10:15)

    Catherine Ponder recommends NOT to declare things like "I can't afford this". Instead, affirm often "I use the positive power of God's rich substance in wisdom, love and good judgment in all my financial affairs, and I am prospered in all my ways."

    Another attitude to be careful of is when giving & receiving. Catherin Ponder says instead of saying "Oh, you shouldn't have done it", know that there is no obligation and you should welcome money from all directions.

    We can pray about our financial affairs. "Ask and it shall be given you" (Matthew 7:7).

    We can also make a mental picture of the amount of money we desire and make affirmations like:
    "All financial doors are open, all financial channels are free and (name the specific amount of money) now comes to me."

    Very empowering.

    "Man was born to be rich, or inevitably to grow rich through the use of his faculties." Emerson.

  18. Lots of great comments!!
    Your posts Randy are a great reminder to really take responsibility and that I do have choice in my decisions and my life.
    I keep can getting the lessons and either learn from them or not. As much as it seems to be harder to move through them and learn, it really isn't compared to.........
    I love learning and growing that is part of living, really living. And I do love coming here, as I learn from so many of you as well.
    Thank you!!

  19. The Prosperity Law of Charm is very important. Catherine Ponder says if charm "could be defined in one word only,that word might be 'harmony'--Harmony of mind, body, in one's relationships, in the events of one's life, and in the atmosphere in which one lives and works." Disharmony distracts, repels and dissipates a person's good.

    Catherine Ponder says Charm can be a problem solver, accelerate individual progress, gives self-confidence, kindness, overcomes destructive gossip, has no age limits, and has infinite possibilities.

  20. Catherine Ponder says in her book, "The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity", that "when we look about us and realize that the world is filled with people who are working very hard to become more prosperous every day; yet many of them are not becoming prosperous at all. Why? Often because they are not thinking about prosperity and success, along with working at it. Their attitude is not right. For all the hard work they do that should produce prosperity, they neutralize it by their failure talk, by their association with failure-minded people and perhaps by their criticism and condemnation of others who are moving up the ladder of success."

    I think this can also be true for people who reach the top pay level in a company but the cost is not worth it. I looked for other opportunities when I reached that point. I looked for a totally different career than what I was in.

    "When right avenues are not established, that same creative energy is restricted to expression in mediocre ways. Then man is unhappy and considers work a curse, instead of the divine blessing it is intended to be." C. Ponder

    I think that being unhappy can be good if it causes us to aim higher. If it causes you to think about what you want your life to look like. If it causes you to dream or to dream bigger. If it causes you to imagine. Even when you think you are "stuck", remember that the universe is in constant motion and expect things to change for the better.

    If you are not happy in your current work, affirm:
    "I am now shown new ways of living and new methods of work. I am not confined to the ways and methods of the past. I experience my perfect work in the perfect way, which now renders me perfect satisfaction and perfect pay." C. Ponder.

  21. There is so much truth in this!
    I'm definately a victor and always see that the universe has a lesson to teach me.
    We have to be open to learning or else we stagnate.
    Thanks again Randy!

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  • 33 comments on “Choosing to Win”

    1. I choose to take responsibility and manifest my own destiny.

      Let's change the whole world to be a better place to live by changing ourself at first my friends!

      Fathur - Jakarta

    2. Great post as always ...

      It's interesting, Randy. Once I chose to win - no matter what - and accepted ultimate responsibility for everything in my life, my entire outlook changed.

      Things that used to aggravate me, or make me feel like the world had it 'in' for me, became just another situation to solve or lesson to be learned.

      Which of course changed my attitude completely (for the better) ... which of course led to attracting more 'good' in my life ... which of course, etc. You get the idea ... 🙂

      Best to you,

    3. I have chosen to be victorious. It is my birthright. I do take responsibility and manifest my own destiny. I have chosen to change me. I am learning the Universal Laws so I can achieve prosperity.

      I am taking Catherine Ponder's advice and I am praying for guidance on where to find my source of spiritual nourishment. I will give a tithe (Law of Tithing...10% of my income) to the source of my spiritual nourishment.

      The Circulation Law says we should not hoard or be stingy. Hoarding leads to recession. We need to circulate substance to break through the brick walls. For example, letting go of things we no longer need. Houses, cars & stuff are just temporary. So we need to release them to move-on. (Randy has good videos on the Laws of Tithing & Circulation).

      Love is both personal and impersonal (good will towards others or getting along with others). The Bible says:
      "Love never fails" (I Corinthians 13:8)

      And Jesus says
      "...All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." (Matthew 22:40)

      I think healthy, happy, harmonious and successful living requires love. Love is powerful and we can choose love (personal and/or impersonal).

      Charles Fillmore wrote:
      "You may trust love to get you out of your difficulties. There is nothing too hard for it to accomplish for you, if you put your confidence in it."

      Catherine Ponder wrote:
      "Jesus Christ, the Master of victorious living, placed it (love) first in importance."

      "Love shall be victorious." C. Ponder

    4. only a week ago, I became conscious how life-people,events-are reactions to my output.This scared me.I became very very carefull of what I say and do.

    5. You can stay in victim-hood, believing you are at the mercy of outside circumstances or you can take responsibility and manifest your own destiny. Wow! repeat that a few times and reflect on your day. When I close my eyes at night I reflect on what a tremendous success my day has been. When I wake up and pause before I start my day I anticipate the activities I have scheduled and what a success my day is going to be. It is proving to be awesome, productive, gratifying...

    6. Hi Randy,
      A very wise woman once wrote that when you are confronted with a learning experience/situation, and you don't learn from it, you will be confronted with it over and over and each time will usually be harder than the last. So you might as well roll up your sleeves and get to work. I have learned that the only way out is through.
      The faster I meet it head on, the faster I can get to where I really want to go. The experiences of working things out/coming up with viable answers has given me a strength/confidence that I never had before and it shows. People come to me for answers/help/advise because they feel and see an new light in me, determination. There have been things that I've wanted but wasn't really ready to tackle, until now. The much needed growth wasn't there. Now... Look out world! 🙂
      Oh, when you travel, use Neil Med sinus rinse bottles-costco-(salt water rinse + 1 drop grapefruit seed extract GSE/whole foods) to keep your sinuses free of bacteria/irritants daily and take Sambucol Elderberry extract, 1 tbsp. a day for upper respiratory health. You will be good as gold while you travel. You might look at Spring Forest ChiQong, it's right up your alley for physical/energy healing. xoxox

    7. Great Posts Everyone!

      Vince Lombardi stated, "Once a man (woman) has made a commitment to a way of life, he puts the greatest strength in the world behind him. It's something we call heart power. Once a man
      has made this commitment, nothing will stop him short of success."

      Our world really needs to re-think blame and look at what it has cost us. There is too much wasted energy in victim-hood. It will drain your energy and zap the life out of you. I have been there, done that one and can cross it off my list forever. There is absolutely no room for this victim-hood drama to co-exist with your authentic self. It simply can't.

      I know that I know that I know MY POWER is within. Therefore, I chose that heart power to co-create possibilities. I take responsibility everyday in learning how that power can be fully utilize; so when I scrape my knees, I will get up. And when the storms, battles, or defeats come I will know to "keep on keeping on."

      Celebrate YOUR Victories,

    8. Dear Randy,
      I so choose to be the victor!! I am going through a tiring situation (quite literally) right now but I know as I stick it out, it will get better. I have been provided with the means to add capitol to my business ventures. It would be so easy right now to throw in the towel and except defeit and remain a victim. But, that would really suck since I know my business partner and I are on the verge of a huge business breakthrough and success.

      So, here's to sucking it up and doing what needs to be done so that I know longer can remain a victim. Victory is mine!

      Thanks Randy,

      Lucinda (The Opera Diva)

    9. I wish, I whish with all my heart, that I could choose to be a victim, as you phrase it.
      All you people, you talk like you have seen the light, that you have come to a great spiritual understanding of your life. I haven't, and more than that, I don't believe any of it. I believe in sense and logic. Using those tools, I have come to the same conclusions: that your life is in your hands, you control where your life is headed, and you are to blame for not succeeding to overcome them. I even believe that you are to blame for any obstical you meet, because you could have forseen it, and be better prepared.
      I have come to this understanding, and lived my life this way since I was a small child. It is hard, it is exhausting and it is even sometimes depressing. The knowlege that if you fail, you mostly let yourself down. And the knowlege that no one can and no one could have helped you, because you, and only you, are the true descision maker of your life. You, and only you are responsible for the path your life has taken, and you can only doubt yourself, only blame yourself. The obsicals you have to overcome, and if you see that they are coming at you one after another, you either keep on going at it, or go back and find another path, which I see as both bad options. But you can never just give up and blame someone else. You can never cry for help, because no one else can control your life. Sometimes I just don't have enough power in me to handle it, and I wish I didn't have this knowlege, so I wouldn't always have to worry about where I'm going.
      I'll end with a little optimism: My life is a relatively very good one, meaning that most of the time I am happy, or at least content.
      After a little less than 20 years (I'm 23, I started thinking this way when I was about 4...) I can say that I have brought my life to a good place, and most of my choices were good. It was hard, sometimes very hard, but I managed it. It will keep on being hard, but I will keep on managing. I just sometimes wish I didn't have to...

    10. You all feel like you have made a very brave choice. The fact is that you never made a choice at all. You just started living life, as life should be. The fact is that now you understand what you are doing and why, and before you didn't know what is happening to you and why, because you couldn't ascribe anything to yourslef. Now you know that *everything* is a choice you make.
      What I ask is this: how much is a choice really a choice, when you only have one good option?
      About living in control of your life - is it really a choice? The way I see it, the other "option" is not really an option, because that's just not living.

    11. Boy, I certainly have experienced the law of "opportunity to learn a lesson again..again etc.." But today I am choosing to be a "victor" and take responsiblity for my own actions learn that lesson and go for a new one, I'm sure!!!
      Thank you Rnady.

    12. Randy, I have cycled through this for 20 years of my life. Yes I have made $500,000 a year and yes in the last two years I have lost nearly $1.5 million in businesses and real estate. After finding your web site, I finally realized that I can either stay a victim or do what you said in todays post. I have set out on a 90 day mission to transform my life from victim to winner. It is amazing what happens when you make that decision. I am taking what happens in my life and doing something with it instead of worrying and wondering why I have such bad luck. I am certain that I will be back on top sooner than later. I have a couple of ebusinesses in the works and even when I face obstacles in those, I learn and move forward. I have a saying that I believe "God is a God of motion and we as His images should be in motion and not worrying and wondering what to do, but moving forward." Thanks Randy for your insight, it has changed my life for the better. Have a great weekend wherever you are.

    13. Yes, it is important to move on towards our dreams. Move towards prosperity. The Imaging Law of Prosperity video by Randy is a good resource. Charles Fillmore wrote:"Imagination gives man the ability to project himself through time and space and rise above all limitations."

      By using this law, we can achieve more than what we think we are currently capable of. For example, imaging our dream house instead of the house we think we can afford & plan for in the next 90 days. I can't write a 90 day plan for a Big Dream. Instead, I can use the imaging law to manifest my dreams.

    14. This is why I constantly enjoy books about the law of attraction, they keep my head on staright and my mind focused on making every day better! Thanks for yet another reminder to embrace the obstacles.

    15. So I am moving on to the Universal Law of Command. This is a powerful law that Catherine Ponder talks about in the "Dynamic Law of Prosperity". She says that Jesus used this law. Some ways that we can use it to manifest prosperity is by saying or writing affirmations. We constantly make decrees, but we have to be careful of what we are commanding. She gives the examples of peple saying things like "I'd give my right arm if..." or "I'm going to turn a deaf year to that".

      Catherine Ponder also says "The spiritual leaders of Egypt, India, Persia, China, and Tibet all taught their students to speak only when they have something constructive to say. Knowing the danger of idle talk, the set up a standard to determine whether it was wise to say a thing: "Is it true? Is it kind? Is it needful?" Even if it is true, if it is not kind, then surely it is not needful!"

      She suggests:
      1.) daily write out your notes of desired good
      2.) mentally image the successful results
      3.) command the successful results to appear (affirmations)

    16. Absolutely agree with the idea that when things go wrong in our lives, the universe is trying to tell us something. The challenge is to figure out exactly what the lesson is, and then act upon it.

    17. Having a Prosperous Attitude toward money is also important for prosperity. Money is important for successful. I think some things about money in the Bible get misinterpreted. Catherine Ponder says, in her book " The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity", that "money is divine, because money is God's good in expression." Remember that God wants us to be prosperous. Money is not evil.

      Catherine Ponder says that "since thoughts make your world, your thoughts about money need to be appreciative in order for money to appreciate you and be attracted to you."

      She gives an example of a man who was "down & out". When she talked to him she realized his attitudes had brought him to that place. For example, he believed "the politicians in Washington and the terrible way they were spending the country's money". Catherine Ponder recommended he change his attitudes toward people (especially towards the politicians) by wishing "health, prosperity, and happiness to come to him."

      Mixed attitudes about money bring mixed results. "The rich man's wealth is his strong city; the destruction of the poor is their poverty." (Proverbs 10:15)

      Catherine Ponder recommends NOT to declare things like "I can't afford this". Instead, affirm often "I use the positive power of God's rich substance in wisdom, love and good judgment in all my financial affairs, and I am prospered in all my ways."

      Another attitude to be careful of is when giving & receiving. Catherin Ponder says instead of saying "Oh, you shouldn't have done it", know that there is no obligation and you should welcome money from all directions.

      We can pray about our financial affairs. "Ask and it shall be given you" (Matthew 7:7).

      We can also make a mental picture of the amount of money we desire and make affirmations like:
      "All financial doors are open, all financial channels are free and (name the specific amount of money) now comes to me."

      Very empowering.

      "Man was born to be rich, or inevitably to grow rich through the use of his faculties." Emerson.

    18. Lots of great comments!!
      Your posts Randy are a great reminder to really take responsibility and that I do have choice in my decisions and my life.
      I keep can getting the lessons and either learn from them or not. As much as it seems to be harder to move through them and learn, it really isn't compared to.........
      I love learning and growing that is part of living, really living. And I do love coming here, as I learn from so many of you as well.
      Thank you!!

    19. The Prosperity Law of Charm is very important. Catherine Ponder says if charm "could be defined in one word only,that word might be 'harmony'--Harmony of mind, body, in one's relationships, in the events of one's life, and in the atmosphere in which one lives and works." Disharmony distracts, repels and dissipates a person's good.

      Catherine Ponder says Charm can be a problem solver, accelerate individual progress, gives self-confidence, kindness, overcomes destructive gossip, has no age limits, and has infinite possibilities.

    20. Catherine Ponder says in her book, "The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity", that "when we look about us and realize that the world is filled with people who are working very hard to become more prosperous every day; yet many of them are not becoming prosperous at all. Why? Often because they are not thinking about prosperity and success, along with working at it. Their attitude is not right. For all the hard work they do that should produce prosperity, they neutralize it by their failure talk, by their association with failure-minded people and perhaps by their criticism and condemnation of others who are moving up the ladder of success."

      I think this can also be true for people who reach the top pay level in a company but the cost is not worth it. I looked for other opportunities when I reached that point. I looked for a totally different career than what I was in.

      "When right avenues are not established, that same creative energy is restricted to expression in mediocre ways. Then man is unhappy and considers work a curse, instead of the divine blessing it is intended to be." C. Ponder

      I think that being unhappy can be good if it causes us to aim higher. If it causes you to think about what you want your life to look like. If it causes you to dream or to dream bigger. If it causes you to imagine. Even when you think you are "stuck", remember that the universe is in constant motion and expect things to change for the better.

      If you are not happy in your current work, affirm:
      "I am now shown new ways of living and new methods of work. I am not confined to the ways and methods of the past. I experience my perfect work in the perfect way, which now renders me perfect satisfaction and perfect pay." C. Ponder.

    21. There is so much truth in this!
      I'm definately a victor and always see that the universe has a lesson to teach me.
      We have to be open to learning or else we stagnate.
      Thanks again Randy!

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