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Choosing to Change

Posted By: Randy GageMarch 21, 2013

Okay you’re carrying around a little too much weight.  You can choose to change.  You snapped at someone and said something you regret.  You can make a resolution to become a better person the next time.  You’ve been timid and playing small.  You can decide to step into your greatness. 

Your past never has to equal your future.  That is only in the case of people who let life “happen” to them.  When you take responsibility for your own life, you get to create the life you want, and become the person you were meant to be.

Remember, every minute is a new minute.  You can choose to change.

- RG

14 comments on “Choosing to Change”

  1. Yes.. Yes.. Yes.. Living IN the possibility through CHOICE.. "We do not attract that which we want, but that which we ARE".. Thanks so much Randy.. great post!

  2. Awesome!!! The best part of this for me is where you say that each minute is a new one. Truly living in the moment. I love this!

  3. All you really have is the moment you have now. You can optimize every decision you make. Today I made the choice of " If man made it, don't eat it " . I already feel much better at the end of the day probably from eliminating breads from my diet and substitute bread carbs with those from apples, bananas, and a varied assortment of raw veggies.

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  • 14 comments on “Choosing to Change”

    1. Yes.. Yes.. Yes.. Living IN the possibility through CHOICE.. "We do not attract that which we want, but that which we ARE".. Thanks so much Randy.. great post!

    2. Awesome!!! The best part of this for me is where you say that each minute is a new one. Truly living in the moment. I love this!

    3. All you really have is the moment you have now. You can optimize every decision you make. Today I made the choice of " If man made it, don't eat it " . I already feel much better at the end of the day probably from eliminating breads from my diet and substitute bread carbs with those from apples, bananas, and a varied assortment of raw veggies.

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