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Channeling Your Sexual Energy

Posted By: Randy GageOctober 30, 2009

In yesterday’s post we discussed conserving your sexual energy.  Many years ago when I began my study of Kung Fu I discovered something quite surprising.   In order to learn to break large bricks, the Sifu first instructed you to withhold from having sex for one month.  Of course a lot of guys will tell you if they didn’t have sex for 30 days they could run through a brick wall!  But it’s a lot more complex than that…

As I expanded my learning to tantric disciplines, I found that I could experience a wonderful world of sexual exploration, yet still conserve my sexual energy, which allowed me to channel it into productive actions.

I think the secret of true geniuses is how they balance and channel their sexual energy.  In “Think and Grow Rich,” Napoleon Hill suggests that most great accomplishments of men are done after they reach their 40’s or 50’s.  And he attributes this to their maturity, which he believes allows them to channel their sexual energy in a healthy manner.

I was glad to see so many of you reference it in the comments over the last three posts.  One interesting note:  More than a few of you thought the book made sex seem like a bad thing.  I didn’t get that at all when I read it.  So I’m on the road now, but plan to look at the chapter on sexual transmutation again to see what is creating that perception.

If you have never read Hill’s book, you’re missing one of the most important books in the history of personal development.   And if you haven’t read it in a few years, it’s time to crack it open again.  Be sure and pay special attention to that chapter on sex transmutation.


23 comments on “Channeling Your Sexual Energy”

  1. I agree that the subject did not come across as something that Napoleon Hill made out to be bad. If I recall correctly he was saying it was a great source of energy (I would use the word power). Actually, I didn't think that Hill dealt in sufficient depth with the subject as I felt I was left wanting to learn more of what he meant. Perhaps it was somewhat of a taboo subject in those days. Will go back to the book and re-read.

    Thanks for having this powerful subject brought out into the light so that we can all learn to harness one of nature's most wonderful gifts in service to ourselves and to others.


  2. Dear Randy, Dear All,

    Reading through the last few days' posts and comments, it is obvious that sexuality is perhaps the No.1. attention catcher; and it is no wonder why; Everyone is fascinated by it.

    Sexuality is life force, it is the easiest form of coming into alignment with Source Energy, where you feel ultimately energized, empowered, worthy and loved... and therefore capable of anything; truly the moment when you feel no boundaries to your existence.

    This connection with Source however, cannot only be accessed by physically acting out our sexuality, but by reaching back in thought to the experience and the feelings of energy, empowerment, worthiness and love. This, in my opinion is the Channeling part of the equation. And once back in that emotional state, the power and drive become instantly available to be directed toward non-sexual productive activities as well.
    It does take a deliberate decision to direct and redirect the energy you've tapped into, but you can access resources you never thought you had.

    I enjoy visiting this blog, each post is quite timely on my present path, thank you.

    ps: the next book I read will be "Think and Grow Rich" :o)

    Have a nice day,

  3. Forgive me for seeming naive, but I have always wondered about the meaning of Hill's great book when it came to a woman's role. The tone of the book is geared toward the male gender, and yet, there are plenty of prosperous women that must have discovered how to channel this great energy. I am coming from a perspective that men and women are wired differently, so does that mean that the techniques to learn how to channel this great power are different? Or do they just need to be 'tweaked' to serve the female of the species. Just pondering............Thanks for all the thought provoking posts Mr. Gage, you do make us pause to reflect!


  4. thanks for reminding about "think and grow rich" - I will read it again and again .. until I get rich !
    its a brilliant spiritual book with a lot off other great issues

  5. Napoleon Hill presents sexual energy as THE vital force, the creator of wealth, all creativity, desire entusiasm, persistence - not bad, not bad at all!
    Be the best you can be,

  6. Randy
    Thanks for the comments. Fascinating posts.

    FYI, Think and Grow Rich, the original writing, is public domain and if you do a google search, you can get a free PDF copy.

    I believe it is the real "secret" before the "secret" existed


  7. "It does take a deliberate decision to direct and redirect the energy you’ve tapped into"

    Well put, Maria. Again, it comes to deliberate decision.

    Want to discover your limiting beliefs? Make a deliberate decision to do so.

    Want to change those beliefs? Make a deliberate decision to do so.

    Want to harness the power of your sexual chi? Make a deliberate decision to do so.

    Just two words can change one's world. And yet, most people are so unconsious, they don't even know they have that choice. But I digress.

    I just realized that I channel this energy, most recently, into my Bikram Yoga practice.

    It's time I take this energy and channel it to other parts of my life as well.


    Jhanna Dawson

  8. What a "coincidence"! I just finished the chapter on Sex Transmutation (for the 2nd time). I totally get what was being said and I realize that I had been inadvertently using this technique throughout many of the successes in my life.

    I have been reading the free version online. I think it's the complete (unabridged) version because it has more chapters than the one I bought from the bookstore.

    If anyone is interested, here is the link:



  9. If anything Hill went out of his way to explain that sexual desires were natural. He stressed that if these energies weren't channeled properly it could lead to destructive results.

  10. I so agree with him that men with a high sex drive often to better and are more masterful... because they use that energy. JFK, Bill Clinton, Paulo Coelho, etc

    High sex drive = high success.

    Maybe it's a case of: want success; increase your multi-oragsmic happiness!

  11. Kerrie, I believe that in Hill's writing he sought to explain a sort of strength/weakness from which men seem to suffer more than women, and females seem to be able to turn the energy on and off at will. Also at the time of his writings, women were rated as second class, and had recently gained suffrage. That being said, he spoke of an energy that radiates through all of us, and I believe his intent was to lift our consciousness to a point of understanding that we're extentions of the creator/force, etc. with the ability to do the same, either productive or nonproductive. If our sexual energies are fucused and directed properly we'll create not only successful businesses, accumulate wealth, but we'll also produce great children because we have order in our lives. On the other hand, if we just cast our energies to the wind, much of what we do will not take root, nor multiply. Our wealth will be squandered, chaos will be the rule of the day, you won't know what happened to your resources. Lastly, if the same energy is used when creating children without focus, then they grow up misguided and misusing their sexual energies.

  12. If you look at different editions of Think and Grow Rich, you'll see that the chapter on Sex Transmutation has been severely edited in some.

    I discovered this at a friend's house a few years ago. He was taking a business call, so I was reading through his copy of Think and Grow Rich to pass the time. I came across a section I had never read before -- which really surprised me.

    Some versions seem to have missing sentences and some have full sections missing. I'm not sure if this is due to some older versions winding up "public domain" while later edited versions did not or if Napoleon Hill (or someone else) edited his thoughts later (or tried to make it more "politically correct").

    Example: "Despite the fact that men are polygamous, by the very nature of their biological inheritance, it is true that no woman has as great an influence on a man as his wife, unless he is married to a woman totally unsuited to his nature."

    If you google that phrase, you'll find plenty of results -- but that phrase is not in the Hardcover deluxe edition nor the paperback version I have handy.

  13. Thank you Kendra for that link.

    It seems to not only be a more complete version of the text, but it also allows copying of the text (a lot of the free pdf versions have the text copy command disabled which makes it annoying when trying to copy a quote to print out and hang on the wall).

  14. I think I have been channeling my sexual energy to my strengths (achieving, learning, connecting) and to what I am focusing on. One of my strengths that I didn't realize I had until recently is mazimizing so maybe channeling my energy is a result of that strength.

  15. This is great to read and reflect on, I feel like it was meant for me at a time like this, when I am in the midst of divorce and learning about my self and how to have healthy relationships. I have had Think and Grow Rich for a while now, time to open it up and start reading!

  16. I have read the book of Nap Hill 10 years ago, then reread 5 years ago, but now with your reminder I am reading it more seriously and with deeper understanding. Thank you for that Randy.


  17. Hi RG

    Thanks a million for sharing your ideas on channeling Sexual energy. i read a lot of times and now i am reading it again with your recommendations.

    Randy did you read the chapter again as you said to see where sex seemed bad thing ?

    Would you please say more on how to channel this energy?

    thanks again.


  18. I do not agree that Think and Grow Rich is geared toward men. In order to understand where Hill is coming from, you have to read the whole book and put it all together.

    I think Maria hit the nail on the head when she said,
    "This connection with Source however, cannot only be accessed by physically acting out our sexuality, but by reaching back in thought to the experience and the feelings of energy, empowerment, worthiness and love. This, in my opinion is the Channeling part of the equation. And once back in that emotional state, the power and drive become instantly available to be directed toward non-sexual productive activities as well.
    It does take a deliberate decision to direct and redirect the energy you’ve tapped into, but you can access resources you never thought you had."

    Hill's chapter on the "Mystery of Sex Transmutation" is probably the hardest chapter to understand, but when you get it, it brings everything together.

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  • 23 comments on “Channeling Your Sexual Energy”

    1. I agree that the subject did not come across as something that Napoleon Hill made out to be bad. If I recall correctly he was saying it was a great source of energy (I would use the word power). Actually, I didn't think that Hill dealt in sufficient depth with the subject as I felt I was left wanting to learn more of what he meant. Perhaps it was somewhat of a taboo subject in those days. Will go back to the book and re-read.

      Thanks for having this powerful subject brought out into the light so that we can all learn to harness one of nature's most wonderful gifts in service to ourselves and to others.


    2. Dear Randy, Dear All,

      Reading through the last few days' posts and comments, it is obvious that sexuality is perhaps the No.1. attention catcher; and it is no wonder why; Everyone is fascinated by it.

      Sexuality is life force, it is the easiest form of coming into alignment with Source Energy, where you feel ultimately energized, empowered, worthy and loved... and therefore capable of anything; truly the moment when you feel no boundaries to your existence.

      This connection with Source however, cannot only be accessed by physically acting out our sexuality, but by reaching back in thought to the experience and the feelings of energy, empowerment, worthiness and love. This, in my opinion is the Channeling part of the equation. And once back in that emotional state, the power and drive become instantly available to be directed toward non-sexual productive activities as well.
      It does take a deliberate decision to direct and redirect the energy you've tapped into, but you can access resources you never thought you had.

      I enjoy visiting this blog, each post is quite timely on my present path, thank you.

      ps: the next book I read will be "Think and Grow Rich" :o)

      Have a nice day,

    3. Forgive me for seeming naive, but I have always wondered about the meaning of Hill's great book when it came to a woman's role. The tone of the book is geared toward the male gender, and yet, there are plenty of prosperous women that must have discovered how to channel this great energy. I am coming from a perspective that men and women are wired differently, so does that mean that the techniques to learn how to channel this great power are different? Or do they just need to be 'tweaked' to serve the female of the species. Just pondering............Thanks for all the thought provoking posts Mr. Gage, you do make us pause to reflect!


    4. thanks for reminding about "think and grow rich" - I will read it again and again .. until I get rich !
      its a brilliant spiritual book with a lot off other great issues

    5. Napoleon Hill presents sexual energy as THE vital force, the creator of wealth, all creativity, desire entusiasm, persistence - not bad, not bad at all!
      Be the best you can be,

    6. Randy
      Thanks for the comments. Fascinating posts.

      FYI, Think and Grow Rich, the original writing, is public domain and if you do a google search, you can get a free PDF copy.

      I believe it is the real "secret" before the "secret" existed


    7. "It does take a deliberate decision to direct and redirect the energy you’ve tapped into"

      Well put, Maria. Again, it comes to deliberate decision.

      Want to discover your limiting beliefs? Make a deliberate decision to do so.

      Want to change those beliefs? Make a deliberate decision to do so.

      Want to harness the power of your sexual chi? Make a deliberate decision to do so.

      Just two words can change one's world. And yet, most people are so unconsious, they don't even know they have that choice. But I digress.

      I just realized that I channel this energy, most recently, into my Bikram Yoga practice.

      It's time I take this energy and channel it to other parts of my life as well.


      Jhanna Dawson

    8. What a "coincidence"! I just finished the chapter on Sex Transmutation (for the 2nd time). I totally get what was being said and I realize that I had been inadvertently using this technique throughout many of the successes in my life.

      I have been reading the free version online. I think it's the complete (unabridged) version because it has more chapters than the one I bought from the bookstore.

      If anyone is interested, here is the link:



    9. If anything Hill went out of his way to explain that sexual desires were natural. He stressed that if these energies weren't channeled properly it could lead to destructive results.

    10. I so agree with him that men with a high sex drive often to better and are more masterful... because they use that energy. JFK, Bill Clinton, Paulo Coelho, etc

      High sex drive = high success.

      Maybe it's a case of: want success; increase your multi-oragsmic happiness!

    11. Kerrie, I believe that in Hill's writing he sought to explain a sort of strength/weakness from which men seem to suffer more than women, and females seem to be able to turn the energy on and off at will. Also at the time of his writings, women were rated as second class, and had recently gained suffrage. That being said, he spoke of an energy that radiates through all of us, and I believe his intent was to lift our consciousness to a point of understanding that we're extentions of the creator/force, etc. with the ability to do the same, either productive or nonproductive. If our sexual energies are fucused and directed properly we'll create not only successful businesses, accumulate wealth, but we'll also produce great children because we have order in our lives. On the other hand, if we just cast our energies to the wind, much of what we do will not take root, nor multiply. Our wealth will be squandered, chaos will be the rule of the day, you won't know what happened to your resources. Lastly, if the same energy is used when creating children without focus, then they grow up misguided and misusing their sexual energies.

    12. If you look at different editions of Think and Grow Rich, you'll see that the chapter on Sex Transmutation has been severely edited in some.

      I discovered this at a friend's house a few years ago. He was taking a business call, so I was reading through his copy of Think and Grow Rich to pass the time. I came across a section I had never read before -- which really surprised me.

      Some versions seem to have missing sentences and some have full sections missing. I'm not sure if this is due to some older versions winding up "public domain" while later edited versions did not or if Napoleon Hill (or someone else) edited his thoughts later (or tried to make it more "politically correct").

      Example: "Despite the fact that men are polygamous, by the very nature of their biological inheritance, it is true that no woman has as great an influence on a man as his wife, unless he is married to a woman totally unsuited to his nature."

      If you google that phrase, you'll find plenty of results -- but that phrase is not in the Hardcover deluxe edition nor the paperback version I have handy.

    13. Thank you Kendra for that link.

      It seems to not only be a more complete version of the text, but it also allows copying of the text (a lot of the free pdf versions have the text copy command disabled which makes it annoying when trying to copy a quote to print out and hang on the wall).

    14. I think I have been channeling my sexual energy to my strengths (achieving, learning, connecting) and to what I am focusing on. One of my strengths that I didn't realize I had until recently is mazimizing so maybe channeling my energy is a result of that strength.

    15. This is great to read and reflect on, I feel like it was meant for me at a time like this, when I am in the midst of divorce and learning about my self and how to have healthy relationships. I have had Think and Grow Rich for a while now, time to open it up and start reading!

    16. I have read the book of Nap Hill 10 years ago, then reread 5 years ago, but now with your reminder I am reading it more seriously and with deeper understanding. Thank you for that Randy.


    17. Hi RG

      Thanks a million for sharing your ideas on channeling Sexual energy. i read a lot of times and now i am reading it again with your recommendations.

      Randy did you read the chapter again as you said to see where sex seemed bad thing ?

      Would you please say more on how to channel this energy?

      thanks again.


    18. I do not agree that Think and Grow Rich is geared toward men. In order to understand where Hill is coming from, you have to read the whole book and put it all together.

      I think Maria hit the nail on the head when she said,
      "This connection with Source however, cannot only be accessed by physically acting out our sexuality, but by reaching back in thought to the experience and the feelings of energy, empowerment, worthiness and love. This, in my opinion is the Channeling part of the equation. And once back in that emotional state, the power and drive become instantly available to be directed toward non-sexual productive activities as well.
      It does take a deliberate decision to direct and redirect the energy you’ve tapped into, but you can access resources you never thought you had."

      Hill's chapter on the "Mystery of Sex Transmutation" is probably the hardest chapter to understand, but when you get it, it brings everything together.

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