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Changing Your Mindset

Posted By: Randy GageSeptember 17, 2009

Last post I told you that while your optimistic or pessimistic mindset is partially inherited, you can change it.  So let’s look at that.

By controlling your mind, the thoughts you give precedence to, you actually change your state, and your results.  So how do you do this?

Change the environment around you.
Change people that you hang out with.
Quit drinking.
Quit smoking.
Quit drugging.
Dress up.
Wash your car, clean your house and get organized.
Be extra nice to the next ten strangers you meet.
Unplug your TV for a month.  (Repeat as necessary.)
Start every day by reading one page of “As a Man Thinketh.”
End every day by reading one page of “As a Man Thinketh.”
Go volunteer for a day at a homeless shelter, or pediatric hospital.

That’s a few off the top of my head.  What do you think?


23 comments on “Changing Your Mindset”

  1. When I first moved to Canada from Dubai, I thought my life would change automatically and magically.
    Pretty soon, I had the same type of friends, same type of conversations, same type of experiences...same mediocrity.

    It was only when I began to visualize my habits, personality, and experiences changing did my outerlife begin to change.

    Do all the things that Randy said to do in the post above, but also visualize the life you want. Be the change you want to be, but see it in your mind first.

    Change you self-image...change how you see yourself.

    Do You want more respect... visualize yourself as getting more respect.

    If you want more confidence... visualize yourself as more confident.

    However you want your life to be, visualize it so.

    This can be alot to stomach for folks who are very action oriented.

    But trust me, visualize the changes you want, and it will come easier.

    This is what I tell people who go on a diet, I tell them to also start visualizing themselves as being slimmer, more healthy with more energy.

    Because if they diet, and lose the weight, it will only be temporary if they still see themselves as overweight in the self-image of their mind.

    This story is from a book “Tiger Traits” by Nate Booth who wrote:

    “Walt Disney died before Disney World in Orlando was completed. His brother, Roy, Came out of retirement and finished the project. On the opening day of Disney World, a young reporter came up to Roy and said, “Isn’t it a tragedy that Walt never got to see Disney World?” Roy Disney replied, “You’re wrong, young man. Walt did see it. He saw it in his imagination first. That’s why you’re seeing it physically here today.”

    Lots of love =)


  2. For the ladies in particular, I'd suggest taking the time to 'make up'. So many women would would look so much better if they took some time to do their hair and put on even a little bit of make up every day, and they'd feel better for it to. You only need to look at the number of make-overs in magazines to know what I'm talking about. Ladies, if you don't know how, take a course, or many, until you get it right. It's worth your while.

  3. on my way to change the environment !
    and to be extra nice to 10 strangers right away.
    as well as wearing a tie soon as I change from my cycling gear !
    Randy, have an enjoyable day.

  4. I wonder is the no drinking thing because even if you drink just 1 glass of alcohol you have less control of your thoughts?

    Or is it just that most people go over the top? Any comments welcome..

  5. The tv has been off for over six months and the radio off for two months. The radio has just as many ads as the tv and the words to a lot of songs are very destructive.

    I've become aware of many negative thoughts that were lurking in my mind. Now that I aware of them I can change.

    Thanks Randy.

  6. Here's why reading something such as, As a Man Thinketh' right before before bedtime is perfect for me.

    I have noticed that whatever I do, think, read, or watch right as I'm settling into sleep follows me into my dreams.

    For example, last night I was reading Joe Vitale's 'Attractor Factor'.

    My subconscious digested that information and my dreams were all about manifesting, action, and the information from the book.

    Because of this, I take GREAT care to mind what I am focusing on right before I go to sleep.

    The brain is a powerful thing!

    Blessings for all you do, friend. 😉

    Jhanna Dawson

  7. Hi Randy,

    the world would change big time IF people would START thinking !

    Running with the herd was NEVER the right answer.....

    Follow my actions (making money is on auto - pilot ) and


  8. We do communicate on different levels with the WHOLE package, including everything you mention.

    However, you would have to get outside the atmosphere or even the solar system to be free of negative influences in its true sense. That's unfortunately how much shit people on this planet are still projecting.

    Another solution could perhaps be to get inside the hollow Earth, but it's already occupied.

  9. When I wanted to feel like a comedian, I wen out to clubs and performed 3 times a night for 4 days a week for about 4 weeks.

    That made a PERMANENT difference in how I see the world.

    Whenever I do shows at hospitals or old folks homes, I get that boost of "This is who I want to be". I often forget that until I do it again.

  10. Hey Randy-
    I think your list is all about actions, not thoughts. Many people won't take any of those actions until they change their thoughts about themselves, their worth and their judgments about life and others.

    In my experience, the only way to change your thinking is to actually listen to what it is you are thinking in the first place. This can me done in a moment. Once you listen critically to what you're telling yourself you can weed out the disempowering thoughts and shift your thoughts to what is true and empowering.

    That shift in thoughts about yourself, others and life is what starts the new choices in behavior....such as quitting drinking, choosing other friends, dressing up, keeping a home or car clean, choosing empowering books etc etc.

    Happy New Year!

  11. HI Randy !

    Yes these 10 simple rules easily help us to change our llife to positive and comfort .


    P.S: to Koorosh : Eftekhar mikonamke Koorosh ye ki dige az iranihai moafagh hastid.

  12. Hello Randy,

    I simply love the idea of starting and ending each new day reading one page of "As a Man Thinketh", by James Allen. It's such an inspiring and powerful book!

    Thank you for the tip!

  13. My dear,
    There are many very successful people that drink.Me personally never did drink,smoke..etc. have been an athlete all my life so don't know how your ability to control your thoughts would be decreased but I personally know some very successful people that drink. I find there are many very successful people in one area of life(usually business) that are not able to apply that to any other areas of life - they are overweight,personal life not the greatest etc.
    This is one thing that intrigues me how can some be so focused and successful in one area and completely out of control in others.
    Would like your opinion on that.
    Any comments welcome as well
    Phenomenal day everyone

  14. yes... what about to think and feel in spirtual matters? by example developed new life skills related with mind/body/spirit?
    Skills to connect with positive thinks and feelings for living different...
    Randy Cage !! I meet yow in Agel World!!! I think yow have a big and strong energy!!! that is what the next stage of this world is going to need in 2012 (ALSO AGEL OF COURSE) YOW ARE A WONDERFULL HUMAN BEING

  15. For the women -

    What is helping me personally: (Randy Gage Style)

    Subscribing to a fashion magazine
    Wearing heels (or at least somewhat of it - even flip-flops)
    Sitting up straight
    Paying attention to the way I'm walking
    Got a great hair cut
    I'm wearing more fashionable jewelry
    I always wear make up - wherever I go
    I never leave my house without feeling 100% confident

    I've wrapped this all together and then posted a picture of myself on my social media websites. Result? Twitter has grown a few hundred in the past few days.

    All this is boosting my self-confidence, sharpening my focus and feeding my mindset.

    Thanks Randy!

    PS -- Now I'll reread As a Man Thinketh morning and night... great book that illustrates what exactly our mind can attract!

  16. -RG,

    I'm doing the TV off thing.

    Drinking?? You make it sound that no matter how much you drink it's bad. Wine is good for you.

    Isaiah 25:6 "On this mountain the LORD Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples, a banquet of aged wine-- the best of meats and the finest of wines."


  17. Giving also helps you to change your attitude. I have become an "overtipper" Tipping wait staff, taxi drivers service workers, hotel chamber staff 30% at least when the service is good. They are working to make a better life for themselves, put themselves or their kid through school and could really use the lift!

  18. So, what do I think after reading that? it's simple. I LOVE THAT! Stay blessed, Randy! This is your 10-years fun from Almaty, Kazakhstan.

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  • 23 comments on “Changing Your Mindset”

    1. When I first moved to Canada from Dubai, I thought my life would change automatically and magically.
      Pretty soon, I had the same type of friends, same type of conversations, same type of experiences...same mediocrity.

      It was only when I began to visualize my habits, personality, and experiences changing did my outerlife begin to change.

      Do all the things that Randy said to do in the post above, but also visualize the life you want. Be the change you want to be, but see it in your mind first.

      Change you self-image...change how you see yourself.

      Do You want more respect... visualize yourself as getting more respect.

      If you want more confidence... visualize yourself as more confident.

      However you want your life to be, visualize it so.

      This can be alot to stomach for folks who are very action oriented.

      But trust me, visualize the changes you want, and it will come easier.

      This is what I tell people who go on a diet, I tell them to also start visualizing themselves as being slimmer, more healthy with more energy.

      Because if they diet, and lose the weight, it will only be temporary if they still see themselves as overweight in the self-image of their mind.

      This story is from a book “Tiger Traits” by Nate Booth who wrote:

      “Walt Disney died before Disney World in Orlando was completed. His brother, Roy, Came out of retirement and finished the project. On the opening day of Disney World, a young reporter came up to Roy and said, “Isn’t it a tragedy that Walt never got to see Disney World?” Roy Disney replied, “You’re wrong, young man. Walt did see it. He saw it in his imagination first. That’s why you’re seeing it physically here today.”

      Lots of love =)


    2. For the ladies in particular, I'd suggest taking the time to 'make up'. So many women would would look so much better if they took some time to do their hair and put on even a little bit of make up every day, and they'd feel better for it to. You only need to look at the number of make-overs in magazines to know what I'm talking about. Ladies, if you don't know how, take a course, or many, until you get it right. It's worth your while.

    3. on my way to change the environment !
      and to be extra nice to 10 strangers right away.
      as well as wearing a tie soon as I change from my cycling gear !
      Randy, have an enjoyable day.

    4. I wonder is the no drinking thing because even if you drink just 1 glass of alcohol you have less control of your thoughts?

      Or is it just that most people go over the top? Any comments welcome..

    5. The tv has been off for over six months and the radio off for two months. The radio has just as many ads as the tv and the words to a lot of songs are very destructive.

      I've become aware of many negative thoughts that were lurking in my mind. Now that I aware of them I can change.

      Thanks Randy.

    6. Here's why reading something such as, As a Man Thinketh' right before before bedtime is perfect for me.

      I have noticed that whatever I do, think, read, or watch right as I'm settling into sleep follows me into my dreams.

      For example, last night I was reading Joe Vitale's 'Attractor Factor'.

      My subconscious digested that information and my dreams were all about manifesting, action, and the information from the book.

      Because of this, I take GREAT care to mind what I am focusing on right before I go to sleep.

      The brain is a powerful thing!

      Blessings for all you do, friend. 😉

      Jhanna Dawson

    7. Hi Randy,

      the world would change big time IF people would START thinking !

      Running with the herd was NEVER the right answer.....

      Follow my actions (making money is on auto - pilot ) and


    8. We do communicate on different levels with the WHOLE package, including everything you mention.

      However, you would have to get outside the atmosphere or even the solar system to be free of negative influences in its true sense. That's unfortunately how much shit people on this planet are still projecting.

      Another solution could perhaps be to get inside the hollow Earth, but it's already occupied.

    9. When I wanted to feel like a comedian, I wen out to clubs and performed 3 times a night for 4 days a week for about 4 weeks.

      That made a PERMANENT difference in how I see the world.

      Whenever I do shows at hospitals or old folks homes, I get that boost of "This is who I want to be". I often forget that until I do it again.

    10. Hey Randy-
      I think your list is all about actions, not thoughts. Many people won't take any of those actions until they change their thoughts about themselves, their worth and their judgments about life and others.

      In my experience, the only way to change your thinking is to actually listen to what it is you are thinking in the first place. This can me done in a moment. Once you listen critically to what you're telling yourself you can weed out the disempowering thoughts and shift your thoughts to what is true and empowering.

      That shift in thoughts about yourself, others and life is what starts the new choices in behavior....such as quitting drinking, choosing other friends, dressing up, keeping a home or car clean, choosing empowering books etc etc.

      Happy New Year!

    11. HI Randy !

      Yes these 10 simple rules easily help us to change our llife to positive and comfort .


      P.S: to Koorosh : Eftekhar mikonamke Koorosh ye ki dige az iranihai moafagh hastid.

    12. Hello Randy,

      I simply love the idea of starting and ending each new day reading one page of "As a Man Thinketh", by James Allen. It's such an inspiring and powerful book!

      Thank you for the tip!

    13. My dear,
      There are many very successful people that drink.Me personally never did drink,smoke..etc. have been an athlete all my life so don't know how your ability to control your thoughts would be decreased but I personally know some very successful people that drink. I find there are many very successful people in one area of life(usually business) that are not able to apply that to any other areas of life - they are overweight,personal life not the greatest etc.
      This is one thing that intrigues me how can some be so focused and successful in one area and completely out of control in others.
      Would like your opinion on that.
      Any comments welcome as well
      Phenomenal day everyone

    14. yes... what about to think and feel in spirtual matters? by example developed new life skills related with mind/body/spirit?
      Skills to connect with positive thinks and feelings for living different...
      Randy Cage !! I meet yow in Agel World!!! I think yow have a big and strong energy!!! that is what the next stage of this world is going to need in 2012 (ALSO AGEL OF COURSE) YOW ARE A WONDERFULL HUMAN BEING

    15. For the women -

      What is helping me personally: (Randy Gage Style)

      Subscribing to a fashion magazine
      Wearing heels (or at least somewhat of it - even flip-flops)
      Sitting up straight
      Paying attention to the way I'm walking
      Got a great hair cut
      I'm wearing more fashionable jewelry
      I always wear make up - wherever I go
      I never leave my house without feeling 100% confident

      I've wrapped this all together and then posted a picture of myself on my social media websites. Result? Twitter has grown a few hundred in the past few days.

      All this is boosting my self-confidence, sharpening my focus and feeding my mindset.

      Thanks Randy!

      PS -- Now I'll reread As a Man Thinketh morning and night... great book that illustrates what exactly our mind can attract!

    16. -RG,

      I'm doing the TV off thing.

      Drinking?? You make it sound that no matter how much you drink it's bad. Wine is good for you.

      Isaiah 25:6 "On this mountain the LORD Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples, a banquet of aged wine-- the best of meats and the finest of wines."


    17. Giving also helps you to change your attitude. I have become an "overtipper" Tipping wait staff, taxi drivers service workers, hotel chamber staff 30% at least when the service is good. They are working to make a better life for themselves, put themselves or their kid through school and could really use the lift!

    18. So, what do I think after reading that? it's simple. I LOVE THAT! Stay blessed, Randy! This is your 10-years fun from Almaty, Kazakhstan.

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