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Calm Your Mind

Posted By: Randy GageJuly 17, 2011

When you seem to be stuck in concern, anxiety or doubt, that is the time to calm your mind and center. Either prayer or meditation will work wonders.

When you pray, you center your focus, and weed out that which is not your highest good. When you pray for others, or they for you, this creates a unified energy causing a Mastermind effect.

When you meditate, you release all distractions, and center yourself in the one true power. Worldly concerns drop away into the nothingness from which they came.

In either case, you make a conscious and unconscious connection with the Infinite Intelligence that blesses and grounds you. You can create the same result with a watching a sunset, walking in nature, or simply feeling the wind.

So what will you do to calm your mind today?


29 comments on “Calm Your Mind”

  1. What I always do: take a bike ride through the local forest preserve. Nothing like being in nature to make you feel connected and grounded to the rest of the world.

  2. The wife and I went to have lunch overlooking the Chesapeake Bay. The weather was perfect, the food and service was excellent and more importantly, my wife paid. 🙂

    This left my mind in a happy and well-centered place.

  3. What always seems to work for me is nature. I love listening to the sound of crickets and watching the waves in the oceans. Being in these environments always brings me to a quiet peace and focus.

    1. I will meditate using Abraham-Hicks Guided Meditation which has TRULY changed my life. I'm so torn between posting a shameless promotion of the meditation workshop I offer (starting on 7/26)and not doing that. For all those who have struggled with meditation (as I did for years) check out that book. It makes meditation easy, fun and SO effective. You don't have to join my workshop (although I'd love it if you did), but at least check out the testimonials.
      Was this uncool to post RG? Feel free (as if you need my permission, lol) to delete if it is

  4. Sometimes it takes a little more help to calm the mind, For me, the energy modality of EFT is about the best I have found to quickly regain a balance and allow the nervous energy to flow freely once again.

  5. Randy,

    The statement of truth that works for me is,
    "Be still and know that I am GOD." That has a centering that takes me from my head to my heart. If I am really riled than I say over and over again, "I surrender the the Christ within" and turn these burdens over now.


  6. Good one Randy...I've been listening to "Getting into the Vortex" by Abraham (Esther Hicks)and I love her voice. So calming to be told to "Breathe in...breathe out". A wonderful calmness comes over me. When I open my eyes at the end I make sure to have my shades up to see the beautiful lush green trees outside my window. Lovely little things I'm grateful for! Thanks for asking ;).

  7. Randy, hello! It all depends on where I am at the moment. Home - I will talk with his grandson in his arms, or take your cat to Alice in the country - enjoy the flowers or dragonflies, in the office - talk to (Russian for us, good conversation is very important).

    Ренди, привет!

    Все зависит от того, где я нахожусь в данный момент. Дома - буду общаться с внуком или возьму на руки свою кошку Алису, за городом - любоваться цветами или стрекозами, в офисе - беседовать(для нас русских, хорошая беседа очень важна).

  8. Hi RG,

    I stop every hour. I drop everything. I watch for about 5 1o 10 minutes. I let go, observe, and let the Universe do the heavy lifting, allowing my judgments, feelings, etc to dissolve away.

    Amazing practice. It shows me exactly where my attachments are, and how powerful these attachments seem to be.

    It helps keep me calm, poised and relaxed when stuff pops up during the day.

    I also sit most mornings and nights, following my breathe for about 20 minutes a session. When meditating, you dissolve away, into it All.

    Meditation is a wonderfully simple tool to connect you with all you need to know, by letting go. Uncomfortable at times, but my biggest surges in growth occurred after I began meditating. No accident.

    I also like to slow my movements down. Keeps me mindful of thoughts, feelings, words and acts. When mindful of stuff going on around you, you release the stuff, instead of fighting, resisting and holding on to energies.

    Thanks for sharing your insight RG.


  9. Hi Randy,

    thanks for this beautiful reminder I got to read this morning. As long as we don't try to calm our busy thoughts, we don't even realize how busy they are. I did a breath meditation this morning to calm my mind and to center.

    Take care


  10. I´m going out in the nature meet with friends and make some music. This forces me to focus on my instrument allowing no other thoughts. And while listening to the music I am almost in a kind of trance.
    So this does a very good job for me^^

  11. That's so beautiful Randy - your article, the picture and you. To day I focused my mind on a bicycleride. Enjoyed it. Focused on being successful, rich and happy. And it really works to wish that for others too 🙂 Thank's and wish you a prosperous wonderful day 🙂


  12. I use the Sedona Method to stay calm, create space and so much more!

    Thanks for inspire me so much Randy!

    greets from the Netherlands!

  13. "When you seem to be stuck in concern, anxiety or doubt, that is the time to calm your mind and center."

    I am thinking it is a good idea to check in with yourself a few times a day (or more) and ask "What am feeling (physically)? What emotion am I feeling? and notice your thoughts....

    if they aren't what you want, redirect, focus, pray for what you want for you (if not this something better) and the best for others (I don't know what is best for them)...or send love/healing energy to them 🙂

    I meditate daily also... so many new medical studies on the benefits of meditation.

  14. What I always did was pray. However, I needed something to find calm and balance, and was back working out. I returned to the gym and to practice boxing. That helps me to download energies that are not good.

  15. Also looking stars at night, or feeling the sound of rain breaking the silence are good ideas.

    Kisses, 🙂


  16. All I have to offer the world is My Transformed Life~Compassion, Love, and harmony. This is what I will continue to do today.

    Peace & light

  17. I'm writing this at 5:30Am, after not sleeping all night...I finally got up and decided to listen to some tapes, read positive things and calm myself...wish I had read this hours ago.
    I really believe that we repeat things we need to learn until we are able to *get* them.
    Yesterday we had a fight on our hands to keep our house, because we took on others people's responsibilites,,,to our harm....because we hadn't learned to say no. The last 7 months we had painful lessons because once again, in giving the benefit of doubt, it has put the entire extended family in distress. And then tonight our *adult* daughter, told us she's bringing back a child that isn't her's to cope with *he has multitude emotional problems* which she doesn't take care of her own 4....we do.....Solution, all each and every one of the above problems and more, were not created BY us, but caused because we couldn't say no.....I spent a sleepless night, with my mind shouting NO NO NO....and knowing I would have another fight with her about this today. I also KNOW within myself that I have 0 choice but to say NO and mean it.....or I will repeat til I get it right.
    How I wish I had read this on calming my mind....earlier...I need calm, peace, and sleep! I have learned so much Randy from your posts....just applying them, is sometimes painful....Off to shout yes SHOUT NO NO NO
    and learn my lesson so I can be on to the next level of success! Then I can calm my mind and relax.....success at last!

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  • 29 comments on “Calm Your Mind”

    1. What I always do: take a bike ride through the local forest preserve. Nothing like being in nature to make you feel connected and grounded to the rest of the world.

    2. The wife and I went to have lunch overlooking the Chesapeake Bay. The weather was perfect, the food and service was excellent and more importantly, my wife paid. 🙂

      This left my mind in a happy and well-centered place.

    3. What always seems to work for me is nature. I love listening to the sound of crickets and watching the waves in the oceans. Being in these environments always brings me to a quiet peace and focus.

      1. I will meditate using Abraham-Hicks Guided Meditation which has TRULY changed my life. I'm so torn between posting a shameless promotion of the meditation workshop I offer (starting on 7/26)and not doing that. For all those who have struggled with meditation (as I did for years) check out that book. It makes meditation easy, fun and SO effective. You don't have to join my workshop (although I'd love it if you did), but at least check out the testimonials.
        Was this uncool to post RG? Feel free (as if you need my permission, lol) to delete if it is

    4. Sometimes it takes a little more help to calm the mind, For me, the energy modality of EFT is about the best I have found to quickly regain a balance and allow the nervous energy to flow freely once again.

    5. Randy,

      The statement of truth that works for me is,
      "Be still and know that I am GOD." That has a centering that takes me from my head to my heart. If I am really riled than I say over and over again, "I surrender the the Christ within" and turn these burdens over now.


    6. Good one Randy...I've been listening to "Getting into the Vortex" by Abraham (Esther Hicks)and I love her voice. So calming to be told to "Breathe in...breathe out". A wonderful calmness comes over me. When I open my eyes at the end I make sure to have my shades up to see the beautiful lush green trees outside my window. Lovely little things I'm grateful for! Thanks for asking ;).

    7. Randy, hello! It all depends on where I am at the moment. Home - I will talk with his grandson in his arms, or take your cat to Alice in the country - enjoy the flowers or dragonflies, in the office - talk to (Russian for us, good conversation is very important).

      Ренди, привет!

      Все зависит от того, где я нахожусь в данный момент. Дома - буду общаться с внуком или возьму на руки свою кошку Алису, за городом - любоваться цветами или стрекозами, в офисе - беседовать(для нас русских, хорошая беседа очень важна).

    8. Hi RG,

      I stop every hour. I drop everything. I watch for about 5 1o 10 minutes. I let go, observe, and let the Universe do the heavy lifting, allowing my judgments, feelings, etc to dissolve away.

      Amazing practice. It shows me exactly where my attachments are, and how powerful these attachments seem to be.

      It helps keep me calm, poised and relaxed when stuff pops up during the day.

      I also sit most mornings and nights, following my breathe for about 20 minutes a session. When meditating, you dissolve away, into it All.

      Meditation is a wonderfully simple tool to connect you with all you need to know, by letting go. Uncomfortable at times, but my biggest surges in growth occurred after I began meditating. No accident.

      I also like to slow my movements down. Keeps me mindful of thoughts, feelings, words and acts. When mindful of stuff going on around you, you release the stuff, instead of fighting, resisting and holding on to energies.

      Thanks for sharing your insight RG.


    9. Hi Randy,

      thanks for this beautiful reminder I got to read this morning. As long as we don't try to calm our busy thoughts, we don't even realize how busy they are. I did a breath meditation this morning to calm my mind and to center.

      Take care


    10. I´m going out in the nature meet with friends and make some music. This forces me to focus on my instrument allowing no other thoughts. And while listening to the music I am almost in a kind of trance.
      So this does a very good job for me^^

    11. That's so beautiful Randy - your article, the picture and you. To day I focused my mind on a bicycleride. Enjoyed it. Focused on being successful, rich and happy. And it really works to wish that for others too 🙂 Thank's and wish you a prosperous wonderful day 🙂


    12. I use the Sedona Method to stay calm, create space and so much more!

      Thanks for inspire me so much Randy!

      greets from the Netherlands!

    13. "When you seem to be stuck in concern, anxiety or doubt, that is the time to calm your mind and center."

      I am thinking it is a good idea to check in with yourself a few times a day (or more) and ask "What am feeling (physically)? What emotion am I feeling? and notice your thoughts....

      if they aren't what you want, redirect, focus, pray for what you want for you (if not this something better) and the best for others (I don't know what is best for them)...or send love/healing energy to them 🙂

      I meditate daily also... so many new medical studies on the benefits of meditation.

    14. What I always did was pray. However, I needed something to find calm and balance, and was back working out. I returned to the gym and to practice boxing. That helps me to download energies that are not good.

    15. Also looking stars at night, or feeling the sound of rain breaking the silence are good ideas.

      Kisses, 🙂


    16. All I have to offer the world is My Transformed Life~Compassion, Love, and harmony. This is what I will continue to do today.

      Peace & light

    17. I'm writing this at 5:30Am, after not sleeping all night...I finally got up and decided to listen to some tapes, read positive things and calm myself...wish I had read this hours ago.
      I really believe that we repeat things we need to learn until we are able to *get* them.
      Yesterday we had a fight on our hands to keep our house, because we took on others people's responsibilites,,,to our harm....because we hadn't learned to say no. The last 7 months we had painful lessons because once again, in giving the benefit of doubt, it has put the entire extended family in distress. And then tonight our *adult* daughter, told us she's bringing back a child that isn't her's to cope with *he has multitude emotional problems* which she doesn't take care of her own 4....we do.....Solution, all each and every one of the above problems and more, were not created BY us, but caused because we couldn't say no.....I spent a sleepless night, with my mind shouting NO NO NO....and knowing I would have another fight with her about this today. I also KNOW within myself that I have 0 choice but to say NO and mean it.....or I will repeat til I get it right.
      How I wish I had read this on calming my mind....earlier...I need calm, peace, and sleep! I have learned so much Randy from your posts....just applying them, is sometimes painful....Off to shout yes SHOUT NO NO NO
      and learn my lesson so I can be on to the next level of success! Then I can calm my mind and relax.....success at last!

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