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Calling All Prosperity Warriors…

Posted By: Randy GageMarch 22, 2020

The problem is real: we’re in a global pandemic. There is no denying this reality.  Things look dark, and you could be forgiven for feeling anxious, frightened, or even defeated.  But please don’t allow yourself to stay there.  We need you right now.  And there is cause for optimism, harmony, and hope...

Because there is something else that cannot be denied – and that is the awesome power of the human spirit.  

The challenges we are facing right now will come to an end at some point.  And we will prevail.  Let me share a belief I hold with every fiber of my being: When a battle arises between any force acting against the human race, bet on the human spirit.   The human spirit is mightier than pestilence, famine, pandemics, and war.  Because there are Superheroes among us.

Of course, we’re thinking first about all the health care workers, first responders, and all the families who support them. And we’re also talking about the warehouse workers still shipping out essential supplies, all of those people at the supermarkets, pharmacies, banks, farms, and all the delivery drivers.  Also, the civil servants who are running the emergency response, and the private section that is responding with desperately needed innovations in testing, treatments and cures. (And certainly many others.  Feel free to add any I’ve missed in the comments.)  Please show all these Superheroes extra gratitude, courtesy, and love.

Here is the most important part of all this.  While we do have all these Superheroes, they can’t save us by themselves.  In this crisis, we need everyone to pitch in. 

And that starts with zealously practicing social distancing.  Please understand something: our biggest danger right now is not the people sick with COVID-19.  We know who those people are.  Even if you’re not infected with COVID, if you’re showing symptoms like a cough, people will avoid you like you’re Freddy Krueger.

The biggest danger to the world right now is people who are infected, don’t know it, and are still pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic.

That’s where the vast majority of infections occur.  So take the social distancing and hygiene procedures seriously, no matter how young you are, or how healthy you feel.  The easiest way for you to be a hero right now is to stay home.

But we don’t just need you in the easiest way.  You, me, and everyone else has to step up to the degrees we are capable of.  Here are a few ways you can be a prosperity warrior right now.  Please add any more you think of in the comments.

  • Be extra kind right now. Everyone’s on edge and might need a little extra patience from you.
  • Stop counting other people’s money. I’ve seen a lot of public outrage over businesses that are closing and not paying their employees.  You don’t know their situation.  Personally, I know several entrepreneurs who are losing their businesses right now.  They’re shedding employees, have no resources to pay them and are heartbroken because of it.  Let’s all take a breath and think twice before we’re so quick to judge anyone else.
  • If you have housekeepers, babysitters, lawncare, pool workers, etc. – and you can afford it – tell them to stay home for at least a few weeks and pay them anyway. Put the circulation law of prosperity in action!
  • Call someone and remind them you love them.
  • Go to Patreon and find an artist or two you can support.
  • Check on an elderly or shut-in person and see if they need anything. They might require food or medicine and are afraid or unable to get out.
  • Keeping kids out of school is probably a prudent preventative tactic. But for many poor kids, the most daily nourishment they get is the school lunch program.  Your local food bank or can use your help.
  • Check out Substack and see what publishers have a message that you can support.
  • Your independent shops, bookstores, and restaurants need you more than ever. Getting deliveries from them or purchasing gift certificates could keep them going.
  • Do you have great home workout routines, best practices for home-schooling kids, or a killer lockdown reading list? Jump on social media and share it with your fellow neighbors.  And remember, all 7.7 billion people on earth are your neighbors.

For a lot of the world, the most difficult times are still ahead.  But we will get through this together.  Please share this message of hope in your social media feeds.

The world is in desperate need of prosperity warriors right now.  Prosperity warriors like you.


- RG

7 comments on “Calling All Prosperity Warriors…”

  1. Wonderful article, but are you really a psychic warrior? We might be able to mitigate the problems by addressing the cause of the current problems. It requires a population of psychic warriors to effect the necessary changes by eliminating the cause. If you are a psychic warrior and want to help, contact me, but be aware there are sometimes negative consequences to such actions. Although, they are not normally terribly severe, just annoyances.

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  • 7 comments on “Calling All Prosperity Warriors…”

    1. Wonderful article, but are you really a psychic warrior? We might be able to mitigate the problems by addressing the cause of the current problems. It requires a population of psychic warriors to effect the necessary changes by eliminating the cause. If you are a psychic warrior and want to help, contact me, but be aware there are sometimes negative consequences to such actions. Although, they are not normally terribly severe, just annoyances.

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