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Bringing Passion to Your Work

Posted By: Randy GageNovember 24, 2014

So what does it take to be amazing, world-class, and passionate with the work you do? First, you have to be doing work that matters to you. It doesn’t have to be important to everyone, but it better be important to you. Nothing dumbs down and dampens creativity like wasting it in the pursuit of mediocrity. Attempt epic things that are so intoxicating they pull you toward them. It may or may not be work that changes the world, but it better change your state. It should bring you joy, ignite your passion, or bring you harmony.

I had the honor of dining with one of my heroes, legendary tenor Placido Domingo. Of course, he’s one of the greatest artists of all time, a brilliant conductor, a worldwide icon, and the recipient of a dozen Grammys. But there’s one thing about him I find most fascinating…

Most opera singers at a world-class level like Placido are known for a few signature roles. They find the ones that best match their language, style, and vocal range. Then they spend the rest of their career, making the circuit of the various opera houses around the world, sticking to the three or four roles they’re famous for.

Placido doesn’t perform four. He performs 134.

This is simply unheard of for someone operating at his level. So I asked him what drove him to do that. Did he get bored with being safe? Does he do it because he seeks the challenge? His answer was surprising.

“It’s nothing to do with challenge,” he replied in a voice as lyrical speaking as it is singing. “I have passion for the music. And even if I lived three lifetimes, I could never perform all the music I love!”

When you have the same joyfulness to bring your product to market, launch your new venture, or create the next breakthrough concept, you’ll power your own creativity.


Randy is the author of nine international bestsellers on success, including, Risky Is the New Safe. He’s currently on sabbatical, writing his next book, but posts occasionally here. If you find these postcards helpful, please share them.

30 comments on “Bringing Passion to Your Work”

  1. Randy_Gage You are more then welcome. I seen you a few years ago in Boston in an overnight seminar. Great people there.

  2. Thank you for sharing this experience.  You never cease to inspire me to be more and do better. Your incredible gift of commentating on the world's brilliance with a simplicity anyone can relate to is unparrelled.

  3. Telling the Truth about ourselves and what we believe leads us to the passions we have and our purpose. Living life with this purpose much like Placido is doing, can only yield more of it. I'm grateful for this terrific reminder as I continue on my journey and commitment to an Epic Life!. Thanks RG

  4. As simply put and powerful a postcard as ever.  What a wonderful opportunity to spend time with Placido Domingo!  Thank you! Joy, DJ

  5. Randy, thank you, thank you for the postcards and the TV episodes. You share information in clear bite sizes. Ii find I get lots of ah hah moments that help me grow. Go well Helen

  6. Being there prepared to create the very thing you are the best at doing which is your strength. Passion directed, purpose find it and do your best. Did naysayers ever get out there in the arena?
    Randy, you opened one of my eyes, the other could already see.

  7. Sir Randy, what I love most about what you express and HOW you express it, is the "seamlessness" of context, and congruency. Even those words don't express what is fascinating and uplifting to all of us..
    We know you're an excellent critical thinker.. there's a sense of "true self realization" that you bring to the table that's truly remarkable..

    it's fascinating really.  Thankyou for demonstrating the spirit of prosperous thinking, critical thinking, possibility thinking, opportunist thinking, enjoying life thinking.

    This is what we enjoy most I believe..  if you can do it, so can we.. loving seeing the world without the effects of the gazillion mind viruses..
    the more we each release them for ourselves, the more we want to release more of them..
    we want to emulate your energy. It's truth consciousness "objectified", it seems..
    Fascinating, truly intriguing!

    The comments here are equally as fascinating.. the quality of ideas and concepts expressed here are truly invigorating. Thankyou RG and fellow commenters and readers.

  8. Thanks for posting Randy. Love the story. I am very passionate about real estate and contribute that to most of my success. I am currently trying to break into a higher level and this year has been trying. I make a very good income and am fortunate for what I have. However, this year has been a bit trying as many leads have not worked out and I have felt much disappointment and rejection. I know it is my passion for what I do that has kept me going. I will get to that level I want and will keep at it until I break through the ceiling!

  9. When you work with passion, time stands still or becomes irrelevant. There are times when I am writing and five hours later I am shocked to discover that time has passed.
    When you work with passion, the best in you comes out...
    When you work with passion, you attract great things into your life.
    Thank you for sharing, Randy!!
    As Always, Here's to Your LifetoSuccess,
    John Clark,

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  • 30 comments on “Bringing Passion to Your Work”

    1. Randy_Gage You are more then welcome. I seen you a few years ago in Boston in an overnight seminar. Great people there.

    2. Thank you for sharing this experience.  You never cease to inspire me to be more and do better. Your incredible gift of commentating on the world's brilliance with a simplicity anyone can relate to is unparrelled.

    3. Telling the Truth about ourselves and what we believe leads us to the passions we have and our purpose. Living life with this purpose much like Placido is doing, can only yield more of it. I'm grateful for this terrific reminder as I continue on my journey and commitment to an Epic Life!. Thanks RG

    4. As simply put and powerful a postcard as ever.  What a wonderful opportunity to spend time with Placido Domingo!  Thank you! Joy, DJ

    5. Randy, thank you, thank you for the postcards and the TV episodes. You share information in clear bite sizes. Ii find I get lots of ah hah moments that help me grow. Go well Helen

    6. Being there prepared to create the very thing you are the best at doing which is your strength. Passion directed, purpose find it and do your best. Did naysayers ever get out there in the arena?
      Randy, you opened one of my eyes, the other could already see.

    7. Sir Randy, what I love most about what you express and HOW you express it, is the "seamlessness" of context, and congruency. Even those words don't express what is fascinating and uplifting to all of us..
      We know you're an excellent critical thinker.. there's a sense of "true self realization" that you bring to the table that's truly remarkable..

      it's fascinating really.  Thankyou for demonstrating the spirit of prosperous thinking, critical thinking, possibility thinking, opportunist thinking, enjoying life thinking.

      This is what we enjoy most I believe..  if you can do it, so can we.. loving seeing the world without the effects of the gazillion mind viruses..
      the more we each release them for ourselves, the more we want to release more of them..
      we want to emulate your energy. It's truth consciousness "objectified", it seems..
      Fascinating, truly intriguing!

      The comments here are equally as fascinating.. the quality of ideas and concepts expressed here are truly invigorating. Thankyou RG and fellow commenters and readers.

    8. Thanks for posting Randy. Love the story. I am very passionate about real estate and contribute that to most of my success. I am currently trying to break into a higher level and this year has been trying. I make a very good income and am fortunate for what I have. However, this year has been a bit trying as many leads have not worked out and I have felt much disappointment and rejection. I know it is my passion for what I do that has kept me going. I will get to that level I want and will keep at it until I break through the ceiling!

    9. When you work with passion, time stands still or becomes irrelevant. There are times when I am writing and five hours later I am shocked to discover that time has passed.
      When you work with passion, the best in you comes out...
      When you work with passion, you attract great things into your life.
      Thank you for sharing, Randy!!
      As Always, Here's to Your LifetoSuccess,
      John Clark,

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