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Beware of Success

Posted By: Randy GageApril 11, 2019

What do the following companies have in common?  Sears, Kodak, Waldenbooks, K-Mart. AOL, and Toys ‘R Us

Each of these companies absolutely dominated their particular market niche; they were the definitive player in the space.  And then they blew it.

What do the following people have in common?  Kevin Spacey, Bill Cosby, Marion Jones, Harvey Weinstein, and Mike Tyson

Each of them achieved the pinnacle of success in their respective careers, only to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Success begets success. Until it doesn’t.  Because sometimes success begets arrogance.  You start to drink your own bathwater.  Believe you’re infallible and the rules don’t apply to you.  You think you’re so smart that there’s nothing left to learn.

Success is the just reward of all your hard work.  And success can kill you.  Beware of success.

- RG

6 comments on “Beware of Success”

  1. An asshole with money is still an asshole without money, just it doesn't turned out yet. That's why poor people think they are "holy". It is meaningless to say you never hurt anybody if you can't do it, because you don't have fight skills. You may be an arrogant psychopath bully, just doesn't turned out yet.

  2. Dear Randy, Hope you are well, I watched a fascinating documentary last night...Unstoppable: Sean Scully and the Art of Everything, it's on BBC Sean Scully, an amazing story of belief in oneself.Thanks for all your podcasts, Best wishes Graham UK

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  • 6 comments on “Beware of Success”

    1. An asshole with money is still an asshole without money, just it doesn't turned out yet. That's why poor people think they are "holy". It is meaningless to say you never hurt anybody if you can't do it, because you don't have fight skills. You may be an arrogant psychopath bully, just doesn't turned out yet.

    2. Dear Randy, Hope you are well, I watched a fascinating documentary last night...Unstoppable: Sean Scully and the Art of Everything, it's on BBC Sean Scully, an amazing story of belief in oneself.Thanks for all your podcasts, Best wishes Graham UK

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