It is interesting to see your thoughts are developing and changing over the years.
In the past we’ve talked about enlightened self-interest and the virtue of selfishness. This doesn't mean you are out to get other people or take advantage of them. Quite the contrary…
It starts with making sure your own needs are met first. That gives you the opportunity to move into the next level of enlightenment, and move from self-consciousness to what I will call cosmic consciousness.
While they have used different names for it, the great teachers through the ages have spoken of this state.
Emerson: the Over-Soul
Jesus: heaven
Lao-Tze: Tao
Buddha: Nirvana
Sathya Sai Baba: the path of love
In self-consciousness, your focus is your personality, and protecting it against all else. In cosmic consciousness, your anxieties about self fade away, and you’re guided by divine order. The self-conscious man is the slave to his desire. The man who has attained cosmic consciousness masters his desires.
It’s not that personal pleasure is destroyed – quite the contrary. Instead of seeking pleasure as an end in itself, it is transmuted. You still receive personal gratification, however it is purified and experienced through right thought and actions. You can experience joy through contribution and service.
That doesn't mean you can’t enjoy the throaty growl of a sports car, the contentment of a delicious meal, or the excitement of a light caress across your naked body. Prosperity is about living, loving, and appreciating the temporal happiness, all while you continue the journey. It’s about not making pleasure the end in itself, for that is simply Hedonism, and won’t bring true abundance.
The path of enlightenment is one of passing through self-consciousness to cosmic consciousness. The slavery of self brings ego-driven actions, narcissism, and insecurity; the feelings of sin and shame. Divine or cosmic consciousness offers the purity, power, and freedom of truth.
This is how we break the bonds of lack and limitation. It is an evolutionary pathway that goes beyond self-actualization and becomes divine actualization. You become a co-creator with Infinite Intelligence.
What are your thoughts on all this? Please share them below, and in the next post we’ll attempt to take the mystery out of this process and find the natural underlying laws.
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It is interesting to see your thoughts are developing and changing over the years.
Great. It is on the emptiness we find the fulfillment.
� Hello Randy
I like it!
I love what you said about being co creator and being in that space of The Higer Self or Nirvana or Heaven orPure Love=Serenity to change behavior that doesn't serve me anymore or to create new behavior of a more Devine Nature.
Thankyou Murray
Absolutely DIVINE post!
My thoughts are exactly the same, and to add anymore would be redundant & to be redundant is pointless.
Only that - Thank you for your wisdom - shared, multiplied & magnified; for the overall enlightening of mankind's consciousness. You are a gift & I love you.
Mad love!
Thank you Randy - the journey has been very interesting - and the joy now of continual discovery - love your work.
PS see you at NSA Anaheim
Thanks, that event is going to rock!
I think this is the hardest concept for me to materialize on a heart level. I get it upstairs it is living it daily that I am challenged.
I am starting to realize that the experience of money is not important when you are living an aligned life. Those things flow to you and you attract them.
simply put...before you can help other people you must learn to help yourself first...all of have our own unique destiny and journey that God designed for us...this life is only a glimpse of what comes next...thanks RG!
"The one who believes he has attained Cosmic Consciousness has not."
Why? Because, I am told, when one truly attains Cosmic Consciousness, one transcends the belief in the seperate self - there is no One who believes he has attained that state of Grace. (no ego celebrating the attainment.)
We move from self-consciousness to self-awareness to greater self-awareness and thence to greater self-awareness. Here is me, celebrating the level of self-awareness I have attained, ergo, I am not living in cosmic consciousness. Oh well... the horizon constantly moves away, even as we approach it.
I believe that the enjoyment of sensory things [good meals, the roar of the sporty-car, the fun of wallowing in our prosperity, etc] is, while perfectly worthy, symptomatic of a consciousness-level below Cosmic Consciousness. When one dwells in perfect bliss, how can sensory experience add anything? One is THERE, blissful. Everything else is redundant.
See also Brother Lawrence, the blissful one, who practiced the Presence of God while washing up the greasy pots & pans - in an era long before detergent-in-a-bottle, and hot-water-from-a-tap were invented! Now there's bliss for you, eh? Circumstances are irrelevant to Cosmic Consciousness.
I love the idea that cosmic consciousness is the state of living where desire is mastered and one can truly co-create, cloaked in the "freedom of truth"
Great stuff, as usual.
Two THUMBS for this great post !!!!
Thank you RG
That message was delivered at the perfect time for me this morning. Thanks 🙂
Todo esto produce Alegría...trabajemos en nosotros!..Que bella gente!!.Gracias.
Agree. When we follow the direction of our own will we are serving "self consciousness" when we are connected on a deeper level and are serving Divine will we are serving "cosmic consciousness".
We are all meant to be in different places but Divine will orders us perfectly when we connect on that level, for the good of all.
When we sacrifice and serve others without that deeper connection, we are still serving self consciousness.
It's all about what we are serving because that is where the spiritual "effects" come from. (fruits of our labor; good health, joy, peace or anxiety, depression, fear).
Example: a mother sacrifices her life force daily for her children teaches her children that love is the giving up of your own spirit for another. But the mother who not only cares for her children's needs but also her own teaches her children to do the same; to be healthy, have integrity and be whole.
When we follow our direction from the connection to Divine will rather personal will we are guided through life doing things that from the outside view may be interpreted without understanding, may be mimicked without understanding. It's important not to teach someone to just blindly follow rules but to understand the deeper connection so that no matter what happens one can be guided instantaneously and moved based upon the moment that will be in best service to not just one self but the whole.
That is Divine will which serves cosmic consciousness.
Hi Randy
I've been quiet for a while, but I am with you. This post resonates in a special way for me. I don't recall who to quote but a yogic saying points to this. Not exact paraphrased, but it goes: you are born nobody, then you become somebody, and finally you reach to become everybody.
You can not jump over the becoming somebody part. To try you end up as I see it in the sluggish selfless state many appears to evaluate as holy. But with no say in the matter be it in the secular og spiritual realm.
And I've been there big time but I think fortunately I newer surrendered. I recognized in you somebody being real when first I met you. Your work and mentorship is a testimonial of this destiny maybe.
I enjoy the becoming somebody journey not fall trap to try skippping manhood. Not trying to mature from childish innocence to become saint. That is nothing but illusion. Wanting it all! I am up for that.
Love and Respect - Pierre Leyssac, cph
Every day I pray and ask God to guide me to the words in the Bible that he wants me to meditate on. Today, I opened to the Psalms. As I read, Psalm 4:6-7, it spoke of joy, so I thought I'd share it. Maybe that's why I was led to it today. The interpretation of this is, Tow kinds of joy are contrasted here- inward joy that comes from knowing and trusting God and happiness that comes as a result of pleasant circumstances. Inward Joy is steady as long as we trust God, happiness is unpredictable. Inward Joy defeats discouragement, happiness covers it up. Inward joy is lasting, happiness is temporary.
Yes, it is an amazing paradox to come to. One where you realize that while it is all about you ... it's not all about you at the very same time. 😉
Delicious journey.
Hi Randy,
Living a life of service and open-ness to all that is helps you reach a level of cosmic consciousness.
When serving you take your mind off of you - your issues, hang-ups, etc - and focus it on others. Combine a life of service with doing what you love doing, that's bliss. Add in an ever-present open-ness to receive all good that comes your way, pure non-resistance, and you can transcend ego.
Thanks for sharing!
Very inspiring!!!! Thank you, thank you thank you.
Becoming??? a co-creator? We are all already co-creators. It's just that we are doing it unconsciously, or semi-consciously, based on beliefs, ideas and perceptions ("paradigms")of which we are unaware, or only semi-aware.
In short, we have co-created everything in our lives, always have and will continue to do so. Our co-creating Partner, God, must be tearing His hair out! From His perspective, it must be like building a house of cards with a toddler!
As we grow up, metaphysically speaking, we get better at our part of the Co-creation. This discussion is part of our maturation process. Thanks, Randy, for creating the discussion!
That was quite an arousing post. Well written, truly you are very poetic. Much of what you write here resonates with me.
When I here the title Co-Creator, this is what I think: Being an adult, and choosing a path of Responsibility to ourselves, the earth, and others. It means living our authentic selves, being truthful to outselves and others.
Knowing that, at times we all want to just be loved and taken care of, as an adult we know we must do this ourselves. And only when we can truly realize we are responsible to ourselves, we are the masters of our own destiny, we have are the parent of ourself that has to love us unconditionally, do we know then how to truly receive and give love.
Love is always a choice, joy is a choice.
If you feel inspired by thinking that you alone are responsible for yourself and loving yourself completely, and no one is going to save you not a parent figure or God, then great. Personally, it also gives me an "Oh Shit" feeling. Knowing that I alone hold the cards to my destiny and subsequent happiness and failures, and tragedies, and triumphs scares me.
It is also exciting, but lets face it, you really have to be able to hear that still small voice. Every Choice we make is ours alone.
I don't understand why anyone would think that path rules our pleasure or ecstasy, it may truly be the only way to have those deep authentic experiences.
Life is suffering, authentic suffering. Then the experience of joy is ours.
Self Actualization is actually the path to more generativity. A person who loves themselves and sees their place in the world, follows the passions that will call them to take care of others and the earth, because someone in tune with themselves is ultimately in tune with the oneness of the universe as we are each of us, a part of the devine Whole. 🙂
Was this post inspired by God, Cars, or Sex? 😉 I know, I am quite sure it was universal oneness.
I celebrate co-creating everyday. It is in this space where all potentialities are born.
This divine Co-creator resides permanently Within me, and is Magnificent and so AM I.
And SO are YOU,
From wealth to real Wealth!! Now your talking like a Guru! Do you have a lover or are do you stay alone in you penthouse cave?
I have a lover in the cave!
I totally agree with you on this. For one I as drawing towards me financial abundance so I will be able to spend more time focusing on the greater good.
Randy, <3,
I am in awe with ecstatic pleasure.
Thank you.
Contribution, service to others is twice as good as simply being selfish for personal gain.
Great Post as always randy..
its sometimes difficult for people to comprehend that it is BETTER to put yourself first..
"the only way to help the poor to ensure you dont become one of them"
as I wanted to experience 'true love' I discovered that it's shortly all about ego and/or fear vs. unconditional love. That they are opposites. To be able to experience true love you have to let go of ego and fear. This also opens up the Flow - the connection to true love - which is the Source (not to be confused by God, Allah etc described in the religious literature - but pure Love).
It is interesting to see your thoughts are developing and changing over the years.
Great. It is on the emptiness we find the fulfillment.
� Hello Randy
I like it!
I love what you said about being co creator and being in that space of The Higer Self or Nirvana or Heaven orPure Love=Serenity to change behavior that doesn't serve me anymore or to create new behavior of a more Devine Nature.
Thankyou Murray
Absolutely DIVINE post!
My thoughts are exactly the same, and to add anymore would be redundant & to be redundant is pointless.
Only that - Thank you for your wisdom - shared, multiplied & magnified; for the overall enlightening of mankind's consciousness. You are a gift & I love you.
Mad love!
Thank you Randy - the journey has been very interesting - and the joy now of continual discovery - love your work.
PS see you at NSA Anaheim
Thanks, that event is going to rock!
I think this is the hardest concept for me to materialize on a heart level. I get it upstairs it is living it daily that I am challenged.
I am starting to realize that the experience of money is not important when you are living an aligned life. Those things flow to you and you attract them.
simply put...before you can help other people you must learn to help yourself first...all of have our own unique destiny and journey that God designed for us...this life is only a glimpse of what comes next...thanks RG!
"The one who believes he has attained Cosmic Consciousness has not."
Why? Because, I am told, when one truly attains Cosmic Consciousness, one transcends the belief in the seperate self - there is no One who believes he has attained that state of Grace. (no ego celebrating the attainment.)
We move from self-consciousness to self-awareness to greater self-awareness and thence to greater self-awareness. Here is me, celebrating the level of self-awareness I have attained, ergo, I am not living in cosmic consciousness. Oh well... the horizon constantly moves away, even as we approach it.
I believe that the enjoyment of sensory things [good meals, the roar of the sporty-car, the fun of wallowing in our prosperity, etc] is, while perfectly worthy, symptomatic of a consciousness-level below Cosmic Consciousness. When one dwells in perfect bliss, how can sensory experience add anything? One is THERE, blissful. Everything else is redundant.
See also Brother Lawrence, the blissful one, who practiced the Presence of God while washing up the greasy pots & pans - in an era long before detergent-in-a-bottle, and hot-water-from-a-tap were invented! Now there's bliss for you, eh? Circumstances are irrelevant to Cosmic Consciousness.
I love the idea that cosmic consciousness is the state of living where desire is mastered and one can truly co-create, cloaked in the "freedom of truth"
Great stuff, as usual.
Two THUMBS for this great post !!!!
Thank you RG
That message was delivered at the perfect time for me this morning. Thanks 🙂
Todo esto produce Alegría...trabajemos en nosotros!..Que bella gente!!.Gracias.
Agree. When we follow the direction of our own will we are serving "self consciousness" when we are connected on a deeper level and are serving Divine will we are serving "cosmic consciousness".
We are all meant to be in different places but Divine will orders us perfectly when we connect on that level, for the good of all.
When we sacrifice and serve others without that deeper connection, we are still serving self consciousness.
It's all about what we are serving because that is where the spiritual "effects" come from. (fruits of our labor; good health, joy, peace or anxiety, depression, fear).
Example: a mother sacrifices her life force daily for her children teaches her children that love is the giving up of your own spirit for another. But the mother who not only cares for her children's needs but also her own teaches her children to do the same; to be healthy, have integrity and be whole.
When we follow our direction from the connection to Divine will rather personal will we are guided through life doing things that from the outside view may be interpreted without understanding, may be mimicked without understanding. It's important not to teach someone to just blindly follow rules but to understand the deeper connection so that no matter what happens one can be guided instantaneously and moved based upon the moment that will be in best service to not just one self but the whole.
That is Divine will which serves cosmic consciousness.
Hi Randy
I've been quiet for a while, but I am with you. This post resonates in a special way for me. I don't recall who to quote but a yogic saying points to this. Not exact paraphrased, but it goes: you are born nobody, then you become somebody, and finally you reach to become everybody.
You can not jump over the becoming somebody part. To try you end up as I see it in the sluggish selfless state many appears to evaluate as holy. But with no say in the matter be it in the secular og spiritual realm.
And I've been there big time but I think fortunately I newer surrendered. I recognized in you somebody being real when first I met you. Your work and mentorship is a testimonial of this destiny maybe.
I enjoy the becoming somebody journey not fall trap to try skippping manhood. Not trying to mature from childish innocence to become saint. That is nothing but illusion. Wanting it all! I am up for that.
Love and Respect - Pierre Leyssac, cph
Every day I pray and ask God to guide me to the words in the Bible that he wants me to meditate on. Today, I opened to the Psalms. As I read, Psalm 4:6-7, it spoke of joy, so I thought I'd share it. Maybe that's why I was led to it today. The interpretation of this is, Tow kinds of joy are contrasted here- inward joy that comes from knowing and trusting God and happiness that comes as a result of pleasant circumstances. Inward Joy is steady as long as we trust God, happiness is unpredictable. Inward Joy defeats discouragement, happiness covers it up. Inward joy is lasting, happiness is temporary.
Yes, it is an amazing paradox to come to. One where you realize that while it is all about you ... it's not all about you at the very same time. 😉
Delicious journey.
Hi Randy,
Living a life of service and open-ness to all that is helps you reach a level of cosmic consciousness.
When serving you take your mind off of you - your issues, hang-ups, etc - and focus it on others. Combine a life of service with doing what you love doing, that's bliss. Add in an ever-present open-ness to receive all good that comes your way, pure non-resistance, and you can transcend ego.
Thanks for sharing!
Very inspiring!!!! Thank you, thank you thank you.
Becoming??? a co-creator? We are all already co-creators. It's just that we are doing it unconsciously, or semi-consciously, based on beliefs, ideas and perceptions ("paradigms")of which we are unaware, or only semi-aware.
In short, we have co-created everything in our lives, always have and will continue to do so. Our co-creating Partner, God, must be tearing His hair out! From His perspective, it must be like building a house of cards with a toddler!
As we grow up, metaphysically speaking, we get better at our part of the Co-creation. This discussion is part of our maturation process. Thanks, Randy, for creating the discussion!
That was quite an arousing post. Well written, truly you are very poetic. Much of what you write here resonates with me.
When I here the title Co-Creator, this is what I think: Being an adult, and choosing a path of Responsibility to ourselves, the earth, and others. It means living our authentic selves, being truthful to outselves and others.
Knowing that, at times we all want to just be loved and taken care of, as an adult we know we must do this ourselves. And only when we can truly realize we are responsible to ourselves, we are the masters of our own destiny, we have are the parent of ourself that has to love us unconditionally, do we know then how to truly receive and give love.
Love is always a choice, joy is a choice.
If you feel inspired by thinking that you alone are responsible for yourself and loving yourself completely, and no one is going to save you not a parent figure or God, then great. Personally, it also gives me an "Oh Shit" feeling. Knowing that I alone hold the cards to my destiny and subsequent happiness and failures, and tragedies, and triumphs scares me.
It is also exciting, but lets face it, you really have to be able to hear that still small voice. Every Choice we make is ours alone.
I don't understand why anyone would think that path rules our pleasure or ecstasy, it may truly be the only way to have those deep authentic experiences.
Life is suffering, authentic suffering. Then the experience of joy is ours.
Self Actualization is actually the path to more generativity. A person who loves themselves and sees their place in the world, follows the passions that will call them to take care of others and the earth, because someone in tune with themselves is ultimately in tune with the oneness of the universe as we are each of us, a part of the devine Whole. 🙂
Was this post inspired by God, Cars, or Sex? 😉 I know, I am quite sure it was universal oneness.
I celebrate co-creating everyday. It is in this space where all potentialities are born.
This divine Co-creator resides permanently Within me, and is Magnificent and so AM I.
And SO are YOU,
From wealth to real Wealth!! Now your talking like a Guru! Do you have a lover or are do you stay alone in you penthouse cave?
I have a lover in the cave!
I totally agree with you on this. For one I as drawing towards me financial abundance so I will be able to spend more time focusing on the greater good.
Randy, <3,
I am in awe with ecstatic pleasure.
Thank you.
Contribution, service to others is twice as good as simply being selfish for personal gain.
Great Post as always randy..
its sometimes difficult for people to comprehend that it is BETTER to put yourself first..
"the only way to help the poor to ensure you dont become one of them"
as I wanted to experience 'true love' I discovered that it's shortly all about ego and/or fear vs. unconditional love. That they are opposites. To be able to experience true love you have to let go of ego and fear. This also opens up the Flow - the connection to true love - which is the Source (not to be confused by God, Allah etc described in the religious literature - but pure Love).