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Be Rich for God!

Posted By: Randy GageJanuary 25, 2012

Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favour my righteous cause: let them say continually, Let the Lord be magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant.

As I am preparing the service I will be doing at Unity on the Bay this Sunday, those words from Psalm 35 keep rattling around in my mind.  After much reflection, the title I chose for my talk is, “Be Rich for God.”

As always, I'm not here to convert anyone.  And labels don't interest me.  It doesn't matter to me what you call your God, or even if you think of it as nature or a universal power.  I love the scripture above for a number of reasons.  Shouting for joy in a righteous cause celebrates that God has our back, and everything that happens is Divine Order.

The next part reminds us to always be grateful, and encourages us to exalt a power greater than ourselves.  And the last part really brings it home, because it affirms that your creator wants prosperity for you.

Sunday I will take it farther and suggest that God not only wants you to be prosperous, but actually needs you to be prosperous.

What do you think about that?  Any questions or thoughts you’d like to see me address Sunday?

BTW, doesn't matter where you live.  We’ll be streaming the entire service live.  Join me to get a peek at my spiritual home.  You’ll see the service, a guided meditation, and a musical sign language performance from a troupe of deaf kids you have to see to believe.   It will go from 11 am to 12:30 eastern time on Sunday.  Watch the live feed here:

- RG


132 comments on “Be Rich for God!”

  1. I truly believe it's our divine right to be wealthy in order to serve the world. I intend on making my mark in the world...not because I'm smarter, gifted or prettier than anyone...but because I'm connected with the One source of universal abundance..It works through me and guides me and my life unfolds exactly as it should!

  2. I truly believe it's our divine right to be wealthy in order to serve the world. I intend on making my mark in the world...not because I'm smarter, gifted or prettier than anyone...but because I'm connected with the One source of universal abundance..It works through me and guides me and my life unfolds exactly as it should!

  3. Randy that so nice your going to speak at your spiritual home. Thanks too for sharing it! You're a good boy.:) I think I like Be prosperous for God, as a title better. However, if you go with Rich, be sure to talk about all the riches one aquires and gives when they are prosperous.. Prosper means to flourish, which usually brings wealth in some fashion, it also means to be the brightest and best we can be, so our light shines. Wer'e like God's little flashlights. Anyway, I have no doubt it will be wonderful. Also, if you are speaking for an hour and half be sure to drink lots of water. 😉

  4. Randy that so nice your going to speak at your spiritual home. Thanks too for sharing it! You're a good boy.:) I think I like Be prosperous for God, as a title better. However, if you go with Rich, be sure to talk about all the riches one aquires and gives when they are prosperous.. Prosper means to flourish, which usually brings wealth in some fashion, it also means to be the brightest and best we can be, so our light shines. Wer'e like God's little flashlights. Anyway, I have no doubt it will be wonderful. Also, if you are speaking for an hour and half be sure to drink lots of water. 😉

  5. I believe that we are blessed to be a blessing.

    So many people need to realize that the

    kingdom is at hand, and all they need to

    do is believe that they have a right to reach out

    and possess what is already theirs.

    Thanks for a great post Randy!

  6. I believe that we are blessed to be a blessing.

    So many people need to realize that the

    kingdom is at hand, and all they need to

    do is believe that they have a right to reach out

    and possess what is already theirs.

    Thanks for a great post Randy!

  7. What an honor to be able to see you so 'up close and personal' .............. I will be counting the sleeps, If I had a tail ..................... I would wag it 🙂

  8. What an honor to be able to see you so 'up close and personal' .............. I will be counting the sleeps, If I had a tail ..................... I would wag it 🙂

  9. Why would God create infinite abundance if he didn't want us to experience it? And with that comes being GRATEFUL for the beauty and abundance he's created. Yes, let's ALL be rich for God.. can I get an AMEN?

  10. Why would God create infinite abundance if he didn't want us to experience it? And with that comes being GRATEFUL for the beauty and abundance he's created. Yes, let's ALL be rich for God.. can I get an AMEN?

  11. Awesome Randy! I can't wait to watch 🙂 I love learning more about you. You truly are a heart centered leader 🙂

  12. Awesome Randy! I can't wait to watch 🙂 I love learning more about you. You truly are a heart centered leader 🙂

  13. AMEN Brother. Jesus is my lord and he wants me to prosper with the cattle on a thousand hills and I receive that. I wish I could be there to hear you. Your message is divine. You are a blessing

  14. AMEN Brother. Jesus is my lord and he wants me to prosper with the cattle on a thousand hills and I receive that. I wish I could be there to hear you. Your message is divine. You are a blessing

  15. I think you really got a point here! You are tought a lesson until you do, what you do best and will make you prosperous. That could also be what the different emotions are for, to show us when we do right or wrong. The body too works that way. I know I'm saying it in a very simple way. So the better we learn to "read" the universal hints, comming to us all the time, the better we do. And off course we also have to steer around the mindvirusses, recognice what is ours to listen to. It's a lifelong task.

    Will be listening in on your service Sunday, wouldn't miss it for the world. Thank's Randy 🙂

  16. I think you really got a point here! You are tought a lesson until you do, what you do best and will make you prosperous. That could also be what the different emotions are for, to show us when we do right or wrong. The body too works that way. I know I'm saying it in a very simple way. So the better we learn to "read" the universal hints, comming to us all the time, the better we do. And off course we also have to steer around the mindvirusses, recognice what is ours to listen to. It's a lifelong task.

    Will be listening in on your service Sunday, wouldn't miss it for the world. Thank's Randy 🙂

  17. I posted this on Facebook, and I wanted to share it with Randy and all of you:For those who approach life as a job, and believe that successful business people and creatives aren't doing any work, here is a way you could look at it:Dedicated, passionate business and creative types work almost ALL THE TIME! It's not something they "do on the side" or "on weekends".I dare the average person to wake up early to talk to other people half a world away just to get advice and encouragement. I dare the average person to put up with "you'll never amount to anything" and "there's no way to succeed". I dare the average person to connect with leaders and those you have done it before or did on a personal level as people, rather than untouchable luminaries. I dare the average person to become a listener, taking in what people say regardless of background. While there are many who think that people are not intelligent or capable, the average is far less average than you think. People underestimate themselves. There is a way to succeed, and it won't be something you'll learn in college or read in a book. There won't be someone else who can teach you success "secrets", because there aren't any. Listen to others nonetheless. Being in business or being a successful creative is not a job, it's a LIFE. If you're doing it for the right reasons, it doesn't drain you of energy, it uplifts you. Anyone who does either just for money or prestige burns out or doesn't stick with it long enough. Money and prestige are rewards, not an means to an end. Yes, sometimes random chance does make people successful, but connection, passion, dedication, constant learning, questioning, refinement, willingness to fail, ability to handle rejection, communicate with diverse people, solve problems, lead without diminishing the contributions of others, and so many other qualities are required. It's FAR more work than doing what your boss tells you.

  18. I posted this on Facebook, and I wanted to share it with Randy and all of you:For those who approach life as a job, and believe that successful business people and creatives aren't doing any work, here is a way you could look at it:Dedicated, passionate business and creative types work almost ALL THE TIME! It's not something they "do on the side" or "on weekends".I dare the average person to wake up early to talk to other people half a world away just to get advice and encouragement. I dare the average person to put up with "you'll never amount to anything" and "there's no way to succeed". I dare the average person to connect with leaders and those you have done it before or did on a personal level as people, rather than untouchable luminaries. I dare the average person to become a listener, taking in what people say regardless of background. While there are many who think that people are not intelligent or capable, the average is far less average than you think. People underestimate themselves. There is a way to succeed, and it won't be something you'll learn in college or read in a book. There won't be someone else who can teach you success "secrets", because there aren't any. Listen to others nonetheless. Being in business or being a successful creative is not a job, it's a LIFE. If you're doing it for the right reasons, it doesn't drain you of energy, it uplifts you. Anyone who does either just for money or prestige burns out or doesn't stick with it long enough. Money and prestige are rewards, not an means to an end. Yes, sometimes random chance does make people successful, but connection, passion, dedication, constant learning, questioning, refinement, willingness to fail, ability to handle rejection, communicate with diverse people, solve problems, lead without diminishing the contributions of others, and so many other qualities are required. It's FAR more work than doing what your boss tells you.

  19. Hi Randy,

    I am so excited about your Sunday's sermon entitled 'Be Rich for God' and wish I can be there 'live'. You are the apple of God's eye, have fun and stay blessed.......I know we will benefit from this message. Thanks vm.

  20. Hi Randy,

    I am so excited about your Sunday's sermon entitled 'Be Rich for God' and wish I can be there 'live'. You are the apple of God's eye, have fun and stay blessed.......I know we will benefit from this message. Thanks vm.

  21. I think especially Christians struggle with the mixed up notion that to be poor is to be holy. It may be for some, like Mother Theresa, but for most it's just an excuse. If God wants to partner with us to provide basic necessities for others, to bless others, or to have a home that we can thrive in, then don't stop the flow of wealth because you're scared to manage it. It bothers me when people barely scraping by judge the motives of those that have considerable wealth. Hope you open some eyes Sunday.

  22. I think especially Christians struggle with the mixed up notion that to be poor is to be holy. It may be for some, like Mother Theresa, but for most it's just an excuse. If God wants to partner with us to provide basic necessities for others, to bless others, or to have a home that we can thrive in, then don't stop the flow of wealth because you're scared to manage it. It bothers me when people barely scraping by judge the motives of those that have considerable wealth. Hope you open some eyes Sunday.

  23. Great! Thanks for opening the gates for us to enter your famous world on Sunday! A live speech with full service, that´s quite different of what "the internet" biz-people offer these days - now, you asked for questions or thoughts:

    Of course the Lord needs us to be prosperous if it is the root-cause for our joy. A shout for joy needs much power from inside and for getting all that energy & belief to express our joy - we truly need a prosperous mindset! Which is all just a start. Maybe ask at the Service how many of your listeners are ready to become prosperous for God!? ....and wait for the self-presenting result with much more joy.

    Have a joy-ful Sunday!

    We´ll watch . . . .

  24. Great! Thanks for opening the gates for us to enter your famous world on Sunday! A live speech with full service, that´s quite different of what "the internet" biz-people offer these days - now, you asked for questions or thoughts:

    Of course the Lord needs us to be prosperous if it is the root-cause for our joy. A shout for joy needs much power from inside and for getting all that energy & belief to express our joy - we truly need a prosperous mindset! Which is all just a start. Maybe ask at the Service how many of your listeners are ready to become prosperous for God!? ....and wait for the self-presenting result with much more joy.

    Have a joy-ful Sunday!

    We´ll watch . . . .

  25. Awesome Randy. Will be tuning in (good excuse for missing church this Sunday 😉 and hopefully one day you can guest at my local unity in Austin 🙂

  26. Awesome Randy. Will be tuning in (good excuse for missing church this Sunday 😉 and hopefully one day you can guest at my local unity in Austin 🙂

  27. Hey Randy, a lot of Americans talk about 'eastern time' and the like, but the rest of us global citizens have no idea about the time zones in the US. In order to convert time, it would be much more useful if you said that it started at 11am Miami time, for example. All the online international time converters I have found work on times between cities, not time zones.

      1. @Randy_Gage@carmen161595 All of the time zones are based on Greenwich Meantime.It's abbreviated as GMT + or - a number unless a country is in the same timezone as Greenwich, UK.The Eastern US is -5 GMT, and the Central time zone, being an hour behind that, is -6 GMT.I believe it's a byproduct of international trade if I remember properly.

  28. Hey Randy, a lot of Americans talk about 'eastern time' and the like, but the rest of us global citizens have no idea about the time zones in the US. In order to convert time, it would be much more useful if you said that it started at 11am Miami time, for example. All the online international time converters I have found work on times between cities, not time zones.

  29. I am a Christian. I tithe 10% all the time. I consciously think positive. I do affirmations as well. But my life and finance status seem not to move toward prosperity.

    So what's your advice to move into prosperity land?

    1. @JennyMasn? where are your dreams? --> which will motivate you to move on and e.g. learn new skills to add value and make more money which is the direct way to prosperity land?

  30. I am a Christian. I tithe 10% all the time. I consciously think positive. I do affirmations as well. But my life and finance status seem not to move toward prosperity.

    So what's your advice to move into prosperity land?

  31. Amen! I am exhausted trying to convince others, especially in my family, that it is not only okay to aspire for greatness but expected! They tell me I need to be 'realistic' (which I'm sorry I believe that's code for 'pessimistic') or they say I'm being greedy and unappreciative of what I have...funny, those people currently have way more than I do..they just 'dream smaller.'

    Truth is, I'm appreciative of all God has given me while excited, expectant and appreciative of all that is to come. People need to realize that the better off we are as individuals, the more we can help our fellow man and we can all rise up to greatness together. : D

    Thanks Randy for being your wonderful inspiring self! Love ya!-Karma

  32. Amen! I am exhausted trying to convince others, especially in my family, that it is not only okay to aspire for greatness but expected! They tell me I need to be 'realistic' (which I'm sorry I believe that's code for 'pessimistic') or they say I'm being greedy and unappreciative of what I have...funny, those people currently have way more than I do..they just 'dream smaller.'

    Truth is, I'm appreciative of all God has given me while excited, expectant and appreciative of all that is to come. People need to realize that the better off we are as individuals, the more we can help our fellow man and we can all rise up to greatness together. : D

    Thanks Randy for being your wonderful inspiring self! Love ya!-Karma

  33. Randy, as always, fantastic theme! many do not understand - why you need to be rich and prosperous ... and your video blogs are treated to many brain!

  34. Randy, as always, fantastic theme! many do not understand - why you need to be rich and prosperous ... and your video blogs are treated to many brain!

  35. Hello Randy! I'm a big fan and follower of you. Is there a way we can send you a private message? Just have some questions...

  36. Hello Randy! I'm a big fan and follower of you. Is there a way we can send you a private message? Just have some questions...

  37. Thank you, Randy... ")
    Would love to hear your free million dollar advice ... ")
    You are truly a blessing to all of US. 🙂
    God is definitely smiling down on you, RG.

  38. Thank you, Randy... ")
    Would love to hear your free million dollar advice ... ")
    You are truly a blessing to all of US. 🙂
    God is definitely smiling down on you, RG.

  39. My 2 cents would be. Get off the be rich stuff. Most peole go right to thinking about money. You have to get grace from God (FREE GIFT) through the measure of your faith before you will ever manifest anything good. People think they can earn their platinum card to heaven by good deeds. Not according to the bible, lest any man should boast, but by the grace of god, so he receive the glory. I would hit your church up with that and a great place to learn about it yourself, as I did, was, and don't let the name throw you. He just did and is continuing to do a series about Grace and all the sermons can be watched on line. I had such a revelation from this. My life will never be the same. I have to take deep breathes just to take in all the abundance, and I don't just mean money, though that comes too.

  40. My 2 cents would be. Get off the be rich stuff. Most peole go right to thinking about money. You have to get grace from God (FREE GIFT) through the measure of your faith before you will ever manifest anything good. People think they can earn their platinum card to heaven by good deeds. Not according to the bible, lest any man should boast, but by the grace of god, so he receive the glory. I would hit your church up with that and a great place to learn about it yourself, as I did, was, and don't let the name throw you. He just did and is continuing to do a series about Grace and all the sermons can be watched on line. I had such a revelation from this. My life will never be the same. I have to take deep breathes just to take in all the abundance, and I don't just mean money, though that comes too.

  41. @JennyMasn? where are your dreams? --> which will motivate you to move on and e.g. learn new skills to add value and make more money which is the direct way to prosperity land?

  42. I very much had joy and fun watching the Unity Church "show" which was a service - so different from our old, traditional style as all countries in Europe keep on offering to serve the Lord and its community. Compared to us: Unity offers big screens on the wall - never over here...

    I like the songs very much, very powerful! Your speech was - GREAT! You choose good points and some new insights for your listeners, who all had "fun" ´cuz it made people laugh and hold their breath in the next minute. I very much liked it - you show lots of talent for offering prosperity.

  43. I very much had joy and fun watching the Unity Church "show" which was a service - so different from our old, traditional style as all countries in Europe keep on offering to serve the Lord and its community. Compared to us: Unity offers big screens on the wall - never over here...

    I like the songs very much, very powerful! Your speech was - GREAT! You choose good points and some new insights for your listeners, who all had "fun" ´cuz it made people laugh and hold their breath in the next minute. I very much liked it - you show lots of talent for offering prosperity.

  44. @Randy_Gage@carmen161595 All of the time zones are based on Greenwich Meantime.It's abbreviated as GMT + or - a number unless a country is in the same timezone as Greenwich, UK.The Eastern US is -5 GMT, and the Central time zone, being an hour behind that, is -6 GMT.I believe it's a byproduct of international trade if I remember properly.

  45. Thanks for a great service at Unity On The Bay...What a terrific message and it was a pleasure to shake your hand... Thanks for sharing your life with all of us and inspiring me to move forward...

  46. Thanks for a great service at Unity On The Bay...What a terrific message and it was a pleasure to shake your hand... Thanks for sharing your life with all of us and inspiring me to move forward...

  47. Thanks for the message Randy. You have no idea how much I needed to hear this. I watched the recording, and I had to pause it several times to journal things that were unfolding for me. I've heard you talk about money and riches before, but the more toned down neutral-centric message resonates better with me. Thank you so so much! You're a blessing and keep rocking the world!

    Took an awesome nugget with me too, "God, I'll meet ya at the mike". Well that can be applied to anything we are trying to control actually. Like, "God I'll meet ya at the keyboard" for example. And btw, you're cuter than Joel Osteen 😉

  48. Thanks for the message Randy. You have no idea how much I needed to hear this. I watched the recording, and I had to pause it several times to journal things that were unfolding for me. I've heard you talk about money and riches before, but the more toned down neutral-centric message resonates better with me. Thank you so so much! You're a blessing and keep rocking the world!

    Took an awesome nugget with me too, "God, I'll meet ya at the mike". Well that can be applied to anything we are trying to control actually. Like, "God I'll meet ya at the keyboard" for example. And btw, you're cuter than Joel Osteen 😉

  49. Watching the recording right now. And Wow. People are HAPPY to be in Church. I was raised Catholic which is completely the opposite of this: the services are drab, depressing, and the message of Catholicism is to suffer while on this planet to get into Heaven and take care of everyone, and being Selfish is wrong.It made me cry. There was a great deal of beauty and love. It affirmed the power of individual people to bring Harmony to the World.

  50. Watching the recording right now. And Wow. People are HAPPY to be in Church. I was raised Catholic which is completely the opposite of this: the services are drab, depressing, and the message of Catholicism is to suffer while on this planet to get into Heaven and take care of everyone, and being Selfish is wrong.It made me cry. There was a great deal of beauty and love. It affirmed the power of individual people to bring Harmony to the World.

  51. Just read an article in the Wall Street Journal titled "What the Bible Teaches About Capitalism". It ends with the statement: "Nations that throw over capitalism for socialism have made an immoral choice." I think this is inline with your recent lessons Randy. The article is linked to my name, click to read.

  52. Just read an article in the Wall Street Journal titled "What the Bible Teaches About Capitalism". It ends with the statement: "Nations that throw over capitalism for socialism have made an immoral choice." I think this is inline with your recent lessons Randy. The article is linked to my name, click to read.

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  • 132 comments on “Be Rich for God!”

    1. I truly believe it's our divine right to be wealthy in order to serve the world. I intend on making my mark in the world...not because I'm smarter, gifted or prettier than anyone...but because I'm connected with the One source of universal abundance..It works through me and guides me and my life unfolds exactly as it should!

    2. I truly believe it's our divine right to be wealthy in order to serve the world. I intend on making my mark in the world...not because I'm smarter, gifted or prettier than anyone...but because I'm connected with the One source of universal abundance..It works through me and guides me and my life unfolds exactly as it should!

    3. Randy that so nice your going to speak at your spiritual home. Thanks too for sharing it! You're a good boy.:) I think I like Be prosperous for God, as a title better. However, if you go with Rich, be sure to talk about all the riches one aquires and gives when they are prosperous.. Prosper means to flourish, which usually brings wealth in some fashion, it also means to be the brightest and best we can be, so our light shines. Wer'e like God's little flashlights. Anyway, I have no doubt it will be wonderful. Also, if you are speaking for an hour and half be sure to drink lots of water. 😉

    4. Randy that so nice your going to speak at your spiritual home. Thanks too for sharing it! You're a good boy.:) I think I like Be prosperous for God, as a title better. However, if you go with Rich, be sure to talk about all the riches one aquires and gives when they are prosperous.. Prosper means to flourish, which usually brings wealth in some fashion, it also means to be the brightest and best we can be, so our light shines. Wer'e like God's little flashlights. Anyway, I have no doubt it will be wonderful. Also, if you are speaking for an hour and half be sure to drink lots of water. 😉

    5. I believe that we are blessed to be a blessing.

      So many people need to realize that the

      kingdom is at hand, and all they need to

      do is believe that they have a right to reach out

      and possess what is already theirs.

      Thanks for a great post Randy!

    6. I believe that we are blessed to be a blessing.

      So many people need to realize that the

      kingdom is at hand, and all they need to

      do is believe that they have a right to reach out

      and possess what is already theirs.

      Thanks for a great post Randy!

    7. What an honor to be able to see you so 'up close and personal' .............. I will be counting the sleeps, If I had a tail ..................... I would wag it 🙂

    8. What an honor to be able to see you so 'up close and personal' .............. I will be counting the sleeps, If I had a tail ..................... I would wag it 🙂

    9. Why would God create infinite abundance if he didn't want us to experience it? And with that comes being GRATEFUL for the beauty and abundance he's created. Yes, let's ALL be rich for God.. can I get an AMEN?

    10. Why would God create infinite abundance if he didn't want us to experience it? And with that comes being GRATEFUL for the beauty and abundance he's created. Yes, let's ALL be rich for God.. can I get an AMEN?

    11. Awesome Randy! I can't wait to watch 🙂 I love learning more about you. You truly are a heart centered leader 🙂

    12. Awesome Randy! I can't wait to watch 🙂 I love learning more about you. You truly are a heart centered leader 🙂

    13. AMEN Brother. Jesus is my lord and he wants me to prosper with the cattle on a thousand hills and I receive that. I wish I could be there to hear you. Your message is divine. You are a blessing

    14. AMEN Brother. Jesus is my lord and he wants me to prosper with the cattle on a thousand hills and I receive that. I wish I could be there to hear you. Your message is divine. You are a blessing

    15. I think you really got a point here! You are tought a lesson until you do, what you do best and will make you prosperous. That could also be what the different emotions are for, to show us when we do right or wrong. The body too works that way. I know I'm saying it in a very simple way. So the better we learn to "read" the universal hints, comming to us all the time, the better we do. And off course we also have to steer around the mindvirusses, recognice what is ours to listen to. It's a lifelong task.

      Will be listening in on your service Sunday, wouldn't miss it for the world. Thank's Randy 🙂

    16. I think you really got a point here! You are tought a lesson until you do, what you do best and will make you prosperous. That could also be what the different emotions are for, to show us when we do right or wrong. The body too works that way. I know I'm saying it in a very simple way. So the better we learn to "read" the universal hints, comming to us all the time, the better we do. And off course we also have to steer around the mindvirusses, recognice what is ours to listen to. It's a lifelong task.

      Will be listening in on your service Sunday, wouldn't miss it for the world. Thank's Randy 🙂

    17. I posted this on Facebook, and I wanted to share it with Randy and all of you:For those who approach life as a job, and believe that successful business people and creatives aren't doing any work, here is a way you could look at it:Dedicated, passionate business and creative types work almost ALL THE TIME! It's not something they "do on the side" or "on weekends".I dare the average person to wake up early to talk to other people half a world away just to get advice and encouragement. I dare the average person to put up with "you'll never amount to anything" and "there's no way to succeed". I dare the average person to connect with leaders and those you have done it before or did on a personal level as people, rather than untouchable luminaries. I dare the average person to become a listener, taking in what people say regardless of background. While there are many who think that people are not intelligent or capable, the average is far less average than you think. People underestimate themselves. There is a way to succeed, and it won't be something you'll learn in college or read in a book. There won't be someone else who can teach you success "secrets", because there aren't any. Listen to others nonetheless. Being in business or being a successful creative is not a job, it's a LIFE. If you're doing it for the right reasons, it doesn't drain you of energy, it uplifts you. Anyone who does either just for money or prestige burns out or doesn't stick with it long enough. Money and prestige are rewards, not an means to an end. Yes, sometimes random chance does make people successful, but connection, passion, dedication, constant learning, questioning, refinement, willingness to fail, ability to handle rejection, communicate with diverse people, solve problems, lead without diminishing the contributions of others, and so many other qualities are required. It's FAR more work than doing what your boss tells you.

    18. I posted this on Facebook, and I wanted to share it with Randy and all of you:For those who approach life as a job, and believe that successful business people and creatives aren't doing any work, here is a way you could look at it:Dedicated, passionate business and creative types work almost ALL THE TIME! It's not something they "do on the side" or "on weekends".I dare the average person to wake up early to talk to other people half a world away just to get advice and encouragement. I dare the average person to put up with "you'll never amount to anything" and "there's no way to succeed". I dare the average person to connect with leaders and those you have done it before or did on a personal level as people, rather than untouchable luminaries. I dare the average person to become a listener, taking in what people say regardless of background. While there are many who think that people are not intelligent or capable, the average is far less average than you think. People underestimate themselves. There is a way to succeed, and it won't be something you'll learn in college or read in a book. There won't be someone else who can teach you success "secrets", because there aren't any. Listen to others nonetheless. Being in business or being a successful creative is not a job, it's a LIFE. If you're doing it for the right reasons, it doesn't drain you of energy, it uplifts you. Anyone who does either just for money or prestige burns out or doesn't stick with it long enough. Money and prestige are rewards, not an means to an end. Yes, sometimes random chance does make people successful, but connection, passion, dedication, constant learning, questioning, refinement, willingness to fail, ability to handle rejection, communicate with diverse people, solve problems, lead without diminishing the contributions of others, and so many other qualities are required. It's FAR more work than doing what your boss tells you.

    19. Hi Randy,

      I am so excited about your Sunday's sermon entitled 'Be Rich for God' and wish I can be there 'live'. You are the apple of God's eye, have fun and stay blessed.......I know we will benefit from this message. Thanks vm.

    20. Hi Randy,

      I am so excited about your Sunday's sermon entitled 'Be Rich for God' and wish I can be there 'live'. You are the apple of God's eye, have fun and stay blessed.......I know we will benefit from this message. Thanks vm.

    21. I think especially Christians struggle with the mixed up notion that to be poor is to be holy. It may be for some, like Mother Theresa, but for most it's just an excuse. If God wants to partner with us to provide basic necessities for others, to bless others, or to have a home that we can thrive in, then don't stop the flow of wealth because you're scared to manage it. It bothers me when people barely scraping by judge the motives of those that have considerable wealth. Hope you open some eyes Sunday.

    22. I think especially Christians struggle with the mixed up notion that to be poor is to be holy. It may be for some, like Mother Theresa, but for most it's just an excuse. If God wants to partner with us to provide basic necessities for others, to bless others, or to have a home that we can thrive in, then don't stop the flow of wealth because you're scared to manage it. It bothers me when people barely scraping by judge the motives of those that have considerable wealth. Hope you open some eyes Sunday.

    23. Great! Thanks for opening the gates for us to enter your famous world on Sunday! A live speech with full service, that´s quite different of what "the internet" biz-people offer these days - now, you asked for questions or thoughts:

      Of course the Lord needs us to be prosperous if it is the root-cause for our joy. A shout for joy needs much power from inside and for getting all that energy & belief to express our joy - we truly need a prosperous mindset! Which is all just a start. Maybe ask at the Service how many of your listeners are ready to become prosperous for God!? ....and wait for the self-presenting result with much more joy.

      Have a joy-ful Sunday!

      We´ll watch . . . .

    24. Great! Thanks for opening the gates for us to enter your famous world on Sunday! A live speech with full service, that´s quite different of what "the internet" biz-people offer these days - now, you asked for questions or thoughts:

      Of course the Lord needs us to be prosperous if it is the root-cause for our joy. A shout for joy needs much power from inside and for getting all that energy & belief to express our joy - we truly need a prosperous mindset! Which is all just a start. Maybe ask at the Service how many of your listeners are ready to become prosperous for God!? ....and wait for the self-presenting result with much more joy.

      Have a joy-ful Sunday!

      We´ll watch . . . .

    25. Awesome Randy. Will be tuning in (good excuse for missing church this Sunday 😉 and hopefully one day you can guest at my local unity in Austin 🙂

    26. Awesome Randy. Will be tuning in (good excuse for missing church this Sunday 😉 and hopefully one day you can guest at my local unity in Austin 🙂

    27. Hey Randy, a lot of Americans talk about 'eastern time' and the like, but the rest of us global citizens have no idea about the time zones in the US. In order to convert time, it would be much more useful if you said that it started at 11am Miami time, for example. All the online international time converters I have found work on times between cities, not time zones.

        1. @Randy_Gage@carmen161595 All of the time zones are based on Greenwich Meantime.It's abbreviated as GMT + or - a number unless a country is in the same timezone as Greenwich, UK.The Eastern US is -5 GMT, and the Central time zone, being an hour behind that, is -6 GMT.I believe it's a byproduct of international trade if I remember properly.

    28. Hey Randy, a lot of Americans talk about 'eastern time' and the like, but the rest of us global citizens have no idea about the time zones in the US. In order to convert time, it would be much more useful if you said that it started at 11am Miami time, for example. All the online international time converters I have found work on times between cities, not time zones.

    29. I am a Christian. I tithe 10% all the time. I consciously think positive. I do affirmations as well. But my life and finance status seem not to move toward prosperity.

      So what's your advice to move into prosperity land?

      1. @JennyMasn? where are your dreams? --> which will motivate you to move on and e.g. learn new skills to add value and make more money which is the direct way to prosperity land?

    30. I am a Christian. I tithe 10% all the time. I consciously think positive. I do affirmations as well. But my life and finance status seem not to move toward prosperity.

      So what's your advice to move into prosperity land?

    31. Amen! I am exhausted trying to convince others, especially in my family, that it is not only okay to aspire for greatness but expected! They tell me I need to be 'realistic' (which I'm sorry I believe that's code for 'pessimistic') or they say I'm being greedy and unappreciative of what I have...funny, those people currently have way more than I do..they just 'dream smaller.'

      Truth is, I'm appreciative of all God has given me while excited, expectant and appreciative of all that is to come. People need to realize that the better off we are as individuals, the more we can help our fellow man and we can all rise up to greatness together. : D

      Thanks Randy for being your wonderful inspiring self! Love ya!-Karma

    32. Amen! I am exhausted trying to convince others, especially in my family, that it is not only okay to aspire for greatness but expected! They tell me I need to be 'realistic' (which I'm sorry I believe that's code for 'pessimistic') or they say I'm being greedy and unappreciative of what I have...funny, those people currently have way more than I do..they just 'dream smaller.'

      Truth is, I'm appreciative of all God has given me while excited, expectant and appreciative of all that is to come. People need to realize that the better off we are as individuals, the more we can help our fellow man and we can all rise up to greatness together. : D

      Thanks Randy for being your wonderful inspiring self! Love ya!-Karma

    33. Randy, as always, fantastic theme! many do not understand - why you need to be rich and prosperous ... and your video blogs are treated to many brain!

    34. Randy, as always, fantastic theme! many do not understand - why you need to be rich and prosperous ... and your video blogs are treated to many brain!

    35. Hello Randy! I'm a big fan and follower of you. Is there a way we can send you a private message? Just have some questions...

    36. Hello Randy! I'm a big fan and follower of you. Is there a way we can send you a private message? Just have some questions...

    37. Thank you, Randy... ")
      Would love to hear your free million dollar advice ... ")
      You are truly a blessing to all of US. 🙂
      God is definitely smiling down on you, RG.

    38. Thank you, Randy... ")
      Would love to hear your free million dollar advice ... ")
      You are truly a blessing to all of US. 🙂
      God is definitely smiling down on you, RG.

    39. My 2 cents would be. Get off the be rich stuff. Most peole go right to thinking about money. You have to get grace from God (FREE GIFT) through the measure of your faith before you will ever manifest anything good. People think they can earn their platinum card to heaven by good deeds. Not according to the bible, lest any man should boast, but by the grace of god, so he receive the glory. I would hit your church up with that and a great place to learn about it yourself, as I did, was, and don't let the name throw you. He just did and is continuing to do a series about Grace and all the sermons can be watched on line. I had such a revelation from this. My life will never be the same. I have to take deep breathes just to take in all the abundance, and I don't just mean money, though that comes too.

    40. My 2 cents would be. Get off the be rich stuff. Most peole go right to thinking about money. You have to get grace from God (FREE GIFT) through the measure of your faith before you will ever manifest anything good. People think they can earn their platinum card to heaven by good deeds. Not according to the bible, lest any man should boast, but by the grace of god, so he receive the glory. I would hit your church up with that and a great place to learn about it yourself, as I did, was, and don't let the name throw you. He just did and is continuing to do a series about Grace and all the sermons can be watched on line. I had such a revelation from this. My life will never be the same. I have to take deep breathes just to take in all the abundance, and I don't just mean money, though that comes too.

    41. @JennyMasn? where are your dreams? --> which will motivate you to move on and e.g. learn new skills to add value and make more money which is the direct way to prosperity land?

    42. I very much had joy and fun watching the Unity Church "show" which was a service - so different from our old, traditional style as all countries in Europe keep on offering to serve the Lord and its community. Compared to us: Unity offers big screens on the wall - never over here...

      I like the songs very much, very powerful! Your speech was - GREAT! You choose good points and some new insights for your listeners, who all had "fun" ´cuz it made people laugh and hold their breath in the next minute. I very much liked it - you show lots of talent for offering prosperity.

    43. I very much had joy and fun watching the Unity Church "show" which was a service - so different from our old, traditional style as all countries in Europe keep on offering to serve the Lord and its community. Compared to us: Unity offers big screens on the wall - never over here...

      I like the songs very much, very powerful! Your speech was - GREAT! You choose good points and some new insights for your listeners, who all had "fun" ´cuz it made people laugh and hold their breath in the next minute. I very much liked it - you show lots of talent for offering prosperity.

    44. @Randy_Gage@carmen161595 All of the time zones are based on Greenwich Meantime.It's abbreviated as GMT + or - a number unless a country is in the same timezone as Greenwich, UK.The Eastern US is -5 GMT, and the Central time zone, being an hour behind that, is -6 GMT.I believe it's a byproduct of international trade if I remember properly.

    45. Thanks for a great service at Unity On The Bay...What a terrific message and it was a pleasure to shake your hand... Thanks for sharing your life with all of us and inspiring me to move forward...

    46. Thanks for a great service at Unity On The Bay...What a terrific message and it was a pleasure to shake your hand... Thanks for sharing your life with all of us and inspiring me to move forward...

    47. Thanks for the message Randy. You have no idea how much I needed to hear this. I watched the recording, and I had to pause it several times to journal things that were unfolding for me. I've heard you talk about money and riches before, but the more toned down neutral-centric message resonates better with me. Thank you so so much! You're a blessing and keep rocking the world!

      Took an awesome nugget with me too, "God, I'll meet ya at the mike". Well that can be applied to anything we are trying to control actually. Like, "God I'll meet ya at the keyboard" for example. And btw, you're cuter than Joel Osteen 😉

    48. Thanks for the message Randy. You have no idea how much I needed to hear this. I watched the recording, and I had to pause it several times to journal things that were unfolding for me. I've heard you talk about money and riches before, but the more toned down neutral-centric message resonates better with me. Thank you so so much! You're a blessing and keep rocking the world!

      Took an awesome nugget with me too, "God, I'll meet ya at the mike". Well that can be applied to anything we are trying to control actually. Like, "God I'll meet ya at the keyboard" for example. And btw, you're cuter than Joel Osteen 😉

    49. Watching the recording right now. And Wow. People are HAPPY to be in Church. I was raised Catholic which is completely the opposite of this: the services are drab, depressing, and the message of Catholicism is to suffer while on this planet to get into Heaven and take care of everyone, and being Selfish is wrong.It made me cry. There was a great deal of beauty and love. It affirmed the power of individual people to bring Harmony to the World.

    50. Watching the recording right now. And Wow. People are HAPPY to be in Church. I was raised Catholic which is completely the opposite of this: the services are drab, depressing, and the message of Catholicism is to suffer while on this planet to get into Heaven and take care of everyone, and being Selfish is wrong.It made me cry. There was a great deal of beauty and love. It affirmed the power of individual people to bring Harmony to the World.

    51. Just read an article in the Wall Street Journal titled "What the Bible Teaches About Capitalism". It ends with the statement: "Nations that throw over capitalism for socialism have made an immoral choice." I think this is inline with your recent lessons Randy. The article is linked to my name, click to read.

    52. Just read an article in the Wall Street Journal titled "What the Bible Teaches About Capitalism". It ends with the statement: "Nations that throw over capitalism for socialism have made an immoral choice." I think this is inline with your recent lessons Randy. The article is linked to my name, click to read.

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