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Bad Thoughts or Good Intuition?

Posted By: Randy GageApril 8, 2009

Some great comments on the recent posts about changing negative thoughts into positive ones.  Which raises a question I get quite frequently:  How can you tell whether you're getting an intuition to avoid something, versus just having a negative thought?

Let’s think about that.  If you get approached with a business opportunity, and your immediate reaction is that it is too good to be true – Is that your intuition warning you?  Or your negative programming just creating a negative thought to sabotage you and keep you stuck?

Give that some serious thought, and we’ll pick up there on the next post.


14 comments on “Bad Thoughts or Good Intuition?”

  1. Intuition and our Conscience - very real but very confusing as well. It is sad how many people have their "consicence" tell them something is wrong - when it is simply negative programming.

    Also sad is when the true immoral activiities are excused because of a "seared conscience" - has some great atricles and posts at times concerning the renewing of the mind. It must be renewed because of negative programming every day. Thanks Randy!

  2. When my intuition kicks in that something is amiss...I feel nauseous, nervous and literally sick to my stomach. When this happens…I know to take a good look at the issue, walk away and examine why I feel this way and to evaluate what my instincts are telling me.

    When I have negative resistance on an issue I feel confused and overwhelmed. My reaction is to not want to look at or address the issue. I then have to ask myself what I need to do to help me address the topic…time, space between me and the subject, information, guidance, etc.

    Luckily…at this time in life I have learned to trust my gut instincts!

  3. It's all about living in the 'now' and getting the 'ego' in check. So many do not identify with their ego and they feel they are being guided the correct direction, when often the ego leads them on a path of self destruction. The ego feeds on those bad feelings and does whatever it can to create those situations.

    i.e. those who DO join MLM are extremely excited, they feel the burn of passion within, their dreams ignited across the sky. They are imagining the financial gain, more time and over all freedom. They feel light, airy and on cloud nine. Then all of a sudden that burn is buyer's remorse, anger and a loss and/or feeling of failure.

    Why? Their ego triggers emotion 'I can't do this!' 'I'm crazy for thinking this would work...' 'I can't talk to my family and friends...' 'I don't know how to sell...'

    They let negative thoughts and feelings attack their passion. Also often they allow the words of family and friends get under their skin, not reailzing the egos of family and friends also like to sabotage other people's chances at success. And/Or they get a few 'no-s' and are ready to quit. It is 'fear' that sets in. (fear being a response to an emotion of the past or creating a faux feeling based on a 'potential' result of the future)

    So YES it is programmed in, by the Ego feeding itself with fear.

    Intuition is 'I didn't walk down that dark path between the trees because I had a bad feeling' (to find out later someone got mugged right there, the same time you would have been there) or 'I got off the freeway 2 exits early because something told me I should' (to find out there was a huge accident that you literally just missed)

    The door of opportunity is wide open, it's a choice, not a chance. Success is a decision, not an intuition.

    Alethea Anderson

  4. To me, the difference can be felt in the gut.

    When you have a intuitive feel that something is right or wrong, you know it deep down. Negative programming (memes) tends to give an automatic "knee-jerk" reaction to the given situation.

    Of course I agree that the problem is that either case can affect the outcome of a decision such as recognizing an opportunity and positioning yourself in front of it.

    So the million dollar question is... "How to address this situation?"


  5. This is a real Pandora's Box if you ask me.. As I stated on another blog you had posted, we continually get emails or spam about "Make Millions in Internet Marketing", or "Get Rich in the Foreclosure Business", etc. The problem is all these pitches are the same thing but re-packaged by different folks in my eyes.

    So is this negative programming, or just working smart rather than hard? If it looks like a rose and smells like a rose, it's usually .. A rose. That challenge I see is that there ARE great opportunities that come our way but we need to listen to our Higher Self as you stated. This requires being in touch and having that oneness with it in order to receive the guidance.

  6. Randy I think that if you think is wonderfull to be true, if you analize that thought ,you can see, that the person says: wonderfull thinks dont happen, it is a negative thought,because otherwise the thinking could be,lets open my mind and analize this oportunity, the cue is: ¿are you open? or are you close to new oportunities,learnings and fellings.

  7. Very nice comment, you seem to be a reader of Eckart Tolle! What I have learned through the teachings of Abraham ( is that your feelings are in fact your 'emotional guidance system'. If you feel bad, something is happening that is not right for you. I have recently been approached by such an opportunity, a company called Market America. I got very interested, and 'felt' incredibly excited about the whole thing, so I decided to put some time into research - what I discovered was this company is for real, truly incredible, IF you are willing to treat it like a real business and work, and I have decided I might like to go along a different path and make an eventual career change, which I have been contemplating for some time. I found I have an affinity for this particular field of endeavor (health and nutrition), and have discovered a new exciting passion, as well as a mental aptitude I never knew I had. But what really 'sold' me was the person I was in contact with, who made no bones about what it takes to succeed in that business. He was honest, forthright, and very open. Perhaps my feelings, through the Law of Attraction, brought this person to me? Then, if my feelings change, couldn't this be the 'pain body' trying to 'sabotage', or change my path? I believe, as Tolle says, it is all about simply recognizing the pain body (past traumas and the like), without living through identification with it. Listen to your feelings, find a good feeling place in every moment, and through the Law of Attraction, good things will be brought to you. This person has become a friend, and he will lead to more friends, and an exciting new venture that I am really looking forward to. I truly believe your feelings are your guide. If you feel bad, something is happening within your vibration, telling you something is wrong. Change your vibration, and your inner self will provide the right path. You'll know you're on the right path by how you feel. I truly believe this! Get in touch with your feelings, meditate on them, and I believe the answer will be brought to you.

  8. Randy:

    It's positively negativity. And you would think that people would be more open to an opportunity now that so many people are unemployed or underemployed or just waiting for their pink slip. I am finding that their are alot more tire kickers or people who say that they are open. I went to an opportunity meeting a couple weeks ago and there were about 150 people in the room from all over the Philadelphia area. The primary speaker did a great job in dream building, getting feedback on people's why etc and about 90% of them found a way in their mind to discredit the invitation and they walked out of the room in the same state as when they entered, Sick, Broke, and Stupid. And I suspect many of them went home to pop The Secret back into their DVD player and wonder why their life hasn't changed. All this negativity is a plague on the American psyche.

  9. Analysis by paralysis.

    Great subject.

    Ok Randy I'm waiting for your next post, How can you tell "the voice of experience or your gut" from negative programming?

  10. Same with the "conspiracy": "It can't be true". Well, it's a reflection of us, as well as the "business opportunity" presented.

    The true opportunity is inside and not "out there", and we ultimately attract what we need, whether "positive" or "negative".

    So, it only becomes a business opportunity if we choose to make it so.

    And again, beware of ignorance.

  11. If my first thought was "it is too good to be true", I would feel blessed & open for a new adventure!

  12. A baby monkey plays with poisonous snakes.

    Its mother chastises it for doing so.

    Now the baby monkey doesn't play with poisonous snakes any more.


    Which begs the question:

    Is negative programming always a bad thing?

  13. ukjeremyclarke: The monkey mother is right for the preservation
    of the species but consider this same thought process applied to people:

    A child is very interested in snakes. His mother tells him to stay away from snakes, they are poisonous and could kill you.
    The boy grows up to become an authority in snakes and has saved many lives by harvesting venom from snakes for antidote.

    The mother was very negative and thought her negativity was justified. The boy grew up and did not accept his mother's negative view of snakes. He goes on to be an authority on snakes and harvests vernom for snake bite anitdote. Many lives are saved around the planet because he chose the positive path.

  14. Hey David, I just wanted to say that you should follow your heart on this one. I'm very familiar with Market America, they are definitely a real company and have many success stories. It just takes hard work. I'm not apart of MA but I work for a company that you will soon hear about if you join, PATLive. I've attended a few MA conferences and I've heard some really great success stories.

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  • 14 comments on “Bad Thoughts or Good Intuition?”

    1. Intuition and our Conscience - very real but very confusing as well. It is sad how many people have their "consicence" tell them something is wrong - when it is simply negative programming.

      Also sad is when the true immoral activiities are excused because of a "seared conscience" - has some great atricles and posts at times concerning the renewing of the mind. It must be renewed because of negative programming every day. Thanks Randy!

    2. When my intuition kicks in that something is amiss...I feel nauseous, nervous and literally sick to my stomach. When this happens…I know to take a good look at the issue, walk away and examine why I feel this way and to evaluate what my instincts are telling me.

      When I have negative resistance on an issue I feel confused and overwhelmed. My reaction is to not want to look at or address the issue. I then have to ask myself what I need to do to help me address the topic…time, space between me and the subject, information, guidance, etc.

      Luckily…at this time in life I have learned to trust my gut instincts!

    3. It's all about living in the 'now' and getting the 'ego' in check. So many do not identify with their ego and they feel they are being guided the correct direction, when often the ego leads them on a path of self destruction. The ego feeds on those bad feelings and does whatever it can to create those situations.

      i.e. those who DO join MLM are extremely excited, they feel the burn of passion within, their dreams ignited across the sky. They are imagining the financial gain, more time and over all freedom. They feel light, airy and on cloud nine. Then all of a sudden that burn is buyer's remorse, anger and a loss and/or feeling of failure.

      Why? Their ego triggers emotion 'I can't do this!' 'I'm crazy for thinking this would work...' 'I can't talk to my family and friends...' 'I don't know how to sell...'

      They let negative thoughts and feelings attack their passion. Also often they allow the words of family and friends get under their skin, not reailzing the egos of family and friends also like to sabotage other people's chances at success. And/Or they get a few 'no-s' and are ready to quit. It is 'fear' that sets in. (fear being a response to an emotion of the past or creating a faux feeling based on a 'potential' result of the future)

      So YES it is programmed in, by the Ego feeding itself with fear.

      Intuition is 'I didn't walk down that dark path between the trees because I had a bad feeling' (to find out later someone got mugged right there, the same time you would have been there) or 'I got off the freeway 2 exits early because something told me I should' (to find out there was a huge accident that you literally just missed)

      The door of opportunity is wide open, it's a choice, not a chance. Success is a decision, not an intuition.

      Alethea Anderson

    4. To me, the difference can be felt in the gut.

      When you have a intuitive feel that something is right or wrong, you know it deep down. Negative programming (memes) tends to give an automatic "knee-jerk" reaction to the given situation.

      Of course I agree that the problem is that either case can affect the outcome of a decision such as recognizing an opportunity and positioning yourself in front of it.

      So the million dollar question is... "How to address this situation?"


    5. This is a real Pandora's Box if you ask me.. As I stated on another blog you had posted, we continually get emails or spam about "Make Millions in Internet Marketing", or "Get Rich in the Foreclosure Business", etc. The problem is all these pitches are the same thing but re-packaged by different folks in my eyes.

      So is this negative programming, or just working smart rather than hard? If it looks like a rose and smells like a rose, it's usually .. A rose. That challenge I see is that there ARE great opportunities that come our way but we need to listen to our Higher Self as you stated. This requires being in touch and having that oneness with it in order to receive the guidance.

    6. Randy I think that if you think is wonderfull to be true, if you analize that thought ,you can see, that the person says: wonderfull thinks dont happen, it is a negative thought,because otherwise the thinking could be,lets open my mind and analize this oportunity, the cue is: ¿are you open? or are you close to new oportunities,learnings and fellings.

    7. Very nice comment, you seem to be a reader of Eckart Tolle! What I have learned through the teachings of Abraham ( is that your feelings are in fact your 'emotional guidance system'. If you feel bad, something is happening that is not right for you. I have recently been approached by such an opportunity, a company called Market America. I got very interested, and 'felt' incredibly excited about the whole thing, so I decided to put some time into research - what I discovered was this company is for real, truly incredible, IF you are willing to treat it like a real business and work, and I have decided I might like to go along a different path and make an eventual career change, which I have been contemplating for some time. I found I have an affinity for this particular field of endeavor (health and nutrition), and have discovered a new exciting passion, as well as a mental aptitude I never knew I had. But what really 'sold' me was the person I was in contact with, who made no bones about what it takes to succeed in that business. He was honest, forthright, and very open. Perhaps my feelings, through the Law of Attraction, brought this person to me? Then, if my feelings change, couldn't this be the 'pain body' trying to 'sabotage', or change my path? I believe, as Tolle says, it is all about simply recognizing the pain body (past traumas and the like), without living through identification with it. Listen to your feelings, find a good feeling place in every moment, and through the Law of Attraction, good things will be brought to you. This person has become a friend, and he will lead to more friends, and an exciting new venture that I am really looking forward to. I truly believe your feelings are your guide. If you feel bad, something is happening within your vibration, telling you something is wrong. Change your vibration, and your inner self will provide the right path. You'll know you're on the right path by how you feel. I truly believe this! Get in touch with your feelings, meditate on them, and I believe the answer will be brought to you.

    8. Randy:

      It's positively negativity. And you would think that people would be more open to an opportunity now that so many people are unemployed or underemployed or just waiting for their pink slip. I am finding that their are alot more tire kickers or people who say that they are open. I went to an opportunity meeting a couple weeks ago and there were about 150 people in the room from all over the Philadelphia area. The primary speaker did a great job in dream building, getting feedback on people's why etc and about 90% of them found a way in their mind to discredit the invitation and they walked out of the room in the same state as when they entered, Sick, Broke, and Stupid. And I suspect many of them went home to pop The Secret back into their DVD player and wonder why their life hasn't changed. All this negativity is a plague on the American psyche.

    9. Analysis by paralysis.

      Great subject.

      Ok Randy I'm waiting for your next post, How can you tell "the voice of experience or your gut" from negative programming?

    10. Same with the "conspiracy": "It can't be true". Well, it's a reflection of us, as well as the "business opportunity" presented.

      The true opportunity is inside and not "out there", and we ultimately attract what we need, whether "positive" or "negative".

      So, it only becomes a business opportunity if we choose to make it so.

      And again, beware of ignorance.

    11. If my first thought was "it is too good to be true", I would feel blessed & open for a new adventure!

    12. A baby monkey plays with poisonous snakes.

      Its mother chastises it for doing so.

      Now the baby monkey doesn't play with poisonous snakes any more.


      Which begs the question:

      Is negative programming always a bad thing?

    13. ukjeremyclarke: The monkey mother is right for the preservation
      of the species but consider this same thought process applied to people:

      A child is very interested in snakes. His mother tells him to stay away from snakes, they are poisonous and could kill you.
      The boy grows up to become an authority in snakes and has saved many lives by harvesting venom from snakes for antidote.

      The mother was very negative and thought her negativity was justified. The boy grew up and did not accept his mother's negative view of snakes. He goes on to be an authority on snakes and harvests vernom for snake bite anitdote. Many lives are saved around the planet because he chose the positive path.

    14. Hey David, I just wanted to say that you should follow your heart on this one. I'm very familiar with Market America, they are definitely a real company and have many success stories. It just takes hard work. I'm not apart of MA but I work for a company that you will soon hear about if you join, PATLive. I've attended a few MA conferences and I've heard some really great success stories.

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