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Are You Winning at Losing?

Posted By: Randy GageOctober 5, 2018

That title above is not merely a play on words.  It speaks to something quite deep, which is this: You are winning at the life you’re living at this moment.  Please read that last sentence again. 

What causes me to say that?

Because the truth is, you have manifested exactly the life you envisioned. Really.  I mean that, even if your current life is one of losing.  Even if your current life is one of heartbreak and misery.  Because you become what you most think about.

Think back to that whole series we did on the causes for failure, and the beliefs that underlie that process.  There are really only three types of vision a human being can have for herself:

  • A positive vision, expecting the best.
  • A neutral vision, trying to survive day by day.
  • A negative vision, where you expect bad things to happen to you.

And whichever one of those types of vision you have, that is the life you have successfully manifested for yourself.  If you have a positive vision for yourself, you’re winning at winning.  If you have a neutral vision, you’re winning at playing for a tie.  And if you have a negative vision, you’re winning at losing.

So here’s the vital question…

Since the power of your vision and subconscious mind is so powerful, why don’t you employ them for winning at winning?


2 comments on “Are You Winning at Losing?”

  1. Who are the blessed? What do you have to do to be blessed?

    Blessed are the living.
    Blessed are the happy.
    Blessed are the loving
    Blessed are the prosperous.
    Blessed are the healthy.
    Blessed are the wealthy.
    Blessed are the kind.

  2. We all can only think one thought at a time. Try counting to 10 out loud, then while you are counting, say your name. What happens to the counting? The words that we speak will automatically take us out of the counting. When you are having negative thoughts, speak positive words that counteract what you are thinking. If you can program yourself to pay attention to your negative thoughts and speak positive, empowering ones every time you recognize them, it will bring you out of some of the patterns that we have created through years of programming. Words have so much more power in them than we realize. Life and death are in the power of the tongue.

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  • 2 comments on “Are You Winning at Losing?”

    1. Who are the blessed? What do you have to do to be blessed?

      Blessed are the living.
      Blessed are the happy.
      Blessed are the loving
      Blessed are the prosperous.
      Blessed are the healthy.
      Blessed are the wealthy.
      Blessed are the kind.

    2. We all can only think one thought at a time. Try counting to 10 out loud, then while you are counting, say your name. What happens to the counting? The words that we speak will automatically take us out of the counting. When you are having negative thoughts, speak positive words that counteract what you are thinking. If you can program yourself to pay attention to your negative thoughts and speak positive, empowering ones every time you recognize them, it will bring you out of some of the patterns that we have created through years of programming. Words have so much more power in them than we realize. Life and death are in the power of the tongue.

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