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Are You Turning into Your Parents?  

Posted By: Randy GageJuly 23, 2019

There is a hysterical series of commercials from an insurance company here in the U.S. right now, with the theme of turning into your parents.  That thought might be the most frightful thing you’ve ever heard.  And probably should be. 🤣

Seriously though, the amount of limiting beliefs, faulty premises, and dysfunctional behaviors you can unknowingly inherit from your family of origin is appalling.   Things like abuse, alcoholism, and poverty consciousness have a nasty tendency to repeat, generation after generation.

Have you given any thought what the generational patterns are in your family?    What limiting belief, faulty premise or dysfunctional behavior are you repeating – that you need to release today?

- RG

2 comments on “Are You Turning into Your Parents?  ”

  1. daily. all of them. ideas of luck and things being "hard" etc. staying up late and mindlessly whatching tv until our eyes are bleeding and calling it family time. there's more but yea.

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  • 2 comments on “Are You Turning into Your Parents?  ”

    1. daily. all of them. ideas of luck and things being "hard" etc. staying up late and mindlessly whatching tv until our eyes are bleeding and calling it family time. there's more but yea.

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