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Are You Sabotaging Your Prosperity?

Posted By: Randy GageAugust 30, 2010

Wow, where do I start?  If you want to really find out if you have limiting beliefs about money and prosperity – read the last post, and especially the comments.  

I’m very happy to see such a spirited discourse, but very worried about the core foundational beliefs on money some of you are exposing there.

I honestly don’t know where to begin here, there’s so much to cover.  I don’t know whether to write a 27-page blog post, do 27 days of follow up posts, make it my next book, or a video on the YouTube channel!  So I’ll probably do a little of all of the above.

As Shirley mentioned to me on Twitter, a lot of those comments stem from envy and jealousy of people with money.  And here’s the thing…

If you are jealous or resentful of people with money and wealth, you will absolutely sabotage your success without even knowing it.  Your subconscious mind will unconsciously direct you to sabotage behavior.  I know, because I did that for 30 years.  That’s a complex topic, so I will try and record a video on it this weekend, and post it in the week coming up.

In the meantime, let’s deal with some of the other issues raised.  Bones started the debate when he said, “Because money comes FROM other people, and health does not.  I understand that you believe money is inexhaustible, like kisses or health, but that just doesn’t quite square with reality.   Money is something you get from other people, and health is not”

In my view this is a false premise.  Or perhaps misguided.  Here’s why.

Yes you receive money from other people.  But there are two mitigating factor which are very important to the equation.

Number one is the fact that money is simply a meme (mind virus) created by man.  (If you’re not familiar with memes, see my last book.)  We like to label things to tell them apart so we call something a dollar bill and another thing a chair.  But at their core level, both are simply energy vibrations made of the same matter.  (Or probably more accurately, non-matter.)

So start with the premise that dollars, Euros, pounds and pesos are simply pieces of paper that governments say are worth a specified amount.  In fact, those pieces of paper are worthless because they are not backed by anything but government lies and propaganda.  They only have any value when we go along with the charade.

Now of course most of us choose to play the game, because it makes buying groceries, gasoline, and Nickelback albums easier.  But know that the only real value of any currency is what you are willing to trade it for.

If we take Bones’ question out to its logical extension, what it’s really saying is: “You only get money when you take it from others.”  Or probably more accurately: “Those evil, greedy rich people took the money by force from the noble, spiritual poor people.”

Bones said “I buy a book, and I give $10 for that - I understand that I perceive that I have traded fairly perceived value for perceived value, but my MONEY is decreased.”  But here’s the real question to ask…

Did your prosperity decrease?

If you spent $10 for a book such  “As a Man Thinketh” “The 7 Habit of Highly Effective People” or “the Science of Mind,” I would submit that your prosperity increased greatly.  Now not everyone makes good choices when they trade money.  But that is a result of their consciousness and where they're at.

It is simply shocking how many people on a subconscious level believe that the only way to become wealthy is to rape, pillage and plunder.  But that is completely false, which leads us to the second thing.  Yes you can certainly get money by ripping people off.  That’s a short-term situation.  But to live a life of true prosperity, you have to operate by the principles of exchanging value for value.

So what do YOU believe at your core level?  Is there a belief in your subconscious mind that people who have more than you cheated the system to get it?  Do you feel like people have to sell their soul to become wealthy?

If you have either of those beliefs in your subconscious mind, it will certainly sabotage any efforts you make on the conscious realm to become wealthy.  So give that some serious thought and please share what you come up with below.  Next post we’ll pick up on some of the other issues raised in the comments.

In the meantime, here’s some homework.  Go to my Prosperity TV channel here: Then scroll down on the right side and click the video “Is Prosperity Infinite?”


48 comments on “Are You Sabotaging Your Prosperity?”

  1. Hi Randy,

    I've been reading your last posts with special attention and it was very interesting to see some of the comments in the last one.

    I have had the standard "hate the rich, evil guy" complex for the first 21 or 22 years of my life and it was a tough thing to change and I'm not all there yet, but I will be!

    Life is all about vibration and how you interpret it. Vibration is all about economics and how you exchange it, provide it, attract it or repel it.

    So, the most basic question is: are you gonna play this vibrational game of Monopoly without resistant and limiting beliefs and be a valuable contributor to the world & live an abundant life; or are you gonna judge the players, hate the game and always fall short of providing the value that you have the potential to...and be poor in the process?

    Looking forward to your videos, long blog posts and new books, Randy:-)

    All the best,


  2. Randy-

    Another way people sabotage their prosperity is by complaining about taxes. I heard one person say, "I am sick & tired of the government reaching into my pocket and taking my money." So, of course, one would subconsciously not be open to receive more money because, in their view, the goverment will just take it.

    And, as Wallace Wattles teaches us in "The Science of Getting Rich," anytime we disapprove of anything we begin to lose ground, restricting the flow of abundance.

    Thanks for this powerful discussion.

  3. Would you please upload your videos on your facebook fan club page , we don't have access to youtube and I really want to watch your last 3 videos.
    I love money I really do, but the thing is we have been programmed that you need to ruin one's house to build your own and heard all those stories about how mean rich people are.I really try to protect my subconscious mind but it's a little hard when people in society,the government,the media and etc. do all they can to advertise that poverty is holy and you need to be evil to become rich.

    Sometimes I am confused what my core belief really is, but I do know I love to become prosperous and do anything of integrity to become one.

    I believe our life is a lovely gift and we have to appreciate this gift by getting the best out of it.

    Thank you for another great post .

      1. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

        Actually they are, Facebook,Twitter,Myspace,BBC,Skype,Yahoo voice chat,sometimes Yahoo mail and gmail etc. they are all blocked :))
        We bypass them but because by using anti-filters internet speed will decrease and videos on youtube can not be loaded. No matter what they do we will find a way :D. "the hell" they can only block because they belong to there (Sorry)

        Again, thanks a lot

  4. I believe that prosperity and money are infinite. Money comes from ideas, which are infinite, and ideas for solving problems for people bring money.
    If you have and implement ideas which solve problems for people, then you will get rewarded financially. So theres a value for value equation here.
    These are my values but well based on my environment and people I grew up around me, I discovered some lack programming and the let-me-just-have-enough-to-get-by mentality which Im working from expunging from my system. Because I develop some ideas, and I sort of hit the terror barrier...
    Nice post randy!

    1. This statement is false:

      "If you have and implement ideas which solve problems for people, then you will get rewarded financially."

      Only if they know they have the problem, they value the solution, and you charge them for it at a price they're willing to pay, and you do so in a way that prevents the competition from also solving the same problem.

      THEN you might have something!

      1. Thats a nice point of view bones.
        But at times, people might not know they have a problem, until you show them a solution.
        An example is the aeroplane. Also the automobile from Henry Ford. No one felt an automobile was neccessary. They all preferred horse drawn carts.
        But ford "belted" the earth with automobiles, and was one of the richest men in his time.
        The wright brothers dad felt flight was reserved for the angels, and that to suggest man could fly was blasphemy. Now look at us today.
        Both cases, people felt they didnt have any issues till solutions were given. I could go on about computers, ipods, etc, but you get the picture.
        I think my statement is correct. Veryyy correct to be exact. 🙂

        1. I didn't say you wouldn't FIND people who need the solution; Ford found the people who wanted cars, and the wright brothers found people who wanted to fly.

          AND, those people were willing to pay for it- just because you have a solution does NOT mean you will get paid for it. That's naive.

          1. We might dance around this for ages and ages.
            Now, about your last statement
            "just because you have a solution does NOT mean you will get paid for it. That’s naive."

            I beg to differ. If I have a pressing issue, and theres a solution for it, and the person wants me to pay, then I Will. But thats me. You might be different.

            People want to move away from pain, and towards pleasure. If I can take the pain away, and I charge, then I will get paid.

        2. Did you just not read my last reply to you? All you did was repeat what I said....?

          "If I can take the pain away, and I charge, then I will get paid."- I agree with that, just like it says in my last post:

          "Ford found the people who wanted cars, and the wright brothers found people who wanted to fly.

          AND, those people were willing to pay for it- "

          Those are the same statements.

  5. Randy this conversation struck me at home. I have always striven to make more money and did do very well. But I was getting stuck at a certain income level. Then I was not allowing wealth to come to me and did not know it. I would pass up great opportunities to make money even though they would benefit everyone. So I would do it all for FREE. It was not until I was at a church event and the pastor was selling book and CDs he wrote at the event. The books were very good personal development books that could really benefit anyone that reads or listened to them. Iwas feeling mad that he was selling this to make money." how dear him" "all they want to do it make money off these people" It was at that moment I realized I had a problem. Who am I to judge his intentions? He should prosper as I should. So I called his office the next day to meat with him. Then I met with my pastor and started my growth to fix my problem. I realized it was me that had a problem from past thoughts and it was going to hold me back and I did not like it. I look at everything way different now.

  6. What I am doing recently is going to church sermons and checking their programming effect on me. It helps me to realize what kind of memes did I exactly get from my religion.
    It is good sometimes to go through things again. Each time I realize new stuff.

  7. It's so saddening and absurd and even bizarre that someone will actually think that no one can have too much money. Who set that rule? God? No, nobody did. There's no such thing as nobody can have too much money or even too much of anything. You'll get back the value you give out. So the more value you give, the more value you'll get back.

    And I don't agree with Bones, Randy. If he says money comes from people, I disagree with him. Money (in terms of the notes and coins) circulate and so it makes it look like it comes from people but it doesn't. Money in terms of notes are printed by the government of a country and just like you said, Randy, money is just printed and named "a 100 dollar bill or a 20 dollar bill". It's all the same barter trade way back in the olden days. But the kind of barter trade going on in this current era it's barter trading with goods and paper notes, that's all.

    I think all those who think negatively about earning money in abundance should seriously rework their mind's programming about money. I recommend they read "Think And Grow Rich", "The Science Of Getting Rich", Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind", Your Books and Posts, and all the books from the Personal Development experts and it will really benefit their lives in every way, including financially.

    Okay, so that was an essay :D.


    You got me all wrong Randy. Further, your post here mixes terms that are not the same.

    (Another way to express what I was saying in the last post is that you do not have to give anything away for your health, but you do have to for money)

    By trading money for a book (No matter how "valuable you perceive it to be) or ANYTHING else, you are DECREASING your money supply to trade for it.

    I said nothing about Value, Prosperity, or anything like that.

    I have a WALL of self-help and prosperity books (Including all of Randy's), and they all cost me money- whether or not I was able to take that knowledge and increase my prosperity is another question, and immaterial.

    Moreover, since they're "used", they are immediately worth LESS than what I paid for them- even though the content is great ;-). That is measurable and factual.

    Now then, as you were saying- Prosperity, Value, Enjoyment, Love, etc- these are all infinite. No question about it.

    I read all the time that "Money is NOT a Zero-Sum game", but that's not how REALITY plays out. I can see that VALUE increases, but not money.

    Nothing to do with evil rich guys or spiritual poor people- nothing at all.

    To quote you:
    "If we take Bones’ question out to its logical extension, what it’s really saying is: “You only get money when you take it from others.” Or probably more accurately: “Those evil, greedy rich people took the money by force from the noble, spiritual poor people.”
    That is in NO WAY the logical extension! I sell stuff that I am happy to sell, and buy stuff that I am happy to buy- I TRADE money for those things. And when I do, someone is DECREASING their money supply, evil or noble is irrelevant.
    "Bones said “I buy a book, and I give $10 for that – I understand that I perceive that I have traded fairly perceived value for perceived value, but my MONEY is decreased.” But here’s the real question to ask…

    Did your prosperity decrease?"
    That is NOT the "real Question" to ask at all- my prosperity is a matter of opinion, and- as you say "Result of consciousness". That is not "critical thinking" at all- Does my MONEY decrease? Yes!

    If I start with $10, and buy a book with them, I have a book, but no dollars. The book could be an original Shakespeare play written by his hand, and may be worth a fortune to someone, but I still have NO DOLLARS. Did my "prosperity" increase? No- did my "Value" increase- MAYBE (only if someone knows I have it and values it), did my enjoyment increase? Probably.

    Money comes from other people. Not only easily confused poor people, but rich guys too.

    Trading one thing of lower value for something of higher value is how we run the world, and it's all a game we play.

    When Steven Covey sells a book, to him, the book is of lower value to HIM than it is to you- that's why you pay $12 for it.

    When people trade eggs for milk, they each are trading something of perceived lower value to themselves to the other, who perceives it of higher value.

    The guy trades Eggs, and has LESS eggs.
    The other trades milk, and has LESS milk.

    Prosperity increased? I guess.

    I understand what you're saying about jealousy and blocking your own good, and I'm not saying I don't have any of that;

    I was saying that there are platitudes that sound good, but don't stand up to reality. Money and Health being equated the way you were equating them was misleading.

    (PS- To the ANONYMOUS person who asked if Randy pays me to "start up trouble", the answer is no- but maybe he should!)

    1. I think it would serve you to stop thinking of money as seperate from prosperity. It is part of prosperity. So to have the discussion we're having, we need to be looking at the big picture of prosperity, abundance and value, not only money.

      Two things I'd like you to think about Bones:

      1) I think you do have to give something for your health. I have to do cardio every morning or I get fat. We have to make smart foods choices, exercise, etc. to have good health. We trade value for this like everything else.

      2) It's very in your mindset the comment you made about books: "Moreover, since they’re “used”, they are immediately worth LESS than what I paid for them- even though the content is great" I can tell you I paid $150 for a dirty, ripped cover copy of Art Williams book that originally sold for $12.95.

      I'm very glad to see you owning some of the jealousy thing about money. That's a good step for you I believe.


      1. In terms of this:

        "I was saying in the last post is that you do not have to give anything away for your health, but you do have to for money."

        I disagree. You SO do...

        Within yourself you have to give away your negative sick thoughts and beliefs... and buy in programming that is healthy, abundant and well.

        In your behaviour - you have to eat BETTER food (you pay loads more for organic), and exercise (gym costs a lot)

        In your relationships - hanging out with friends who don't peer pressure you into drinking, taking drugs, and breathing dead smoke into you... Instead paying more to hang out with those who exercise, do well for their body and play full out.

        Bones you also said:
        "Money is something you get from other people, and health is not”

        Not true - you get health from friends who exercise with you, and feed you healthy food. You get ill from those who give you AIDS because they didn't protect themselves, and cold and flu from those who sneeze all over you!!!!

          1. Ahhhh - I wonder...
            I'm sure karmically you do... I'm sure it comes back round. Maybe it's not seen with our eyes... But if we affect other people's health negatively I'm sure it comes back to us!

      2. I can accept that money is a PART of prosperity. Ok- but they are not the SAME thing, which is what I was discussing... which you have now agreed with.

        About health-

        1- Health is the NATURAL state, we have ruined that, and so now we have to do all sorts of things (like going to the gym, and cardio, etc) artificially that reverse the damage. I'm sure you'll say that Prosperity is our natural state too- great. My point is that "doing cardio" is not a trade you make with another person.

        2- Did you not read the part I wrote about the Shakespeare book?

        Look, I get that you give value, and people give you value back. And the way we keep score of and trade this value is in the form of these baubles that we make out of trees and metal.

        The idea is that Value is infinite, therefore your ability to give it, AND TO GET IT is infinite. And if that is infinite, then so are the baubles.

        But it's not true in practice, and "value" is totally subjective. The "charade" you talk about is exactly that, and I object to people teaching that it is somehow an axiom of nature.

        You give value in keeping this blog, but do not ask anyone to pay you to read it. We also don't charge you to read it, or to respond on it. We are all giving and getting value here without any money changing hands.

        Sure, some people buy your stuff as a result, and guess what- Some people buy MY stuff as a result too (shocked?) but that value is for the stuff- not the blog.

        I'm all for giving value- most people love to. But most people are without much of the score-keeping baubles. Therefore, by definition, they are NOT the same thing.

        If "value for value" is so axiomatic, why do we all charge our brother less than we do a stranger?

        1. Bones...
          Following you... WEALTH too is a natural state.

          With Health tho - I don't agree we've ruined that. Many lives have been improved, many diseases cured, many plagued stopped - because we've created a new state of health. Life expectancy is longer, and for the many who choose bad lifestyles and habits THEY have ruined it - but MANY live vibrant healthy lives because they choose to.

          For me - health if a fluctuating ideal. I get to one state of good health, and come to know there's a greater ideal.

          Just like with Wealth! We get to one balance of wealth - a themastat that is comfortable - and realise that actually there's more and better available. Each one is a natural state... it's just what we choose to aclimatise too! One persons natural is another person unhealthy or ideal they are working to!

    2. Bones, money is merely a symbol for labor and effort. It's not "stuff," it's a representation of "stuff." It's a store of value (so that we can "hold" the labor we exchange with others until we can exchange it again) and it's a unit of value that is determined on the fly. so you reduce your dollar supply when you buy something, but you haven't ended up with less value. You haven't decreased anything. If you have less value, then you have voluntarily entered into a bad trade. You have given more of your effort than you asked for in return. Prosperity isn't about numbers of dollars in your bank account, it's about value. If you only get your money by taking it from someone else, then you are a thief. I don't take money from someone else; I exchange my labor or my goods or my ideas for money, but I don't TAKE it from someone. Money is a substitute for goods and services that you would receive under a barter system.

      1. Nancy,

        I keep saying that I understand that money is traded for value- that the VALUE remains the same in the equation, but the MONEY is not.

        $10 for a book. One gets the book, the other gets the dollars- they both believe the equation of value is equal- I KNOW THAT.

        However, one of them has MONEY, the other does not. The other has a book which would need to be traded again for MONEY with someone who agrees it is worth it.

        I understand the value and prosperity theories.

        I am talking about REAL WORLD PRACTICALITY.

    3. "Moreover, since they’re “used”, they are immediately worth LESS than what I paid for them- even though the content is great"

      I can't presume you actually believe this,I think you really should change your view to this, my life changed because of the book "Who Moved My Cheese?" my brother's too. And by the word change I mean he is a totally changed man and all he is gonna get in his life he owes them to this book. Can you say that the book to him worth less now?

      "Even though the content is great"

      If you had read those books carefully you would have never said it.Really,start to read one of them and take each line in action,believe me you will see the result .

      1. Dude.... do you guys only read a part of what is said and attack? Did YOU also miss what I said about the Shakespeare book?

        "Who Moved My Cheese" (Which yes, I've read and own) is a great book- and if your brother PERSONALLY values it, great. That is SUBJECTIVE. Here is what the MARKET says about it:

        Used- it is worth LESS than new.

        1. Honestly,I didn't attack you I just wanted to share my experience with you.

          I wish I could discuss it in my own language,I do my best but my sentences do not exactly tell my true opinion so I think I should better not say anything anymore, because you may get me wrong.

          Sorry if you felt attacked.

          Good luck

    4. An interesting thread......

      It seems as if some people want to be "right" or win an argument.

      As for myself---I don't need to be "right"----just rich and generous.

  9. I have been reading this series of posts and have been puzzled how to respond. My cut on all of it is some people make it way more difficult than they have to.

    Money is like rain. It falls on everyone... except if you live in a desert and then not so much. If you are looking for rain you may want to expand your horizons and leave the desert for someone else.

    I keep track of and look at how my 'commitments' line up. When my commitments, both ‘thrown’ and generated were at odds with each other I had a lot of accidents. When they are congruent it rains a lot because I live where it rains every day. There are poor people here too. They would be much poorer living in a desert.

    The first rule is the way to get what you want is want what you got. All the conversations about rich people this and that are about not wanting what you have.... or they have. When you want what you got... it literally disappears. You may have noticed how the most splendid days and wonderful moments happened quickly only to leave you with the same old misery. It's is misery 'because' you don't want it. Whatever you 'resist' persists.

    There is something about the way we ‘appreciate’ what we have that grows it, returns it and fosters its abundance… or not. There is plenty of water, food, energy, money for everyone and the more you want the more you will have if you ‘appreciate’ it correctly.

  10. At the end of the day it's all opinion one way or the other. The thing I like about all this is that each person commenting here will receive/attract/manifest exactly what they are thinking and writing. I know which pattern I choose, which do you choose?

  11. Today there is more money in the world than there has ever been before in history.
    Is it reasonable to assume that this pattern will continue through the future? The end game of that is infinite/infinity.
    Distribution is another issue not to be confused with supply. Access to the supply is personally determined. The supply however continues to grow virtually unabated, limited only by imagination. Esoteric? No practical reality. Real world stuff. Regards, David

    1. True- good point, and well said. I guess I mean more like personal supply, but of course, as you said, that is personally determined.

      It's interesting that although "we" have more of it, more people have less of it than they used to.

  12. What I believe at my core is a tricky question because I may not be fully aware of my limiting beliefs. On one hand I would say that I celebrate prosperity. Just on the weekend I wound my car window down to give the the Audi R8 zooming past me a big thumbs up. I had a big smile on my face afterwards and I'm sure the driver would have too. I also thoroughly enjoyed the movie 'The Blind Side' and how it portrayed wealthy people and the great things that you can do with money in addition to living a comfortable life. I don't believe the crap about people ripping people off to get wealthy. Yeah, it happens, but it's really the minority and like you say Randy, they're not living by the laws of prosperity. I realise that prosperity is about an exchange of one value for another. On the flip side, I also realise that I fear not having enough. The company I work for is going through some very unstable financial times and the loss of my job makes me very uneasy, stressed even, despite being very employable. I'm also aware that I have an issue about believing that I don't deserve more - I've seen that play out in situations in my life before. I have been working on that. I've been making an effort to think and choose differently when I notice that belief starting to play out.

  13. Randy Asked a question:

    "Don’t you hate greedy people like that? Poor Elizabeth has the flu, and George is hogging all the health!”

    You’d never say that about health. Or love. Or happiness. So why would you say it about money?"

    I answered that question:

    "Because you don't get health from someone else."

    And now I'm a broke, anti-properity communist?

  14. I never had the "take from others so that I might prosper" mentality.

    I had plenty of blockages in other areas, but this wasn't one of them. As for the money meme yeah, that's one of them 🙂 I have focused on your "money is magnetized to me" affirmation for the past week, remembering it's energy-based nature and so far, so good.

    Ryan Biddulph

  15. Outstanding post, Randy. This is great content and I relish reading your posts, thinking about them and putting them into action. Some of your challenging questions are helping to change my life in the direction and to the heights I aspire. Thank you for your commitment to excellence.

    In prosperity,
    Heather W.

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  • 48 comments on “Are You Sabotaging Your Prosperity?”

    1. Hi Randy,

      I've been reading your last posts with special attention and it was very interesting to see some of the comments in the last one.

      I have had the standard "hate the rich, evil guy" complex for the first 21 or 22 years of my life and it was a tough thing to change and I'm not all there yet, but I will be!

      Life is all about vibration and how you interpret it. Vibration is all about economics and how you exchange it, provide it, attract it or repel it.

      So, the most basic question is: are you gonna play this vibrational game of Monopoly without resistant and limiting beliefs and be a valuable contributor to the world & live an abundant life; or are you gonna judge the players, hate the game and always fall short of providing the value that you have the potential to...and be poor in the process?

      Looking forward to your videos, long blog posts and new books, Randy:-)

      All the best,


    2. Randy-

      Another way people sabotage their prosperity is by complaining about taxes. I heard one person say, "I am sick & tired of the government reaching into my pocket and taking my money." So, of course, one would subconsciously not be open to receive more money because, in their view, the goverment will just take it.

      And, as Wallace Wattles teaches us in "The Science of Getting Rich," anytime we disapprove of anything we begin to lose ground, restricting the flow of abundance.

      Thanks for this powerful discussion.

    3. Would you please upload your videos on your facebook fan club page , we don't have access to youtube and I really want to watch your last 3 videos.
      I love money I really do, but the thing is we have been programmed that you need to ruin one's house to build your own and heard all those stories about how mean rich people are.I really try to protect my subconscious mind but it's a little hard when people in society,the government,the media and etc. do all they can to advertise that poverty is holy and you need to be evil to become rich.

      Sometimes I am confused what my core belief really is, but I do know I love to become prosperous and do anything of integrity to become one.

      I believe our life is a lovely gift and we have to appreciate this gift by getting the best out of it.

      Thank you for another great post .

        1. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

          Actually they are, Facebook,Twitter,Myspace,BBC,Skype,Yahoo voice chat,sometimes Yahoo mail and gmail etc. they are all blocked :))
          We bypass them but because by using anti-filters internet speed will decrease and videos on youtube can not be loaded. No matter what they do we will find a way :D. "the hell" they can only block because they belong to there (Sorry)

          Again, thanks a lot

    4. I believe that prosperity and money are infinite. Money comes from ideas, which are infinite, and ideas for solving problems for people bring money.
      If you have and implement ideas which solve problems for people, then you will get rewarded financially. So theres a value for value equation here.
      These are my values but well based on my environment and people I grew up around me, I discovered some lack programming and the let-me-just-have-enough-to-get-by mentality which Im working from expunging from my system. Because I develop some ideas, and I sort of hit the terror barrier...
      Nice post randy!

      1. This statement is false:

        "If you have and implement ideas which solve problems for people, then you will get rewarded financially."

        Only if they know they have the problem, they value the solution, and you charge them for it at a price they're willing to pay, and you do so in a way that prevents the competition from also solving the same problem.

        THEN you might have something!

        1. Thats a nice point of view bones.
          But at times, people might not know they have a problem, until you show them a solution.
          An example is the aeroplane. Also the automobile from Henry Ford. No one felt an automobile was neccessary. They all preferred horse drawn carts.
          But ford "belted" the earth with automobiles, and was one of the richest men in his time.
          The wright brothers dad felt flight was reserved for the angels, and that to suggest man could fly was blasphemy. Now look at us today.
          Both cases, people felt they didnt have any issues till solutions were given. I could go on about computers, ipods, etc, but you get the picture.
          I think my statement is correct. Veryyy correct to be exact. 🙂

          1. I didn't say you wouldn't FIND people who need the solution; Ford found the people who wanted cars, and the wright brothers found people who wanted to fly.

            AND, those people were willing to pay for it- just because you have a solution does NOT mean you will get paid for it. That's naive.

            1. We might dance around this for ages and ages.
              Now, about your last statement
              "just because you have a solution does NOT mean you will get paid for it. That’s naive."

              I beg to differ. If I have a pressing issue, and theres a solution for it, and the person wants me to pay, then I Will. But thats me. You might be different.

              People want to move away from pain, and towards pleasure. If I can take the pain away, and I charge, then I will get paid.

          2. Did you just not read my last reply to you? All you did was repeat what I said....?

            "If I can take the pain away, and I charge, then I will get paid."- I agree with that, just like it says in my last post:

            "Ford found the people who wanted cars, and the wright brothers found people who wanted to fly.

            AND, those people were willing to pay for it- "

            Those are the same statements.

    5. Randy this conversation struck me at home. I have always striven to make more money and did do very well. But I was getting stuck at a certain income level. Then I was not allowing wealth to come to me and did not know it. I would pass up great opportunities to make money even though they would benefit everyone. So I would do it all for FREE. It was not until I was at a church event and the pastor was selling book and CDs he wrote at the event. The books were very good personal development books that could really benefit anyone that reads or listened to them. Iwas feeling mad that he was selling this to make money." how dear him" "all they want to do it make money off these people" It was at that moment I realized I had a problem. Who am I to judge his intentions? He should prosper as I should. So I called his office the next day to meat with him. Then I met with my pastor and started my growth to fix my problem. I realized it was me that had a problem from past thoughts and it was going to hold me back and I did not like it. I look at everything way different now.

    6. What I am doing recently is going to church sermons and checking their programming effect on me. It helps me to realize what kind of memes did I exactly get from my religion.
      It is good sometimes to go through things again. Each time I realize new stuff.

    7. It's so saddening and absurd and even bizarre that someone will actually think that no one can have too much money. Who set that rule? God? No, nobody did. There's no such thing as nobody can have too much money or even too much of anything. You'll get back the value you give out. So the more value you give, the more value you'll get back.

      And I don't agree with Bones, Randy. If he says money comes from people, I disagree with him. Money (in terms of the notes and coins) circulate and so it makes it look like it comes from people but it doesn't. Money in terms of notes are printed by the government of a country and just like you said, Randy, money is just printed and named "a 100 dollar bill or a 20 dollar bill". It's all the same barter trade way back in the olden days. But the kind of barter trade going on in this current era it's barter trading with goods and paper notes, that's all.

      I think all those who think negatively about earning money in abundance should seriously rework their mind's programming about money. I recommend they read "Think And Grow Rich", "The Science Of Getting Rich", Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind", Your Books and Posts, and all the books from the Personal Development experts and it will really benefit their lives in every way, including financially.

      Okay, so that was an essay :D.


      You got me all wrong Randy. Further, your post here mixes terms that are not the same.

      (Another way to express what I was saying in the last post is that you do not have to give anything away for your health, but you do have to for money)

      By trading money for a book (No matter how "valuable you perceive it to be) or ANYTHING else, you are DECREASING your money supply to trade for it.

      I said nothing about Value, Prosperity, or anything like that.

      I have a WALL of self-help and prosperity books (Including all of Randy's), and they all cost me money- whether or not I was able to take that knowledge and increase my prosperity is another question, and immaterial.

      Moreover, since they're "used", they are immediately worth LESS than what I paid for them- even though the content is great ;-). That is measurable and factual.

      Now then, as you were saying- Prosperity, Value, Enjoyment, Love, etc- these are all infinite. No question about it.

      I read all the time that "Money is NOT a Zero-Sum game", but that's not how REALITY plays out. I can see that VALUE increases, but not money.

      Nothing to do with evil rich guys or spiritual poor people- nothing at all.

      To quote you:
      "If we take Bones’ question out to its logical extension, what it’s really saying is: “You only get money when you take it from others.” Or probably more accurately: “Those evil, greedy rich people took the money by force from the noble, spiritual poor people.”
      That is in NO WAY the logical extension! I sell stuff that I am happy to sell, and buy stuff that I am happy to buy- I TRADE money for those things. And when I do, someone is DECREASING their money supply, evil or noble is irrelevant.
      "Bones said “I buy a book, and I give $10 for that – I understand that I perceive that I have traded fairly perceived value for perceived value, but my MONEY is decreased.” But here’s the real question to ask…

      Did your prosperity decrease?"
      That is NOT the "real Question" to ask at all- my prosperity is a matter of opinion, and- as you say "Result of consciousness". That is not "critical thinking" at all- Does my MONEY decrease? Yes!

      If I start with $10, and buy a book with them, I have a book, but no dollars. The book could be an original Shakespeare play written by his hand, and may be worth a fortune to someone, but I still have NO DOLLARS. Did my "prosperity" increase? No- did my "Value" increase- MAYBE (only if someone knows I have it and values it), did my enjoyment increase? Probably.

      Money comes from other people. Not only easily confused poor people, but rich guys too.

      Trading one thing of lower value for something of higher value is how we run the world, and it's all a game we play.

      When Steven Covey sells a book, to him, the book is of lower value to HIM than it is to you- that's why you pay $12 for it.

      When people trade eggs for milk, they each are trading something of perceived lower value to themselves to the other, who perceives it of higher value.

      The guy trades Eggs, and has LESS eggs.
      The other trades milk, and has LESS milk.

      Prosperity increased? I guess.

      I understand what you're saying about jealousy and blocking your own good, and I'm not saying I don't have any of that;

      I was saying that there are platitudes that sound good, but don't stand up to reality. Money and Health being equated the way you were equating them was misleading.

      (PS- To the ANONYMOUS person who asked if Randy pays me to "start up trouble", the answer is no- but maybe he should!)

      1. I think it would serve you to stop thinking of money as seperate from prosperity. It is part of prosperity. So to have the discussion we're having, we need to be looking at the big picture of prosperity, abundance and value, not only money.

        Two things I'd like you to think about Bones:

        1) I think you do have to give something for your health. I have to do cardio every morning or I get fat. We have to make smart foods choices, exercise, etc. to have good health. We trade value for this like everything else.

        2) It's very in your mindset the comment you made about books: "Moreover, since they’re “used”, they are immediately worth LESS than what I paid for them- even though the content is great" I can tell you I paid $150 for a dirty, ripped cover copy of Art Williams book that originally sold for $12.95.

        I'm very glad to see you owning some of the jealousy thing about money. That's a good step for you I believe.


        1. In terms of this:

          "I was saying in the last post is that you do not have to give anything away for your health, but you do have to for money."

          I disagree. You SO do...

          Within yourself you have to give away your negative sick thoughts and beliefs... and buy in programming that is healthy, abundant and well.

          In your behaviour - you have to eat BETTER food (you pay loads more for organic), and exercise (gym costs a lot)

          In your relationships - hanging out with friends who don't peer pressure you into drinking, taking drugs, and breathing dead smoke into you... Instead paying more to hang out with those who exercise, do well for their body and play full out.

          Bones you also said:
          "Money is something you get from other people, and health is not”

          Not true - you get health from friends who exercise with you, and feed you healthy food. You get ill from those who give you AIDS because they didn't protect themselves, and cold and flu from those who sneeze all over you!!!!

            1. Ahhhh - I wonder...
              I'm sure karmically you do... I'm sure it comes back round. Maybe it's not seen with our eyes... But if we affect other people's health negatively I'm sure it comes back to us!

        2. I can accept that money is a PART of prosperity. Ok- but they are not the SAME thing, which is what I was discussing... which you have now agreed with.

          About health-

          1- Health is the NATURAL state, we have ruined that, and so now we have to do all sorts of things (like going to the gym, and cardio, etc) artificially that reverse the damage. I'm sure you'll say that Prosperity is our natural state too- great. My point is that "doing cardio" is not a trade you make with another person.

          2- Did you not read the part I wrote about the Shakespeare book?

          Look, I get that you give value, and people give you value back. And the way we keep score of and trade this value is in the form of these baubles that we make out of trees and metal.

          The idea is that Value is infinite, therefore your ability to give it, AND TO GET IT is infinite. And if that is infinite, then so are the baubles.

          But it's not true in practice, and "value" is totally subjective. The "charade" you talk about is exactly that, and I object to people teaching that it is somehow an axiom of nature.

          You give value in keeping this blog, but do not ask anyone to pay you to read it. We also don't charge you to read it, or to respond on it. We are all giving and getting value here without any money changing hands.

          Sure, some people buy your stuff as a result, and guess what- Some people buy MY stuff as a result too (shocked?) but that value is for the stuff- not the blog.

          I'm all for giving value- most people love to. But most people are without much of the score-keeping baubles. Therefore, by definition, they are NOT the same thing.

          If "value for value" is so axiomatic, why do we all charge our brother less than we do a stranger?

          1. Bones...
            Following you... WEALTH too is a natural state.

            With Health tho - I don't agree we've ruined that. Many lives have been improved, many diseases cured, many plagued stopped - because we've created a new state of health. Life expectancy is longer, and for the many who choose bad lifestyles and habits THEY have ruined it - but MANY live vibrant healthy lives because they choose to.

            For me - health if a fluctuating ideal. I get to one state of good health, and come to know there's a greater ideal.

            Just like with Wealth! We get to one balance of wealth - a themastat that is comfortable - and realise that actually there's more and better available. Each one is a natural state... it's just what we choose to aclimatise too! One persons natural is another person unhealthy or ideal they are working to!

      2. Bones, money is merely a symbol for labor and effort. It's not "stuff," it's a representation of "stuff." It's a store of value (so that we can "hold" the labor we exchange with others until we can exchange it again) and it's a unit of value that is determined on the fly. so you reduce your dollar supply when you buy something, but you haven't ended up with less value. You haven't decreased anything. If you have less value, then you have voluntarily entered into a bad trade. You have given more of your effort than you asked for in return. Prosperity isn't about numbers of dollars in your bank account, it's about value. If you only get your money by taking it from someone else, then you are a thief. I don't take money from someone else; I exchange my labor or my goods or my ideas for money, but I don't TAKE it from someone. Money is a substitute for goods and services that you would receive under a barter system.

        1. Nancy,

          I keep saying that I understand that money is traded for value- that the VALUE remains the same in the equation, but the MONEY is not.

          $10 for a book. One gets the book, the other gets the dollars- they both believe the equation of value is equal- I KNOW THAT.

          However, one of them has MONEY, the other does not. The other has a book which would need to be traded again for MONEY with someone who agrees it is worth it.

          I understand the value and prosperity theories.

          I am talking about REAL WORLD PRACTICALITY.

      3. "Moreover, since they’re “used”, they are immediately worth LESS than what I paid for them- even though the content is great"

        I can't presume you actually believe this,I think you really should change your view to this, my life changed because of the book "Who Moved My Cheese?" my brother's too. And by the word change I mean he is a totally changed man and all he is gonna get in his life he owes them to this book. Can you say that the book to him worth less now?

        "Even though the content is great"

        If you had read those books carefully you would have never said it.Really,start to read one of them and take each line in action,believe me you will see the result .

        1. Dude.... do you guys only read a part of what is said and attack? Did YOU also miss what I said about the Shakespeare book?

          "Who Moved My Cheese" (Which yes, I've read and own) is a great book- and if your brother PERSONALLY values it, great. That is SUBJECTIVE. Here is what the MARKET says about it:

          Used- it is worth LESS than new.

          1. Honestly,I didn't attack you I just wanted to share my experience with you.

            I wish I could discuss it in my own language,I do my best but my sentences do not exactly tell my true opinion so I think I should better not say anything anymore, because you may get me wrong.

            Sorry if you felt attacked.

            Good luck

      4. An interesting thread......

        It seems as if some people want to be "right" or win an argument.

        As for myself---I don't need to be "right"----just rich and generous.

    9. I have been reading this series of posts and have been puzzled how to respond. My cut on all of it is some people make it way more difficult than they have to.

      Money is like rain. It falls on everyone... except if you live in a desert and then not so much. If you are looking for rain you may want to expand your horizons and leave the desert for someone else.

      I keep track of and look at how my 'commitments' line up. When my commitments, both ‘thrown’ and generated were at odds with each other I had a lot of accidents. When they are congruent it rains a lot because I live where it rains every day. There are poor people here too. They would be much poorer living in a desert.

      The first rule is the way to get what you want is want what you got. All the conversations about rich people this and that are about not wanting what you have.... or they have. When you want what you got... it literally disappears. You may have noticed how the most splendid days and wonderful moments happened quickly only to leave you with the same old misery. It's is misery 'because' you don't want it. Whatever you 'resist' persists.

      There is something about the way we ‘appreciate’ what we have that grows it, returns it and fosters its abundance… or not. There is plenty of water, food, energy, money for everyone and the more you want the more you will have if you ‘appreciate’ it correctly.

    10. At the end of the day it's all opinion one way or the other. The thing I like about all this is that each person commenting here will receive/attract/manifest exactly what they are thinking and writing. I know which pattern I choose, which do you choose?

    11. Today there is more money in the world than there has ever been before in history.
      Is it reasonable to assume that this pattern will continue through the future? The end game of that is infinite/infinity.
      Distribution is another issue not to be confused with supply. Access to the supply is personally determined. The supply however continues to grow virtually unabated, limited only by imagination. Esoteric? No practical reality. Real world stuff. Regards, David

      1. True- good point, and well said. I guess I mean more like personal supply, but of course, as you said, that is personally determined.

        It's interesting that although "we" have more of it, more people have less of it than they used to.

    12. What I believe at my core is a tricky question because I may not be fully aware of my limiting beliefs. On one hand I would say that I celebrate prosperity. Just on the weekend I wound my car window down to give the the Audi R8 zooming past me a big thumbs up. I had a big smile on my face afterwards and I'm sure the driver would have too. I also thoroughly enjoyed the movie 'The Blind Side' and how it portrayed wealthy people and the great things that you can do with money in addition to living a comfortable life. I don't believe the crap about people ripping people off to get wealthy. Yeah, it happens, but it's really the minority and like you say Randy, they're not living by the laws of prosperity. I realise that prosperity is about an exchange of one value for another. On the flip side, I also realise that I fear not having enough. The company I work for is going through some very unstable financial times and the loss of my job makes me very uneasy, stressed even, despite being very employable. I'm also aware that I have an issue about believing that I don't deserve more - I've seen that play out in situations in my life before. I have been working on that. I've been making an effort to think and choose differently when I notice that belief starting to play out.

    13. Randy Asked a question:

      "Don’t you hate greedy people like that? Poor Elizabeth has the flu, and George is hogging all the health!”

      You’d never say that about health. Or love. Or happiness. So why would you say it about money?"

      I answered that question:

      "Because you don't get health from someone else."

      And now I'm a broke, anti-properity communist?

    14. I never had the "take from others so that I might prosper" mentality.

      I had plenty of blockages in other areas, but this wasn't one of them. As for the money meme yeah, that's one of them 🙂 I have focused on your "money is magnetized to me" affirmation for the past week, remembering it's energy-based nature and so far, so good.

      Ryan Biddulph

    15. Outstanding post, Randy. This is great content and I relish reading your posts, thinking about them and putting them into action. Some of your challenging questions are helping to change my life in the direction and to the heights I aspire. Thank you for your commitment to excellence.

      In prosperity,
      Heather W.

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