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Are You Enjoying the Spectacle of Life?

Posted By: Randy GageJuly 16, 2009

I was in New York recently and took a walk down Broadway.  It always touches me in an awe-inspiring way.   There is simply no place in the world like it.  You can’t help but be awe-struck at the scale of Las Vegas, the Sydney Harbor, or the rainforests in Costa Rica.  You get the same feeling when you’re in Paris, viewing Les Halles, the Louvre, and the Palais Garnier.

Most importantly, I feel the same way when I’m home in South Beach, soaking in the palm trees, art deco architecture and the Lincoln Road Mall.

Life is a spectacle everywhere, worthy of celebration.  So are you appreciating that, enjoying the spectacle?


14 comments on “Are You Enjoying the Spectacle of Life?”

  1. Sure am!

    I'll be touring New-York again in about 3 weeks... There are thousands of awe moments that awaits us. It only takes you seconds to realize this if you stop to think and start to live.

    "All men die, not every man lives".


  2. I was running errands the other day and was so blessed. Getting onto the highway, I waited to merge behind a new Audi, a new Acura, a BMW and then a new Mercedes. I laughed at the signs of prosperity right in front of me, but it didn't end there!

    A minute later on the highway I spotted a beautiful car behind me. At first I thought it was a jaguar but as it passed me I saw that it was indeed a navy blue Bentley! What a graceful car. Of course I jumped behind it and affirmed I could easily afford it, when we passed a gorgoeus red Porsche carrera!

    The sun was out, a breeze was blowing. It was a stellar day!

  3. As I read this I am struck by the feeling of envy - not in a negative way but in a way of "Ellis, you've got to get this networking thing done and fast!" I appreciate your consistency in detailing to us the true benefits of this way of life ... freedom to come and go as you please.
    To answer your question, I will begin locally to appreciate the spectacle of life here in Houston. As my network and income builds, then I will enjoy that same spectacle in the different cities across the world that you mentioned in this blog.

    Thanks again for the inspiration!


  4. You know, the phrase 'stop and smell the roses' rings so true in your post Randy. It took me many years to truly understand the concept that no matter where one is or how successful one becomes, the simple things are always the most invigorating and liberating once one wants to see them.
    Thank you for the timely reminder.

  5. I enjoy it every day, we live in a TOURIST town on Lake Michigan. Last year we did a trip up the coast to the Mackinac Bridge stopping in all the little towns and enjoying what they had to offer. When we arrived home and realized that we lived in a place that was just like all the little towns we went through up the coast. We enjoy the spectacle every day where we live, on the boat, at the beach, on a bike ride, on a hike, relaxing on the deck watching the birds and ducks in the pond, being able to see the starts at night, you get the point!

  6. It's interesting you post this today. Last night while over at a friends home (Marin county, just north of SF), we were sitting outside talking and laughing while enjoying some dinner. When the chatter stopped we all looked around and realized we live in Paradise. The natural beauty of the Bay area is something to behold. Rolling hills, mountains, the Pacific ocean, the Golden Gate bridge and of course, San Francisco itself. We are grateful to live in a place with such beauty, abundance and diversity.

    So yes, I do enjoy the spectacle of Life since it's hard not to realize it when you live in such an amazing place. Tomorrow night we'll be down in Sausalito, right on the bay with many other folks listening to great music, enjoying food, wine and laughter and embracing the beauty once again..

  7. I had some guests this week in New york (Next time you're here, gimme a ring!), and it's always neat to see the city through their eyes; I forget sometimes because I've lived here my whole life.

    This made me wonder what ELSE I've forgotten is awesome because it's part of my whole life.

    Thanks for the reminder!

  8. Randy, you are AWESOME!!!!!!!!! I live in New York and I love it, here. I know exactly what you mean. However, I LOVE South Beach, too. It is absolutely beautiful there. :)))

  9. Hey Randy,
    I also have seen many amazing and wonderful cities around the globe and as you know love to travel as much as I can and to experience the wonder of other places and diverse people.

    The energy in NYC is like no place else in the world and for me makes me feel more alive then most other cities.

    Even though I don't live in a very exotic city, my teenage daughter and I have a morning ritual where we celebrate life to start our day. Every morning we either swim together or we walk around our pond and sing to all the beautiful creatures and life that crosses our path.

    I imagine we would seem incredibly silly to anyone watching, but as we walk we sing a song (hand motions get included:)) that goes something like this...

    Thank you G-d for the birds, and the bunnies, and the frogs, and the trees, and the wildflowers, and the berries, and the clouds, and the water, and the sky, and the sun, and the reeds, and the turtles, and the air and...on and on. Since we walk at least 30 minutes you can imagine the amount of things we begine to notice and celebrate each day.

    It is a great way to start the day, get exercise, connect with life and most precious to me, with each other. There is a lot then to be grateful for during the rest of the day.

    So, yes...definately celebrating and enjoying the spectacle... and also willing to become the spectacle in the process!
    Love from here to there,

  10. Hello Randy,
    You are correct the World is Beautiful.
    I visited South Beach in January 2009 and
    I fell in love with the city you call home.
    Hope to visit there again soon.

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  • 14 comments on “Are You Enjoying the Spectacle of Life?”

    1. Sure am!

      I'll be touring New-York again in about 3 weeks... There are thousands of awe moments that awaits us. It only takes you seconds to realize this if you stop to think and start to live.

      "All men die, not every man lives".


    2. I was running errands the other day and was so blessed. Getting onto the highway, I waited to merge behind a new Audi, a new Acura, a BMW and then a new Mercedes. I laughed at the signs of prosperity right in front of me, but it didn't end there!

      A minute later on the highway I spotted a beautiful car behind me. At first I thought it was a jaguar but as it passed me I saw that it was indeed a navy blue Bentley! What a graceful car. Of course I jumped behind it and affirmed I could easily afford it, when we passed a gorgoeus red Porsche carrera!

      The sun was out, a breeze was blowing. It was a stellar day!

    3. As I read this I am struck by the feeling of envy - not in a negative way but in a way of "Ellis, you've got to get this networking thing done and fast!" I appreciate your consistency in detailing to us the true benefits of this way of life ... freedom to come and go as you please.
      To answer your question, I will begin locally to appreciate the spectacle of life here in Houston. As my network and income builds, then I will enjoy that same spectacle in the different cities across the world that you mentioned in this blog.

      Thanks again for the inspiration!


    4. You know, the phrase 'stop and smell the roses' rings so true in your post Randy. It took me many years to truly understand the concept that no matter where one is or how successful one becomes, the simple things are always the most invigorating and liberating once one wants to see them.
      Thank you for the timely reminder.

    5. I enjoy it every day, we live in a TOURIST town on Lake Michigan. Last year we did a trip up the coast to the Mackinac Bridge stopping in all the little towns and enjoying what they had to offer. When we arrived home and realized that we lived in a place that was just like all the little towns we went through up the coast. We enjoy the spectacle every day where we live, on the boat, at the beach, on a bike ride, on a hike, relaxing on the deck watching the birds and ducks in the pond, being able to see the starts at night, you get the point!

    6. It's interesting you post this today. Last night while over at a friends home (Marin county, just north of SF), we were sitting outside talking and laughing while enjoying some dinner. When the chatter stopped we all looked around and realized we live in Paradise. The natural beauty of the Bay area is something to behold. Rolling hills, mountains, the Pacific ocean, the Golden Gate bridge and of course, San Francisco itself. We are grateful to live in a place with such beauty, abundance and diversity.

      So yes, I do enjoy the spectacle of Life since it's hard not to realize it when you live in such an amazing place. Tomorrow night we'll be down in Sausalito, right on the bay with many other folks listening to great music, enjoying food, wine and laughter and embracing the beauty once again..

    7. I had some guests this week in New york (Next time you're here, gimme a ring!), and it's always neat to see the city through their eyes; I forget sometimes because I've lived here my whole life.

      This made me wonder what ELSE I've forgotten is awesome because it's part of my whole life.

      Thanks for the reminder!

    8. Randy, you are AWESOME!!!!!!!!! I live in New York and I love it, here. I know exactly what you mean. However, I LOVE South Beach, too. It is absolutely beautiful there. :)))

    9. Hey Randy,
      I also have seen many amazing and wonderful cities around the globe and as you know love to travel as much as I can and to experience the wonder of other places and diverse people.

      The energy in NYC is like no place else in the world and for me makes me feel more alive then most other cities.

      Even though I don't live in a very exotic city, my teenage daughter and I have a morning ritual where we celebrate life to start our day. Every morning we either swim together or we walk around our pond and sing to all the beautiful creatures and life that crosses our path.

      I imagine we would seem incredibly silly to anyone watching, but as we walk we sing a song (hand motions get included:)) that goes something like this...

      Thank you G-d for the birds, and the bunnies, and the frogs, and the trees, and the wildflowers, and the berries, and the clouds, and the water, and the sky, and the sun, and the reeds, and the turtles, and the air and...on and on. Since we walk at least 30 minutes you can imagine the amount of things we begine to notice and celebrate each day.

      It is a great way to start the day, get exercise, connect with life and most precious to me, with each other. There is a lot then to be grateful for during the rest of the day.

      So, yes...definately celebrating and enjoying the spectacle... and also willing to become the spectacle in the process!
      Love from here to there,

    10. Hello Randy,
      You are correct the World is Beautiful.
      I visited South Beach in January 2009 and
      I fell in love with the city you call home.
      Hope to visit there again soon.

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