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Are You Communicating Love?

Posted By: Randy GageAugust 25, 2009

So how many people do you love?  I bet you never counted.  But it may be worth some thought on the subject.   

After doing that, it’s worth some extra thought about when and how often you have told them that you love them.

I don’t just mean the person you are “in love” with.  I mean all the people you love.  Your brothers and sisters, parents and children, close friends and other people who bring wonder and joy to your life.

Do they know you love them?  If not, why not tell them today?  And even if they know you love them, wouldn’t they love to hear it anyway?


P.S.  And let me take this opportunity to tell you how much I love you.  And love being on the prosperity and self-development journey with others who relish the challenge.  You enrich my life in so many ways and I appreciate you.

28 comments on “Are You Communicating Love?”

  1. I think that love is a form of gratitude, which in turn, creates abundance. Thank you for taking the time to keep a blog. Through your efforts, others are able to see the possibility of prosperity... and love. Best, M.

  2. You are a great human being Randy. What I love about you the most is that you find time for everybody and always come up with new ways to open our eyes and minds.
    Mad love to you my dear

  3. Blessings to you my friend for your message today!
    Our society has acquainted the word love as a sexual expression, I see this as a form of control and division, however I see this changing a lot especially this year, thanks to express it so well!
    "Living, feeling and thinking from the "heart" as opposed to living from the head

  4. Hello Randy,

    Yes, you've made a good point. No I haven't been telling others how much I love and appreciate them...
    Days and weeks pass by and we tend to take each other for granted and do not communicate our love, even if we do feel it - as if they should know by themselves... we don't go out of our way to make sure they know indeed how much.
    It's true: LOVE isn't just a feeling, loving takes effort... it's doing small gestures for a group of people we love/appreciate over a consistent period of time 🙂 even when it's not so convenient or not so simple.

    Dear Randy, this is like an awakening 🙂
    Everything evolves from love: if we learn how do love, we can do anything!

    Though this may not have been your original point, once again a new concept has enlightened me thanks to you 🙂 so I hope you know that you are very much loved and appreciated as well.

    Have a nice day 🙂

  5. We have made it a practice in our family to always express our love for one another after every encounter. A simple heartfelt, LOVE YOU at the end of the conversation goes a long way in this busy world when it is hard to get together face to face. And it means all that much more when it is expressed after a gathering.

    It is a superb way of expressing gratitude to the people who support you regularly. The "unsung" heroes in your life, if you will.

  6. Randy, Like Charlton Heston said, in a beer commercial (with a very strong, manly, powerful tone) 🙂 "I love!". Phil

    P.S. we needed to hear a comment from a guy, right ladies?

  7. Dear Randy,

    Thank you so much for bringing up my favorite topic! I so love LOVE!!! Love is the most powerful force of energy in our universe - so if we decide to put more love out there... there will be more love in OUR universe for everyone to share & feel! Love can heal & break down so many barriers, so let's all share our love more!

    I love to give love & of course receive love! I have found that the more love we put out there, the more love we also get back. But that, of course, is not the reason to love. I talk a lot in my book & messages about loving unconditionally and that means giving love just to give love because you choose to. It's not about being attached to the results and having the requirement of getting it back. It's about giving just to give...

    This of course must all start with filling ourselves up with love first by learning how to truly love ourselves unconditionally and then it automatically flows out. I have been on a journey to learn to do this & it feels so good! To be able to look in the mirror, into one's eyes and tell oneself, "I love you" is so deep & incredibly special. I've found that how we treat ourselves is how we end up treating others in our lives. That's why it's so essential to learn how to love ourselves in order to truly love others: significant others, family, friends & humanity in general. We all deserve & want to be loved - it's a basic human need. So let's not be selfish with our love! We can always generate more love from within us - how beautiful is that? We can never run out of love because we can create it at will!

    So yes, I agree Randy! Let's share and communicate our love even more! Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to share here. I love you too Randy!! And I love all of you out there! Thank you for being you!

    Love & Abundance,


  8. Dear Randy,

    You enrich my life in so many ways and I appreciate you.

    I love my leaders in Palinure international and love You Randy!

  9. I'm mindful that "Love is always patient and kind: it is never jealous; love is never boastful or conceited; it is never rude or selfish; it does not take offense, and it is not resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people's sins but delights in the truth; it is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, and to endure whatever comes. Love does not come to an end."--Bible

    I love you with all sincerity!

  10. I think we all take love for granted sometimes. We just think "oh they already know I love them". But like you said Randy they would still love to hear it even though they already know it. And there is no excuses for not being able to tell someone. There are so many ways to say it even if you aren't able to do it face to face. How about a phone call, or a card sent in the mail. You can so make someone's day today!

    Love & Peace to you all!

  11. -RG,

    Thanks for the reminder. We get so caught-up in our own stuff that we sometimes forget what it's all about.

    "In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities."
    --Janos Arnay

    Oh yeah, I love you man.


  12. Randy, I belive most people on your blog are ripe and do well on this matter as they are expected to, arn't they, but let's not forget that the ultimate, highest love and spiritual maturity is nothing but a genuine kindness to every living soul, not just the loved ones.

    Do we pat a child who is showing us faces bluntly, throwing stones at us and spit on our shoe?

    Do we respond kindly when some granny is nagging about our kids yelling under her window?

    What do we do when a shop-assistant is clumsy and spills cream over our new cashmere pullover?

    Do we turn with love and empathy to a teethless and stinky bum, breathing his alcohol vapors in our face?

    What do we say to a gipsy on the railway station who forces us to give her a wedding ring or we will be unhappy with our partner for the rest of our life?

    What do we do when a driver after us honks, makes Las Vegas Strip light show in our rear window and shows us a birdy?

    Uff, I'm still working on it when it would be so cosy to dwell on the praises of my loved ones who say that I'm so good at loving...

    Love U all very much! Oh, you're so easy to love...


  13. Hi Randy,

    you are such an amazing person and i love the way you are touching so many peoples lives in wonderful ways everyday.

    You are living like such a big Christian you should consider becoming a Christian really you should.

    All best and keep up the good work.

  14. Dear Randy

    Great Post!!!

    Before thinking Love and the expression, I want to think why we or I do not love or even hate other people, their thought, and their ways of lives.

    That is problem...

    Best wishes

  15. hi,randy
    you right,LOVE is all, that we can give to our life..
    i love my leaders & my directs in palinure international,,
    i love you,you are my best teacher..


  16. I'm working in this topic in my self devoloping. Be this the oportunity to tell you...that i love you too. As i told you in Bogotá, since a year ago you inspire me and make me a follower of your ideas, proposals and your system.

    As Antony Robins says in one of his books, look for someone who has success to model and follow him....

    That's what i'm doing.

    See you soon..

  17. Randy
    I tell my kids that I Love them every day. When I talk to them on the phone taht is last thing I hear is, Love You Dad.
    Growing up parents rarely said it, but you knew they did.
    The world we live in doesn't guarantee we'll make it back home at night. So every morning and every night my girls get an I LOVE.
    And I squeeze the wifie in there from time to time :0)

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  • 28 comments on “Are You Communicating Love?”

    1. I think that love is a form of gratitude, which in turn, creates abundance. Thank you for taking the time to keep a blog. Through your efforts, others are able to see the possibility of prosperity... and love. Best, M.

    2. You are a great human being Randy. What I love about you the most is that you find time for everybody and always come up with new ways to open our eyes and minds.
      Mad love to you my dear

    3. Blessings to you my friend for your message today!
      Our society has acquainted the word love as a sexual expression, I see this as a form of control and division, however I see this changing a lot especially this year, thanks to express it so well!
      "Living, feeling and thinking from the "heart" as opposed to living from the head

    4. Hello Randy,

      Yes, you've made a good point. No I haven't been telling others how much I love and appreciate them...
      Days and weeks pass by and we tend to take each other for granted and do not communicate our love, even if we do feel it - as if they should know by themselves... we don't go out of our way to make sure they know indeed how much.
      It's true: LOVE isn't just a feeling, loving takes effort... it's doing small gestures for a group of people we love/appreciate over a consistent period of time 🙂 even when it's not so convenient or not so simple.

      Dear Randy, this is like an awakening 🙂
      Everything evolves from love: if we learn how do love, we can do anything!

      Though this may not have been your original point, once again a new concept has enlightened me thanks to you 🙂 so I hope you know that you are very much loved and appreciated as well.

      Have a nice day 🙂

    5. We have made it a practice in our family to always express our love for one another after every encounter. A simple heartfelt, LOVE YOU at the end of the conversation goes a long way in this busy world when it is hard to get together face to face. And it means all that much more when it is expressed after a gathering.

      It is a superb way of expressing gratitude to the people who support you regularly. The "unsung" heroes in your life, if you will.

    6. Randy, Like Charlton Heston said, in a beer commercial (with a very strong, manly, powerful tone) 🙂 "I love!". Phil

      P.S. we needed to hear a comment from a guy, right ladies?

    7. Dear Randy,

      Thank you so much for bringing up my favorite topic! I so love LOVE!!! Love is the most powerful force of energy in our universe - so if we decide to put more love out there... there will be more love in OUR universe for everyone to share & feel! Love can heal & break down so many barriers, so let's all share our love more!

      I love to give love & of course receive love! I have found that the more love we put out there, the more love we also get back. But that, of course, is not the reason to love. I talk a lot in my book & messages about loving unconditionally and that means giving love just to give love because you choose to. It's not about being attached to the results and having the requirement of getting it back. It's about giving just to give...

      This of course must all start with filling ourselves up with love first by learning how to truly love ourselves unconditionally and then it automatically flows out. I have been on a journey to learn to do this & it feels so good! To be able to look in the mirror, into one's eyes and tell oneself, "I love you" is so deep & incredibly special. I've found that how we treat ourselves is how we end up treating others in our lives. That's why it's so essential to learn how to love ourselves in order to truly love others: significant others, family, friends & humanity in general. We all deserve & want to be loved - it's a basic human need. So let's not be selfish with our love! We can always generate more love from within us - how beautiful is that? We can never run out of love because we can create it at will!

      So yes, I agree Randy! Let's share and communicate our love even more! Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to share here. I love you too Randy!! And I love all of you out there! Thank you for being you!

      Love & Abundance,


    8. Dear Randy,

      You enrich my life in so many ways and I appreciate you.

      I love my leaders in Palinure international and love You Randy!

    9. I'm mindful that "Love is always patient and kind: it is never jealous; love is never boastful or conceited; it is never rude or selfish; it does not take offense, and it is not resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people's sins but delights in the truth; it is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, and to endure whatever comes. Love does not come to an end."--Bible

      I love you with all sincerity!

    10. I think we all take love for granted sometimes. We just think "oh they already know I love them". But like you said Randy they would still love to hear it even though they already know it. And there is no excuses for not being able to tell someone. There are so many ways to say it even if you aren't able to do it face to face. How about a phone call, or a card sent in the mail. You can so make someone's day today!

      Love & Peace to you all!

    11. -RG,

      Thanks for the reminder. We get so caught-up in our own stuff that we sometimes forget what it's all about.

      "In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities."
      --Janos Arnay

      Oh yeah, I love you man.


    12. Randy, I belive most people on your blog are ripe and do well on this matter as they are expected to, arn't they, but let's not forget that the ultimate, highest love and spiritual maturity is nothing but a genuine kindness to every living soul, not just the loved ones.

      Do we pat a child who is showing us faces bluntly, throwing stones at us and spit on our shoe?

      Do we respond kindly when some granny is nagging about our kids yelling under her window?

      What do we do when a shop-assistant is clumsy and spills cream over our new cashmere pullover?

      Do we turn with love and empathy to a teethless and stinky bum, breathing his alcohol vapors in our face?

      What do we say to a gipsy on the railway station who forces us to give her a wedding ring or we will be unhappy with our partner for the rest of our life?

      What do we do when a driver after us honks, makes Las Vegas Strip light show in our rear window and shows us a birdy?

      Uff, I'm still working on it when it would be so cosy to dwell on the praises of my loved ones who say that I'm so good at loving...

      Love U all very much! Oh, you're so easy to love...


    13. Hi Randy,

      you are such an amazing person and i love the way you are touching so many peoples lives in wonderful ways everyday.

      You are living like such a big Christian you should consider becoming a Christian really you should.

      All best and keep up the good work.

    14. Dear Randy

      Great Post!!!

      Before thinking Love and the expression, I want to think why we or I do not love or even hate other people, their thought, and their ways of lives.

      That is problem...

      Best wishes

    15. hi,randy
      you right,LOVE is all, that we can give to our life..
      i love my leaders & my directs in palinure international,,
      i love you,you are my best teacher..


    16. I'm working in this topic in my self devoloping. Be this the oportunity to tell you...that i love you too. As i told you in Bogotá, since a year ago you inspire me and make me a follower of your ideas, proposals and your system.

      As Antony Robins says in one of his books, look for someone who has success to model and follow him....

      That's what i'm doing.

      See you soon..

    17. Randy
      I tell my kids that I Love them every day. When I talk to them on the phone taht is last thing I hear is, Love You Dad.
      Growing up parents rarely said it, but you knew they did.
      The world we live in doesn't guarantee we'll make it back home at night. So every morning and every night my girls get an I LOVE.
      And I squeeze the wifie in there from time to time :0)

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