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Are You Celebrating Life?

Posted By: Randy GageJuly 8, 2009

What an incredible morning I’m having.  While doing my cardio, I passed by a spectacular blue heron sunning himself on the bridge I was running over.  He just eyed me up calmly, wondering why anyone would be out running when they could be relaxing in the sun on such a beautiful day.  

I was just celebrating the moment, being in touch with nature.  The water seemed bluer, the shy seemed brighter and my run seemed to go easier.  Of course it was all in my mind.  But that’s kind of the point, isn’t it?

We choose what we celebrate.   And what you celebrate, you attract more to you.  So how are you doing on that?


12 comments on “Are You Celebrating Life?”

  1. Well as Heron represents long life and longevity in Feng Shui - he was right!

    When you are in the moment everything seems brighter because you have connected with the greatest power in existence.

  2. Like you, I"m blessed to live near water, as in San Francisco Bay.. When I'm out in the morning doing my exercise, I often notice the same sort of things as you've mentioned and I celebrate living in Paradise. This coupled with my daily affirmations is my platform for change.

    We all can easily drift back to our old beliefs and habits, but I'm clear that the more we work at this and acknowledge what's possible, the more we attract it!

    Thanks Randy.

  3. Wonderful! If you take just a moment to look out the side window of your mind, just to the left or right of your normal vision wonders appear! Life slows back to where you are ... right now.

    Thank you Randy for adding it to my day.

  4. It's all about love, I think. Those of us who love life, love nature and vice versa and we don't check the time we spent to reach that bridge or that top of the hill today but we do our "inner" talk to the heron, a squirrel, a hawk, a giant cedar tree, a sapling that was planted a day before, an undulating lake, a bay or a murmurous spring we pass on our way and we just don't feel the strain to finish that Pekinese form on a beautiful lawn of our choice, a cardio in the park, forest path, a pasture or ride a lovely cycling track for bykers.
    Yes, all those shoes are being made for walking...

  5. Good afternoon, Randy! I concur with your sentiments today. I, too, had a wonderful workout: Bikram yoga class at 6:30am. I held my balancing poses for each of the 60 seconds/posture and I nailed the triangle pose (my least favorite). I told myself I can do it today and voila! It's a mind game and I'm playing fully! Thanks for sharing your day with us all... Denise

  6. Randy!

    You are Amazing!

    I celebrate Life and it's Wonderful gifts!
    Everyday I receive and give away more gifts than every before!
    my Whole Life is a Gift I give to others.
    The Gift of Love and Joy Goodness and Kindness!
    The Gift of Peace and Hope and Goodwill to all Mankind!
    These are myGifts to the Word and Myself,
    and no matter what is happening in my life right Now,
    I celebrate this Grandly!

    Keep the Fire Burning, You really Rock!!!


  7. Was just at the shore, and while enjoying the ocean, sand between my toes, etc. I was so happy to drink all of this in, and felt bad for those that cannot allow themselves this pleasure. I've chosen to celebrate life everyday!


  8. Yes Randy every morning y wake up an see all the wonderfull montains arround my House and I say thanks ...thanks so much.. and I will try to remember that all day to put that in my mind when things in my life dont run so well... i know you are doing that... y pray to your health and i know you are going to be succesfull... because yow have a big big and strog heart.

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  • 12 comments on “Are You Celebrating Life?”

    1. Well as Heron represents long life and longevity in Feng Shui - he was right!

      When you are in the moment everything seems brighter because you have connected with the greatest power in existence.

    2. Like you, I"m blessed to live near water, as in San Francisco Bay.. When I'm out in the morning doing my exercise, I often notice the same sort of things as you've mentioned and I celebrate living in Paradise. This coupled with my daily affirmations is my platform for change.

      We all can easily drift back to our old beliefs and habits, but I'm clear that the more we work at this and acknowledge what's possible, the more we attract it!

      Thanks Randy.

    3. Wonderful! If you take just a moment to look out the side window of your mind, just to the left or right of your normal vision wonders appear! Life slows back to where you are ... right now.

      Thank you Randy for adding it to my day.

    4. It's all about love, I think. Those of us who love life, love nature and vice versa and we don't check the time we spent to reach that bridge or that top of the hill today but we do our "inner" talk to the heron, a squirrel, a hawk, a giant cedar tree, a sapling that was planted a day before, an undulating lake, a bay or a murmurous spring we pass on our way and we just don't feel the strain to finish that Pekinese form on a beautiful lawn of our choice, a cardio in the park, forest path, a pasture or ride a lovely cycling track for bykers.
      Yes, all those shoes are being made for walking...

    5. Good afternoon, Randy! I concur with your sentiments today. I, too, had a wonderful workout: Bikram yoga class at 6:30am. I held my balancing poses for each of the 60 seconds/posture and I nailed the triangle pose (my least favorite). I told myself I can do it today and voila! It's a mind game and I'm playing fully! Thanks for sharing your day with us all... Denise

    6. Randy!

      You are Amazing!

      I celebrate Life and it's Wonderful gifts!
      Everyday I receive and give away more gifts than every before!
      my Whole Life is a Gift I give to others.
      The Gift of Love and Joy Goodness and Kindness!
      The Gift of Peace and Hope and Goodwill to all Mankind!
      These are myGifts to the Word and Myself,
      and no matter what is happening in my life right Now,
      I celebrate this Grandly!

      Keep the Fire Burning, You really Rock!!!


    7. Was just at the shore, and while enjoying the ocean, sand between my toes, etc. I was so happy to drink all of this in, and felt bad for those that cannot allow themselves this pleasure. I've chosen to celebrate life everyday!


    8. Yes Randy every morning y wake up an see all the wonderfull montains arround my House and I say thanks ...thanks so much.. and I will try to remember that all day to put that in my mind when things in my life dont run so well... i know you are doing that... y pray to your health and i know you are going to be succesfull... because yow have a big big and strog heart.

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