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Are You Beating Yourself Down?

Posted By: Randy GageSeptember 11, 2009

We all think we want success, happiness and prosperity.  But is that really true?

When I coach people on prosperity, one of the biggest issues I see is the worthiness one.  They actually don’t believe they deserve good things.  So on a conscious level they strive for them, but on a subconscious level they sabotage themselves.

Then there’s the hero’s journey…

These are the people that create extra challenges in their lives, so they have a more heroic story on overcoming tragedy.  I did this unknowingly for years.  When I finally realized what I was doing, I decided I didn’t need the drama any more.  Keep your heroic stories, just give me the money!

So how are you doing on this?  Do you believe you deserve success?  Have you been subconsciously creating more hardship for yourself?  Are you willing to accept the abundance you deserve?


23 comments on “Are You Beating Yourself Down?”

  1. Man, I just read your book, and that part about the hero's journey hit too close to home. When you expect adversity, you surely will get it!

    Hopefully now that I am conciously aware of what's going on, the cycle will be broken. Thanks, Randy!

  2. An excellent book about the impact self-worthiness has on our outwardly results is PSYCHO-CYBERNEICS by Dr. Maxwell Maltz, who studied this phenomenon based on his experiences with patients as a surgeon.

  3. You did it again, Randy! Very thought-provoking content here.

    I can say a number of my victories in life have been lonely ones. It dampens your zest when those around you are not able to celebrate with you when life is sweet. I can admit there are times I struggle with deserving the good life. However, that has not taken me out of the game. I'm working to change this.

    Savor life's best,

  4. This is so true. We read about it all the time. About self love. believing in yourself. And understanding you are worthy. But it's another thing to actually live it.
    In any casen I totally agree. Once you truly love yourself, and are connected to your source, you feel worthy of anything and everything. Then manifesting those things isn't quite so difficult.

  5. So many speakers I hear will say " I know what I'm talking about because.....and it's always sad/bad. It's almost like you need to have overcome a tragic journey to qualify. I am getting better about trying to top the other guy with a hard luck story.
    Thank you.

  6. I'm extremely sure I've got a whole mess of this going on, and I've been looking to heal it. We all have our things in varying degrees, but really now- I'd like to get rid of it now, please!

  7. Beautifully put, and extremely well times, Mr. Gage.

    As much as I coach people on not needing a 'story', and being worthy, I asked myself within the last week several times, 'why is this drama going on in my life?'

    Guess what conclusion I came to? 😉

    Bright Blessings,

    Jhanna Dawson

  8. Hi Randy,
    Well you know my story better than most. Being brought up in a very strict religion does not do wonders for the self esteem!

    Since breaking away, the worthiness issue is getting better but it is a long arduous process. I HAVE to remind myself everyday that yes I am worthy and deserve success and happiness. Everyday gets a little better, but not kidding, it is long hard work!

    Thanks for the insights Randy!
    You are the Best!

  9. Hi Randy
    I have to agree - I also sought out drama to prove I could overcome it and for people to notice. As I am slightly older and way wiser these days I am emerging from a really challenging period in my life where I played down the drama-potential and just beat the challenges with positivity and the belief I am worthy of the good stuff.
    Love your thought provokers!

  10. Great presentation today at FSA. Thank you for the valuable information from someone, like you, that is not too interested in the technology. And in respsonse to this blog, if you were going to coach someone who had the "I'm not worthy" belief (as I see many have responded above), where would you begin?

  11. I think I was previously trying to avoid drama, and now I thought I had a logical plan to move forward, but after reading this I am wondering if I am making things harder for myself.

  12. You must believe in yourself.

    Many times that confidence has been taken away from you at childhood.

    You have to just keep working thru it.

    A good thing to do is hang out with positive people.

  13. In our energy healing that we do at the Reiki Ranch we have found that most people want a financial healing... (Yes, some do want better health, better relationships, but financial success was the top of the list!)

    So, we came up with a testing of various words, ie, a person's "deservingness of success" can be measured with the RR energy healing muscle testing method. We use it on a scale of 1 to 10 -- to see where you rank in deserving success. You might be surprised?

    If you do not rank in the upper 80-90% then an energy healing clearing blockages is in order.

  14. This is so spot on. And yes Iam willing to receive the abundance I deserve.
    God's wealth circulates in my life, it's what flows to me, as avalanches of abundance.

    All my needs, desires and goals are met instantaneously by infinite intelligence.

  15. Randy,
    Yes, yes, yes on all the questions mentioned. I see, I strive, I start to succeed and then fall short as if I had hit a brick wall. I have severely curtailed the drama, drama creating friends, negative media input including movies. I am aware of a "rut", a tape that says "who do you think you are?" "oh.... it's just you."
    in my subconcious, thanks mom. Now, how does it get erased, overcome????
    Bring it on cause we're listening.
    Thank you .

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  • 23 comments on “Are You Beating Yourself Down?”

    1. Man, I just read your book, and that part about the hero's journey hit too close to home. When you expect adversity, you surely will get it!

      Hopefully now that I am conciously aware of what's going on, the cycle will be broken. Thanks, Randy!

    2. An excellent book about the impact self-worthiness has on our outwardly results is PSYCHO-CYBERNEICS by Dr. Maxwell Maltz, who studied this phenomenon based on his experiences with patients as a surgeon.

    3. You did it again, Randy! Very thought-provoking content here.

      I can say a number of my victories in life have been lonely ones. It dampens your zest when those around you are not able to celebrate with you when life is sweet. I can admit there are times I struggle with deserving the good life. However, that has not taken me out of the game. I'm working to change this.

      Savor life's best,

    4. This is so true. We read about it all the time. About self love. believing in yourself. And understanding you are worthy. But it's another thing to actually live it.
      In any casen I totally agree. Once you truly love yourself, and are connected to your source, you feel worthy of anything and everything. Then manifesting those things isn't quite so difficult.

    5. So many speakers I hear will say " I know what I'm talking about because.....and it's always sad/bad. It's almost like you need to have overcome a tragic journey to qualify. I am getting better about trying to top the other guy with a hard luck story.
      Thank you.

    6. I'm extremely sure I've got a whole mess of this going on, and I've been looking to heal it. We all have our things in varying degrees, but really now- I'd like to get rid of it now, please!

    7. Beautifully put, and extremely well times, Mr. Gage.

      As much as I coach people on not needing a 'story', and being worthy, I asked myself within the last week several times, 'why is this drama going on in my life?'

      Guess what conclusion I came to? 😉

      Bright Blessings,

      Jhanna Dawson

    8. Hi Randy,
      Well you know my story better than most. Being brought up in a very strict religion does not do wonders for the self esteem!

      Since breaking away, the worthiness issue is getting better but it is a long arduous process. I HAVE to remind myself everyday that yes I am worthy and deserve success and happiness. Everyday gets a little better, but not kidding, it is long hard work!

      Thanks for the insights Randy!
      You are the Best!

    9. Hi Randy
      I have to agree - I also sought out drama to prove I could overcome it and for people to notice. As I am slightly older and way wiser these days I am emerging from a really challenging period in my life where I played down the drama-potential and just beat the challenges with positivity and the belief I am worthy of the good stuff.
      Love your thought provokers!

    10. Great presentation today at FSA. Thank you for the valuable information from someone, like you, that is not too interested in the technology. And in respsonse to this blog, if you were going to coach someone who had the "I'm not worthy" belief (as I see many have responded above), where would you begin?

    11. I think I was previously trying to avoid drama, and now I thought I had a logical plan to move forward, but after reading this I am wondering if I am making things harder for myself.

    12. You must believe in yourself.

      Many times that confidence has been taken away from you at childhood.

      You have to just keep working thru it.

      A good thing to do is hang out with positive people.

    13. In our energy healing that we do at the Reiki Ranch we have found that most people want a financial healing... (Yes, some do want better health, better relationships, but financial success was the top of the list!)

      So, we came up with a testing of various words, ie, a person's "deservingness of success" can be measured with the RR energy healing muscle testing method. We use it on a scale of 1 to 10 -- to see where you rank in deserving success. You might be surprised?

      If you do not rank in the upper 80-90% then an energy healing clearing blockages is in order.

    14. This is so spot on. And yes Iam willing to receive the abundance I deserve.
      God's wealth circulates in my life, it's what flows to me, as avalanches of abundance.

      All my needs, desires and goals are met instantaneously by infinite intelligence.

    15. Randy,
      Yes, yes, yes on all the questions mentioned. I see, I strive, I start to succeed and then fall short as if I had hit a brick wall. I have severely curtailed the drama, drama creating friends, negative media input including movies. I am aware of a "rut", a tape that says "who do you think you are?" "oh.... it's just you."
      in my subconcious, thanks mom. Now, how does it get erased, overcome????
      Bring it on cause we're listening.
      Thank you .

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