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Are You a Professional Victim?

Posted By: Randy GageMarch 14, 2018

In the last post I said that once you let your attachment to something override your ability to question a premise or perform critical thinking – all learning, progress and growth stop.  Attachments can also hurt you in other ways.  Let’s explore the issue…

Believe it or not, millions of people get “attached” to a role they play in life, and make it a permanent reality.  This could include roles like being Sam’s wife, the class clown, or even the guy with all the cool sports cars.  (I wouldn’t know anything about that last one!)

One of the most frequent examples of this you’ll see are the people who become “professional” victims.

Unfortunately, there can be a lot of rewards and payback for being a victim.

  • Some people need contrived drama to feel stimulated.
  • Some desperately crave attention and allow themselves to become professional victims in order to receive that attention.
  • Others are emotionally crippled, unable to accept love.  And they only thing they can accept in its place is attention, sympathy, or pity.
  • Many are infected with negative memes about money and success, so they subconsciously self-sabotage themselves trying to feel worthy.
  • Others are infected with negative memes from organized religion, to believe they are meant to suffer here, and only receive their reward in the afterlife – provided they suffer “enough” here.

As a result of all this, millions of people have actually become attached to the "role" of being a perpetual victim.

These people are easily recognized by the clues they give you. Which we’ll look at on the next post…

In the meantime, please share any thoughts below you have on the subject.


6 comments on “Are You a Professional Victim?”

  1. We may have been born into some stories. Those stories may have been around for thousands of years. We can make the choice to find out if the stories are true. We can also look at the results of those stories.
    If the results are not the results we want, we can change our stories.
    This may mean letting go of the stories that are not working. You may no longer be a part of a group that believes those stories.
    It probably is fun or healthy hanging out with people who believe victim and/or victimizer stories.

    Break the cycle of violence. Change it to love.

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  • 6 comments on “Are You a Professional Victim?”

    1. We may have been born into some stories. Those stories may have been around for thousands of years. We can make the choice to find out if the stories are true. We can also look at the results of those stories.
      If the results are not the results we want, we can change our stories.
      This may mean letting go of the stories that are not working. You may no longer be a part of a group that believes those stories.
      It probably is fun or healthy hanging out with people who believe victim and/or victimizer stories.

      Break the cycle of violence. Change it to love.

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